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Graded (1x1) - [Widersia] - The Gargantua Initiative: Gunhild’s Gauntlet [PT 1]


"Kaiju Enthusiast"


NOTE: This RP takes place within in the setting of Isekai Hell. It is meant to be a training RP for individual members wanting to join the "Gargantua Initiative" as well as a proper introduction to the program as a whole. It is currently closed to players outside of the mentioned. That being said, if anyone is interested in participating future Initiative Training Sessions or have any questions regarding the subject, feel free to DM me for more info. This RP should be completed within a month or two (depending on pace).
Character Focus: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

OOC: Gunhild received an invitation from an organization calling themselves "The Gargantua Response Initiative Program [GRIP]" to participate in a "initiate program". They are interested in her skills and want to test them to see if she would fit as a member of an "elite team".
Widersia Outskirts (Bordering East Empire) - "Gargantua Main Facility"
Time of Day: 07:15 AM
Weather: Cloudy and cold; a mild breeze howls in the background
Current Goal(s): Get access into facility; Participate in the Initiative Program; Gain an [Intermediate Evolution]



Dear Reader,

On behalf of the "Gargantua Response Initiative Program" you have been hand-picked to
participate in an exclusive training exercise in one of our top secret research facilities
located in Widersia. The organization has been monitoring you for some time and have decided
that you are a potentially viable candidate for our cause. While the precise details of the
tests cannot be currently disclosed here due to intelligence concerns, know that your full
participation and cooperation will be vital in determining your validity for a position of
dire importance. Should you choose to participate, continue reading the information below.

In order to access our facility, you have been given a designated codename. Your designation
is: [Gargantua-0823 - "The Beast"].

Please remember your designation for the records.

Any attempts to discard this letter, or show to unauthorized parties, will initiate a "Gamma-04
Contingency Protocol"
. The letter will be destroyed and the organization will be notified.
Please keep this letter safe and out of sight and present it once you reach the facility.
The address is written below:

[Insert Address Here]

We look forward to meeting you.


Dawn rose over Widersia. In this remote portion far east of the country's boarder, technological marvels and constructs erected by the age of enlightenment become sparse the closer one reached to the boarder with the East Empire. Nestled within a lower-altitudes of a mountainous region, was one of the last remaining old growth forests in the country; serving as a stubborn testament of defiance from mother nature herself. Though far past its prime - with stripped trees, blackened soil and dead logs from past fires littering the area - there was still a sense of haunting peace and melancholy to be appreciated here with the wailing calls of birds, foxes and other fauna heard far in the distance. Acting as spirits and ghosts for a life that once was...

There was a path that branched through here. At first it seemed like a mere hiking trail heading further into the forest and up into the mountains; a crude dirt trail hugging the wall as it ascended higher with a steep climb. Not many have seemed to pass through here... and certainly not for awhile. However, after sometime, one would be met with a grand vista overlooking the valley... with a structure settled into the base of the mountainside. It looked to be a bunker, sporting a copper-walled entrance encrusted with moss and dead vines overtaking its brass and gold trimmed door. It seemed old and well oxidized, though not completely, almost as if barely anyone had been here at all. One might even assume this was an old bunker for a time when war and apocalypse was feverish on the mind. However, anyone in the know would be certain they were in the right place. After all, the road leading to it became more tended and paved, showcasing active develop amiss what would otherwise seem as abandoned. All one had to do was get down there.

Approaching the facility would be met with an almost deafening silence. The fauna was rendered mute, with the sounds of the chilly wind and one's own feet crunching against the dead pine ground remaining one's only sound of comfort. No one was around to greet any who approached. There was, however, a number pad situated on the right side of the door, with a concave indention just above it. Yet there was that feeling that you were being monitored. Invisible eyes studying one's every movement. Watching. It would be rather unsettling for anyone having randomly coming across this place. But for the expected... this might've felt a bit odd.

Where was everyone?
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(OOC NOTE: This will also be for Gunhild's Intermediate Beast evolution, if possible. She has the requirements for it met)


Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Who has the bright idea of sending Gunhild, a reptilian beast who'd rather spend her day scampering about in the dirty wilderness, a formally written letter? She can't even read to begin with, let alone want to read an entire letter that was all so serious and boring and would want to make a Gunhild fall asleep before she even got halfway through it. Though after her friend Miyuki saw the word 'Confidential' as the very first thing and had refused to read it likely for the complete headache of nonsense that usually came with such serious confidential information, Gunhild would have to embark on an individual quest to fulfil... whatever this confidential thing was.

Obviously, she'd need to complete her own quest of figuring out how to read the letter to begin with.

So for the sake of reading a single letter that she apparently probably wasn't allowed to show anyone nor would one of her bestest friends read it to her, Gunhild would hold on to the letter and go on her own personal grueling quest that would take an oh-so-many-undefined-hours-or-such timeframe in order to find a book and teaching material so she could figure out how to read it. But for the sake of how monotonous and tedious this stupid sidequest was, Gunhild would rather choose to immediately forget about it when it was all over for the sake of clearing her already overly confused mind.

All after Gunhild had finally managed to decrypt and read the letter, she hoped that she wasn't in trouble for her floofy friend reading the words 'Confidential' at the top of it. Glaring around with a paranoid look at hearing that these people had been 'watching her' put her on edge, who would spy on Gunhild?
"The stinky-rocks. All-wayses stinky-rocks, stinky-rock mads Gunhild brokes dem, rocks may-be's hurt Prettybirdie... " Gunhild grumbled, it must have been the weird living rocks and water and such she had to contend with that one time. Stupid nature trying to fight Gunhild, who did it think it was? Dumb nature trying to ruin the beauty of rocks... well, water sucked anyway. It just gave Gunhild the proof that water truly was evil when it attacked her and her friends. Though, it didn't seem like rocks were smart enough to write such a letter. Nor form an organization. Even the Baroness seemed like she was struggling to uphold an 'organization' in a way, though for the sake of Lady Regula's pride Gunhild decided to keep that one judgemental thought to herself.

Widersia was really far away, did she really want to go all that way?...


A long time later, having finally arrived in Widersia around the given location, Gunhild hoped whatever this entire thing was had better been worth it. She was forced to be smart for a little while just to figure out how to read their letter, what kind of people had the absolute nerve to trick Gunhild into being smart when she was just minding her own business?

Now that she was taking a good look, this entire place seemed awkwardly quiet and suspicious. Looking at the potentially abandoned settlement, it felt like some sort of weird trap just by looking at it. With her own suspicions in mind, Gunhild lessened her size as she held low to the ground [Action 1] and slowly scampered closer on all fours awaiting for something to just surprise her. Seeing as nothing did, the deafening silence felt like such a bad omen that only something bad would happen if she made too loud a noise. Looking to the keypad, she wondered if the silly little number-buttons had been touched.

Crawling over and staring at them, she leaned close and gave an investigative little sniff to see if anyone had touched it recently. [Action 2]
"Hellos? Is a Gunhild. Gunhild do a do, Gunhild here's... " Gunhild asked, if nobody was here and her entire time was wasted then she was going to be thoroughly annoyed. There better be some reason of worth coming all the way out here to this dumb base thing, because there was clearly no welcome mat. Giving an annoyed huff, she sat.

"Gunhild wills touchies thingies, Gunhild loooonglong quest, Gunhild hungy ands a angy" Gunhild jested, wondering what would happen if she just decided to start pressing buttons on the keypad. If she just started pressing all willy-nilly, someone or something would surely have to happen. If nobody showed up or she wouldn't get an answer, then button pressing it would be.

