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A boy and his dragon (Telios, Robin)

Heras rested his head gently against Mirs. "I love you." He mumbled before his breathe slowed down to almost nothing. Then his seem to have gone limp. The old drake was now dead.
Mir whimpered and cried, mourning over his dad. Kira watched him quietly, crying herself. Sa'ah was the same, hugging Selina tightly. Herine and Skyla hugged their Mistresses respectedly.
Wila hugged Mir tightly, crying as well. Selina hugged her back, Silvana hugged Skyla back. Jepitha walked over to Mir and he rubbed his back.
Jepitha nodded in agreement. I can't either my friend. Unknown by everyone in the cabin. Heras sent a last minute message to all of his children about his death. Now they are all on the way.
Wila gently nuzzled his son before she laid down next to him. Jepitha closed his eyes before he heard what sounds like wings just outside. "Can someone go out and look what the noise was?"
Olivia and Silvana looked out and they were in awe of the sight. There were at least eight drakes outside, five were males, three were females. Jepitha looked out and he smiled softly. "Family reunion. Those must be his other children."
Wila looked up at Kira. "I believe Heras contacted all of them before he passed on. And we would want to get Heras out soon. I don't think you want a huge dead Drake inside the cabin." She advised to everyone.
Mir looked up at Jepitha and nodded with a sigh. "I think so." He still looked pretty down though, hovering up and over to Jepitha.
Jepitha walked over to the door and he slowly opened it. "Welcome all of you. The news is true, your father has just passed away from illness." The drakes all nodded and they saw their half brother.
Mir nodded and went inside. He and Turas managed to carry him outside and gently laid him onto the ground. Kira followed Mir, trying to be his source of comfort.
"Hello..." Mir answered, looking up at her. Kira was watching them, still worried about Mir, talons on her swollen stomach.

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