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Come to think of it, the walls of the building did seem a bit flimsy, as if they had been hastily constructed. Ann touched a hand to the plaster and frowned at the way it seemed to buckle. "Well, it's probably worth a shot." She took a mindful step back, then lifted a hand to her mask. Flames billowed before her grasp.

"I need your help, Carmen!"

From the depths of her soul, Ann's Persona emerged and brought forth a flurry of fire. The wall melted away, recoiling like dried-up vines. Ann grimaced at the sight, then let out a sigh of relief as the outside world came into view. "Oh! I think that might be the exit!"
Hifumi took a step back as Ann's flames seemed to do the trick just fine. She was frankly a bit surprised a move like that even worked in the first place, but she certainly wouldn't be complaining about it.

"Whew... I'm so glad w-" Just as she was about to celebrate, two Shadows rounded the corners that lead to the lobby, intent to kill plastered on their faces. Hifumi pointed her naginata forward, taking a quick look to Ann.

"Panther, how do we get out of here? I can't keep them off for ever, but I can buy you time if you need it!" Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and stabbed her naginata at the chest of one of the Shadows, not making much progress. Another swing of her naginata cut into the mask the beast wore, causing it to seem to melt into a pile of a crimson and black goo.

From the pile, two smaller creatures emerged, a Rangda and a Kumbhanda. Hifumi took a worried step back, shooting Ann a quick look. "Get us out of here, Panther, I got this!"

Right where she'd left it behind, Ann's phone shimmered on the ground - with nary a scratch on its surface. Truly, it was a sign of fate. Ann scrambled to grab her phone and punched in her password, swiping through until she finally found the MetaNav app. "Togo-san, hold on!"

And away they went, whisked through Metaverse and back into the real world.

Ann let out a sigh of relief, then rushed to get a hold of the group chat.

> SOS togo has a persona

Instantly, a rush of replies came through.


> Ann, were either of you injured?

> I'll get the welcome wagon.

Ann tucked her phone away, caught her breath, then looked to Hifumi. "That was-- let's never do that again. Jeez, I don't know how Ren and Ryuji did it..."
"We're going home alive." Hifumi nodded to Ann as she ran off to get her phone, leaving Hifumi to entertain the enemies before her for a moment. "The home stretch...! Jingu!"

Blue flames beckoned her Persona to life, but not before a small burst of black and red energy enveloped her, spawned by the Rangda in front of her. It caused her to stumble back a bit, the pain a sensation she'd never felt in her life, but she kept her footing and composure all the same.

"It takes more than that to fell an Empire!" Snapping her fingers at her side, her Persona raised a large orb above it's head. "Megidola, rend my foes flesh asunder!" With her command, the blast moved to the ground and enveloped the Shadows, leaving not even scraps in it's wake.

Though, even with that group dispatched, another was there, eager to deal with the intruders. Thankfully, Ann had gotten their escape route ready, saving Hifumi the danger of dealing with more opponents.

Once they were back in the real world, she was quick to slump to her knees, desperately catching her breath. It looked as if she'd just ran a marathon, her face red and limbs sore.

"Wait-" Looking down and realizing they were back, she let out a sigh of relief. "We're back...!" Smiling and attempting to stand, she found herself practically falling onto Ann. "S-Sorry...! My legs feel like jelly... Can we go back to LeBlanc? Boba sounds... Wonderful, right now."​
By the time they found their way back to Leblanc, the others were already waiting for them: Ryuji was laying on the bed, punching away at some mobile app; Makoto was pacing back and forth, looking as pensive as ever; Yusuke, on the other hand, was relatively calm as he sipped on his drink, courtesy of Ren; and speaking of their leader, the young man was the first to rise out of his seat and step forward to greet Hifumi.

"Before we get ahead of ourselves, we wanted to ask: Are you interested in working with us?"
Hifumi followed Ann into the attic with a look that was clearly filled with thoughts and worries.

