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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider


watery grave
Name: (First and Last)





Which Kingdom you're from:

Appearance: (I would like a realistic picture, you can use anime)

Your dragon's name and appearance (picture please) and how you received them/met them



You can have powers as well! I prefer elemental magic but do whatever, just don't go overboard.

I will be playing Ashandi and D'Mago. Their CP will be up shortly.
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"Hikaru Katoru"

'The Spirit Of A Rose'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/36e00b25521727bfa20fe11e4626bc7c.jpg.40988bc2a284cb36d89a2674121e86a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88149" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/36e00b25521727bfa20fe11e4626bc7c.jpg.40988bc2a284cb36d89a2674121e86a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





-Ends up taking
everyone else problems on a personal level, this can cause her to be over-stressed.


-Has issues expression her real emotions or.. 'feelings'..







-Faints easily. (not from fright but certain conditions over over-exertion.)

-Always tries to smile!!~



(Cross-dresses as a boy so she could remain in the army, it simply became a habit she continued.)



Which Kingdom you're from:

Doesn't belong to a kingdom. She's known as a... 'Wanderer'... she doesn't belong anywhere, yet- she finds home within the most unexpected places.

Your dragon's name and appearance and how you received them/met them:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/a-dragon_warrior-1508532.jpg.725efece485ee76ea13cde41cac7725d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88152" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/a-dragon_warrior-1508532.jpg.725efece485ee76ea13cde41cac7725d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Human form included by using Water manipulation magic. giving off the the human-ish appearance).

A Lone child. A Child that was broken. A Child... who had no home. This child? This abandoned soul, somehow always smiled... no matter how hungry, no matter how many times they stumbled... they would force that smile to the very end. many people throughout the lands, told that no matter how tough things got to smile and things would get better. Of course no one believed this foolish belief, but this child, this child who had no one to comfort them, the one person who had nothing, was the only one strong enough to do so.

'Maybe this...' She thought 'Is why it choose me?...'

The Giant, water like creature stood across the lake in front of the girl, who even on close inspection would be mistaken as a boy without a second glance. The Beasts cool breath left a chilled feeling to run down her spine, causing her to shiver from it briefly, the child did not fear the dragon, and the dragon watched in curiosity of the child, the sparkle in both of their eyes, along with the loneliness felt within there hearts led to what could almost be described as a click to happen, they bonded without needing even a single word to be exchanged, The smile on the scruffy and beat up kids face led the dragon to give what almost seemed like a smirk.

There was nothing more to describe, from the moment she sipped the water from that lake... the two were meant to be, a moment had passed and now a small girl, the same age as her walked across the water, reflecting the suns rays as she walked over and grabbed the lost child's hand... they were no longer lost, they no longer were alone...


They were together.

Then the first sounds were exchanged

'Do you wanna be my friend?...'

The answer... was something one would never expect, one, that was left with the wind to be carried for eternity.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/dragon_quest_dai_no_daibouken_by_zaionic.jpg.d728091f7bfa78248ee5552d45704a18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/dragon_quest_dai_no_daibouken_by_zaionic.jpg.d728091f7bfa78248ee5552d45704a18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The Child.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/d85c5a819676a0a16eecba97f4ec9c5e.jpg.b8f30275501bd5ede5be32450e77718b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/d85c5a819676a0a16eecba97f4ec9c5e.jpg.b8f30275501bd5ede5be32450e77718b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The Dragon Girl.)


((Explained Above.))


//Sword as pictured in above drawing.//


Has basic ability of Illusions, can heal by taking the pain herself.




  • 36e00b25521727bfa20fe11e4626bc7c.jpg
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TheHappyPikachu said:

"Hikaru Katoru"

'The Spirit Of A Rose'

View attachment 197582





(Cross-dresses as a boy so she could remain in the army, it simply became a habit she continued.)



Which Kingdom you're from:

Doesn't belong to a kingdom. She's known as a... 'Wanderer'... she doesn't belong anywhere, yet- she finds home within the most unexpected places.

Your dragon's name and appearance and how you received them/met them:

View attachment 197585

(Human form included by using Water manipulation magic. giving off the the human-ish appearance).

