~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~


~ King of Pink ~

The Lovely Ooc Tab.

A Place where we can speak about all the silly things and answer all questions provided.

Basically What I mean is talk about whatever you want here!​
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Yes, If you would like to use a Level 5 You can though. There are two spots remaining.
Only limitation is something like Omnipotence or Mental manipulation. Anything that has a reasonable power range and some weaknesses is fine by me.
Hey guys, I was wondering if you were still accepting applications? I wanted to know if I needed to make a level 4 or lower if it doesn't look like I'll be a level five.
Of Course, Anyone can join at anytime! They're is one spot for Level 5 If you want to snag it. I'll reserve the spot for you til you can complete the CS For your character!
Awesome! I was thinking about the ability of Midas touch but with it being more like basic metal conversion, thanks for telling me! I look forward to building a interesting and contributing character to your world!
Name: Lilia Grant

Nick Name: Lil' Bit


Gender: F

Sexuality: Bi

Description: Small for her age. Has long blue hair that she usually keeps up in a pony or bun. She has blue eyes that are usually hidden behind her bangs.


Bio: Was raised in a wealthy family with four older brothers. Was treated as the outcast of the family because of her powers which she has been able to use since a very young age. Was sent to the city by her parents.

Personality: Being the outcast of the family she has learned to keep to herself and to draw as little attention her way as possible. When spoken to directly she will answer but her answer will most likely be hard to hear and very short. If someone does get close enough though, she can be very quirky and fun.

Power Level: Level 4

Powers: She has the power to send waves of electricity through the air or ground. Her real talent though, is her ability to make shields with her electricity. In a battle she is capable of shielding up to 13 people while still using her other ability. If she focuses all of her energy on the shield She can protect around 30 people from all angles for more then 45 minutes.

Limitations: Shield only expands 3o feet and she cant use her electric wave in certain areas.

(will add some more later tonight, sorry got a kiddo running around :P )

Is that alright? I'm kinda new to this..
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Alright thanks for showing Interest!

Oh and make sure you're ability is on par with the others, I suggest reading up the Other Level 5 Abilities and thinking how yours would fair against them in a Skirmish.

Hmph I did say they're was only going to be Eight spots didn't really know you wanted the Level 5 Spot...I'll make an exception this time but try and Elaborate on the Personality and Powers a bit when you have time!
I was actually going to do level 3 at the start so level 4 will be a happy medium ^-^

Will everyone be posting their characters here?
Based upon the lore provided and information on the research facilities and the introduction, are all characters new to the school? If so I will have to edit my application.
hey guys I was wondering if I could join I am a dark maple leaf"s bro and I would start as a level 3 and be a Level 5 Candidate
[QUOTE="Knight of one]hey guys I was wondering if I could join I am a dark maple leaf"s bro and I would start as a level 3 and be a Level 5 Candidate

All you have to do is apply and hope for the best. Hope you make it!
[QUOTE="Knight of one]hey guys I was wondering if I could join I am a dark maple leaf"s bro and I would start as a level 3 and be a Level 5 Candidate

Yes, it's fine if you want to be my bro in RP, In just need to proof read you to make sure we can be brothers :D .
So from the description I'm guessing the rest of the world is kind of afraid of the ability users?
Yes, All of the students would be new to the area. Quite naturally people are afraid and envious of the Espers , They mainly take in the fact that they're all teenagers with powers that can rival a military force. @Knight of one Yes you may join!


The Rp will most likely start on Wednesday or early Thursday, This is to allow people to improve on their Character profiles if need be and allow others time to join in or make their own CS If they haven't already!
Hey guys really sorry but I just found out my aunt is taking the lap top on a trip so I don't think I'll be able to join in on this one. I'll be able to get on with my phone but that will make it hard to do long posts.

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