~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~




Name :Haru Senji

Nick names :Baby, Idiot, Wimp

Age : 17

Gender :Male

Sexuality :Straight

Bio :Haru always looked up to his sister who was a graduate of the academy and also begged to havea fight with her but she always told him no saying he wasn't ready. But when he turned 14 she finally agreed to fight him Haru was excited but didn't even come close to knowing what power his sister held. She beat him and at first he was okay with it but soon thought of just giving up when he talked about giving up to his sister she hit him with her Chopping right and gave him a scar. She told him if he ever talks about giving up she kill him were he stands after that he had a fear of girls. It was small at first but quickly grew into a full blown phobia when girls began to notice this and used him as a pack mule. He hopes to overcome his fear by going to the academy and get stronger than his sister.


Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Ryohei_02.jpeg.aa4f911f9fd98a1c6d0709900308a7d3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Ryohei_02.jpeg.aa4f911f9fd98a1c6d0709900308a7d3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>======================

Description : Haru has white hair with a scar on the side of his head from his sister he is 5,4 and wears bandages on his arms and legs alot.




Haru is nice and understanding and also exciting and full of energy but the second a girl gets close he becomes quiet and shy he trys to stay on the good side of girls and is a huge coward around them. But around guys he's the opposite not afraid to do anything willing to do any dare no matter what. He's loyal to friends and a bit too trusting.

Quirks: Has a huge phobia of girls so he won't fight them at full power of even half and is very gullible around them as well.

Likes Boxing, sports, cross counters, weapons, having a rival.

Dislikes girls, his sister, downward right hooks, level 5 students, people who think they are better then everyone.


Ability & Skills: Thanks to training with his sister Haru is very versed in many boxing styles such as Cross style, Peek-a-boo, Wild, and his sister's favorite Hitman style.


Power Level :4

Power Potential : 5

Power Description :Haru's power let's him push his body's limits giving himself more strength or speed.

Limitations :Using too much power can damage his body and seeing a girl unconsciously makes him use less power.

Skills :Hand to hand combat, Knowledge of the limits to the human body, Can take a punch.


Other:His phobia gives him panic attacks and so does seeing downward right hooks.




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Name : Cassandra Shiva

Nick names : Cass

Age : 17

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bi

Bio : Cass was born into a family of fighters, her mom and dad having been professionals. So it was only natural that she and her 3 brothers learned to fight. Form the first time Cass stepped into the ring there was nothing else to life. Almost every moment she was not sleeping she was conditioning her body to be as faster and as strong as it could be.





Description : Cass is 5 foot 5 inches with short black hair and brown eyes. Her body is well toned and lean. She prefers to wear a light purple hoodie that shows off her stomach and blue jeans.




Cass is a reserved individual never one to rush into a fight headstrong. She never seems too get excited about anything preferring to keep her emotions to herself. She can be also sarcastic and quick with a quip. Hates being pitied, and called stupid.


Always has a quip up her sleeve









Being woken up


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 4

Power Potential : 5

Power Description : Energy constructs

Has the power to create and, manipulate violet constructs into tools, such as huge hands, hammers, shields, etc. Her constructs are built out of psionic bricks; the bigger they are, the harder the construct, and vice versa

Limitations : The bigger the object that she is trying to make the more concentration she needs to keep it stable.

Skills :

Has a high pain tolerance after spending most of her childhood getting punched in the face.

Great reflexes

Hand to hand combat




Momiji the Siren

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    Name : Momiji Himura

    Nick names : Momi, Momo, Siren

    Age : 16

    Gender : Female

    Sexuality : Demisexual Panromantic




Name : Eni Noname

Nick names : E, Eni, Noname

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Bio : Eni Noname, that's what he calls himself mostly because he's too lazy to come up with a cool last name. He lives like a hobo, and is rumored to be slightly insane. In truth, he grew up as an orphan and was already weird by then. He left the orphanage because he found out he had an ability and was disappointed when he found out it was almost useless and increased his electricity bill by a lot, forcing him to live on the streets due to lack of money.