Ren’s question struck her as odd, and she shot a look towards Ryuji for a moment. “Can I lay down for a moment...? I feel like my heads going to explode...”

“Give her the bed, Skull.” Futaba hurled a balled up empty chip bag at the boy to get him off.

“I have a lot of questions...” Hifumi looked to Ren, assuming he’d be the one with the answers.​
Ryuji clicked his tongue, then rolled off without a second complaint. He plopped down in a nearby chair and grumbled something about effin' up his combo.

"Go ahead. Makoto, could you grab some water?"

"Mhm, of course." And then there was one less warm body in the attic, however briefly.

Ren looked to Hifumi, then Ann, then back again. "I've plenty of answers. Where do you want to start?"
“Thank you, Sakamoto-san...” A sigh left her as she fell into Ren’s bed, taking a moment before sitting up a bit and looking to Ren.

“Gods, I don’t even know...” Hifumi put a hand to her head and tried to think of anything. “That place that me and Takamaki-san went... What on Earth was it?”​
Ren eyed the windowsill, waiting for Morgana to show up. When he didn't, Ren scratched at the back of his head and answered, "I'm assuming it was your mother's Palace, a place born out of her warped desires. When the heart goes awry, it creates this parallel universe. That place is what we call the Metaverse." Really, explaining things was more Makoto or Akechi's forte.
“Mmm...” Hifumi laid down before continuing to contemplate what she’d gotten herself into.

“Warped desires? The heart...?” It was more than obvious things weren’t adding up to the poor girl.

“I believe the place you went was a representation of your mother’s recent change in personality.” Akechi chimed in to try and make things add up to her.

“How she’s been rigging my matches?” Hifumi looked to the detective in disbelief, that something like that would be the cause of everything.

“I fear the rabbit hole might go deeper than that...” Akechi half muttered the words, glancing over to Ren.

“So you guys are the Phantom Thieves!? I never would have guessed...” While it made a lot of things make sense to Hifumi, it was far from what she expected.​
A few glances exchanged across the room, ranging from disbelief to discomfort. The Thieves as a whole were no strangers to the underhanded actions of adults. Even so, it always sparked anger to overhear the kinds of things people expected to get away with. No one said anything, though, for Hifumi's sake.

The conversation swayed from disquieting implications to shock and excitement. Ren's lips curved in an upward quirk. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Most people never do. Though..."

"Ren, if you're about to tell us that you forgot the meaning of the word discreet..." Makoto warned, her tone taking on steel.

Cue an awkward laugh from their supposedly fearless leader. "I might have underestimated a politician's ability to read people?"

"Um. What does that mean?" Ann asked.

Yusuke tucked a hand beneath his chin and murmured, "We can discuss Ren's punishment after we've finished answering Togo-san's questions, though, I don't believe his transgressions are cause for alarm."

Ren totally made a show of mouthing out 'thanks for the save', to which Yusuke merely smiled.
“So you all went through this too? Getting a ‘Persona’?” The whole idea still didn’t add up to her, and frankly she was still skeptical.

“That reminds me... T-That voice that spoke to me. When I got my Persona? Takamaki-san, you couldn’t hear it, right!?” As she remembered how her Persona called upon feelings she hadn’t even come to process, she gently blushed and worried if Ann had heard it.

“So, wait, Ren.” Sitting up with a bit of difficulty, she looked towards the group’s leaders. “This is how you change hearts? Battling those... creatures?”​
"Voice?" Ann echoed, tilting her head in confusion. She thought back to their escape from the Palace and aside from Mitsuyo's Shadow, she didn't recall hearing anyone other than the two of them. "I'm not sure what you mean."

Seriously, where was Morgana when you needed him? That guy lived for this kind of thing. Ren hooked one of his curls and started twisting it 'round his finger, taken to fidgeting as he worried over where his cat had wandered off to.

