A Cul-De-Sac/Neighborhood RP! [Inactive]


Degenerate Animal Crossing™ Cheater
Jon_14 submitted a new role play:

A Cul-De-Sac/Neighborhood RP! - Welcome to the neighborhood.

One of the fond memories one can have growing up is the place you grew up in. You lived in your neighborhood with a group of friends,or enemies which you spent most of your time having fun or causing trouble. Romances blossomed as well or wrecked your friendship. Friends moved away causing sadness or eventually grew apart through conflicts. But through all that one thing you can remember the most is that you had some fond memories about it.

Man that was sappy -.-
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Kendrick's head leaned against the glass window of his sister's Ford. His eyes were shut. The two of them had followed behind the u-Haul the movers were driving. Their parents were driving their family SUV ahead of the movers. He could hear Emma singing along to a Taylor Swift song. She was super happy about moving. He wasn't sure why, she had everything going for her at their old school. Kendrick was very upset. He was told over and over again to keep a happy spirit, to accept things as they come. This was hard for him though. His old high school was everything to him. His old neighborhood was his life. This place? Who knows...

Suddenly the car came to a stop and Emma squealed. He slowly sat straight up and stared at his new home.

"Kenny! Look! We're here!" Emma said excitedly turning the car off and unbuckling herself quickly. "Come on, come on, come on!" She said reaching over and unbuckling Kendrick's belt.

Kendrick slowly opened the door and took a deep breath. The air was different over here, he was sure of it.

Emma ran over to her parent's car and pushed her face against the window to the drivers door
. "Get out, dad! I need the house key! I need to make sure I get the best room!" Emma shouted through the glass.

Kendrick's ears perked up at the mention of the best room. "No way! Emma! I'm older than you, dad, give the key to me!" Kendrick said suddenly filled with energy. He ran over to where Emma was hovering the door.

"Back off you hooligans!" their dad teased. He dangled the key in front of his children. "You want it that bad? Go get it!" Emma and Kendrick watched in shock as the key flew from their dad's hand and into the lawn.


"YOU move!"

The two of them ran up the steps to their lawn and began to tackle each other in the lawn for the key.
Drake was lying around on the couch, with nothing to do. At the moment, he was supposed to be looking for a part time job online while his parents were out "running errands", but he knew that it would be hours until they got home. It was really tempting to go somewhere, but he was running low on gas money. This is so lame, Drake thought. If I had my own place, I wouldn't have to deal with all this. The only thing holding him back was the fact that he didn't have enough money to pay for an apartment, or to share an apartment with someone. Which was the exact reason why he had to look for a part time job.

Letting out a sigh of expaseration, Drake decided he needed to be somewhere else. Screw saving up my money. I'll just ask Andy for some more later. He grabbed his car keys and some cigarettes after throwing on a hoodie, then stepped outside. As he was headed to his car, he saw two people tackling each other a few houses down from his. "What the hell are they doing?" Drake muttered.
"Mom are you even planning on helping me?" Blythe huffed as she held a heavy box of clothes that belonged to her, the two of them had just arrive about 5 minutes ago and her mom was already sitting on top of the truck they had rented; it held the furniture and boxes while Blythe's black Suzuki Hayabusa was already parked in the driveway.

"Hm, no," Her mother gave a Blythe a childish look before putting the glass full of 'water' to her mouth, Blythe groaned with a roll of her eyes at how her mother always acted like a kid sometimes.

"You promised that we could have fun the moment we got here," She whined to Blythe, see that? Blythe is the one that had to convince her mother that they should move in today and not the next week. With a snort Blythe walked into the large house that held about 5 rooms and a bathroom in each of them, dropping the box near the door she walked back toward the truck to see that her mother had stopped playing around and was walking past her with a box in her hands, of course she gave her a cross eyed look before laughing and going into the house.

"Great... she's drunk," Blythe smirked before climbed onto the back of the truck and went to grab another box, both Blythe and her mother had decided it would be a great idea to leave a house full of memories and get a brand new start... so now she just needed to see if she could get along with her neighbors.
Ryan woke up form her afternoon nap, She yawned as she woke up from the loud moving trucks, She stretched and walk to her bathroom. Ryan brushed her hair and teeth and then walked to her closet, she picked out a pair of short short and a sweater plus her uggs then walked Down stairs "Grandma?" "In here sweety!" Her grandma chirped "I was thinking about going out to the store and buying a few things.. anything you want?" She asked a toke a small bite.of the cookie In her hand, that cam from the.plate on the counter "Yea.. hold on" she wrote a few things on the list and then handed it to Ryan. "Be careful.. I love you " she singsongs and kisses ryans forehead. "I love you to!" She says as she walks out the front door, Ryan smiles and plugs in her headphone to listen to some music, when something stops her, "Are they.. tackling each other?" She mumbles. Ryan walks closer to then and yells "Hey.. whys are you doing? " she asks them with a uneasy smile.
Nick walked out of his house and looked around. It was a beautiful day so he decided to go and play basketball in his driveway. It was pretty hot outside so he decided to take off his shirt to play nick had a pretty good body since he was playing hockey and at the gym a lot. Nick went on playing for a while when he noticed a moving truck down the street. He thought to him self " gm new neighbors I guess" he went back to playing.
Emma jumped onto Kendrick's back and did her best to push him to the ground. She grabbed both of his arms and tried to hold them behind his back.