1. Smolhild - Size Change F + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] F + Energized F - Gunhild scampers around on all fours as a little 4'1" version of herself. Sometimes it's easier being a little gremlin than a reptilian behemoth - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Sniff the Keypad, using Heightened Senses F (Smell) + Energized F - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

Even as Gunhild announced her presence - stating her name not once, not twice, but thrice - it would find them falling on seemingly deaf ears. Aside from the echo of her voice, and the few very faint cries coming from distant fauna, the base remained still and silent. A closer look was in order. Growing smaller, Gunhild proceeded to sniff the keypad. With a keen sense of smell, she would indeed pick up the scent of sentient life having used it. Granted it wasn't terribly recent. From what she could tell the freshest smell seemed to be a few days old, give or take. However, it was proof enough that it the facility had been of use. Surely the rest were inside. Now if only she knew how to get in...

So Gunhild decided to randomly press the buttons presented on the keypad. Each press made a distinctive clacking sound, followed by a short high-pitched beep. Pressing three other random numbers would complete the sequence, but give a sharp blare upon getting it incorrect. Pressing all the buttons willy-nilly wouldn't help either, as the many beeps and buzzers filled the forest silence with their artificial noise.

Then suddenly, the concave indention above would open, revealing a flash of bright blue blinding light which briefly illuminated the surrounding area. It looked like some sort of wisp, or a ball of light that was tethered to the building itself. It cackled with energy with a low hum as it seemed to be alive, looking around briefly before focusing on mini-Gunhild.

"Unidentified personnel detected." the energy ball responded in a robotic monotone tone, "Scanning... Signature not recognized. If you are a returning member, or awaiting approval of membership, please show your designation number and credentials before you are allowed access into the facility. If you do not have any of the mentioned material, you are to vacate the area at once. Failure to comply will risk immediate termination."
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild nonchalantly pressed buttons to her heart's content until she was suddenly struck with the presence of a strange light that was witnessing her. Scooting back a little and taking seat to watch, she remained rather on edge since she still didn't really have a clue who asked her to come all the way out here or what it was for even considering the letter. The entire thing could be a whole lot of nonsense, but with all this technological stuff and the fancy letter it kept feeling both believable and incredibly suspicious. Gunhild felt like the last person who would be invited to something like this.

"Uhh... " Gunhild grumbled softly, trying to think what she was supposed to say. Remembering some sort of stupid, ridiculous name that included some random number she didn't think was very interesting-sounding, she scratched her cheek in pondering thought.
"Gunhild Oh-Ate-Too-Free's? Is Beast, Gunhild Beast. Thingy sayses Oh-Ate-Too-Free's Beasty-Beast, Gunhild cant's showses. Is bad shows. Is Gunhild do a do? Who'ses dis? Dis word-paper Gunhild a getses, Gunhild cant's showses" Gunhild said as she showed the letter, she wasn't allowed to show it to people but this was a silly robot thing so it was probably fine. Hopefully it'd afford her getting somewhere, she still felt like she had zero answers at the moment.

"Is Gunhild rights places? Gunhild no ever's heres. Gunhild see's beeg metal-door? Gunhild see's in beeg metal-door, yesses? Gunhild do, a do? Who'ses watchies Gunhild, Gunhild KNOWS who'ses watchies Gunhild. No sneakies watchies Gunhild, is mean, Gunhild no like" Gunhild went on and questioned as she sat up and looked into the investigative light, raising an eyebrow as if she was trying to interrogate it back. No silly person was going to simply get away with spying on Gunhild for no reason.

1. Smolhild - Size Change F + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] F + Energized F - Gunhild scampers around on all fours as a little 4'1" version of herself. Sometimes it's easier being a little gremlin than a reptilian behemoth - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

"Scanning..." Having been shown the documents, the wisp proceeded to verify the documents as it temporarily glowed an amber yellow. The bright light shown across the paper as it began reading through the information; verifying its authenticity. It would be easily able to detect a counter-fit. While It took just a bit longer than what many would expect, eventually the light would subside and the wisp became dim. Several long seconds later...

"Designation code..."

Then with a light beep, the light turned green.

"Confirmed. Subject identified as: [G-0823]. Codename: "The Beast". Facility access - C-Level - granted. Proceed to main Research Plaza level B-4."

The lock mechanisms would begin to unlock, with the grinding of gears echoing through the still forest. The twin copper-steeled doors would open slowly, showcasing a long, dimly-lit hallway before Gunhild. She was officially in. Stepping into the facility premises, she'd feel a warm yet stagnant air breeze past her as the doors behind her closed. The interior had that characteristic Widersian design, with a series of rusted-copper walls mixed with bits of pipes and machinery all leading towards her destination, as if they were the veins and arteries of a mechanical entity. Steam hissed randomly while a faint rumbling could be felt beneath her feet walking upon a grated floor.

At the end of the hallway was an industrial-styled elevator, with two huge brass gears on each side hugging against the grooved wall. As Gunhild entered, perhaps thinking she'd have to insert the floor number, the elevator would seem to move on its own; plunging the beastfolk deeper into the depths of the facility and where she needed to go. Once landing at level B-4, Gunhild would exit down another hallway before finding herself within a grand yet surprisingly bright room. Machinery clanked around her like clockwork as the scene was bustling with activity. The floor was patterned with browns, blues and reds, with various detailing panels adorning the walls. The main hub would be capped with a bright dome, featuring a skylight that appeared to simulate the outside day-and-night cycle. Being morning, it had the color scheme of a rich early morning sunrise. Various researchers went about their business, wearing either a brown or white coat adorned with several color-coded wrist bands.

Approaching the central plaza, Gunhild would find herself beside a circular fountain in the very middle, made up of various pipes spewing water from the center. The outermost circle would be a descent place to sit, letting her rest her no doubt weary legs from the long journey she undertook. Though before she could get comfy, she would hear someone call out her name.

"Gunhild." the voice stated, represented a firm yet deeply-toned feminine voice.

That's when the beastfolk would spot three figures approaching her, amongst the sound of boots clanging against the metal floor. The middle figure represented a woman of stern authority, with slicked back black hair, maroon-colored lips, and piercing purple eyes. She wore a dark purple golden-trimed cloak, with brightly purple spiraling patterns within her inner collar, atop a slick black vest and pants. She held a cane in her left hand, it too clattering at the same time as her boots in synchronized fashion. Alongside her were two figures in white robes, one of them being a male drow while the other was a human woman.

"We've been expecting you." she continued as she stood before Gunhild, within her same deadpan-like voice, "Hopefully your journey wasn't too difficult. My name is Helena Lockheart; head CEO of the 'Gargantua Response Initiative Program.' Or G.R.I.P, for short. I'm sure you have many questions about us, the role you play here, and what exactly you'll be training for. Rest assured, all will be accounted for in due time. If you may follow me to the testing chambers, we will get you started accordingly."
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild sat back as it appeared her nonsensical efforts had actually gotten her somewhere, confusedly tilting her head at everything she was supposedly being granted and told up until the sound and sight of the door finally opening. Finally, some answers, it was starting to feel like she was in the right place. That or this was one elaborate silly trick, perhaps by the weirdos who had been watching her.
"Thankies, robie-tingy. Silly robie-tingy do a. Do silly, tingy-ting robie-ting" Gunhild mentioned as she quickly scooted her way inside, doing a little slide when her feet hit the interior flooring of the building and sitting like an animal as she stared around the place. She surely wasn't in the Caelia Barony anymore, though something felt weirdly familiar from the theming of the place. Ah well, maybe she had just remembered something Widersian-looking from someplace somewhere, although she couldn't recall ever visiting Widersia before. Occasionally pushing the side of her face as she wandered along to try and hear what was going on around her, as well as investigating the strange feel under her footing, the lizard eventually made her way to the elevator and absentmindedly stepped on.

