~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~


~ King of Pink ~

Character Sign up

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Level 5 Spots Taken. ( No Spots Remaining.)

@Bills352 Tatsu Kikuchi

@The 7th Bard Landon Pierce

@Felix Jona Volterra

@Authorian Quintel Grewred

@CyanideTurtle Jansen Baer

@Moody Blues Anzu Mishina.

@A Dark Maple Leaf Marvin DeGrace

Level 5 Candidates

Fer Drastinlien @Kabo

Level 5 Candidates are people who are capable of achieving Level 5 but are currently held back by a Physical, Emotional or Power Block and express difficulty when "Blooming" They usually have minor research centers dedicated to them as to better understand what their power could do if they reached Level 5.

The ranking of the Level 5s is dependent on the worth of their abilities to the ongoing researches based on that power and how useful it is rather than based on the level of their power. However it is commonly mistaken by most that the numbers are based on their power. Number rankings will be assigned once I have seen everyone's C.S and will be chosen by Me. Level 5's usually have numerous Research Facilities dedicated to studying their Ability, The higher the number the more they have.

#1 Anzu Mishina "Clockwork

#2 Tatsu Kikuchi "TK Force"

#3 Daniel Vorsch "The Architect"

#4 Jansen Baer "Baer The Wise."

#5 Landon Pierce "Stasis"

#6 Michael Volterra "The Earthborn."

#7 Marvin Degrace "The Chemist"

#8 Quintel Grewred "Shadow Thief"




Name :

Title : { Level 5 Only, Feel free to remove It if below Level 5 }

Nick names :

Age : {13-18}

Gender :

Sexuality :

Bio :


Appearance { Any Type of Picture is acceptable though anime is Preferred }


Description :




{ Insert Personality Description here. }





Ability & Skills


Power Level :

Power Potential : { E.G If your a Level 1 Is it possible to advance to Level 3 }

Power Description :

Limitations :

Skills :



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{ Authorian }

{ "Don't mind me." }




Name : Quintel Grewred

Title : Shadow Thief

Nick names : Quin, Qui, Quint, Tel... she'll respond to almost anything derived from her name.

Age : 14

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Bio : Spent her whole life until enrollment at Rose Academy being vigorously trained by her father, a martial artist who failed to make it in the real world due to his lack of any sort of power level. He learned his daughter was naturally talented when she unintentionally killed her mother as a child, manipulating the darkness surounding her one night until she was crushed to death.

To get past the pain of his wifes loss, he forced her to train her abilities, and taught her martial arts, to the point where she was like a machine. She hated training, and sometimes tried to resist, at which point her father would beat her, or yell at her. Hurting her physically and and emotionally by reminding her of what a monster she is. As soon as she left home and came to school, she avoided starting fights, but will definetely finish them and not tolerate people being aggressive towards her. Though she still shoots for wonderful grades, even if it means demonstrating her ability. She hopes to get strong enough to leave her fathers shadow forever, starting a life alone, where she can't hurt people, until the day she dies. She is perfectly aware of what she did to her mother, as her father uses it against her in fits of rage, and she fears one day she'll go out of control and hurt someone.




Description : Like the image above, dark hair and eyes, though obviously she looks younger. And if there's a school uniform, she wears that instead. She's around 5'0", and weighs 130, though it's all muscle from her vigorous training. She also has a crushed necklace form her mom, the only thing not completely destroyed in the accident, which she keeps around her neck under her shirt.




Quiet, puts on a tough front. Has few friends, and doesn't consider any of them 'real'. She fights to protect herself more than anyone, but holds all life at high regard. She gets good grades and spends most of her time studying. She doesn't do any sports, or anything extracurricular. If you're friendly to her, she'll be friendly to you. But she snaps fast, and retaliates faster. It's that aggressive side of her that she's always hiding. The side that fights. The side that kills. (I intend to have her become more open with her emotions as the RP progresses) When people are mean or pick fights with her, she wins as quickly as possible, trying to disarm them, or injure them, depending on the situation. When people yell at her, or get aggressive, she's reminded of her abusive father, and can get dangerous fast.

Quirks: She changes moods quickly, and can go from bubbly, to serious, to angry in minutes. She guards her heart, but I intend to have her fall in love with someone at some point of the story.

Likes: Quiet, alone time, peace.

Dislikes: Chaos, unhappy faces, people being aggressive towards her.


Ability & Skills


Power Level : Five

Power Potential: Unknown (if allowed, I might open this up to advance her level, but only if the rp mod is okay with it)

Power Description : She can crush darkness around her opponents, summon darkness, from shadowy to pitch black. Linked to that is an ability to create a shield like force if pure, substantial darkness. Both of these take a lot of concentration, but she is good at multitasking. She can hit through shadows running along the ground, and even duck into them so as to appear behind her opponents, or sometimes flee a fight. The darker it is, the stronger she is. In future, she will devolope the ability to manipulate a persons movements by 'possesing' their shadow. She already has the power to do so, but is currently unaware of that extent of her power. Using her power has become simple to her, and she tends to walk around in her own bubble of darkness. She also has never shown her true potential, and feels in the back of her mind that when her father imposed his own training on it, he locked something away. Several speculate that her power will only grow, though it is uncertain if she'll fight enough to do so. Since she can compress darkness, when her body goes into survival mode and is under attack, pitch black armor will cover her from head to toe. It's material is unknown, and can't be infiltrated by most physical attacks. May be gotten through by high power light and physic attacks.