A Lone child. A Child that was broken. A Child... who had no home. This child? This abandoned soul, somehow always smiled... no matter how hungry, no matter how many times they stumbled... they would force that smile to the very end. many people throughout the lands, told that no matter how tough things got to smile and things would get better. Of course no one believed this foolish belief, but this child, this child who had no one to comfort them, the one person who had nothing, was the only one strong enough to do so.

'Maybe this...' She thought 'Is why it choose me?...'

The Giant, water like creature stood across the lake in front of the girl, who even on close inspection would be mistaken as a boy without a second glance. The Beasts cool breath left a chilled feeling to run down her spine, causing her to shiver from it briefly, the child did not fear the dragon, and the dragon watched in curiosity of the child, the sparkle in both of their eyes, along with the loneliness felt within there hearts led to what could almost be described as a click to happen, they bonded without needing even a single word to be exchanged, The smile on the scruffy and beat up kids face led the dragon to give what almost seemed like a smirk.

The was nothing more to describe, from the moment she sipped the water from that lake... the two were meant to be, a moment had passed and now a small girl, the same age as her walked across the water, reflecting the suns rays as she walked over and grabbed the lost child's hand... they were no longer lost, they no longer were alone...


They were together.

Then the first sounds were exchanged

'Do you wanna be my friend?...'

The answer... was something one would never expect, one, that was left with the wind to be carried for eternity.

View attachment 197584

(The Child.)

View attachment 197583

(The Dragon Girl.)


((Explained Above.))


//Sword as pictured in above drawing.//


Has basic ability of Illusions, can heal by taking the pain herself.

Accepted! Could you please enter her personality? I forgot that and I apologize.
Coal said:
Accepted! Could you please enter her personality? I forgot that and I apologize.
Sure!!~ xD

Emrys Sherwood



Emrys Sherwood



Age: 20


He is a joker first and foremost, if he wasn't helping his country by being a solider, he would be the royal court Jester. He usually seems mean towards his friends mainly due to the fact he insults/teases them - of course some of them know that he is joking and throw a insult back at him. He has a thick skin because of this, insults don't really touch him. He usually makes the mistake of those around him also have the same thick skin.

He is stupid, not meaning that he failed all of his classes, he is just stupid in the sense that he has little to no common sense. He often makes stupid decisions when it comes to fighting, at least without his dragon which ends up correcting him and changing his mind about how he fights.

He knows how to keep grudges, however, it is hard to make something so hard on him he does make grudges. The few things that piss him off enough for that to actually happen is when A. Someone touches Alya without her or his permission. B. Someone harming a civilian without remorse or cause. This shows that he has a somewhat strong sense of justice.





Which Kingdom you're from:


Your dragon's name and appearance and how you received them/met them:



||The Encounter||

Emrys was doing something stupid, as per usual, ending him up with four enemy soldiers surrounding him. He could use magic himself, but if he knocked one of them down then the other three would end up lunging to kill him or at least what they thought would kill him. Of course, he did not think that through and they ended up getting himself stabbed. He ended up fighting them off with a 'accidental' rockfall. He started to slowly fall back to the camp he ended up falling down in exhaustion where his sight faded away. When his eyes opened again it was when a something blew on top of his eyes. That was Alya. The first words that she said to him wasn't 'Lets bond in friendship' it was closer to the lines 'You are such a idiot.'

He laughed at that, mainly because it was true and he knew that. Although, his words contradicted his thoughts, 'Then who saves a idiot, another one.' Through this exchange of insults the two bonded as friends as a Dragon Rider and Dragon.


'Jester' was born in a family in a small village in the Northwest corner of the island county of Diarta. When he was at his stay there, he became the youngest of seven children that his parents had together. His father was also a seventh child, which started the speculation that he was talented at magic. He started to practice magic when he was around ten years of age under his father, he ended up quickly surpassing him at the age of thirteen. Learning what he had learned by himself, from then he was learning under a more educated teacher who was in the same position he was in. He was taught most magic in the elemental range, however the one he felt most at peace with was the element of wind. He was superior at it than he was with the others although that was also rather high themselves.