"Emma! Stop!" Kendrick yelled wriggling his shoulder trying to get her to let go.

"We don't even know what the rooms look like yet! What if the one I want isn't the one you want? Maybe we'll think the best rooms are two different ones?" Emma tried to convince Kendrick to ease up on the fight.

"So, are you asking for a truce?" Kendrick asked trying to twist his head around to face Emma. Emma nodded. Kendrick nodded in return. Emma hesitated a bit unsure of whether Kendrick was telling the truth or not. She slowly let her grip of Kendrick up a bit and Kendrick quickly scrambled up away from her.

"I knew it! Kendrick! You don't play fair!" Emma shouted and hit her fists on the grass.
Kendrick let out a loud maniacal laugh.

"I win!" He said grasping the key in his hand hands waving in the air.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" a voice called towards them.

Emma turned towards the call and stood up. She brushed the grass from her knees and gave a smile.

"Fighting for the new house key..." she said a bit embarrassed.

"I won." Kendrick said proudly. He gave his best smile while running a hand through his hair. Emma rolled her eyes and walked over to Kendrick and punched him in the gut. Kendrick doubled over in pain causing him to drop the key. Emma dove in and quickly grabbed the key and ran to the door. Giggling the whole time, Emma unlocked the door and ran into their new home.

"Damn you, Emma!" Kendrick called after her. He shook his head in disbelief that he was gut-punched by his sister. He cleared his throat and started to walk towards Ryan. "I'm Kendrick," he said.
Ryan smiled, "So.. im guessing that Emma. is gonna get the best room?" she says crossing her arms and laughing, "I'm Ryan" she says with a warm smile. Ryan shifts form foot to the other and then puts her phone into her back pocket and then looks up "Soo, Why are you movin here?" she says and squints her eyes, because of the sun. Ryan smiled and waited for him to answer.

@Ariannade ( Sorry its so short.)
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Nick saw Ryan as she walked over so he decided to introduce him self. Nick ran over and put his shirt back on. He smiled and said "hey Ryan what's up?" then he turned to the new kid " hey what's go dude I'm nick nice to meet you"
Chris was sitting on the couch when his sister walked in, looking like hell from whatever party she had come from.

"you look like shit" he said while taking a bite of the cereal in his lap. He laughed as she threw a nasty look his way and ran up the stairs. He sighed, his amusement over, and continued flipping through the channels although nothing was on. It did bother him a little, the way she partied. She was his baby sister after all, and he hated seeing her turn into the woman she was becoming.

Bailey turned off the light in her bedroom and threw herself down onto the bed with a huff. She felt like complete crap, and obviously looked like it to. im never drinking that much again she thought to herself. but she knew, like every one else, she would be back at it next weekend and come home in the exact same shape. she shrugged out of her clothes, which wasn't easy laying down, and cuddled herself into the blankets the surrounded her.
Julia sat up in bed long red hair a mess, she shook her head a bit red strands flowed about before settling again into an even messier style. Yawning, she looked around, "Mhmmm," She mumbled before slipping out of bed rubbing her blue eyes as she got up, entering the bathroom. A while later she came out dressed and as wide awake as one could be, "Breakfast time." She hopped down the rather steep stairs and did a few graceful moves into the kitchen, she stopped to touch a picture of a man, it was a black and white photo of an unsmiling, but young man,

"Good morning daddy, I wonder how your business is going in China? I hope you send me a postcard soon....its okay if you don't, I know how busy you are. But oh guess what? New people are moving into our little circle! That exciting! New faces, new personalities making the neighborhood even better! I can't wait to meet them all, Ooooo I should make housewarming gifts for them too!" As she spoke the kitchen filled with the smell of cinnamon french toast, with a side of sausage. No, Julia was not crazy talking to a picture, it just made her feel more close and the house less empty. After eating her breakfast, Julia grabbed her light purple coat and tugged it down a bit over her black jeans, locking her house, Julia strolled out into the morning air.

Nicoli hummed to himself as he sat on his favorite rock in the park, on that did not as he claimed hurt his rear. He had his guitar rested against his leg but did not touch it yet. His blond shaggy like hair blew lightly as his bandana flapped lightly along with it. The sixteen year old was dressed in washed out blue jeans and a white shirt that read, "Let it be." He was humming lyrics to a song from the radio. Nicoli did not write his own music, he was not a lyricist, but he did play well and could play just about any song on guitar and make it sound good. Sometimes he did make up his own tune, and it was always....creative and usually earned him extra tips. Nicoli watched the birds squawk and chirp in their birdy language. No body had come to the park yet, so he was just as he would say, watching the world drift by.

((Both of my charries are free to converse with!))
As Drake put his key inside the keyhole, he took a quick glance at what was going on with the two kids from earlier. It looked like some of the other neighbors had flocked over, probably to do some cheesy welcoming stuff or something.