Limitations : (I changed this after factoring in that she's been training for years and is a level five.) She's weak in well lit areas, and when shadow travelling, can only go around ten miles an hour, unless she's pushing herself, then no more than fifteen. The longer she's in this state, the more food she'll need afterwords. Also, when not travelling directly in a shadow, she can still travel, but her shadow will be visible, and can be drawn out with bright light. She can only crush people in a fifteen foot square, if people are spread out, she can't get all at once without doing considerable damage to herself, she's even at risk of internal bleeding. She's weak against multiple opponents, and does best against one to five at best. She also has a drive that stops her from killing people. (Most or all of the limitations listed can be passed though she risk hurting herself as afore mentioned.)

Skills : Good with small knives, always keeps several on person. She can throw them, or weild them at close range. High agility, so she's fast, and very strong. She also knows some mixed martial arts.



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{ Tatsu Kikuchi }

"Pleasure to meet you"




Name : Tatsu Kikuchi

Title: TK Force (Play on her initials and her ability name shortened.)

Age : 16

Gender :Female

Sexuality : Bisexual

Bio :

Tatsu was born to two rather loving people but as it was she a mistake they had not wanted children just yet but alone came Tatsu to ruin things. Tatsu mother died while having Tatsu and her father tried to raise her along but it was very stressful for him working a full time job and trying to put the food on the table as well as raise a young child. Tatsu was normally alone, her father working, her mother dead but she never let it get her down always studying and having fun it seemed to be the only thing that was able to put a smile on her fathers face was the fact that this care free child was so happy with what little they had. That's when everything changed, her father didn't return from work for three days fact is he needed the money so he worked three days over time. Then it happened he died from being overworked. So Tatsu was left alone. Luckily she wasn't alone for very long as her neighbor a youngish women decided to take Tatsu under her wing.

Though not born a naturally gifted esper that's a fact she was originally seen as a level 2 and even weak for a level two standard at that. This didn't bother her for a while until others began to pick on her still life went on and she was still weak. That was until she deiced to explore what her ability can truly do. Not so long after that she discovered her ability could do much, much more than what she initially thought and she began to train it more and more.

Once she began training she did garner the abilities she now possesses rather quickly. Ascending the ladder of power levels came easily and quickly, becoming a 5 before she even left primary school. In the history of things , she is attributed to one of the strongest level 5 in existence at the time. Her ability to control is astounding and on par if not stronger than the rest of the level 5's.

She joined Judgment during her first year of middle school as the crime spiked slightly and she could see it having an effect on her classmates as well as the town. It wasn't a massive spike of crime but enough for it to be noticed. Tatsu decided to join from that day in order to help other and with a level 5 esper on judgement the crime went rapidly back down. Sadly after leaving the place she used to live and getting into R.O.S.E she had to leave judgment as the branch in this area was overloaded with people.





Description : Tatsu is a petite girl with fair skin. she had long brunette hair in her own unique style which honestly even she couldn't explain. She can often be seen wearing a school uniform as she likes it. She has rather strange eyes with them being red a characteristic she sheared with her father so in hindsight it wasn't that strange. She is rather small being only five foot but that had never bother her.




Hot-blooded and outgoing. Tatsu is the type of girl to run into things headfirst without looking up to see the problem. She'll take to any situation with extreme fervor, always eager to get the spotlight and to save the day." Being a Level 5, she tries her best to conduct herself with respect and leadership, but it's frequently hard for her shotgun voice to refrain from spouting a few profanities or vulgarities here and there. She's not afraid to speak her mind! She often finds herself going through periods of rest and chaotic energeticness. She generally has a positive outlook on life, and never seems to feel something is impossible or too hard to do.

Giving up or giving in is not something she'd easily do. And neither is failure. She is the type of person who takes losses and bad outcomes rather poorly; losing her temper and self-control over anything she can't seem to complete or succeed at. From simple arcade games to debates, her respect can take quite a severe turn for the worst. She can be sneaky and underhanded at times when push comes to shove, but she never loses her sense of honor and fairness; "An equal opponent is a perfect opponent!"

Tatsu also acts like she blasé about everything even new things, she acts like she as already seen everything and never seems to be impressed by it. They is a few odd occasions where she has been surprised in which it takes her mind a few seconds to process what going on and how it happened, which she wont move until her brain seems to have a solution normally ending badly.

Although hot-blooded and outgoing normally they is times when Tatsu can get very serious mostly when the situation calls for it. When this happens her personality slightly changes mostly seen that she goes mostly quiet and stoic, she also begins to think things thought more and more rather than just running in. Personally she hates this factor but she can't do anything about it, its like a second person takes over whenever this happens and stays until it she finishes doing whatever it is she is doing.


