A Court of Kings


Four Thousand Club
DippyDash submitted a new role play:

A Court of Kings - All is fair in love, war, and the king's court.

In the country of Lormont, the King Alistair Tremont has just passed away, and the crown has passed to his 18 year old son Victor Tremont as the new king. All Dukes and Duchesses wish to gain favor in his court. Choose the territory you are live in, your position, wether it be on the kings council, or as duke or duchesses of a territory. Create your family, your house name and legacy, and play the game of the kings court.

(Elizabethan theme/Anime style)


Keep to the theme, other than that, anything goes
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Our Role Play begins in the palace. The Dukes and Duchesses will gather within the next few days to pay fealty and see the crowning of their new king, Victor Tremont. Let's get started.
Kora stood upon her balcony and looked at the stream of flags pour in as the gates opened. Bannermen were jostled, even the nobles were bumped into a few times, and the servants were utterly trampled.

"Please, citizens, be calm!" she yelled out at the top of her lungs, but to no avail. The boys would be boys, and that was that. She returned to her chambers, pinning up her hair and donning her ceremonial tiara before stepping out and navigating to her brother's rooms.

"Vic?" She knocked and poked her head in.
Arlo strolled up to the palace that belonged to the soon-to-be new king, Victor Tremont, with much distaste. He couldn't help but wish it were he that was soon-to-be ruler of the land, but he tried to hide these feelings. He didn't need to start fighting with anyone especially with Christine here. She walked happily beside her brother with such a smile of delight on her face to be in the presence of such a beautiful palace. Of course, she couldn't help worrying about her brother. She hoped that Arlo wouldn't start anything, and was almost positive he wouldn't, but was still concerned for him. This wasn't his territory after all - he had his own portion of land to reside over. She just wished he could be happy with that, even though she knew he wasn't.
"Sister. Come in" Victor said sitting at a desk writing. He looked up and smiled at her "What do you need?" he asked her.
Idina walked a few feet behind Arlo. She spoke to him in somewhat broken English.

"Arlo, we are here to see king, yes? A king is a good king, yes? Then why do you not seem to be happy?" She looked at Christine and motioned at her. "Your sister, yes, she is happy. She is happy girl. Why are you not more of your sister? Christine, I envy you very much. You are always happy." Idina was happy to be in this country, strange and new, where she was free. She did not mind the crankiness of her betrothed, as she believed married life and children would soften him.

"Victor, today is the ceremony. Are you nervous? I am. I'm terrified! What if I mess up on stage?" She sat down on a couch nearby, but got up quickly. She stood over him and read his writing. "Whatcha doooing?"
"Writing letters to send to the other kings of the continent, and you'll be just fine Kora I promise" Victor told her assured of his words. "Any word of Duke Arlo's arrival?"
"Yes, I saw his flag from my balcony. He has a strange woman with him, I've never met her before. But, what if I'm not? I could trip or sneeze or burp or do any number of unprincessly things!"
"You'll be the envy of the country" He told her with a smile. Victor thought the world of his sister, being his only living immediate family member.

"Hopefully we can speak to the Hastings soon."
Arlo sighed, not doing well with hiding his slight annoyance. The last thing he liked was being told by a woman to be more like a woman. However, Idina was his betrothed, so he tried his best to stay calm around her. "You are correct Idina." He said still with a tiny bit of sarcasm in his voice - towards the thought of this new king, not to insult Idina. "He will be a good king. Well, at least let's hope he will be." He mumbled the last sentence under his breath, making sure she could not hear it, and quickened his stride to get a little further ahead of the two women. Christine smiled at Idina with such tenderness. "Don't you worry about Arlo, Idina. He'll get over himself after a while. Nothing to fret over."
"Oh but what if I'm not!" Kora was painfully nervous and had been for several days leading up to the event.