She was silently surprised when it began moving on its own, tightly clasping her claws to the ground as if something horribly bad was going to happen at any moment, though with enough time it had stopped.
"Gunhild no like... no normie-alls... movey-floor Gunhild no want... " Gunhild grumbled as she stumbled off the elevator, there was something she just didn't like about how riding an elevator felt. Extremely discomforting and abnormal in a way, Gunhilds weren't supposed to elevate and descend the levels of the world using such machinery. Shaking her head and reluctantly continuing on down another hall, she was starting to think this place felt too entirely strange and that there was probably a lie or wrong turn somewhere. That was until she found a much brighter, open room filled with many people going about their business. Though, they looked way too fancy and scientific for Gunhild. Surely this wasn't the right place, why would someone want to invite her here?

"Gunhild farsies home... Gunhild no like dis... " Gunhild grumbled to herself as she felt iffy on even taking a step anywhere, it felt like she'd get in a lot of trouble being seen by anyone. Awkwardly making a hesitant step forward to start going along, she hoped that people would just ignore her for whatever reason as she kept in mind to not change size. Like Regula said, being big was destructive or problematic at times, and often scared or surprised people, so staying as a Smolhild was the best way to avoid attention and making problems. Heading to the fountain, she found a quaint place to clamber onto and take seating to grasp her surroundings better. She was starting to consider just turning back, up until someone had finally spoken her name.

"Wagh, Gunhild is Gunhild" Gunhild snuffed as she turned to the source of the voice, for a little moment she had been considering if they had contacted the wrong Gunhild, but clearly there was only one true Gunhild. And that Gunhild was the bestestest Gunhild, everyone she always met agreed on that.
"Greeep? Trains Gunhild? Okies, Gunhild is not train, and Gunhild's all-do'ses a traineded, whyses fancy-people spyses a Gunhild? Hmmm.... maybes, Gunhild fancy-frenmaking too good, smartspeople wants Gunhild smarts, is big smarts a Gunhild do, fancy-people no get a Gunhild do" Gunhild considered, wondering if her impressive work in the Caelia Barony fair of winning over the hearts and affection of people so easily had acquired the interest of others looking for world domination through an easy method. Gunhild knew people liked Gunhild, but world domination was possibly a bit much, would everything and everyone want to love Gunhild that much? Well, distractions aside.

"Is Greeep-thingy bads? Gunhild come longs ways, peoples no askies Gunhild biggie things, Gunhild justs do a Gunhild do, why Gunhild? Whys not fancy-people, dey do a smartie-do, Gunhild no do dat do, Gunhild does Gunhild do's" Gunhild asked, clearly whatever was going on there were much better candidates than a Gunhild, she seemed like the last person to get a suspicious secret message asking for her discreet assistance with something. Usually, she'd just be looking to get pet or roll around on the floor and collect a rock or two right now. This was completely different. Hopefully this time on some random adventure on her own, there won't be some troublesome stranger who gets her in trouble or something.

1. Smolhild - Size Change F + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] F + Energized F - Gunhild scampers around on all fours as a little 4'1" version of herself. Sometimes it's easier being a little gremlin than a reptilian behemoth - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown



Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

Upon actually conversing with Gunhild, the expression given on Lockheart's face would gradually begin to... contort. Her gaze tightened as she studied the specimen before her, her deadpan glance coupled with a taint of confusion. Or was it... disappointment? She gave an unimpressed glanced over to the human woman assistant to her right, who gave a nervous chuckle. The drow opposite would remain stalwart and expressionless. It was clear Lockheart wasn't quite expecting the individual that was placed in front of her. Was it the way Gunhild spoke? As if Lockheart was silently inquiring them what she was saying? Or perhaps was the CEO expecting someone much... bigger? After all, the reports did tell of someone much taller then what was clearly presented. Then again, it's almost as if her expectations were always high to begin with. Looks could be deceiving.

Nonetheless, the CEO reserved her full judgement as her attention focused back onto their newfound subject with a sigh. "Because I've been told you have a gift... a gift not many have. One that could save many lives if utilized properly and effectively. I hope my associates speak true." She sternly stared at her associates with an intimidating glance before turning to the grand door behind them. "Now come."

Leading Gunhild deeper into the facility, the beastkin would continue be surrounded by bustling activity. Through the mechanical ambience, the turning of gears and mechanical, there were seemingly no shortage of employees of all races going about their work. Many would be traversing down the main hallway, often in research or worker clothing, conversing with one another or hauling covered cargo. Several hallways would branch off from the norm, with signs directing where they lead. Most were for additional offices, maintenance, medlab and bathroom. Really unassuming of a major research facility.

Eventually, however, they would branch off into another hallway - with one sign stating "Testing Chambers". Lockheart would then stop at a large sliding door, presenting a clearance access to allow them entry. A lounge room would be presented, presented in somewhat moody dim lighting, with a seating arrangement of high-end sofas and a coffee table sat atop a carpet in the middle. The table would have a few books presented - mostly of the encyclopedic variety of mechanical and odd dragon-like monsters presented on the cover - a crystaline orb in the middle, with a small bowl of wrapped circular chocolate-balls and a bottle of wine being off to the side. The receptionist desk to the right would be vacant, being completely dark.

The entrance door would slide shut as Lockheart would motion to everyone. "Please... sit." Lockheart would sit in a one-person sofa right across from the large sofas - where Gunhild would be offered to sit in - as she crossed one leg over the other and reseted her cane. The researchers would sit to the side, though closer to the CEO.

"Now then." Lockheart said bluntly as her eyes glanced at Smolhild, "Before we start, a short explanation on what we do here is in order. Normally we would have you read a few presented flyers to get yourself up to speed, but given how I've recently been informed of your... lack of literacy, we will be strictly utilizing a visual and auditory presentation. Not that what you'll be doing is too complicated, I imagine. You might even enjoy it."

Lockheart proceeded to take a small remote from her pocket and pressed it. The orb in the center would glow with a tealish shine, illuminating the room before it spread out completely across the table in a holographic-esque projection.

"To put it simply, GRIP is a monster hunting and containment program. We are tasked to be the first responders towards monster activity, monitoring their activity and reacting to their disputes by either containing or eliminating them. Except the monsters we are up against are much bigger and far more dangerous than what the rest are capable of handling."

The table before them would morph, showcasing a selection of an odd variety of beasts and monsters. Some may look to be dragon-like, or mammalian-esque, but others delve more into the bizarre. Insect-like. Fish-like. Some even wielded a variety of elemental powers. They came in all manner of horrifying different shapes and sizes. And they were all HUGE.

"They go by many names. The East Empire refers to them as 'Titans'. The West Empire calls them 'Kaiju.' In Ryke, they're commonly lumped into the term "Giant Monsters". Universally, most onlookers and spiritual worshippers revere them as gods or deities. Here, we give them the term... Gargantua; though referring them by any name is not inherently incorrect. While most are currently under stasis or deemed inactive, recent reports have detected activity within their general areas of rest. They're waking up. And with their immense size, strength, and destructive tendencies put a great deal of strain to intercontinental security. To let them run riot would prove disastrous."