However, when he was eighteen and went to join the military as a warlock, he soon realized that his magic was useless for the reason that he had to say the long enchantment before they stabbed him the gut, which usually would take around four seconds. He then started to learn the ways of the sword which he used hand in hand with his magic. although multitasking was hard and is still is he is gradually improving at the subject.


- Normal Rapier

- Normal Dagger


Incantation: He can practice most types of magic, however it is more like a jack of all trades and master of none scenario. His magic doesn't take place until he finishes his incantation and depending on his volume how long does it take for the magic to completely form. (Loud = Fast. Quiet = Slow)

Alya's magic:

- Her blue flames can heal people but not completely and not if the wound is proven fatal at this stage.


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[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]

Emrys Sherwood




Emrys Sherwood



Age: 20


He is a joker first and foremost, if he wasn't helping his country by being a solider, he would be the royal court Jester. He usually seems mean towards his friends mainly due to the fact he insults/teases them - of course some of them know that he is joking and throw a insult back at him. He has a thick skin because of this, insults don't really touch him. He usually makes the mistake of those around him also have the same thick skin.

He is stupid, not meaning that he failed all of his classes, he is just stupid in the sense that he has little to no common sense. He often makes stupid decisions when it comes to fighting, at least without his dragon which ends up correcting him and changing his mind about how he fights.

He knows how to keep grudges, however, it is hard to make something so hard on him he does make grudges. The few things that piss him off enough for that to actually happen is when A. Someone touches Alya without her or his permission. B. Someone harming a civilian without remorse or cause. This shows that he has a somewhat strong sense of justice.





Which Kingdom you're from:


Your dragon's name and appearance and how you received them/met them:



||The Encounter||





Ugh I just got done with Merlin and i'm still sad about it. Accepted though~Although a little history on him would be nice.
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[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]I am not done -tear- W.I.P (Work In Progress) <--

Oh, sorry. I'm still new here so I don't really get everything xD
Alexandrius (Alexa) Illidriane

Name: Alexandrius Illidriane (Alexa)

Age: 23

Personality: Being a healer, Alexa has always been very patient, kind and caring. She is the human embodiment of ladylike, always minding her manners, speaking politely, watching her tone, etc. However such good character qualities could only go on for so long. Although she may remain calm as she can, Alexa is an utter monster when she gets angry. She even had a reputation back when she went to the giant school of Karthe, earning the nickname "Tsunami", because when she's angry she literally destroys everything in her path. Don't let this scare you though, her getting angry is a rarity as she has extreme patience. Just don't bite off more than you can chew. No really, I'm saving your life.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kingdom: Karthe

Weapon: Throwing knives that she rarely uses, as well as bows and arrows.

Appearance: As seen in the picture, Alexa carries the same traits that every citizen of Karthe possesses: pointed ears and an odd hair color, which hers is a silvery white. She has a pale complexion, almost making her look ghost like, yet still colored enough that she is still considered healthy. Alexa also has a pair of lilac purple eyes that somehow seems to match well with her hair, and a triangle birthmark on her forehead, though it's unknown what its meaning is. She stands at a height of 5'2, living up to her petite build, and weighs 113 lbs.

History: Growing up, Alexa was never really the fighting type to begin with, as most people in Karthe were. So she thought it was just logical that she chose to become a doctor rather than a knight. Her mother was a healer and her father was a veteran knight, and even though Alexa chose to become a healer, she still managed to learn a good handful of self defense, such as sword wielding and archery. When she graduated from school in Karthe, Alexa decided to leave the large kingdom, and moved to a more quieter, isolated place that had low activity surroundings. She now lives in one of the dense forests of outer Karthe, her hut in deepest parts of the wild. She mainly uses her healing for animals, since people. are very rare to come by in her area.



Alexa is Astaroth's dragon rider. While Alexa was on her way looking for a few ingredients so that she could use for a new medicine that she was inventing for her mother's smallpox, she came across a trail of dragon scales that varied in colors of red and blue. Of course Alexa was aware that dragons existed above her, but she didn't really expect to see one up close. Actually she never even thought about the possibility of seeing one ever in her life. It was a one chance in a blue moon kind of thing.