She bites her nails a lot.

Messes with her hair when she is in a unfavorable situation.


+ Anime/Manga

+ Art

+ Food

+ Animals

+ Sleeping

+ Sports

+ Fighting

+ Movies


- Spiders

- Scary things

- The cold

- Upsetting others

- Rotten food

- Rejection


Ability & Skills


Power Level :5 - 6 when fully concentrated.

Power Potential : possibly 6

Power Description :

Telekinetic force manipulation.

User can control the purest form of telekinesis, the generation and manipulation of telekinetic force itself.

As a result, the possible applications aren’t nearly as numerous and diversified as the widely encompassing Telekinesis, but what is lost in subtlety is gained in sheer power. Users thus cannot perform complex telekinetic operations, like the manipulation of matter and energy, being limited to more basic applications. But these are performed with overwhelming power.

For example, users could crush super heavily armored vehicles into tiny balls or tear them to shreds in an instant, and unleash telekinetic blasts strong enough to obliterate entire armies. They could casually repel massive attacks, and instantly erect an impregnable and self-repairing telekinetic bunker. They could even build a vast telekinetic war machine around themselves for intense and prolonged battles, or create hordes of telekinetic shadows that will act as extensions of themselves on the battlefield. When fully focused, the concentrated telekinetic force eventually proves strong enough to bend the laws of physics, and distort space-time itself.

Limitations :

Cannot perform complex telekinetic manipulations

She has to be careful while using her power as she can't fix what she destroys.

Skills :

She has an extremely high understanding of science mostly physics.

She is a master chef mostly from her living alone for a few years and at the house she was staying at she was always cooking for herself and her 'mother'.

She has a advanced understanding of the human anatomy knowing where to hit to take down an opponent without injuring them too much.



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@Bills352 Accepted!!

@Authorian Level 6 is Technically not accessible at the moment, In short bursts but not permanently. Level 6 will only be achievable via extensive Scientific experimentation and will require a Certain powers that I have listed.
@Venus okay! I figured you'd have something like this is mind, please just know that I'd like my character to extend her powers in future!
Michael da Volterra

"The entire earth is a joke to me, get it?"




Name : Michael da Volterra

Title : The Earthborn

Nick names : Terra, Micha, Satana (never use that one)

Age : 17

Gender : male

Sexuality : bi




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Tyler.png.bc316ffdb95a2d9c8b06cff5742f6ab7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Tyler.png.bc316ffdb95a2d9c8b06cff5742f6ab7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Michael is a short, but muscular guy. Some say he looks very young for his age (though only the bravest or rather stupidest people will mock him with it). His hair is dusty lightbrown and his eyes a somewhat warmer tint of the same colour. This changes whenever he stays long enough in an area where the soil has a different colour. He always wears a lavastone neckless and no accesoires beside it (he doesn't even wear shoes). Whenever he doesn't have to wear his uniform he will wear a black sleeveless hoodie and a pair of bright orange pants. He hates to wear anything that consists of metal.




To the outside Micha seems like a bold and funny person who gets himself in trouble a lot. Everything is a joke to him, which could really annoy or hurt other people. He is easily insulted, but he fights almost never physically (but he will definitely make you suffer by means of humiliation). Once you are alone with him and get through that defensive attitude he can be really carring and even sensitive about his feelings. He always comes up for his friends and puts their needs before his own. However when others (not loved ones) come around he will go back to being the irritating joker.

When there is no other way but to fight Micha gets overexcited and hyperactive. He launches as many attacks as he can handle at the same time and tries to win by sheer force. He is very creative in the use of his power, but frequently chooses an attack that isn't really strategic.


Can't take things serious. His jokes can hurt badly. He isn't open about his own feelings.


Earth, nature, sculpting, music, skating, doing mischief and eating italian food


metal, high-tech, high places, cute things, cowards and indecisive people


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 5

Power Description : Jona can control the earth and put it in any shape. He senses with his feet how the earth is layered beneath him and can pull different layers when needed. The list of possible forms includes (but is not limited to): earthquakes, landslides, chasms, caves, tunnels, spikes, stairs, walls, spheres and boulders.

He has learned how to shoot boulders as projectiles, let the ground under his feet carry him from place to place at a great speed and even animate small creatures (though that takes up a lot of concentration). This power works great as defense against energypowers like fire and electricity.

Limitations :

  • Only works when Jona and the part that has to be moved both touch the ground. So no stopping stones in midair or adjusting the path of missiles. This is the reason why Jona is affraid of heights.
  • He can only use raw material. He can't control metal or concrete, but he can control asphalt (otherwise this would be useless in cities).
  • He can't change the properties of the substance. For instance he can't create stones out of sand. Some powers work better with more sandlike textures and some with harder materials. However, he can reshape them (boulders into any shape)
  • Works badly as defense against water and plants
  • No defense against any psychic powers
  • It doesn't really tire him physically, but does tire his head because he has to concentrate at many things at the same time. This makes him sleepy, less alert and gives him headaches.