The holographic projection ends as Lockheart sits up.

"That is all you need to know about our mission for the moment. As for you, Gunhild, should you accept you will be the first recruit to be put into a team specialized in combating these threats. The following tests are to prove whether or not you're up for the task. If you pass, you're admitted in. If not, we'll administer amnestics to wipe everything you've seen here and you can go about your life as normal, being none the wiser."

"Do you have any further questions so far?"
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild had absolutely no idea what gift Lockheart could be talking about, although a lot of people did always say that Gunhild seemed special. Just giving her bestest blank, confused stare back at the serious woman as she spoke. Giving a silent moment as she was offered to follow, she emitted a few low inquisitive grumbles and looked to the way she invited Gunhild to go. After a brief deliberation, ger clawed feet lightly pattered and made little tapping sounds as they followed along.
"Okie" Gunhild quietly mentioned, this entire place and being invited here from a mysterious and anonymous letter just screamed suspicious and dangerous activity. Though, it'd probably make her more trouble if she chose to leave now than just following the rabbithole deeper. Maybe there was food and snacks here, maybe this was where the secret fabled ice-cream stash she had been imagining about was stored.

The little lizard would've definitely gotten lost if she were left to find her way around such a place on her own, continuing to closely follow along all the way to the very oddly named Testing Chambers when the room looked like nothing of the sort. Gunhild, rather troubled staring at the sign that denoted what it was however, was struck with the difficulty of trying to read it as her desire to forget her miserable experience she had to go on in order to figure out how to read the invitation letter also caused her to very much forget about her learned reading skills. Nevertheless, she entered the room and looked at one of the sofas she was offered to take seat, remaining silent and motionless for a moment before clambering her way up onto it and sitting like a dog.

During Lockheart's introduction to what was going on, Gunhild got easily distracted and eyed the wrapped chocolates on the table and climbed off the sofa slowly and leaned her face close. Looking to Lockheart knowing that she would probably have some super-serious fancy-person eyebrow-raise or internal questioning of what a Gunhild was doing, she silently and slowly picked up a chocolate-ball in her mouth and ate it while slowly retracting back to her sitting position on the sofa. She didn't even mention anything about asking if she could even eat it, also not even making relevent that the wrapper remained unwrapped. Though, her [Enhanced Digestion] would mean that eating and swallowing a wrapper would provide absolutely no problem at all, it's just not the tasty part of the treat however.

The lizard only grunted and tilted her head at her 'lack of literacy' being mentioned, staring at the hologram projection when it appeared.
"Ooh" Gunhild quietly grumbled as she lightly swatted her hand at it to see if she could touch it, before looking back to Lockheart and quickly retracting her hand.
"Sorry, Gunhild touchie" she quietly added, going on to watch the given examples of the things they faced and growing considerably more concerned. Why would they want her help with this kind of thing?

"Uuuuuh... " Gunhild very softly grumbled, hearing the term Kaiju and looking up.
"Oh, Kijiju, Gunhild know Kijiju one... Moodylady wantsie a Gunhild go do a do ands means bully beeg monstersies? Uhh... " Gunhild pondered quietly, not wanting any of the amne-whatsits that were proposed. This sounded like a really big and serious job, Gunhild usually was never ever offered for something big and serious like this. Though, maybe people like Regula and Finn would be really impressed if she could do it. Plus, maybe if she defeated other big-bad monsters, then people wouldn't so see and treat her like a monster. Then everyone would see how Gunhild was the bestestest Gunhild to ever Gunhild.

"Okays, Gunhild do a do, Gunhild cans do bestest do, what'ses Gunhild do a do fors Wordy-Lady?" Gunhild asked, giving a little salute before scratching at her cheek.

1. Smolhild - Size Change F + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] F + Energized F - Gunhild scampers around on all fours as a little 4'1" version of herself. Sometimes it's easier being a little gremlin than a reptilian behemoth - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown



Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

Though as Gunhild's paw would attempt to touch the holographic entities onscreen, she would find her hand going completely through them. Some magical residue would float off her hand like smoke before disapating quickly and reforming the images on screen. It seemed they couldn't be interacted with at this time. Though Lockheart was too engrossed into her explanation to seemingly care about her ADHD-like tendencies. Though her stern glare would lighten somewhat upon the beastkin's recognition of the West Empire's term; pleased to know she was familiar with the concept. Upon hearing Gunhild's assumption of her job description, Lockheart nodded.

"In short." she responded, awaiting Gunhild's official response. When the participant agreed, Lockheart's lips turned into smile. "Excellent." The CEO proceeds to stands up as did her assistants, "Feel free to enter the door to the Simulation Room." she instructs as her arm points towards the now opening door right by the receptionist desk, "My associates will provide you further instructions as they prepare for your first test. Good luck."

The male drow and human female assistants nodded before escorting Gunhild into the next room. She could feel the faint hum of machinery and warm mana-infused energy fill the air in the next room. There were also several branching rooms, being labeled as Testing Chambers from numbers 1 to 6. Chamber 1 was out of order, but the rest were active Gunhild was instructed to be put into Chamber #2 on their left. Entering, Gunhild would be casted into a pitch black room, feeling little to no sensations besides a stagnant chill. The ground beneath her was firm but felt as if they were arranged in moving hexagonal tiles. She would remain alone for a minute or two before hearing a voice swarm above her.

"Alright Miss Gunhild," the voice announced over the comms, being that of the human researcher, "Just a quick little disclaimer before we begin. Uh, the chamber you're currently in is designed to simulate events for what you should expect in an actual mission. This includes the environment, the monsters and the senses involved. That means you're going to feel those punches, but don't worry! You're at no risk of dying. Of course, treat it as if you ARE in a real scenario as you will be graded by Dr. Lockheart based on your performance. The simulation ends once you've complete each test - which there will be THREE of by the way, um. So yeah! Just please hang tight as we finish up the preparations."

There was a quick pause, followed by faint discussion in the background, before the researcher returned .

"O-Oh! And just one more thing. You should probably get into your BIG form too. Uh, thank you."

Gunhild would be cast into silence for a bit longer, allowing her a moment to think before the main event. Then, there was a hard jolt followed by mechanical clanking as the room began to shift right beneath her feet. A whole cacophony of noise filled the room, sounding as if the very fabric of the universe was forming around her. Rocks and earth crumbled. Trees and foliage rustled. Flowing water. Yet she'd see none of it forming, leaving her to imagine just what was going on. But soon it would all settle down, the noise ceasing once more into a deafening silence. Leaving Gunhild all alone in the dark.

Then it all came to view.


Gunhild found herself in a rich fertile plain, standing before a walled village. Given the oriental architecture of the buildings and the iconic kawara-roof tiles that adorn them, she could reasonably assume she was somewhere in the "Republic". A river flowed from the north, just on the opposite end of the village, before turning to the east and flowing further down to her left. The agricultural crops hugged the bend on the river, being fenced in by two pathways each sporting a bridge for which they allowed access into the village. To her right, a grove of trees makes way for a vast forest, with several pathways leading into the depths. And behind her was a small militia camp, comprised of several buildings and a barracks. In all, Gunhild could see for as far as the eye could see-

Which may have her quickly realize... she was MUCH bigger than she might've suspected. The walls in front of her were just taller then most of the surrounding one-story buildings, though they were only able to reach as high as her mid-section. Her upper torso could peer right inside the village, seeing inhabitants going about their lives as usual. As if there wasn't a giant beastkin right outside their doorstep. None would even care to respond to Gunhild should she attempt to grab their attention.