When she followed the scales, she looked up when she saw her destination. The dragon was majestic. It's scales ranged from different shades of red and blue, with spiked horns that lined along the front of its neck and torso, as well as two sharp horns on its head. Alexa stared at the dragon for a long while, mesmerized, but she quickly shook out of her gaze when she noticed that the dragon seemed...agitated.

Sneaking around, and hiding behind a boulder, Alexa realized that the dragon had an injured tail, which was vital to help the dragon balance as it flies. It was then and there that the dragon had noticed her, and let out a terrifying roar in an effort to scare her away. Of course, Alexa was affected. For a moment she became hesitant to reach out to the dragon, however she took small steps. Eventually she was able to convince it that she really meant no harm, and proved it as she helped mend the dragon's deep wound.

It took a couple months for the wound to fully heal, however during those couple months, a friendship between the Karthe citizen and the dragon formed. It took a long while for Alexa to realize that the dragon was in fact, not a female, but a male. She changed the dragon's name from Asta to Astaroth, but she still calls him Asta for short.

Astaroth's traits are that he's really stubborn and refuses to allow other people's help, but he's mischievous and playful as well. He's able to shoot large breaths of ice that can freeze a large amount of area, and sometimes during the summer he would freeze a nearby lake for Alexa to skate on.

When angered, Astaroth's eyes flicker a bright orange, and smoke flows out from his nostrils rather than his ice breath. This hints that he may be able to conjure some fire, however Alexa doesn't really know yet.
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remembervvinter said:
Alexandrius (Alexa) Illidriane

Name: Alexandrius Illidriane (Alexa)

Age: 23

Personality: Being a healer, Alexa has always been very patient, kind and caring. She is the human embodiment of ladylike, always minding her manners, speaking politely, watching her tone, etc. However such good character qualities could only go on for so long. Although she may remain calm as she can, Alexa is an utter monster when she gets angry. She even had a reputation back when she went to the giant school of Karthe, earning the nickname "Tsunami", because when she's angry she literally destroys everything in her path. Don't let this scare you though, her getting angry is a rarity as she has extreme patience. Just don't bite off more than you can chew. No really, I'm saving your life.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kingdom: Karthe

Weapon: Throwing knives that she rarely uses, as well as bows and arrows.

Appearance: As seen in the picture, Alexa carries the same traits that every citizen of Karthe possesses: pointed ears and an odd hair color, which hers is a silvery white. She has a pale complexion, almost making her look ghost like, yet still colored enough that she is still considered healthy. Alexa also has a pair of lilac purple eyes that somehow seems to match well with her hair, and a triangle birthmark on her forehead, though it's unknown what its meaning is. She stands at a height of 5'2, living up to her petite build, and weighs 113 lbs.

History: Growing up, Alexa was never really the fighting type to begin with, as most people in Karthe were. So she thought it was just logical that she chose to become a doctor rather than a knight. Her mother was a healer and her father was a veteran knight, and even though Alexa chose to become a healer, she still managed to learn a good handful of self defense, such as sword wielding and archery. When she graduated from school in Karthe, Alexa decided to leave the large kingdom, and moved to a more quieter, isolated place that had low activity surroundings. She now lives in one of the dense forests of outer Karthe, her hut in deepest parts of the wild. She mainly uses her healing for animals, since people. are very rare to come by in her area.



Alexa is Astaroth's dragon rider. While Alexa was on her way looking for a few ingredients so that she could use for a new medicine that she was inventing for her mother's smallpox, she came across a trail of dragon scales that varied in colors of red and blue. Of course Alexa was aware that dragons existed above her, but she didn't really expect to see one up close. Actually she never even thought about the possibility of seeing one ever in her life. It was a one chance in a blue moon kind of thing.

When she followed the scales, she looked up when she saw her destination. The dragon was majestic. It's scales ranged from different shades of red and blue, with spiked horns that lined along the front of its neck and torso, as well as two sharp horns on its head. Alexa stared at the dragon for a long while, mesmerized, but she quickly shook out of her gaze when she noticed that the dragon seemed...agitated.