He also noticed another moving truck nearby. Over there, there seemed to be a girl hauling boxes inside their house with her mom. It was a little weird that no one had come to meet the other new girl. 'Pfft, its not like you're gonna be the one that starts all of the sappy intros,' Drake thought. Well then again, it wasn't like he had anything better to do.

With that, he walked over to the new girl's truck. "Uh, hey there. Need any help with those?" Drake said, gesturing over to the boxes.

//Sorry if its short. XP I'm using my phone to type all this out//
Kendrick laughed at the comment of Emma getting the best room. "Yeah, she probably will. It's fine though, I don't really care."

"Oh, hey. I'm Kendrick," he said to Nick who had just come over. Kendrick turned back to Ryan.

"Uh, my mom is a new teacher at the high school. They had budget cuts at our old school and so we had to move. I'm...I'm from the rival town," Kendrick said with a small smirk. He wasn't sure if she would care at all about he rivalry but he knew for sure where his loyalties were.ghed


Kendrick turned toward the shouting and saw Emma sticking her upper torso out of a window. Emma gave a little shake and giggled ducking her head back in. Kendrick rolled his eyes and smiled. "Guess I'll get what ever is left over."

Kendrick looked from Ryan to Nick. "So, what's fun to do here?" he asked putting his hands in his pockets.
Ellis stood at the foot of the stairs, looking at her mom. "Mom, what happen to the house?" She asked, trying not to giggle. "Well, we just moved in." Her mother answered. "Oh." She said, quietly.

Ay, girl! Hows it going down there in the Neighborhood, sista?

Ellis read the text carefully then smiled.

The usual, you know? Movin' in, stuff like that. Gtg, talk to ya later, sista. <3

Ellis scampered up the stairs and into her room, softly mumbling. "Oh this room is beautiful.." She breathed out. The airy room was tall and filled with boxes.
John awakes sleeping a bit later than he intended woke up and yawned. After showering and putting on a change of clothes which are some jeans with a blue t-shirt. John makes himself some breakfast and while eating looks outside his window to see a couple of moving trucks,"A couple of new neighbors today." Deciding that since the day was nice he decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. "Its a nice day," John thought as he walked around.
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Ellis lay on her non-made bed. Her mother came in and sat next to her. "I'm going to work, sweetie. Unpack a little for me?" As she walked out. Ellis nodded lazily and closed her eyes for a second. "MOM! I'LL be exploring later." She yelled before getting up. Tying her brown hair into a ponytail, she threw on some jeans and a shirt.

With a sigh, Ellis went outside and looked at the scenery. "Well, at least its beautiful." She mumbled before walking onto the sidewalk.

Hey, sista, can you talk?

Ellis sighed as she checked her phone.

Yeah, why? I'm out on a walk.

She punched into her phone.
Blythe sat on the lawn with a bottle of beer, even though her mother was sitting in the car while the professional movers did all the heavy lifting.

"What an irresponsible teenager," She grumbled to Blythe, Blythe peered over at her mother with a hand over her eyes for a better vision of her mom who was also drinking a beer.

"What a drunkard of a mother," Blythe snorted with a playful smirk as her mother just stuck her tongue out at her with a roll of her beer, man she was bored.
Julia moved along the side walk her hands swishing at her sides just enjoying the crisp morning air and the light winds blowing along her red locks making some flow a bit behind her before settling with each step. Julia's deep blue orbs caught sight of a new neighbor relaxing and enjoying a beer in her new lawn. Julia did not judge on that and walked right up, but stopped at the edge of the sidewalk, "Welcome to the Neighborhood! My name is Julia Anderson and I live right down there." Gesturing towards her house, "Its a pleasure to have new residents!" @Karma200

Nicoli heard the roar of big vehicles and grew curious to what the hub-bub was all about. Slinging his guitar over himself, he ventured from the park and walked into the neighborhood part were most of the houses were. He walked along, his way hoping to meet someone to ask them what was going on. ((Anyone can bug him! :D ))
Blythe looked over at the woman with a smile on her face as she seen the pretty girl, finally a neighbor to talk with and hopefully the beer didn't give a bad first impression.

"Hi! I'm Blythe Carter and this is my mom, Rita Carter... nice to meet you," Blythe introduced herself and her mother didn't remove to top of the beer bottle from her mouth but she gave her a kind look with a wave of her hand, even though her mom was a carefree person she still had some sort of manners.

Julia smiled a Blythe who introduced herself and her mother The Carters okay check! Julia was already memorizing who they were, "It's my pleasure! And I like your name, its very unique." Blythe looked a tad older then her but that is okay, the red head believed you could be friends with anyone age did not matter in the least. Julia stepped a bit out of the way from the two movers carrying in a couch, she ended up on the grass staring down at it before looking back at Blythe, "Do you mind if I sit?" She waited for the answer before doing so, "Do you have any questions? I lived here my whole life! I just love it here, but um I could help if you do." Julia looked between the two with somewhat eager eyes. 

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