Skills : He's very creative in many ways. He also uses his power for sculpting, construction and pottery. He always knows how to make people laugh, even when they are depressed.




Some 17 years ago there was a huge earthquake in Volterra, a small old city in Toscana, Italia. When the earth stopped trembling and everyone went outside to check the damage, they found a huge crater in front of the cathedral. In the middle of the crater lay a baby wrapped in a white cloak, a lavastone charm attached to the bundle. They saw the baby as a gift of god and called him Michael. Like all orphans in the city he would be raised by the nuns. For years he was there favorite. He was a sensitive boy and was loved by everyone.

That all changed when his powers began to manifest. The nuns feared him and the other orphans would bully him, all but one nurse, Maria, who still loved him as her own son. And that was back when he was barely a level 2. That's when he created his funny guy persona. When his powers improved it got even worse. Once, when the other kids were beating Micha up he got out of control and caused a rapture of the cathedralfloor which swallowed all the bullies into the earth. When the other nuns and orphans found out they wanted him killed. Maria was just in time and saved him with her own powers. Together they fled to Acadamy City. They had no money, but because Micha had so much potential, they were offered a place to live and a scholarship for Michael at R.O.S.E. Academy.



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Name : Jansen Baer

Title : Baer the Wise

Nick names : Jan, Nook, Bear

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Pan-Demisexual

Bio : Born to a High-class family, and being an only child, Jansen always had it good in life, never telling anybody of his power. He was mostly home-schooled for most of his life, up until grade three. He was moved to a private school where he and his abilities were unknown to everybody. Unluckily Jansen was the kid that was always picked lasted in games, and was constantly bullied by his peers. One day he been provoked into killing one his bullies, which lead to his parents discovering his abilities. Immediately removed from the school, he resumed homeschooling up until sixteen, where it was decided he would be enrolled at R.O.S.E academy.


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_m4uiltoBxR1r0fjn0o1_1280.jpg.5d92fcaf80607c00d71c9bcf6c2a0a3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_m4uiltoBxR1r0fjn0o1_1280.jpg.5d92fcaf80607c00d71c9bcf6c2a0a3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Description : Like the image above, grey eyes and blonde hair, 5'7, he wears a simple gold ring on his last right finger.




He can be rather apathetic to strangers, communicating with them with little, or no interest. Jansen can also tend to be a loner as well, dwelling in so to say 'quiet corners' of any largely inhabited space. All though when greeted by a respected/known other, will respond with an unhindered friendliness.

Quirks: Has a habit of collecting dust bunnies, disorganized and messy, night-owl.

Likes: Books, Gingers, and spiders.

Dislikes: Loud-noises, Tomatoes, and Sports.


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 5

Power Potential : 5-6 (but only when enraged.)

Power Description : Advanced Telekinesis: He can move objects from one place to another without using physical contact. Ranging from a simple table-spoon to a large lorry. This also means he can re-shape objects as well, such as bending a spoons, or keys by just holding them and focusing.

Limitations : Headaches when powers are overused, abrupt panic attacks.

Skills : Heightened hearing and Incredible Intelligence.


Other: Usually grumpy in the morning.




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Name : Daniel Vorsch

Title : The Architect.

Nick names : Red head , Dan.

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Pansexual





Description : Daniel is a Lean 6'1Ft tall Male. He has Dull Crimson hair and amber eyes that seem to give off a faint black glow. He is usually seen donning a shirt that it slightly small on him, revealing a bit of his flat Stomach. He wears worn down black skinny jeans with a brown leather belt and a form fitting black jacket.




Daniel comes off as a rather child like and teasing boy, who is known to flirt with others regardless of Gender though he appears to be kind and benevolent at times as well. However beneath this seemingly innocent Exterior is a slightly jaded and Manipulative person who is not above using others to further his own goals and agenda's. He seems to care little about the opinions of others and at times can come off as slightly boastful along with intimidating if the situations calls for it. Though he can at times reveal genuine kindness and cares for the few friends he has , being overly protective of them.

When angered though he is known to possess a ferocious and relentless lust to get rid of the person who angered him, coming off as rather Brutal , cold and barbaric. He is known to lose most of his rationality at this stage and can be quite careless.

He takes defeat rather badly as well , becoming quite Malicious to someone who manages to actually defeat him in combat. Though he knows he won't be able to take them on physically he will attempt to one up them in nearly everything and turn people against them.


He bites his lip when Thinking.

Constantly cracking his fingers.