"The Hastings, yes, what a wonderful house. I truly hope we can see that at the ball tomorrow, it will be such a grand affair!"
"Indeed it will be." Victor said as he looked over to a messenger "Send word to the Hastings that I would like to see them". The messenger ran quickly to deliver.
Idina smiled at Christine, a wide, fully encompassing smile that showed true joy. "Yes, Christine, I think you are kindest woman on this planet. Arlo, he will settle down when the marriage comes. He will make the good husband." She hurried up and walked beside him. "We should visit the new king, I have great anticipation to meet him!"
The messenger walked up to the Hastings "My lords, my ladies, his majesty requests your presence. You shall be staying at the palace."
Christine smiled at Idina to show her appreciation and watched her hurry to Arlo's side. Arlo was about to respond to Idina when a messanger came to them and told them that the soon-to-be new King would like to see them. "Alright, thank you, we'll go to him now." The party made their way to him and, upon entering his room, Arlo bowed before him. He made sure to hide all signs of his jealousy. "Your majesty. You sent for us?" Christine had just finished curtseying beside him.
"Duke Hastings" Victor greeted him with a smile "Lady Christine, I'm so glad you made it here. Lady Idina, you look as lovely as stories tell. Hopefully your father will grace us with his presence soon Lady Idina, I've always thought so highly of him"
Idina bowed a traditional bow from her country, placing her head to her chest and her hands behind her.

"Your Highness, I thank you greatly for your kindness. You will make great king." She stood close to Arlo, eyeing the new female cautiously. Until the vows were spoken, he could break the engagement and send her home at any time.

Lucille smiled and bowed her head at the visitors, as was etiquette due to her higher standing. "Arlo, how are you! And Christine, you're looking well." She turned to face the girl. "May I ask your name, dear?"

Idina grew defensive.

"I call myself Idina. My father, he will come in time. My mother might visit, she likes parties."
Christine smiled graciously. "Thank you for having us, your majesty. It's an honor." She turned to Arlo who agreed with a nod of his head. "Indeed, your majesty. A great honor." But inside he couldn't help feeling an intense desire to leave. Christine could sense Arlo was getting worked up, but he knew he wouldn't do anything rash.

Arlo turned and bowed to Lucille. "I'm doing quite well, your highness, thank you." Christine thanked her for the compliment along with her traditional smile.
"Lady Idina our kingdoms have been allies for centuries, I've met your mother and father, I think the world of them, they will be graciously welcome" Victor told her with a smile. "'Duke Arlo, how goes it?"
Arlo turned to Victor with a well disguised fake smile that looked truly genuine. "Very well, your majesty. Life has been good to our family. I trust you are all doing well?"
Lucille stood slightly aloof to the group as she slowly shrunk herself into the background.

Idina smiled at the king. "Yes, my parents, they like visiting." She realized it was time for the real nobles to talk and bowed her head slightly, signaling she was ready to be silent.

(going to bed, so removing them slightly.)
"Yes. Hopefully the coming days will bring us more good fortune. Have a seat everyone, enjoy some wine with me." Victor told them. "Duke Arlo, I trust you'll be willing to discuss the latest in the news in the foreign relations of Duphonte. Victor looked more serious as he addressed Arlo. Duphonte had been seemingly building an army for a war, not to mention Victor was once betrothed to the the king of Duphonte's daughter, but he canceled the betrothal as what he saw as a slight.
Arlo sat across from the king while Christine sat beside her brother. She hoped that this discussion would distract him at least. Maybe it would even turn his mood around. Meanwhile he told Victor all that he knew. "Of course, your majesty. I would be happy to discuss this with you. Unfortunately, my news source has not told me much. I've sent spies, you know, just to see what they've been up to. Not one of them has been caught, or at least as far as we know, but unfortunately none have brought me any word as of late. I was hoping they would have come back by now, so that I would have something to tell you." Arlo paused. "Do you have any news for me? Or any orders that you may like carried out? As I said, I sent spies - hopefully not to your disapproval - but no word has come back as to their army."
"Much to my approval, word has it they're building a navy, which is troubling news to me. There will be a summit after I am crowned of the kings of this continent, I wish for a few of my dukes to attend you included. Their king will be there, Idina's father, perhaps more insight will be given to us" Victor said as he drank his wine.
"I would be honored to come, your majesty. Hopefully we will be given more information. This news already - the army and navy - is already quite unsettling." He looked at Christine to see how she was taking it, wondering if it frightened her or if he should send her away to finish the conversation - but there she sat, drinking her wine. Her face was void of fear, but full of interest. He decided he would let her stay, lest she make a scene if he asked her to go. He knew this news would intrigue her and that she wanted to stay to hear it.

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