Sneaking around, and hiding behind a boulder, Alexa realized that the dragon had an injured tail, which was vital to help the dragon balance as it flies. It was then and there that the dragon had noticed her, and let out a terrifying roar in an effort to scare her away. Of course, Alexa was affected. For a moment she became hesitant to reach out to the dragon, however she took small steps. Eventually she was able to convince it that she really meant no harm, and proved it as she helped mend the dragon's deep wound.

It took a couple months for the wound to fully heal, however during those couple months, a friendship between the Karthe citizen and the dragon formed. It took a long while for Alexa to realize that the dragon was in fact, not a female, but a male. She changed the dragon's name from Asta to Astaroth, but she still calls him Asta for short.

Astaroth's traits are that he's really stubborn and refuses to allow other people's help, but he's mischievous and playful as well. He's able to shoot large breaths of ice that can freeze a large amount of area, and sometimes during the summer he would freeze a nearby lake for Alexa to skate on.

When angered, Astaroth's eyes flicker a bright orange, and smoke flows out from his nostrils rather than his ice breath. This hints that he may be able to conjure some fire, however Alexa doesn't really know yet.

Accepted! Love this character already~
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f91c6f0_FlightGunner.jpg.d79a28dab7c86e4632159fd477a41a24.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f91c6f0_FlightGunner.jpg.d79a28dab7c86e4632159fd477a41a24.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Looks about 17 (Immortal)


Rose is deadly but has a sweet side to her. She will not immediately switch to being kind when she's with people she likes. She doesn't usually tell lies but if she does, it's for a good reason. A good reason for her is something that effects the world and it's existence. Another thing, she hates people who get in her way. This is why she's solo. She has a quest to get revenge on those who's wronged her. Not something petty like call her names but things like tear off her scales and transform her into a weak human body. She's learned to adapt and made sure not to get too close to people. She loved her family but now they're gone. It may seem like she's completely emotionless but she at least knows how to have a good time.




Bisexual but she hates love

Which Kingdom you're from

She does not belong to any kingdom. She is a free spirit, not being held down by law and order.


I have explained most of her history but I shall speak it again.

Rose grew up happily with her family. She was known to have mystical powers within her scales but no one knew the truth as to if was truly so. One day, a group of humans approached her and ruthlessly killed her parents who'd tried to defend their daughter. Scared, Rose was taken to a lab facility and tested on. Apparently, her scales were magically and so they tore off every single last scale before using the magic in the scales to change her into a human. They cast her out, leaving her to fend for herself. She grew up to the age of 17. By this age, she already had her new pair of wings and all her other tools. Now... She wants revenge...


Plasma Rifle: Her gun fires multiple different types of ammo, one being Plasma Blasts. Some other types of ammo are: Penetrating Bullets, Regular Ammo, Rockets, Grenades.

Flight Tech: Her wings were torn off so she has made her own pair. They are very light and can resist attacks easily.

Air Blade: She has a blade that is quick as air. It moves quickly and can change it's form.



  • Flight Gunner.jpg
    Flight Gunner.jpg
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NightCasterZ said:
View attachment 197922



Looks about 17 (Immortal)


Rose is deadly but has a sweet side to her. She will not immediately switch to being kind when she's with people she likes. She doesn't usually tell lies but if she does, it's for a good reason. A good reason for her is something that effects the world and it's existence. Another thing, she hates people who get in her way. This is why she's solo. She has a quest to get revenge on those who's wronged her. Not something petty like call her names but things like tear off her scales and transform her into a weak human body. She's learned to adapt and made sure not to get too close to people. She loved her family but now they're gone. It may seem like she's completely emotionless but she at least knows how to have a good time.




Bisexual but she hates love

Which Kingdom you're from

She does not belong to any kingdom. She is a free spirit, not being held down by law and order.


I have explained most of her history but I shall speak it again.

Rose grew up happily with her family. She was known to have mystical powers within her scales but no one knew the truth as to if was truly so. One day, a group of humans approached her and ruthlessly killed her parents who'd tried to defend their daughter. Scared, Rose was taken to a lab facility and tested on. Apparently, her scales were magically and so they tore off every single last scale before using the magic in the scales to change her into a human. They cast her out, leaving her to fend for herself. She grew up to the age of 17. By this age, she already had her new pair of wings and all her other tools. Now... She wants revenge...


