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Fantasy 5E: Glass and Ruin, Steel and Gold... IC

Eldra looks at the merchant with a wry smile. “You can’t blame me for trying to get a better price. Ok, let’s do this. I’ll take the deal, but this warhammer has best knock my socks off!”

OOC making my Con roll at a +3

total of a 10
Eldra looks at the merchant with a wry smile. “You can’t blame me for trying to get a better price. Ok, let’s do this. I’ll take the deal, but this warhammer has best knock my socks off!”

OOC making my Con roll at a +3

total of a 10
The Merchant stares at you annoyed, clearly not a fan of bargaining- eventually he sighs "Fine, 80- but no lower" You can somehow tell he is smirking under the mask, hoping to salvage a deal, maybe he could be pushed further.

(7, enough to make him lose ground)
Zeren's seen enough, there's no way he's making any deals. He barely got out ahead on the deal that got him his powers and he considers himself a canny bargainer but he has nowhere near enough information about what's going on.

He steps back from the stall without saying anything and waits for his companions to finish.
Zeren's seen enough, there's no way he's making any deals. He barely got out ahead on the deal that got him his powers and he considers himself a canny bargainer but he has nowhere near enough information about what's going on.

He steps back from the stall without saying anything and waits for his companions to finish.
The second assistant, after finished her own deals swiftly following- waving through the people walking past as she approaches the knight. Her eyes shimmer a bright pink as she approaches, appearing to slightly shift and glow as she speaks.

"Are you sureyou want to deny our goods? The cost is nothing, and can give an edge against what is to come."
The second assistant, after finished her own deals swiftly following- waving through the people walking past as she approaches the knight. Her eyes shimmer a bright pink as she approaches, appearing to slightly shift and glow as she speaks.

"Are you sureyou want to deny our goods? The cost is nothing, and can give an edge against what is to come."
Zeren shakes his head.

"The cost is exposure to a magical item I know nothing about and you've refused to explain. This all is wrong."
Zeren shakes his head.

"The cost is exposure to a magical item I know nothing about and you've refused to explain. This all is wrong."
Nem seems completely confused, as if the explanation she and her master had given made perfect sense to her, cocking her head.

"Those who have not seen the truth fear it, and the blade that is dull is the most dangerous- I would know, The Vault has a great many weapons- perhaps you desire a mace, an unfocused and imprecise weapon would fit you- I prefer a dagger. Some would say it is inconsequential, but more often than not the dagger kills kings- even the strongest of adventurers fall to a focused blade, forged from ruin and heated by the truth."
Eldra looks at the merchant with a wry smile. “You can’t blame me for trying to get a better price. Ok, let’s do this. I’ll take the deal, but this warhammer has best knock my socks off!”

OOC making my Con roll at a +3

total of a 10
Gears Gears Just holding on your reply to this.
Eldra looks at the merchant with a wry smile. “You can’t blame me for trying to get a better price. Ok, let’s do this. I’ll take the deal, but this warhammer has best knock my socks off!”

OOC making my Con roll at a +3

total of a 10
As you stare into the stone you feel an immense heat, replacing the nausea the others felt. The fever makes you delirious for just a moment as the heat builds up, burning away whatever effect the others suffered. After a moment you hear a voice, that of a small child.

"I stole the light from the world. I knew not what I had done. Traded magic for understanding- The first thief."

You feel the heat melt away as the light glows orange, leaving only a little- you can now cast create bonfire.
She looks at the paladin. Apparently she either didn't hear her or is just ignoring her. She shook her head and smiled at the assistant. "Thank you for the items. When you need your favor contact me." She said taking the items she paid for before walking away from their sway.
She looks at the paladin. Apparently she either didn't hear her or is just ignoring her. She shook her head and smiled at the assistant. "Thank you for the items. When you need your favor contact me." She said taking the items she paid for before walking away from their sway.
The assistant smiled, putting her hand on the eye, immediately standing up straighter- more energetic as she climbs into the carriage. If anyone looks closely, they may notice that she has no shadow- and appears to disappear as soon as she steps into the dark confines of the shop.
Banli stood and watched the transactions with a curious and yet critical eye, clearly concerned about the effects of the method of payment on the party, remembering the tree guards words to avoid the merchant. He shook his head and removed his hat while waiting, showing his mane of curly hair, brushing off the massive wizards hat and fitting it back on his head.
Banli stood and watched the transactions with a curious and yet critical eye, clearly concerned about the effects of the method of payment on the party, remembering the tree guards words to avoid the merchant. He shook his head and removed his hat while waiting, showing his mane of curly hair, brushing off the massive wizards hat and fitting it back on his head.
Banli wouldn't notice any apparent effects following the "Exchange", merely the sudden nausea- though Banli may feel a sudden weight in an inner pocket in his robe as Nem looks at him for a moment, nodding before quickly returning to her conversation. Inside the pocket, should Banli choose to investigate- is a piece of a paper wrapped around a small crystal. neat text on the parchment reads:

"Oaths Bind my Tongue. Though Master's Intensions Are Good. Delving In The Past Is Dangerous. But Much of The Truth Is Lost. Touch Crystal With Stone And Burn This Message."
Seria tilts her head as she sees the assistant disapear into the carriage. "That's weird." She muttered but she wasn't going to make a big deal about. They seemed alright enough.