Appearance { Any Type of Picture is acceptable though anime is Preferred }


Description :





Eni is an always happy, slightly dense, maybe crazy individual with an affinity for self preservation and trolling. However deep down he is caring and compassionate and likes to protect those precious to him.

Quirks: Weird,unconventional, slightly insane, talking to himself

Likes: Creating weird things, using said things, sweets, money

Dislikes: Bullies, oppressors


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 0

Power Potential : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Power Description : Seemingly useless, Eni has the ability to absorb all types of energy that he comes in contact with, electric, solar, nuclear, kinetic and all others. It is unknown where the energy goes or what happens to it. It also has a quirk of turning off or refusing to work at random times. It has no physical or mental to him as he just acts like a sponge of energy.

What actually happens is that when he absorbs energy, it is stored in his cells. The times when it goes off is when the cells reach a cap and have to evolve to contain more. As he's never encountered a situation where he has to take in more than his current cap then he doesn't know that he'll release the stored energy to make room for more, and when it does, the results are devastating. However, when truly forced beyond his limits, all the energy he has stored will be released simultaneously.

Limitations : He doesn't know the true extent of his abilities and cannot utilize the burst for now.

Skills : Creating unconventional things, fighting like a weirdo, annoying people




Nothing, don't trust anything he gives you.



Name : Elizabeth Hart

Nick names :

Age : 15

Gender : F

Sexuality : Straight

Bio :
She was born into the upper middle class. She grew up as an only child of two alcoholic parents, who would beat her and because her bruises would heal within a couple of hours she never had anyone to talk to. Bullies would beat her at school, and even her teacher would hit her. She spent as much time away from people as possible until she ran away. When she ran she ran until she couldn't. That night she slept in someone’s back yard. The elderly couple who owned the house found her the next morning and took her in after eventually getting her to talk. She was enrolled in a new school, where she met her best friend a girl also named Elizabeth. Together they joined a swordsmanship club. Over the next couple years the two became excellent swordswomen and close friends. Elizabeth eventually was offered a position in the school, she accepted with only some hesitation and a lot of urging the other Elizabeth.




Description : Blue Eyes, short blonde hair. She typically wears a pair of jeans, and a graphic t-shirt.




Elizabeth is bubbly, quick to make friends, and in general friendly. She would much rather make someone smile than see them cry. She values life above all else and would never intentionally kill anything. She doesn’t show off her ability or attempt to hide it, to her it just sort of exists and she is only slightly more careless because of it.


-Uses her hand to talk just as much as her mouth

-Develops an eye twitch when under large amounts of stress

-Tends to answer her own questions


-Helping others

-Fast food




-Anything blue


-Bullies(she classifies them seperatly)


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 4

Power Potential : 4

Power Description : Auto-Regeneration

She can heal her own wounds minor wounds take a matter of seconds, while major wounds can take upwards of hours. While she can regrow chunks lost, she does not scar. Bruises are always gone in a matter of days, and knife and bullet wounds aren't usually lethal although anything to the head would indeed be lethal. if a severed item is held in place before the wound heals over it will reattach.

Limitations :
Limitation, the larger the wound the more time and energy it takes, It can take her a couple of hours to heal life threatening wounds. She can't regrow limbs if it's severed it's lost. The process is also extremely painful. also a knife or bullet to the heart would kill her if it destroys or severs half. She can’t heal around a knife. While she can heal over bullets.

Skills :

- She is talented at first aid, and knowledgeable about medicine.

-She is a talented swordswoman and always carries at least three blades in her duffel bag and a knife hidden in an accessible place.