Technology in general




Loud people





Ability & Skills


Power Level : 5

Power Potential : 5

Power Description : Daniel is known to possess a Unique form of "Dark" Matter manipulation. Which allows him to create and control an unknown material that he uses to attack. It should be noted that the term "Dark Matter" is not to be confused with the true "Dark Matter" which is among the components of the universe. In addition, 'unknown matter' here does not mean
matter that has not been discovered by humans but matter that did not exist until it was created by Daniel. The material he creates defies the Laws of Physics, allowing him to produce different types of energy. He can use the substance and apparently shape it in any form he desires. The most obvious of this is the six angelic wings, which grants him the power to fly, blow powerful gusts of wind that is affected by Dark Matter, and have sunlight pass diffract upon it to form harmful rays of light


He requires concentration.

He needs to actually calculate the Properties of the Material which takes some time. The more Complicated it is the longer it Takes.

He usually has to stick to things he actually knows how to construct, which can make him slightly predictable.

Though the Energy he uses is incredibly destructive it is also rather Unstable and can be potentially dangerous to even him , especially when he attempts to use it when he's angered.


He is capable of setting up Traps and using well thought out Strategies.

He's quite intelligent



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{ Kabo }

"Why use words when blood speaks volumes?"




Name : Fer Drastinlien

Title : N/A

Nick names : Fer, Fee

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Bio : He grew up, to put it simply, in a complicated situation. His family was a rich German banking company, but he was the fourth of five children, meaning he simply received money and no other opportunities if his parents were to die. His parents believed in creating the "perfect" child to continue there business through little games. They made a 5 year plan, in which, who ever child could raise the most money would inherit the business. His three older siblings were all brothers who believed strictly in legitimate market tactics, but he was used to living in there shadows. The one other sibling and his only friend, his younger sister by two minutes, helped with his machinations. He spent those five years extracting money from his siblings funds and moving it to a secure location. At the age of ten, the games were over. He purposely let his sister win because according to him, "Banking is tiresome. All one does is count others pain. You don't cause it." That was what he said to his sister when she asked him why he had done that. He then was transferred to the academy at the age of 13 when his parents found his lack of morals disturbing. When two of his brothers started a fight with him, in retaliation he accidentally unleashed his power. They began bleeding from cuts deep cuts in there chests, uncontrollably and one died of it after an hour. His family sent him to Rose out of fear that they would ever come I contact with him. He was delighted to find he had more "freedom" at his new home.




Description : Fer has strikingly bright reddish-orange hair that he keeps a fair length down his head. He had equally bright green eyes, which the effect of is only heightened by his glasses. He is very tall for his age, at around 184 centimeters (6.1 feet) and is always slightly slouched.




Fer has a very relaxed demeanor in most situations. In ordinary life you will never see him break his half-smile despite the results of whatever may occur. This is because he has no personal stake in those situations. If he invests anything into something he will express emotion, but not that much. He prefers to keeps his emotions practical and not pompous. He lacks any presence to those around him, but he doesn't mind that. He would rather be isolated than forced into the spotlight with others. He makes sure not to be outstanding or below expectations, despite his capabilities. His intentions are simply to "Win by just enough to seem invincible." That isn't to say he is without flaws though. He is not afraid and is overly willing to place something in harms way (including himself) for a monetary gain. He thinks in numbers and letters, letting pure logic do the talking. Exhibiting borderline sociopathic behavior hasn't gotten him killed so he will keep it up.

Quirks: He is a border-line sociopath, which has some perks and many many MANY losses.

Likes: Silence, Books, Gain, The setting sun.

Dislikes: Loud people, Loss, Rodents, "Goody-Two-Shoes" people.


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 4

Power Potential : 5

Power Description : His power is along the lines of the ability to open wounds in people's flesh. He has some control as to the severity of these wounds, but as he increases the power, the effects become more varied. In his experiences he has caused anything from a pinprick to cutting off somebody's leg. The more he uses it, the more he can control it, but his emotions get in the way of his control.

Limitations : His power is limited only to living things. He also has next to no control if he is experiencing intense emotions. The two that don't seem to affect it are fear and joy however.

Skills : He utterly lacks any presence or aura.



Name : Anzu Mishina.

Title : ClockWork.

Nick names : Anne, Annie, The Machine.

Age : 18.

Gender : Female.

Sexuality : Biromantic Asexual.

Bio : Born to the CEO of a large corporation in the industries of Fashion and Marketing, Anzu comes from a very, very rich family of many siblings. Over 30 brothers and sisters, to be exact. You see, her father does not have a single, dedicated wife, but instead had many, many children with “a number of the highest quality women” all across the world. All offspring were potential successors of the corporation, made to compete against each other to be the Heir. As a result of this, Anzu was pressured to succeed from a young age. In body and mind, she bettered herself. She would train 24 hours a day, follow the rules and regulations set for her, and strive to come out on top. And thanks to her later discovered ability, she did.





Description :

Anzu is pretty tall, around 5'11. She has long black hair that she commonly wears down and some of the most defined eyebrows ever seen. Her eyes are bright blue, and she is often seen wearing a uniform of sorts. What it's for? Nobody knows. But it looks quite fancy.