Though their currency was odd. Did she exchange time, or did she lose ten seconds of her life? Shaking her head she walked away and waited for the others.
Banli wouldn't notice any apparent effects following the "Exchange", merely the sudden nausea- though Banli may feel a sudden weight in an inner pocket in his robe as Nem looks at him for a moment, nodding before quickly returning to her conversation. Inside the pocket, should Banli choose to investigate- is a piece of a paper wrapped around a small crystal. neat text on the parchment reads:

"Oaths Bind my Tongue. Though Master's Intensions Are Good. Delving In The Past Is Dangerous. But Much of The Truth Is Lost. Touch Crystal With Stone And Burn This Message."
The gnome raises a bushy eyebrow and reaches down into his pocket, pulling out the crystal and note with a curious eye. He reads the note and then looks carefully at the crystal, before pulling out his stone and touching it to the crystal.
The gnome raises a bushy eyebrow and reaches down into his pocket, pulling out the crystal and note with a curious eye. He reads the note and then looks carefully at the crystal, before pulling out his stone and touching it to the crystal.
Banli would see a flash of light and the world would shift. Where once was a crowd of people in a walled settlement is now a strange desert wasteland. The sand under Banli's feet is white, with distant mountains of obsidian being the only other landmark in this land. It appears to be night, though no cosmic bodies. The night sky is an empty void, though Banli can somehow see perfectly. Nearby, Banli can hear the sound of celebration- people talking, alien instruments playing, and a hearty laugh from a familiar voice.
Seria tilts her head as she sees the assistant disapear into the carriage. "That's weird." She muttered but she wasn't going to make a big deal about. They seemed alright enough.

Though their currency was odd. Did she exchange time, or did she lose ten seconds of her life? Shaking her head she walked away and waited for the others.
As you wait for the others to finish their own purchases, you notice Banli freezes up and begins muttering something in a different tongue- not reacting to the world around him- the transport stone gripped firmly in his hand- now a crystalline finish covering the majority.
Eldra takes a moment to adjust her outfit as her head is spinning from the effects of the bargain just made. She looks over at the merchant and says, “Just remember, my war hammer has better be top notch in quality or you’ll hear about it from me. Am I going to be getting it delivered tomorrow, like our elf and her ring of protection is?”
Eldra takes a moment to adjust her outfit as her head is spinning from the effects of the bargain just made. She looks over at the merchant and says, “Just remember, my war hammer has better be top notch in quality or you’ll hear about it from me. Am I going to be getting it delivered tomorrow, like our elf and her ring of protection is?”
"I will have it delivered tomorrow- and I can ensure you- none of my goods are of a low quality. As a Wanderer Master I have papers verifying the maker and value of each of my products." Wanderer picked up the eye- returning it to its sheath as he waited for any more purcheses.
Dendarian looks at the merchant and finally asks, “Since your wares are such quality, what would the cost of a Belt of Giant Strength be? I might be interested if the price is good.”
Dendarian looks at the merchant and finally asks, “Since your wares are such quality, what would the cost of a Belt of Giant Strength be? I might be interested if the price is good.”
"I would need to consult my sources- but if I can find one by tomorrow you can pay when your friends receive their purchases." Wanderer scanned the crowd- eyes settling on Banli for a moment, the cloth mask shifting as he stared at him. "Your less enterprising friend seems a bit off... Curious."
"I would need to consult my sources- but if I can find one by tomorrow you can pay when your friends receive their purchases." Wanderer scanned the crowd- eyes settling on Banli for a moment, the cloth mask shifting as he stared at him. "Your less enterprising friend seems a bit off... Curious."
She nods. “Very well. If you can acquire one, I would be interested. As for my friend, we have just recently met, so I cannot comment on his behavior. I suspect it is just his way.”
She nods. “Very well. If you can acquire one, I would be interested. As for my friend, we have just recently met, so I cannot comment on his behavior. I suspect it is just his way.”
The Wanderer's eyes stay locked on Banli, reaching for the eye for a moment before snapping back to Dendarian. "Yes, I am most confident I can have one delivered from one of the storage outposts near the four hills fortress- my contacts with the hellions are sure to have found an object of that nature."
The gnome in his trance, was caught off guard, his eyes glancing up at the void in alarm and wonder. Where or when is this?

He turned to the source of the laughter to see who it was and why it was so familiar, his eyes taking in the alien landscape, noting the obsidian mountains for future reference.
The gnome in his trance, was caught off guard, his eyes glancing up at the void in alarm and wonder. Where or when is this?

He turned to the source of the laughter to see who it was and why it was so familiar, his eyes taking in the alien landscape, noting the obsidian mountains for future reference.
Across the sand dunes lies a small village- each home hewn of clay bricks. No smoke billows from the homes, and the majority are empty. In the center of the town, the townsfolk have gathered around a beacon of light- a pile of glowing glass orbs. Banli will begin to feel the chill in the air- though these people do not wear any clothing to protect against it- seemingly unaffected by the nights chill. Banli will feel heat from the orbs as a few of the village's elders take them from the piles and manipulate them, drawing the multicolored light from their center to create fantastical illusions. The people appear human in nature, though the majority are taller than Banli remembers. The merriment is infectious as a man in a brilliant violet cloak claps and laughs while the people dance around the pile- a young woman smiling at his side, speaking to a young boy. At the edges of the group a figure stands- cloaked, a pack full of traveling equipment at his side as he holds a smaller orb, muttering to it as he looks to the largest mountain.

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