Other: She is discomforted by those who enjoy causing or feeling pain


Image:(Just remove the spaces) http:// www .bing.com/images/search?q=Anime&cbir=ms&rxc=12&sbirxc=30&mid=A177A61AB17E64796230718432E4584EEBB21A7F&simid=608055202321272287&vw=dc2dc+5f71d+ee046+03e43+52cd1+2b04f+b282c+b404d+226b4+59f54+7c92f+82a8d+0100f+1e9ad+d08db+2173e+2ca9d+8b9e8+c18db+82cb2+09ad91b341245723bc1e4b1d43cee74b8d88b9bcd1f1e0120653a788e0d408184f33aa46607ca1e9449f1932a38b7bf1e7ca&qft=+filterui:imagesize-wallpaper&FORM=IMSFRD&adlt=strict&id=86B49CF0AB5D4D066526791A2B490211936BE722&selectedIndex=0#view=detail&id=A177A61AB17E64796230718432E4584EEBB21A7F&selectedIndex=0
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Name : Rachel Bohr

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bisexual

Bio :

Born to a Danish father, little Rachel grew up in a relatively trouble free enviorement. Her engineer father taught her a lot when it came to tinkering various kinds of devices, which has lead her to develop an unusal curiosity to find out how things work and a frighteningly adept ability to take things apart and acutally put them back together, although not always in the most elegant or perfect manner. It was only when she was able to fix one of her father's lastest projects did he realize Rachel had something special to her, that not everyone had, but regardless, the girl simply went along her tinkering and experimenting like it was nobody's business.

It didn't take too long of rumour to spread into the industry and for some of her father's competitors to get wind of what this girl was capable of. An attempted kidnapping quickly revealed to the Dane that his little girl could not continue as she had to go somewhere where she would be safe, or at least somewhere that would make nabbing her a pain. R.O.S.E. Academy seemed like a good place to start .



(Without the gun, evidently)



Description : Rachel bears short black hair with dark brown eyes, she only really wears practical clothing that looks

just decent enough to not draw too much attention.




Rachel a usually a quiet girl. She keeps to herself, only really communicating if necessary. Her attempted kidnapping drove her away from trusting everyone and the massive amount of attention she got from adults made her hard person to approach. The loner usually burries her head into her own devices, rarely speaking up.

Quirks :

- She's usually quite nice, but has a mischevious streak, driving her to pull some pranks on occasion.

Likes :

-Anything new, especially anything that has moving parts and electronics

-Intellectual Challenges.

-Quiet palces

Dislikes :

-Loud places

-Inaccuracy, dishonesty

-Too much attention


Ability & Skills


Power Level : 3

Power Potential : 5

Power Description : She can "see" how various types of energy affect the enviroment around her and

subsequently manipulate it to some degree she is also able to trace where energy (kenetic, electric or other) waspresent in the recent past.

I.E: If a door was unlocked in the past x amount of minutes, she can "trace" the movements of the bolts, allowing her to more easily pick the lock for example. If she sees a guns firing and if she knows the inner working of such a gun, she can implement a pseudo "energy sponge" on the firing to stop the kinetic energy generated by the firing pin from striking and detonating the primer. She is able to "see" the trajectory of rounds but is unable to do anything about them due to their speed. Larger projectiles that travel slower are a lot simpler to read, allowing her to predict the impact point.

Limitations :

-Must know the inner workings of a devices to be able to affect it's function immediately, otherwise she must read the energy signatures for while to understand

-The longer she has to manipulate energy, the more exhausted she becomes and harder it is to make accurate "readings"

-Overly complex devices and machines can take a while to read and fully understand.

-She can see the trajectory of smallarms, but can't react fast enough to do anything about them, unless the round was shot from very far away.

Skills :

-Read : Rachel Is able to "see/read" how different types of energy flow and reacts in the enviroment around her and to some degree predict how the physical world will behave (within a short period of time).

-Trace : Rachel can trace where energy was applied in the past, the longer it's been, the harder it is. A certain amounts of concentration is also required.