"It would be just a bit unfair to plop you at your current state." the researcher stated from the comms, "In action, we most likely would've granted you a height increase prior to engaging. We ensured the world was rendered to a height reasonable for our first encounter accordingly, which speaking of..."

Rumbling Brute

Moments later, the ground began to shake violently. Buildings swayed and jostled, while the inhabitants began growing panicked as they tried keeping their balance. Suddenly, a large explosion echoed just outside the city walls - opposite of where Gunhild - stood as dirt and soil was flung into the air with huge boulders falling to the ground like meteors! And emerging from the smoke and dust was the horned head of a terribly large spiky reptilian beast. Two muscular clawed hands dug into the ground like pillars, with a long spiked-whipped tail frolicking behind it as the hunched beast took a moment to observe and sniff its surroundings.

Then its gaping maw, adorned with jagged rows of teeth, opened and gave a mighty bellow.


Now the townsfolk were panicking, as everyone began fleeing for their lives screaming. Some went inside their homes, most began vacating the town itself. None of it mattered as the mightly beast advanced; effortless hopping over the river and breaking the walls as it entered the town; looking clearly a bit taller and much more massive compared to Gunhild. Buildings were crushed underfoot, while the townsfolk find themselves pummeled by rubble and drooling slobber. It was pure pandemonium!

"Ahhh, now this one's a classic!" the human researcher announced excitedly, "The mighty Tarrasque! Very few heroes in history have ever succeeded in killing these mighty reptilian beasts. Its armor and scales are nearly impenetrable by most conventional methods. Even your garden variety dragons struggle against just one of them! It's the perfect entry point for someone of your skills to take on as their first kaiju. Use any means to take it down!"

PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Combat Rules are now active.

Gunhild has currently grown to fill a 3x3 area; whilst the Tarrasque fills a 5x5 area.
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild scampered and followed along to the next room, not entirely sure what to expect from the tests she was about to encounter but hoping that they were merely simple enough. If they could so suddenly send her an invitation to such a secret thing, then surely it was something especially for her to do. The 2nd chamber that she was brought to truly was as pitch black as anything, squinting in attempt to see if her eyes would adjust better to no avail. Just holding tight for a little while and listening to what the voice had to say, Gunhild still had no idea what to expect as she just chose to follow the instructions given to her.
"Hmgh... okie... " Gunhild grumbled quietly, if they were watching her then they must have meant her biggest form rather than her normal size. They had shown her stuff about big monsters after all, it must have really meant that they thought her capable of doing so due to her ability to contest the size of larger beings. Though she hadn't seen or fought with anything much of such a size except for that one weird Man-Spider thing on Gala'Kraoth. Now that she thought about it, getting training here would be super good if she had to go back to that island in order to make sure that Miyuki or her other friends who went were safe.

Huffing as light returned and she blinked multiple times adjusting to the sudden brighter surroundings, things felt like they looked normal albeit a little questionable about how everything in the surroundings was being made as a 'simulation'. It all looked extremely real, Gunhild was not existent in order to think about the logics of such technology. Then she realised the size difference.
"Mmhm? Gunhild no big-big-big, Gunhild big-big, no big-big-big. Why'ses Gunhild beeeg-beeeg? Smolserest smolses so smols" Gunhild asked, unsure if anyone was even still around to listen, she definitely hadn't been this big as far as she could recall. Usually Baroness Regula didn't want her ever growing to any size above her normal size due to the fear or trouble it may cause, towns like the one present before her were definitely not made at all for her size. This appeared to be an awful place to have to do a test, how was she supposed to safely do anything around all these poor innocent smols and their homes?
"Mhm... Gunhild no know no no, Gunhild too's beeg-beeg, Gunhild do's do a do here's? Oh, Moodylady askies Gunhild a many big do... " Gunhild muttered, not entirely sure how they would increase her height.

Things only grew more concerning by the time her first test truly showed it's face, something of a scale that she hadn't at all ever fought before. Wondering if they were really overestimating her capabilities or how much they knew about her, she heard the voice comment on it being something fitting for her level unsure what they were actually using to judge such a point.
"Soopy-scales?? Howses Gunhild beats soopy-scales? Gunhild nevers dids a dis do" Gunhild mentioned, having no clue how she was supposed to beat something like that if very few heroes in history had done it themselves.

"Uhh, okie, Gunhild... do a do? Maybes... " Gunhild grumbled quietly, moving forward in order to carefully step over the wall of the town to try and not break anything. Whether they were simulated fakes or the real thing, Gunhild didn't want to hurt any smols or break their stuff. It wasn't nice and she already almost got blamed for doing something of the sort prior, she wasn't looking to get in trouble even if it was something related to fighting big monsters for some random secret organisation she just met and found out about.

Nevertheless, Gunhild leaned forward onto all-fours with her front lowered, raising her tail in the air. She didn't want to get bit or scratched by this tarrasque thing any more than she had to, especially since it was something that looked like it could eat her instead. Gritting her teeth and growling to herself, she stared the other beast directly in the eyes hoping to issue it to the confrontation she was being tested to. She at least wanted it to attack her rather than innocent smols. She aimed to lash and strike at it before it could hit her hopefully to daze and bewilder it so she had a much easier time making a close-range attack afterwards.

1. Beeghild - Size Change F + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] F + Energized F + Intimidation F - Gunhild can scamper around on all fours as a beeg 30' version of herself (Though in this scenario, she's probably more than that - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Move over the wall, and towards the Tarrasque more.
3. Use her tail in a downwards strike in a lashing motion attack via the far end of her tail using the following ability:
The Baroness ReguLady Special - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Erosion (Contact Core)(F), Tail Superiority (Flexible Core)(F), Prehensile Tail Feature, Energized (E), Beeg (Range Core)(F), Elasticity (F) - Gunhild sweeps or swings her tail as a heavy blunt force to knock over and trip up foes, as well as just using it as a weapon in general. Elasticity and Range core along with her size are helping increase the range - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown

Sidenotes: Gunhild has Natural Weapons (C), Heavy Natural Armor (E) and Physical Resistance (E).


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

"I didn't say it's invincible!" the researcher replied assuringly to Gunhild's visible conundrum, "Don't worry! Just use your brain. You'll figure it out!"

The giant beastkin would make it over the wall with no issue, being careful not to cause too much property damage in the process. While her foot would scrape the roof of a pagoda upon entering the wall, she would otherwise be pretty careful enough to make it towards a large clearing. People looking up would be even more bewildered by the presence of yet another giant entity and would proceeded to run the other way. No one would be harmed by her entrance.

As Gunhild stared down the gargantuan beast from a distance, the Tarrasque wouldn't seem to notice her at first; being too busy smashing buildings and people right below its thunderous limbs. One large building was flattened by a scaly fist, with several people falling prone to the sheer impact. They would cry out in terror and anguish as the horned menace opened its mouth, ready to eat them in one toothy gulp. That's when it suddenly paused mid-stride, its mouth still agape just feet away from the victims. For its wrinkled nose - made up of a gnarled assortment of bony spikes and knobs - picked up the scent of something else nearby.

Something new. Something big.