Personality :


Anzu is righteous and values order above all else. She treats rules and laws like they were gifted to humanity from the Gods themselves. Anzu is a really hard worker, believing that one can achieve anything through it. The populace knows Anzu Mishina to be very expressive and intense in her manner of speech. When not on Hall duty or leading students to conduct themselves properly, Anzu is fairly quiet and prefers some light reading. Due to her drive to excel in moral and academic manners, Anzu's social skill is pretty... Well, lacking. While she has no problems talking to people, it's what to talk about that gets her. She is absolutely out of touch with her peers.


She has a tendency to shout when nervous.

Dear god, she will absolutely
never run in any halls.



The scent of fresh Ink.




Lazy people.

Apple Seeds.


Ability & Skills :


Power Level : Level 5.

Power Potential : Level 5.

Power Description : "Chronoprohiberis." The power
to stop time while still being able to move around normally. Users of this power are able to stop time while being unaffected. They can also allow others to be unaffected, however, doing so may require physical contact. Anzu's power seems to be the ability to stop Time in its tracks; however, this is only as it seems. The true nature of the "ClockWork" ability is the ability to freeze space on a molecular level, making all physical object in the power's radius halt, including the physical Human body. To an untrained eye, this will seem like the stopping of time or even a form of Teleportation. When Anzu makes contact with an object, that object is immediately exempt from the Power until contact is broken.

Limitations :

The ability has a range. Minimum range is three feet in front of Anzu's body, maximum range is 20 Meters (65 feet.) With immense strain, Anzu can reach 40 Meters. However, it is highly unadvised due to the strain.

While there is no Time limit to the ability, the power can remain activated as long as Anzu is conscious. But, it is very difficult to remain conscious due to the fact that breathing is very difficult when the ability is activated. Anzu's maximum record is 25 minutes with strained breathing, and 3 minutes with no breathing.

Skills :

Anzu is athletically and intellectually gifted.

She can go 3 minutes without air.

She is an excellent manager and Hall Monitor.






Name : Fiodor Svyatoslav

Nick names : Fitlod

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Bio :He was born as an average guy , his family was normal , he have a sister and a cat , he lived in a deparment and everything for him was great he liked his way of live , until he discovered his powers in a strange way , one day he was going to school very early enought early to be catch by a thief which threatened him with a gun , by a thing of destiny and the nervousness thief , the gun fired to him , within a few seconds he tried to dodge the bullet , in that moment he felt how he could move faster and he dodge the bullet , the thief was surprised because of what he had seen , then Fiodor moved to the thief taking away his gun , the rest is past history now he studies in the R.O.S.E academy




Description : he is a 5'8 boy , not that tall but not short , he always goes with a scarf and gloves even if its summer , he tends to wear black as it likes that color a lot .




He is a normal guy , he doesnt like to have a lot friends with two or three for him is enought , he doesnt think good of others person at first sight , he is very patient , he likes to relax a lot , even if he doesnt think good of others he is still friendly , he tries to respect other people but doesnt doubt in telling the truth about others , since he discovered his abilities he is a bit more egocentric.


He will always move some part of his body when he is talking

In his right hand sometimes starts to tremble




Normal Things


That the people talk good things about him



People too egocentric

Be taken as example

The meadow


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 4

Power Potential : 5-6

Power Description : Reality Warping

Users can create, change, destroy, or even alter
reality just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics to something inconceivable like logic.

He is the medium-low level of Reality Warping so he is not a god or something nearby, and he is a bit lazy when he is going to achieve something like being a level 5

Limitations :

He cant sustain his ability to the infinity , so he will be very exhaust after half an hour of continue use of his ability

He cant impose his laws to others

He can only control things that already exist

Skills :


Very Skilled in Piano

Great Multi-tasking

Great Concentration


Other Nope

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@Murtox Though theirs nothing wrong with your Character profile I am no longer able to accept Level 5 Characters, Is it possible you could change him to something like a Level 4 with a lesser version of Reality warping?
"Iron is Bendable yet sturdy, sharp yet weak, and only the best comes from the hottest fires, now, am I talking about metal or humans?"




Name : Marvin DeGrace

Title: The Chemist

Nick names : Metal heart, Keven

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Asexual

Bio : After being shipped away at a young age to a boarding school, he learned the hard way children don't like people who are different, and he didn't feel any need to fit in. He quickly aced his classes, spending normal socialization time to study and learn, even about unrelated topics to his schooling. Although at the age of thirteen his rich mine boss father managed to remove him from schooling to help mold him to do what he was born to do, continue the family business at any and all costs. He simply faded away for many people, a figure in the background removed, and even after three months at the mine he still didn't get any mail. his father somehow gave him the most tedious job in the whole world, weighing in the silver from the mine. For three months he spent with scales and books, any and all human contact removed. There he learned something new, he could change the weights of the silver without touching the scales, at first he could change it by grams, then ounces, then even pound by pound. With silver production at a all time high things were looking great, until the inspector came in. as the silver was being pumped out, someone noticed the change, and after being tested most bars of silver were less then 60% silver, the other 40% was random metals from magnesium to gold. The business turned belly side up as the debts of my tinkering added quickly, as the family was about done we got a letter in the mail, a scholarship to a nearby school for the gifted, and without two cents of his permission,he was
sent off again, alone.