-Manipulate : She can manipulate energy to a certain degree, she can output a certain amount depending on what kind of energy is invovled and can absorb a certian amount depending on what is involved. Any absorbed energy must be outputted immediately or shortly afterwards.

-Neutralize : For a short period of time, can negate energy within a very small area, typically no more then a few feet around her. This ability is seldom voluntarily and happens typically when she is in mortal danger. This ability can also be overwhelmed if the application of said force is too consistent.

- [Available at level 4] Projectile : Rachel can concentrate a large amount of kinetic energy on a small point, propelling a small metal sphere at extreme high velocities.




Please comment on this ability, I'm starting to doubt it after writing it up and thinking it through.

Might as well consider this a first draft...
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Accepted though I'd consider a Higher Tier Level 3 Unless she can directly Manipulate the Kinetic energy and all that. E.G Can she throw a Small Metal sphere and manipulate the Kinetic energy so it travels faster than a bullet and tear through it?
Venus said:
Accepted though I'd consider a Higher Tier Level 3 Unless she can directly Manipulate the Kinetic energy and all that. E.G Can she throw a Small Metal sphere and manipulate the Kinetic energy so it travels faster than a bullet and tear through it?
I would say that'd be something she is discovering or attempting to master.
Hmph, I'd say put her on a Level 3 for now but allow her to advance to Level 4 some time later within the story.
Venus said:
Hmph, I'd say put her on a Level 3 for now but allow her to advance to Level 4 some time later within the story.
Change made.

Now all that's out of the way, how do I introduce her? Transfer? Was she always there?

I assume I'll have to read the entire thread, but just by chance is there a way to get some sort of resume of what happened until now?
Transfer , Everyone attending the Academy is New.

Basically everyone's gathered up at the Field in a large crowd as the Combat program is being launched first, The Level 2 T.K Force and a Level 4 Water Manipulator are having a Short spar with a Nurse like figure who is capable of Mimicking powers. That's pretty much most of the interesting things condensed together so far, Mostly been introducing characters and all that.
Venus said:
Transfer , Everyone attending the Academy is New.
Basically everyone's gathered up at the Field in a large crowd as the Combat program is being launched first, The Level 2 T.K Force and a Level 4 Water Manipulator are having a Short spar with a Nurse like figure who is capable of Mimicking powers. That's pretty much most of the interesting things condensed together so far, Mostly been introducing characters and all that.
I'm going to find a way to organically insert into the RP, for now it's all good. Thanks for the reply

Name :Tori Sora

Nick names : None

Age : 15

Gender :Male

Sexuality : Bisexual

Bio : Tori comes from a successful family. His father is a principal at a school while his mother is a doctor. Tori's parents taught him to follow his dreams and to never give up. Due to this he is a very positive individual. Even if his powers may not be super strong he does not let that get him down at all. He learned about his powers early on in life and would have fun using them. However only up until recently he never cared about mastering them or really learning more about them. When he became arind fifteen he really wanted to begin focus on them. Not to get stronger but learn how to bring out his full potential.




Description : Brown and black pants and yellow belt. He wears a shirt with a black heart on it with black sleeves (short) and the rest is white. He has blonde hair


Personality He is an upbeat person and always does his best to remain hopeful even in bast situations. With a smile on his face he can cheer up a lot of people who are feeling deppressed about things. Tori cares deeply about people even if he has no real connection to them at the time. The fifteen year old enjoys being around people to have good times. He also is very close to his parents too.


Personality Description

Quirks Enjoys gum and sweet stuff.

Likes Candy,soccer,nice people

Dislikes Spicy stuff,rude people and cold weather


Ability & Skills Can control wind


Power Level :3

Power Potential : Level 4

Power Description : He is able to use how power to create wind. Not just blast of winds from his hands that can be quite forceful but from his feet too. He has learned how to fly by using this power from his feet which has come in quite useful.

Limitations : Can't go higher than 250 ft in the air

Skills : Pretty good at soccer




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