"It's a small part of it. More importantly, we threaten to take that which our target values, in order to open their eyes. Your mother is blinded by something she covets and we're going to show her the error of her ways."
“She’s talking about the voice I think we all hear when we awaken.” Futaba cleared the air for Ann, giving Hifumi an odd look as she seemed to let out a sigh of relief under her breath.

“Togo-san, what, did your Persona say somethin’ weird?” Futaba raised an eyebrow and watched as the girls face went red.

“N-nothing like that! I was just curious...” Hifumi looked away awkwardly, bringing a hand up to her cheek.

“Ren, if I may?” Akechi gestured to Makoto, and the two sat in front of Hifumi and answered all the big or little questions she had.


“That’s... A lot to take in. I never thought I’d get an offer to join the Phantom Thieves.” Hifumi had since turned on Ren’s bed, leaning against the wall with her legs dangling off the side.

“Does this all mean we could change my mother’s heart...?” She asked eagerly.

“Well, about that...” Akechi continued to answer concerns for her. “We have a strict code here. That we do things by unanimous vote. Last we discussed your mother, we had a few dissenting opinions.”​
Ann stole a glance around the room, waiting to see how the others would react upon hearing Akechi's words: Makoto had closed her eyes, seemingly contemplating something; Yusuke was less reserved, pursing his lips as though distressed by something; Ryuji was just staring at his lap, playing with a frayed seam at the hem of his tanktop; Ren met her gaze and stared as though they were on the same wavelength.

No one wanted to step up and say 'actually, we don't think it's worth our time to help your mom'.

"For what it's worth, I think we should address her Palace, before things get even more out of hand," Ann mumbled as she clasped her hands in her lap. "I know she's not a high-profile target, but she might be connected to people who are. W-who else would willingly take a bribe?"

"We don't have any other priorities, much less leads at this point," Makoto admitted.
Hifumi couldn't help but catch the immediate 180 the mood did. Distressed glances around, refusal by many to meet eyes with her, and a general silence until Ann eventually spoke up.

"It's not that I don't wanna help her..." Futaba followed after Makoto, typing away at her laptop as she spoke. "But look at the Phan-Site. We've got people expecting us to go bigger and better, and if her mom's gotta whole palace, that means we gotta go through the calling card business. Media's gonna pick up on it for sure."

"Which might cause our general approval to go down. Not to mention how many posts on the site are alluding to threats bigger than Okumura. Corrupt politicians have been the talk of the forums, as of late." Akechi didn't seem thrilled to be the voice of reason in the group.

"But, if we help her out, we can get her help in the future, if she can wield a Persona..." Just as everyone else, Haru seemed to awkwardly dance around the bigger issue, not able to lock eyes with Hifumi.

"Our group is already at eight people. We have to leave half of our team on lookout duty, or at least keep them a fair ways behind us. The more we add to that, the shakier things get." Noticing Ren's gaze to Ann, he let out a hum. "How about we put it to a formal vote? Those who think we should help out?"

It took a moment for any hands to go up, but Futaba was one of the first, even if she seemed hesitant. "Mona said he wanted to help, too. He's out on a walk right now..."​
Ren's hand shot up and Ann's soon followed after.

Seeing the two of them so adamant about helping a friend, Yusuke gave a silent nod and lifted his hand as well. Ryuji grumbled something about feeling like a coward, then threw his hand in the air. Makoto, despite herself, let out a flustered laugh, then joined the crowd. With this much support for helping Hifumi, the Thieves were slowly coming to a consensus.

"It doesn't matter if the masses approve of our actions; this is our creed - to help others, in the name of justice," Ren announced, meeting Hifumi's gaze as he did so. "We might all have our own reasons for coming together, but our goal is one and the same."

"Well said," Yusuke murmured as some of the tension lifted off of his shoulders.
Haru's hand drifted up once she heard Ren speak, her hesitation seeming to have washed away. The masses would just have to deal with the decision. Though, the only one who'd yet to raise his hand was Akechi. Though, a smirk crept onto his face as he raised it with a smile.