Description :

Obsidian black hair with striking green eyes, he would be better looking if he didn't have a neutral expression of a sociopath. Being at 6"4 he would be considered tall if he wasn't always leaning against something or sitting down. he always wears a black coat, changing it only when it would be more comfortable to wear another, or he needs to work in his lab, which he assists with his lab coat.




Cold, Cunning, Deep, are all good descriptors of his personality. He shows no interest in interaction unless he can directly gain from the encounter or they're actively listening. Even when faced with the possibility of death he often is calm, only losing his cool if his life is directly at stake. He does however, love to teach, the only catch is he needs good enough student to warrant his wisdom. While he may not always be showing it, he deeply wishes to acquire more power as he hates being powerless in a situation.


Casually flips a metal coin when waiting on someone, rarely looks at result however.

Reads alot, at least a book a day relaxed, up to five if stressed, appears to be leafing through it while he's actually memorizing it's contents.

Admires any metal structure of fire make, regardless of purpose.

Obsessed with cleanliness, takes personal hygiene to the extreme.


Craftsmanship, knowledge, scholars, tea, books


mud, filth, wasted metal, idiots, drama queens, bullys


Ability & Skills


Power Level :5

Power Potential : 5-6

Power Description :At a single touch he can rearrange the molecules in any source of metal to that of any other, IE silver to gold.

He may convert nearby metal of the same type into the metal that's already being turned, IE turning a pile of iron fillings to that of aluminium

So long as he actively concentrate the could change any mass of metal to whatever he wanted with the time increase being appropriately increased (see below). He can also with intense concentration shape metals from afar, appearing to cause a "frosting" effect on the metal in question, converting it slower then just touching it but it's still strenuous. He can so long s he knows what he wants, can create metals not fully understood by scientists,IE: Livermorium and many other types of experimental chemicals, and with great effort, he can create stable isotopes of said metals.

Limitations : The time of conversion is also dependent of the amount and how different the metal is. IE silver to iron bearing: instantaneous, copper to gold wiring, 50 ft: a second, Lithium to rubidium industrial battery, a few seconds, a pallet of mercury to uranium, at least a hour. While he can shape metals he can only do this crudely, anything overly complex simply doesn't work or comes out deformed.

Skills : Photographic memory

Able to acquire a solid base in any subject he can find a book on

College level understanding of chemistry


(needs some polish but I wanted the draft out asap)

((I wont be on for too long Tuesday, feel free to send me messages about Marvin or for me to clarify anything and everything, I'll probably be on at 9:15 EDT although ill have a lot more time Wednesday to work with anyone.))
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Name: Landon Pierce

Nick names : Stasis

Age : 17

Gender : M

Sexuality : Bi

Bio : Born american, he traveled to the city based on his potential, and his fathers money. He worked to earn his keep, since he was ten, when he was accepted to Rose Academy only then did he allow his father to pay for him. Until the age of ten he was given everything he ever wanted in return he had to agree to take over his fathers company. At the age of ten he started taking up martial arts, and realized he didn't want to run a company. He wanted to do anything but. After entering Rose Academy his father began attempting to convince him to take over the company again. Landon still refuses.




Description : Landon is tall,short black hair, and light blue Eyes. Likes to wear the same leather jacket that hes had since he was 15.


Personality : He doesn't like talking to new people, but typically treats everyone the same. He prefers to help those in need, but doesn't always do do. He enjoys talking to people, but doesn't like risking sounding like an idiot. For the most part he only puts his ability to minor uses, because he believes in the strength of ones own mind, and the ability only exists to augment what you can already do, not to be used as a crutch. He prefers to use his ability for minor pranks and to aid others, he rarely uses it for himself outside of that.


Quirks - ALlergic to allergy medication, allergic to seafood.

Likes - Likes seafood, Science(he almost always has his nose in a science textbook)

Dislikes - Fish(the live kind), Dogs, cooking(particularly seafood), Anyone who doesn't see the common sense solution, those who use their abilities as their only resource.


Ability & Skills


Level :5

Power Potential :5-6(In short bursts Typically when he is upset.)

Power: Stasis

Power Description : He can maintain specific conditions and vectors of his
Target. Heat, velocity, direction. He can also maintain all conditions in himself, including the physical condition of his body, or maintain a stab wound with no damage. The range of uses is limitless to the creative mind.

Limitations : Range of one-half mile. He must know it's there. He has trouble affecting anything other than motion in others.

Skills : The cold stare, mad ignoring skills.


Other:Quick to form mild rivalries, and light friendships.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-11_15-57-35.jpeg.b2178fdd4ff64d76ace3f3568de825c1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-11_15-57-35.jpeg.b2178fdd4ff64d76ace3f3568de825c1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@CyanideTurtle , I'm sorry but I feel like a level 5 is wasted on only memorypowers. The description of a level five is that they can destroy an army singlehandedly. Maybe he could have multiple mental powers? Besides, you could write some more about his personality and power.