It's emerald green eyes jolted to the right, catching a glimpse of a growling blue-haired beastkin who appeared to sport a similarly adorned set of frontal horns. The Tarrasque gave a guttural growl, raising its head while gradually turning its immense body to face Gunhild eye-to-eye. It's long whip-like spiny tail slowly swaying behind it, almost grazing the defensive walls which still stood from its initial breach. There seemed to be a moment of curiosity as the Tarrasque studied this newfound entity cautiously. Though this moment was short lived.

Charging Chuck

Seeing as how Gunhild was in an aggressive state, the reptilian kaiju gave a snarled response before screaming back with a deafening roar. Then it began to charge; hauling its body across the town in a galloping motion. Anything in its way would be crushed and pummeled underneath several thousand tons of raging reptilian heft. It was certainly an intimidating sight for anyone to witness, no matter how big one got. It would close the distance surprisingly quick, readying to utterly pummel and steamroll its foe.

So confident though in his tunnel vision however, he'd fail to consider any surprise counter; with Gunhild proceeding to sweep her tail over and slam the kaiju's head with it.


A solid hit! The Tarrasque grunted as its head jolted to the side and its momentum ceased; nearly losing its balance as it plunged its fists into the ground to stay topside. Though slightly dazed, the reptilian giant was far from being bested. With a savage snarl, he lifted his body back up for a shoulder check against Gunhild with his spiny carapace; followed immediately by a huge swing of his clawed hand in order to knock its opponent back a few good meters towards the north wall.

1). Charge at Gunhild.
2). Shoulder Check.
3). Claw Swipe (If hits, knocks back opponent six squares to the north)
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Her first move actually turned out to be a lot more effective than she expected it to be, although she still really wasn't happy with the surroundings they were in. This would be horrible if they were real smols, how did they expect her to keep so many smols and all their little smol-houses safe at once? Grumbling quietly under her breath, she would murmur.
"Silly do askie do, Gunhild do's a one do, nots a beeg many's one do and one moreses do's... " the woman sighed, noticing and remembering that her confrontation with the tarrasque was definitely nowhere near over as she returned her focus back to it. This was not at all how she saw today going, or any day close to it.

"Ohs, uhs... " Gunhild muttered as she swung her gaze to the attacking tarrasque and its swinging claws. Silently in high panic as she looked for a good way to avoid being whacked, going smol was probably just going to make more trouble than it was worth in this scenario. Plus, she didn't know how smol she would end up being. So, her immediate response was to do what she did with Teuihua, the other living giant rock-like thing in her life, and just climb on the big boyo.

Hopefully if it ended up working and she wasn't whacked unbelievably far when thinking about it for a smol, she would have chosen to hurry forward and attempted to clamber onto the tarrasque's face with it's very convenient handle-bar horns. Then, if she was fast enough and all worked out, would support and hoist herself like she was using said horns as a pull-up bar. That, just so she could drop and force her entire Beeghild weight down as hard as she can straight on top of the head of the monster. Who said the tarrasque couldn't have a little more head trauma? First he would get a little taste of the Beeghild, now he got the fun of the entire mountain dropping on it.

1. Beeghild - Size Change F + Special Movement [Quadrepedal] F + Energized F + Intimidation F - Gunhild can scamper around on all fours as a beeg 30' version of herself (Though in this scenario, she's probably more than that - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Climbing E + Energized E (Ee Grade, 0 post cooldown), to climb onto the Tarrasque to dodge the attack.
3. (If Gunhild successfully dodges, that is) Gunhild, Sit - Erosion (F), Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (D), Large (E), Energized (E), Climbing (E), Superstrength (E) - Gunhild applies continual pressure or shifted weight may cause structural damage to the target until broken or crushed utilising her own body weight - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
Sidenotes: Gunhild has Natural Weapons (C), Heavy Natural Armor (E) and Physical Resistance (E).


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]


With quick thinking, Gunhild proceeded to dodge the Tarrasque's claw swipe by rapidly decreasing her height. In this case, she would be roughly half the size she originally started out as - still big, but more than capable of climbing the beast should she be quick enough. The beast's claws would narrowly miss hitting her, leaving the flummoxed kaiju temporarily stunned at this unusual maneuver. It gave her enough time to start her next move, gripping onto the beast's giant horns. With the pest now directly in his sights, the Tarrasque began to thrash its massive head violently, trying to shake her off.

Still, she would hold on for just long enough to haul herself into the air, readying to squash its face directly under her gargantuan rump. Just as Gunhild was ready to grow big again, she'd feel something wrap around her entire waist. The Tarrasque's long prehensile-like tail whipped around her, its spines trying digging into her skin before proceeding to unravel and chuck her away behind it. Gunhild would find herself flying in the air as she quickly grew back to full size, before slamming into the town below being prone. More debris flew around as she lain in a small crater of her impact. Thankfully, having grown mid-flight allowed to spare her of more serious injuries she would've gotten in her smaller form. There were a few minor bruises, perhaps even a couple of scratches could be seen or felt from the spiked tail, but nothing was broken or ruptured.

"Ooooh, that's gotta hurt!" the researcher narrated from the speaker.

The Tarrasque turned, raising onto his hind legs before unleashing a massive bellow into the sky, showcasing his tan-colored underbelly. One of his massive fore arms rose exceptionally higher before smashing into the ground with an earthshattering force! A rupturing earthquake was felt across the town as a large series of cracks began racing towards the downed Gunhild - readying to cast her into a pit for which the great beast could finish her off.

1). Tail-Grab Gunhild [Grapple].
2). Throws Gunhild [70 feet] to the west.
3). [Earth-Shaker] (Quake D) - Cooldown +1 - (User issues a powerful stomp, enough to create a shockwave that erupts towards a target across the ground. Causes the victim to fall into a 40 foot hole)
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Well that could've gone better. Grumbling and shaking her head, she'd sit up and scratch at herself wondering whose grand idea it was to put her through this first of all. Clearly, she didn't remember the point in her life where she publically beat the living daylight out of a Champion-rivalling titanic beast in public scenarios where some random strangers in a secret lab would think she's a perfect choice for it.

That and the commentary from those spectating it now truly wasn't required, it was only adding pressure on her part. She hadn't even gotten a chance to practice. Sighing as she got up, she looked to the Tarrasque's continued move to do something as she eyed the cracks that began opening. Whatever trap this was going to end up catching her in definitely couldn't happen, hoping her current chancesr in turning the fight to her advantage. At this rate, the beast felt truly as impenetrable and invincible as they made it sound to be, not seeing much way she could physically stop it since it had more strength and was even larger than she was.
Whilst she moved to avoid, she looked to the tarrasque and announced her annoyance in the Monster language of Abyssal. She didn't know if it was too stupid to understand it, but she did it anyway.

"|Stupey-Stoopided stinky!! Stoopid stinkyhead doodoodooheadie, stinkiiieee! Dumbdumb silly dumbie, not Gunhild!~|" Gunhild taunted for the sake of it with a smug grin and chortling a deep-toned laugh at the other monster, the only thing she was currently imagining was that she could somehow use its clearly stupid stinky doodoo-headedness to make it use its strength against itself. If that broken ground is intended to be a tomb for Gunhild, then surely it would give way much easier to something of even bigger weight and size? Well, it was the only functional trap or superweapon she could think of for the moment. Just running at it like a big ape felt like it would just end in tragedy... or well, unconsensual memory wiping.