Plasma Rifle: Her gun fires multiple different types of ammo, one being Plasma Blasts. Some other types of ammo are: Penetrating Bullets, Regular Ammo, Rockets, Grenades.

Flight Tech: Her wings were torn off so she has made her own pair. They are very light and can resist attacks easily.

Air Blade: She has a blade that is quick as air. It moves quickly and can change it's form.
I hate to be a pest but plasma rifles etc aren't really fitting for the kinda medieval setting. And no immortal characters.
Oh ok. But, if my definition is correct, immortal means they can't die of age. Could I keep the rest of the ammo type thing but just get rid of plasma blast stuff?
NightCasterZ said:
Oh ok. But, if my definition is correct, immortal means they can't die of age. Could I keep the rest of the ammo type thing but just get rid of plasma blast stuff?



  1. 1.
    living forever; never dying or decaying.
    "our mortal bodies are inhabited by immortal souls"
    synonyms: undying, never dying, deathless, eternal, ever living, everlasting, never-ending, endless, perpetual, lasting, enduring, constant, abiding;More


  1. 1.
    an immortal being, especially a god of ancient Greece or Rome.
    synonyms: god, goddess, deity, divine being, immortal being, celestial being, supreme being, divinity;
    "the many Greek temples of the immortals"
NightCasterZ said:
Oh ok. But, if my definition is correct, immortal means they can't die of age. Could I keep the rest of the ammo type thing but just get rid of plasma blast stuff?
As long as they can die, it's fine then. And all that tech isn't fitting for the scene.
I couldn't find a good pic and I actually based my backstory on the pic. I'm quite impressed with how the character turned out :D


Arthun Aznable


Desert Comet

Age: 22


A smug snake who does not speak unless spoken to or he needs something. He's a very tricky person to handle due to how he like to tell half-truths and exact words. He has a liking to trick gullible or ignorant people to watch them flounder afterwards.

But underneath this jerk of a mask, he's a very lonely person due to his constant wanderings. Usually with only his dragon as company, he cherishes whatever time he spends with people he sees as his equal or higher. He's also very protective of those he finds dear and wouldn't think twice about sacrificing his own safety for them.

Arthun is also a staunch of his own Warrior's Code. To never deliberately kill an innocent. Always face your opponent with respect. Fight your opponent on equal terms. And when the situation demands, some trickery.

Gender: Male



Which Kingdom you're from: Numar

Powers: Lightning magic




His face is noted to look like a rogue with his chiseled jaw, slight stubble and a longish nose. His eyes are narrow and green in colour.

Dragon's name:




Arthrun was born a bastard child of a wealthy merchant's son and a simple servant lady working for said merchant. In order to keep his existence a secret, the servant girl ran away from the family after getting some money from the merchant's son with promises of returning one day.

Sadly, fate had other plans for she died after labour but not before naming him, Arthun Aznable. Taking the merchant family surname as a link to his Father. For 14 years he was under the care of the midwife who aided the poor girl before he left to work as a merchant's assistant. His employer was none other then his own Grandfather who had suspicions about Arthun's identity due to is resemblance to his own son. While Arthun simply didn't care about who his Father was, he did find out one day when he met his Father during work delivering a special package.

Unbeknownst to either of them, said package was a valuable dragon egg. This valuable bounty attracted all sorts of dangers including bandits which attacked the caravan. Arthun was fearful of what is happening after watching his own Father sacrifice his life to protect Arthun and cowered under an empty crate, shivering. Just as he was certain that he was next, a loud roar reverberated through the desert as a dragon attacked the bandits. An awed Arthun came out of his hiding spot and watched as it nudged the smashed remains of the egg, weeping. He slowly approached the dragon and it hit him, the dragon was a mother and the egg was her's. Feeling guilt and sorrow over the egg and his own loss, he lay down and waited for a slow death by dehydration or dragon.