The Rp will most likely start on Wednesday or early Thursday, This is to allow people to improve on their Character profiles if need be and allow others time to join in or make their own CS If they haven't already!
@Felix , thanks for the criticism. I agree. I re-read his powers and changed them to something more reasonable for level five. And I elaborated on his personality.
I'm planning on making my bio tonight if that's okay. I'll probably post it and if you decide against me joining that'll be fine.

Name : Anna Noelle Coon

Nick names : Anne, Anna, Elle, Ellie

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Straight




Description :

Anna has choppy, short black hair (not green like in the picture) that goes to her chin. She is fairly pale and has light blue eyes that constantly make her look confused or scared, no matter what she feels. She stands at a mere four foot nine, and weighs next to nothing. Despite already being very short, Anna makes herself seem smaller by slouching and sinking into herself.


Personality :

Anna is very shy and sweet. She hardly ever speaks, and sounds almost apologetic when she does. Anna makes herself as unnoticeable as possible, and tries her best not to stand out, despite her control over her powers. She often finds herself hiding in the back of rooms or in the corner, space permitting. She's very intelligent, and breaks everything down into patterns that make it easier for her to understand. She uses patterns to master her power as well.

Quirks :

Anna doesn't speak much at all and will never make a fuss if she can help it. Many people find her odd because she's so quiet, and always observing others around her.

Likes :

Anna likes going unnoticed, being alone, and being submerged in water. Many will often find her in a square of water just relaxing.


Dislikes :

Anna hates being the center of attention and is terrified of being up too high. She is not a fan of small spaces, and is prone to panic attacks, which is brought on by heights and tight spaces.


Power Level : 4

Power Potential : 5 but she's too scared to advance her powers

Power Description :

Anna is able to manipulate water in all of its forms to make any fluid shape. She can use it as many people imagine - like a whip, in the shape of tentacles, etc. but can also make the box-like form shown above to close herself off from others. She can separate water from oxygen so that she can breathe underwater, and also drown a person. Along these same lines, she can draw water out of the air, out of plants, etc. When she takes water from the earth around her, it dies quickly, almost like those videos of rapid progression rotting of things like tomatoes or trees.

Limitations :

Anna can easily be overcome if too much of an earth-like element is pushed at her that can almost dry up her attacks, and she is extremely vulnerable to physical attacks. If she had the confidence to further her powers, she'd be able to block some physical attacks, but as of now, most go straight through her water.

Skills :

Anna can see patterns in almost anything, and approaches the situations analytically.


Other :

Anna does not eat very often, resulting in her lack of weight. She doesn't see a problem with this, and doesn't do it to remain thin, she just does not feel hungry most of the time.

(Is this okay? I just got home from back to back six hour tests on my last post, so I'm pretty tired right now. If there's anything I need to fix, let me know.)



Name : Edward

Nick names : Sparky

Age : 14

Gender :male

Sexuality : bi

Bio : At a young age ,like my brother, I was sent off to a boarding school where I found my affinity for electronics. I spent most of my time tinkering with radios. computers. phones. and anything I could get my hands on. I made phones change from having 3 minutes left turn into unlimited service and radios that could pick up almost any frequency. At the age of 7 my father sent me to work on his mine, my dad knew my affinity for electronics so he put me in the electronics room where all the power for the entire complex was. the transformers generators everything essential to run the mine was in the single room. It was my job to oversee it and to make sure that nothing bad happened. One day however ,the miners ran into a natural pocket of natural gas, which knocked out the power. When the generator went out all the power in the whole complex went out leaving the miners abandoned. The only way to restart the generator was with a manual reboot, but no one wanted to go into the structurally insecure room to save them, in fear of being shocked, crushed, or trapped. I was the only one who went into the room to get the power back up, upon reaching the generator I quickly realized that the generator wouldn't reboot because of a electronic error. This caused a panic beyond what any other I had experienced this was the first machine I couldn't fix, knowing that people lifes were on the line I proceeded to slam both hands on the generator in agony and upon pushing on it I heard the loudest thunder strike I had ever heard and, I had realized that some how some way I had powered the generator, but I overloaded the generator. Luckily, the entire mining crew managed to escape with me, after this incident investigators closed the mine and found several farads and I found a scholarship to

R.O.S.E Academy.





Description : brown hair green eyes tall for his age likes to wear funny t shirts and sweat pants can be serious if need be but he doesn't like to be




Sarcastic when it is appropriate he is a pretty normal guy, but when he gets mad you better watch out. You can always find him working on some electronic device most of which are his own creation.

Quirks twitchy


Likes :



working with electronics


mean people




Ability & Skills


Power Level :3

Power Potential : 5 thinks he is channeling electricity itself and not the positive and negative particles

Power Description : He can cause a ark of lightning to come from the sky or his hand.

Limitations : Wildly inaccurate the farther away, can strike friendlies.

Skills : quick reflexes

soldering, working with electronics




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