"I'd no intentions of turning her away, I just wanted to be sure the rest of you were true to your morals." The Thieves all lowered their hands, Hifumi looking around with an expression with equal parts glee and confusion.

"So that means... We're going to change my mother's heart?" Her gaze eventually settled on Ren, having gathered from the conversation that he seemed to be in charge.

"If you're looking to join us, of course. I suppose we'll be dealing with the problem either way." Haru didn't want to pressure the poor girl into the dangerous life of being a Phantom Thief.

Though, Hifumi was quick to nod, eyes beaming with a rare excitement. "Y-Yes, if that's okay! The Togo Emp-" She let out a soft yelp as she stopped herself from going full Shogi Mode. Clearing her throat, she spoke once more. "That is to say... I'd be happy to join such a noble cause."​
Ryuji shot Akechi a dirty look, if only because he was doing that sneaky detective BS again. Where the hell did this guy get off? As his eyes rolled, he rose to his feet and began to stretch, yawning despite the way something in his back cracked. Ahh, that felt good.

He crossed his arms and let out a huff. "Aww right, 'fore we forget, there's just one thing we gotta take care of. Togo! We need to pick out your codename!"

"That's right!" Ann chirped, clapping her hands together in excitement. "You guys should've seen her outfit, it was so dashing and prince-like, and she had a naginata!"

Makoto raised a brow, then hummed. "Ah, I see. A naginata really does suit Togo-san. If that's the case... maybe her codename should be... Brand?"

"Huh? Why would we name her after a product line?"

"Argh, no, Ryuji, it's a literary term for a blade!" Makoto huffed, feeling her cheeks burn in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Ren was looking Hifumi up and down, trying to come up with the perfect name for her. "... Grandmaster."

"No way!" Ann retorted, "That's way too masculine for her. It has to be sleek! Elegant!"
Hifumi wasn't entirely sure what their basis on deciding codenames was, though they seemed to somehow revolve around their attire they wore in that other world... The Metaverse.

Though, it wasn't like she had any better ideas. Between her general unfamiliarity with the workings of the Thieves, as well as too exhausted to think of anything 'elegant' that she'd be called for the next who knows how long.

"I trust whatever you guys see best. I suppose I agree with Ann, though, something elegant would be nice. My Persona's name was Jingu, if that helps at all." She looked to Ann, leaning back on the bed and stretching her arms above her. "Did all of you feel this exhausted after your first times? I feel like I'm gonna collapse into Ren's bed right now."

"I know I sure did. Slept like a baby after we got back." Haru chimed in, a hand gently playing with her ever so fluffy hair. It was a habit of hers. "Hmm... What about Etoile?"

"Eto-what?" Futaba chimed in, unfamiliar with the foreign language.

"Etoile!" She repeated again for good measure. "It's French for star. Sorta like mine! My codenames Noir, for clarification."

"Etoile..." Hifumi muttered it to herself, to make sure she didn't mind the sound of it. "I like it. It works with me, unless anyone's opposed?"​
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"Honestly, I don't really remember. Ren and I were trapped in this effed up castle and I had to help him-- didn't even think twice. Just reached out and BAM! I had a Persona."

It may have all been a blur to Ryuji, but that certainly wasn't how Ren remembered it. Not that he was about to rain on his friend's parade. Shifting his attention towards Hifumi, he shook his head and answered, "It takes some time getting used to. It's easy to overexert yourself when you're first starting out. I had to catch my breath after summoning mine, too."

Makoto sighed. "Same here. I got a dizzy spell when I first awoke to my Persona, after the adrenaline wore off."

