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A boy and his dragon (Telios, Robin)

Sa'ah smiled at him, giggling softly. "That's nice dear... But can you let me sleep and stay close to us?" She asked.
Sarah grabbed Turas while still being in Selina's arms, snuggling against him before falling asleep again.
Kira stirred when Mir was moved by Jepitha. She woke up and followed Jepitha with a soft yawn. "Morning..."
"Mir is still a sleepyhead as always." Kira rolled her eyes, glancing at the cottage. "What are you doing outside this early?"
"It was good. I got to see my mother for the first time since my fathers funeral." He sighed softly. "Such a long time ago."
Jepitha nodded slowly. "Yeah, it's been a long time. When was the last time you seen your family?" He asked looking at her.
".....A few...decades..." Kira asnwered. "It's so lucky that Mir's parents returned to meet him and Sa'ah..." She sighed heavily. "Usually, when Onyx Dragons egg are laid, they are just left there. The parents rarely returned to even visit their drakes."

(Since you aren't using Heras and Wila that much, what about an event?)
I know that I don't use them that much, but yes,begat do you have in mind?)

Jepitha nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, but you have a new family here, and I think that Heras and Wila kinda adopted you as one of their own." He said softly.
(What if Heras died due to sickness? They are magic beings but they can still get sick.)

"Yeah..." Kira nodded with a smile. "You're right."
That can work, I've been thinking about doing that for a while, I just didn't know how to do it.)

Jepitha chuckled softly. "Now your part of a super big family. I don't even know if we can ever find all of the siblings." He said softly.

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