Readying her fist, she hoped that she could just blatantly clock the big creature in the head once more. It felt like a big rock or something after all, maybe she just had to break his oh-so-impenetrable shell and things would become fairer. Hopefully, she could strike him well enough into making him fall into his own quaked earth hazard.

1. Size Change F (up in size) + Energized F - Keeping on using it so she can maintain her size.
2. Dodge to the south to avoid the quake.
3. Brute Force - Large (E), Superstrength (E), Tunnelling (F), Erosion (F), Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Mining (F), Energized (E), Elasticity (F) - Uses the full weight and force of her strength and body to attempt to force her way through whatever is in front of her through sheer stubborn attempt, be it object, structure or people. Potentially destructive and violent. Has Horns and Claws as natural weapons to be used for this - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
D: 2/2


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]


As Gunhild proceeded to taunt the beast in a monstrously abyssal tongue, the Tarrasque's stern gaze contorted into one of confusion. "|HNGH?|" Its head cocked sideways with a confused almost deadeye-look and grunted. It seemed to vaguely understand bits and pieces of what Gunhild was trying to say. Though if it was something meant to insult the big lug, it wasn't in on the joke. Perhaps it was a really bad attempt at an intimidation display. Or maybe it was just super dumb, who's to say? Regardless, the kaiju's stupor would quickly subside as its primal instincts kicked back in with a viscous snarl.

The beast sauntered to the south to match Gunhild's position, away from the quake line it committed. Though it wasn't clear to Gunhild if this was truly a primal and instinctual act or if it was something tactical. Though her hunch would seem to deem the latter. Regardless, once directly in front of her line of view, the beast proceeded to again charge straight towards her. Its head lowered, putting its massive horns at the forefront of his rampage like a raging bull.

As Gunhild attempted to swipe at the opponent's head, the Tarrasque would suddenly open its maw and bit down on the approaching fist! The sheer force and inertia from the strike was still able to halt its momentum - even looking like it knocked out a tooth - but now the kaiju had her fish grappled in its gaping maw. It sunk its teeth deep into her skin, violently shaking its head in bringing down Gunhild's Heavy Natural Armor down from [E] to [F] grade. While her natural armor was enough to bare the blow without having its hand completely chomped off, she could certainly feel the pressure and force pressing down on it. The longer it held on, the more damage it would cause

And it didn't plan on letting go anytime soon.

However, it would place its hind legs closer towards the quaked terrain behind it while shifted its weight to get a better grip. While not enough to cause it to crumble underneath, another solid push might push it over the edge.

1). Move to South-west.
2). Charge at Gunhild.
3). Grappling Bite [Target: Gunhild's Hand/Arm]

Note: Gunhild's Natural Heavy Armor decreases from E ---> F grade.
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild was very much not happy about being bitten. It hurt very much and was not nice. Huffing as she eyed the beast and the potential pitfall behind it, she knew the chances that she too was pulled in if it didn't end up letting go were pretty troublesome. Although, sitting around and doing nothing while it played her like a chew-toy clearly wasn't a better option in the slightest. Raising her other fist which still remained free, she opted for the best option to simply punch the Tarrasque in the face as hard as she could along with whatever shoving, shoulder-bashing and all forms of wailing upon his not-so-pretty-as-Gunhild-mug as it took to get him off of her trapped limb and to back up into the quaked earth.

Alongside this, she raised up her tail to try and keep lashing and slapping at its face to try and get it to release or step back. She would aim for the legs, but it felt like it might try to step forward to maintain its balance if she did. Whilst this annoyance was starting to become more and more personal, she did have an internal innate desire to succeed. Not only would it prove to so many people that she was indeed capable, but then maybe she'd be good enough to protect all the people she cares about from all sorts of potential danger. That, and people would take her more seriously, no more undomesticated pyromanic mage-like incidents again.

1. Size Change F (up in size) + Energized F - Keeping on using it so she can maintain her size.
2. Brute Force - Large (E), Superstrength (E), Tunnelling (F), Erosion (F), Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Mining (F), Energized (E) - Uses the full weight and force of her strength and body to attempt to force her way through whatever is in front of her through sheer stubborn attempt, be it object, structure or people. Potentially destructive and violent. Has Horns and Claws as natural weapons to be used for this - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
3. The Baroness ReguLady Special - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (F), Erosion (F), Tail Superiority (F), Prehensile Tail, Energized (F) - Gunhild sweeps or swings her tail as a heavy blunt force to knock over and trip up foes, as well as just using it as a weapon in general. With an equipped Tail Weapon, this might be a lot worse for the target. - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
D: 1/2


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

Gunhild's fist slammed against the Tarrasque's horrid face with incredible strength, allowing it to feel the kaiju's bite begin to loosen its grip upon her fist. However, like a bulldog chewing a bone, it wouldn't let go so easily. However, a whipping tail attack would snap against the beast's right horn with impressive force, causing a visible crack in the thick keratinous structure. The beast roared angrily, finally letting go as he stumbled back to regain his footing.


Yet before he could unleash a devastating counterattack, the ground underneath the heavy beast cracked as it would give way; the unstable ground proving unsuitable in carrying his weight. His right foot penetrated through the ground, before finding himself tumbling back onto his side with a roaring surprised wail. While the ground before her hadn't completely crumbled, there was a large hole where the creature's foot tripped upon. Laying prone on its side, it seemed to be having trouble getting up due to his heavy weight. Though Gunhild would find herself presented with the beast's tan underside, looking smooth and much less armored than its heavily spiked back.

"There! Now's your chance!" the announcer urged with encouraging eagerness, "Hit its belly while it's down!"

The Tarrasque roared as its long tail swung towards Gunhild in retaliation, trying to keep her distance as he struggled to get up.

1). Stumble Back.
2). [Fall Prone]
3). Tail Whip.
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild continued gritting her teeth and trying to bear with the pain that came with having her fist clamped down on by a giant destroyer that even nature itself likely regretted creating, continuing her offense until her plan finally proved fruitful and the tarrasque fell vulnerable with its softer underbelly exposed. Huffing and smiling a little when the announcer had spoke with what sounded like urgent excitement, she didn't even need his instructing to formulate what she was going to hit and when. Feeling with her previously restrained hand and opening and closing her clawed fingers, she glared to the target underbelly.

"Gunhild hate Terry-askies... " she grumbled softly, tightening her fists for a moment before locking eyes on her target. She had planned to go through with her natural instinct and begin wailing on the exposed underside with all the possible strength of her fists and to rip and tear the flesh with her claws until it was done. Whilst doing so, she kept in mind to keep wailing on its face and to try and keep it from even turning its monstrous visage towards her again by whipping at its eyes and face with her lengthy tail.

"Stupids dumb-rock thingy terry-askies, Gunhild hate, terry-askie BAD, no hurtie smols" she answered back as she did so, finding hate for such a pointlessly evil monster that would hurt such innocent smols who couldn't fight back against such a thing.