"Take a nap if you need it, I just washed the sheets and I'm pretty sure Ryuji even showered today--" The sound of rubber bouncing off of rubber cut Ren off: That was Ryuji kicking him in the shoe.
"Huh... You'll have to catch me up on all of this, next time we play, Ren." Hifumi chuckled as she realized exactly what she'd probably get to hear about from the boy. Exciting stories of exactly what the Phantom Thieves had been through? It was enough to make her grin.

"Same here. When we got back from mine, I slept for, what, almost two weeks?" The navigator of the group looked over to Ren, not entirely sure how long she'd be out, now that she thought about it.

"Goodness..." The idea of Futaba being completely out for two weeks worried Hifumi. She was young, and worried that the Phantom Thieves might take a toll on her. Though, she seemed to be in good spirits about it all.

"No, I don't want to overstay... I should probably be heading out semi-soon, anyways. If I'm out too late, mom will lose it."

"Oh, Togo-san!" Haru grabbed one of the many cups off the table, handing it to the girl. "You must be thirsty. We weren't sure what kind to get you, and we obviously couldn't get a hold of you, so I hope this is fine."

Hifumi took the boba and was quick to take a sip, letting out a relieved groan as she swallowed. "Thank you, Okumura-san. I'll admit I'm quite parched..."​
"Ack, I forgot all about my boba!" Ryuji scrambled to grab one before someone accidentally grabbed his cup, only to knock into Yusuke. The two of them went crashing down, a tangle of limbs and young regrets.

Ann couldn't help herself. She burst out laughing as the boys picked themselves up, apologizing through her wheezes. "A-are you two okay? That was... I wish someone had been recording, oh man..."

Yusuke rose up and dusted himself off. He let out a harrumph, grabbed a cup, handed it off to Ryuji, then grabbed one for himself. "The only thing that's been bruised is my ego. I normally possess a little more finesse than this."

"Dude looks like a giraffe and thinks he can finesse people," Ryuji snorted.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Ya heard me, you giant." Ryuji got up on his tippy-toes to drive his point home.

Makoto just shook her head. She grabbed her order off the table and sipped with cool judgment. "Is that flavor okay? I asked the cashier to recommend their best sellers. It's the same as what I got."

"Coffee-flavored boba? Who bought this?!" Ryuji bellowed out of nowhere.

"That's mine," Ren answered. "For the novelty." Sip, sip. "It tastes... Bad." But he wasn't going to waste it, and so he kept on slurping, making a face all the while.
Hifumi was grateful she hadn't been mid-sip as the two boys fell to their feet. The chuckle and added snort that followed their tumble would have been all the more embarrassing if she'd had a mouth full of boba.

Makoto's question simply warranted a nod from her, as she was in the middle of an eager sip. "Mmm... No, it's perfect, Nijima-san. I suppose I'd probably drink anything at this point, though." A giggle followed as she set the cup down on the large shelf to her side.

Futaba was busying herself with her own drink, craning her head to the side to drink as her hands busied herself with her computer. At Ren's immediate regret with his choice of flavor, she smirked and looked over at him. "You probably won't even get much of a kick out of it. With how much coffee you drink, you must have a tolerance at this point."

Hifumi casually peeked at her phone as the others continued to chat, thankful she hadn't received another tidal wave of texts from her mother. She'd agreed to be home in the next 45 minutes, though, and didn't want to be late.

And so, she stood up and realized she still felt a bit woozy. "I hate to ask this, but would anyone be willing to walk me as far as the station? I think I'll be fine, but I just don't want to let my jelly legs take me down with them."​
"If not the caffeine, then the sugar will do me in," Ren acknowledged, setting down his drink when enough was enough. "What did you get, Futaba?" Because hers looked way more appetizing, mostly because it belonged to someone else.

Yusuke, having hit his Ryuji quota some twenty-five minutes ago, gathered up his book bag and turned towards Hifumi. "Togo-san, I'll accompany you. It'd be less of a detour for me than the others." That, and it was nice to know someone from school.

"Get home safe, you too," Makoto called out.

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