Neither came as he found himself being sheltered by the dragon. He wondered what it meant when he realized that it knew. He too has lost someone important and it stayed to offer comfort. Arthun took this as a sight from the Fates that his life is not over and that there is more in store for him. He found the strength to move on and even fancies that the dragon, which he named Justicar, felt the same by this encounter. The pair then roamed the desert, doing oddjobs or selling anything they don't need from hunting.

At the age of 17, Arthun joined a mercenary group as a dragon rider with Justicar as his noble steed and partner. They worked in the group for 4 years before going solo after an argument within the group about pay became bloody. It was during this time as a mercenary did he earn the moniker of the Desert Comet zipping through the sky as a bringer of death.


Bow and arrow, a slim glaive​
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Ashanti and D'Mago
Name: Ashanti Kiren

Age: 29

Personality: Ashanti is as fiery and tough as his dragon. He is determined and fearless, never hesitating to do what's right. Of course, those traits will probably lead him to his end one of these days, but for now he's the leader and founder of the Dragon Riders of Froyza, and those traits of his are ensuring evil is being defeated, one enemy at a time. This doesn't mean Ashanti is serious. He's a jokester and flirts too much for his own good.

Gender: M

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapons: Two jagged swords

Which Kingdom you're from: Numar

Powers: Fire, since D'Mago loves making fire surround his skin.



D'Mago The Fiery



had happened to chance upon D'Mago's cave when he was trying to find shelter after being injured on the battlefield. He had been unconscious for days, and upon waking up, only found dead bodies around him. D'mago would have immediately scooped him up in his mouth if he hadn't been frozen in place by something quite powerful.

'D'Mago..Ashanti..'The voices were nothing but a whisper but sounded ethereal. We are the Fates.We look to Earth.. and All we see is suffering..greed..this can not continue. You, my children, must bring peace to this world. Man and dragon.. the cleverest race with the most powerful..put together to bring peace to these lands. Save them from themselves..' The intertwined voices vanished, leaving the two silent.


stayed in D'Mago's cave for a few weeks, gathering his strength. He wondered why the Fates couldn't have healed him, but soon he understood. D'Mago, being a solitary creature, was surprised to enjoy the little human man's company. They both shared stories of battles and home. Ashanti's time for healing was also their time for bonding.. They left the cave after Ashanti was fully healed, and he rode on D'Mago's back. They visited each kingdom, and retold the message from the Fates. While Diarta and Karthe's kings quickly agreed, Numar's king, king Roen refused and sent his guards after them. But no one would take orders from Roen. This dragon and man's bond was extraordinary; why ruin it? Instead, they turned on their king, and he fled. It didn't take much to start a rebellion against the king due to his heavy taxes that increased every year. Ashanti and D'Mago figured if the Fates thought so highly of a man and dragon, there were probably more. They set out to assemble the Dragon Riders of Froyza.



had grown up with his mother and three sisters in the slums of Numar. His mother worked as a maid and managed to support them until she came down with a disease called Blue Moon. It caused her lungs to close up and fill with fluid until she suffocated. Ashanti's sisters caught it shortly after and passed away alongside their mother. Ashanti was forced to join the army and soon began to rise above the ranks do to his courage and prowess. He had been a general when D'Mago had found him, but gave the title up shortly after exiling Roen.

D'Mago had simply left the nest as a young dragon to find his own. He couldn't stand his kin for some reason. He soon had a large hoard, and probably would've wasted away on his pile of gold if Ashanti hadn't met him and showed him life can actually be interesting.

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So it takes place in an.. Old warehouse instead? I can't find a better appearance that suits something if want. Her Air Blade fits the theme, I can change her guns to crossbows with different tips like explosive and poisonous tips. But the problem I have is the flight. I want Rose to be tormented and hrt. She needs a reason to fight and the backstory j made gives her that. It also is supposed to justify her appearance. But I can't find a viable picture for what I want her to look like. This is the only thing I believe that fits what I was aiming for.
The warehouse was a cabin of sorts. And that was to just set the scene. There are many things you could use to make her tormented, not just with the lab. If you find a way (any way) that justifies her futuristic appearance in medieval times, I'll accept it and you don't have to change anything.

Instead, they use her scales to create a mutation out of her but instead she murders them all. All except one... That one has the scales and bolts off, getting as far away as possible.

Sound good?

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