1. Size Change F (up in size) + Energized F - Keeping on using it so she can maintain her size.
2. Brute Force - Large (E), Superstrength (E), Tunnelling (F), Erosion (F), Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (D), Mining (F) - Uses the full weight and force of her strength and body to attempt to force her way through whatever is in front of her through sheer stubborn attempt, be it object, structure or people. Potentially destructive and violent. Has Horns and Claws as natural weapons to be used for this - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
3. The Baroness ReguLady Special - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Erosion (F), Tail Superiority (F), Prehensile Tail, Energized (E), Elasticity (F) - Gunhild sweeps or swings her tail as a heavy blunt force to knock over and trip up foes, as well as just using it as a weapon in general. With an equipped Tail Weapon, this might be a lot worse for the target. - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

As Gunhild ripped into the kaiju's vulnerable underbelly, she'd find her attacks much more effective. Her sharp claws easily mined through the underbelly, at first producing major bruises before some burst into gaping wound; blood leaking and splattering all over the town square. The Tarrasque gave a bloodcurdling scream, one of pure rage and anguish over its utter humiliation. Getting whacked on the head by its opponent's tail felt even MORE humiliating; as a tail strike chipped part of its brow horns. A humanoid no less!

The Tarrasque's breathing began to hasten, its body tensing up before managing to plant both forearms on the ground. It then reared its head up and opened in jagged maw, before unleashing a devastatingly loud roar [Rupturing Bellow C] that churned the surrounding air around them!

Rupturing Bellow

Gunhild would feel a powerful shockwave punch through her body, feeling it vibrate beneath her skin and feel hot with fury, as she was knocked back several meters to the south! Buildings right in the epicenter would be blown away by the blast, being reduced to rubble in sheer seconds. The entire city center was reduced to ruin, seen by the large 40 foot diameter crater in the middle where once stood the gashed center. Gunhild would've felt her eardrums ringing profusely from the aftermath, feeling blood trickle from her lobes, though thankfully they hadn't completely ruptured beyond repair.


The tenderized Tarrsaque would get to its feet, his eyes bloodshot as steam escaped its flared nostrils. It was clear that it was madly enraged. While its damaged belly was already attempting to [Regenerate F] the damage caused by Gunhild's vicious mauling, it was at a slowed pace. Blood still dripped from the wounds caused by her assault. It was certainly weakened, but not out just yet. Perhaps the regenerating wounds could be completely stopped given a well-placed strike of particular nature...

In the meantime, the kaiju reaches out towards a nearby house and rips it from the foundation with its powerful clawed arms before chucking it at Gunhild with an enraged bellow!

[Abilities may not be completely accurate to what is seen on map, but are still in effect accordingly. Most of this is just to amp up the flare/dramatics of the scene].
  1. [Rupturing Bellow C] - (Magic C, Knockback C, Quake D, AOE E, Range E) - Character unleashes a tremendously loud bellow unleashing a shockwave that knocks back opponents up to 100 feet away. Produces a crater of 40 feet.
  2. Gets Up.
  3. Throws House at Gunhild. [Highlighted with Red Boarder]
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

The chance to rip into the great beast and truly deal out some punishment was so pleasing after the annoyance it had caused her, although eventually she would soon enough be struck with the disappointment that the fight was not so easily over and done with. Huffing as she was knocked away by the raw power of the tarrasque's roar, she tried to shake it off as she eyed the beast who had gotten back on its feet. How much punishment was she going to have to dish out in order to slay a tarrasque? Must be a lot if such a creature was a struggle for even great heroes.
"Ugh... Gunhild misses Stonetownplace. Muches simpliesers... terry-askies verys sillies. Beeg sillies rock-lizard. Is stinkies, Gunhild no likes. Whenses Gunhild dones... " Gunhild grumbled, after such a long trip and having to go through said tests, she was contemplating whether or not she should have just stayed in the comfort of the barony and done other things... like sneaking into the Baroness' room at night to surprise her. That's clearly a lot simpler and funner than fighting whatever a tarrasque was. Some big dumb rock lizard thing.

Though, distractions about what she could be doing instead would have to wait. There was an entire house being thrown at her which seemed like a pressing matter. Gunhild still at this point had no real clue what the test was being rated on, but if it was to protect the town then that clearly was much failed at this point.
"Oops. smolses... das bads, not a goods do. Gunhild did bad do... " Gunhild grumbled, realising that she failed to stop said thing from happening. The best she could do now was just trying to defeat the opponent in question. Readying herself to break through the obstacle in order to approach and face her opponent than being kept away like she would do with her own tail, she had only momentarily eyed its regenerative capability and knowing something would have to be done. With the tarrasque likely occupied having just thrown his attack and readying for the outcome, she hoped that it wouldn't be ready for a curveball of a tail attack which wasn't aiming at its face but to go for dirty low-blows at the previously struck underbelly.

Cooldowns: D (2/2)
1. Size Change F (up in size) + Energized F - Keeping on using it so she can maintain her size.
2. Brute Force - Large (E), Superstrength (E), Tunnelling (F), Erosion (Contact Core)(F), Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Mining (F), Energized (E) - Uses the full weight and force of her strength and body to attempt to force her way through whatever is in front of her through sheer stubborn attempt, be it object, structure or people. Potentially destructive and violent. Has Horns and Claws as natural weapons to be used for this - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown (to destroy the house projectile)
3. Grievous Strike - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (F), Elasticity (F), Beeg (Range Core)(F), Grievous (Incurable Core)(F), Superstrength (F), Tail Superiority (Flexible Core)(F), Prehensile Tail feature, Energized (F) - Grows the tail forward for a long-range attack to wound the target and prevent healing capabilities. Incurable: Wounds produced by this technique will not heal nor regenerate magically or supernaturally unless skills involved are greater than the incurable technique grade.


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]


Gunhild effortlessly pummeled right through the uprooted house with ease, as the flung rubble crumbled onto the streets below. A plume of dust would temporarily cloud the giant beastwoman's vision, but she could well hear the tarrasque's furious snarls as it went in for yet another brutal charge. It's thundering footsteps now shook the ground, hurling its weight more savagely and animatedly than before. Its surging adrenaline have put it into overdrive, ready to rip apart its foe for humiliating it so utterly.

It noticed Gunhild preparing a tail swing, causing it to lower its horned head in response. Though its resilience and learning on the fly wouldn't prepare his adaptability towards the new counter offensive; feeling Gunhild go for a low blow striking against its wounded underbelly with grievous effort. It issued a pained growl, but it wouldn't succeed to deter the raging beast's charge. The tarrasque barged into the beastwoman, pushing her back with immense power and force akin to a force of nature. It wanted to finish this fight quickly.

With such power and strength, the two giants would crash into the southern wall, breaking through the outer perimeter before tumbling into the river below! The south bridge would be rocked by the impact, before it too collapsed into the watery rapids. Gunhild would be the first to hit the water, laying on her back as she saw the fearsome horned menace looming over her. She could feel its hot musky breath stenched with blood and past meals as well as saliva dripping onto her face. The kaiju would press his clawed hand down on Gunhild's torso, pinning its quarry down to ensure this time it wouldn't get away, before opening its mouth and attempting to bite her face off.

Yet despite this perilous predicament, hope would not seem lost. For Gunhild would seem to feel the fruits of her labor... via the tarrasque's warm and fresh bleeding wounds dripping onto her lower torso.

  1. [Charge]
  2. [Pin Gunhild's Torso]
  3. [Lunging Bite at Gunhild's Face]
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

While she suspected it would have went better, Gunhild tried to brace herself as best as she could for what was pretty much an incoming mountain-seized freight train charging right into her in order to sweep her off her feet. Feeling a harsh impact of the world and works of smols crack and break beneath her collapsed weight, she'd have to remember that said world wasn't real, and that at this point it was likely impossible to salvage or protect the broken settlements that were previously here. Plus being knocked into the water? Gross, now her back was going to be wet. Stinky water.

"Ugh... Gunhild angy'd... why'ses stupid rock-lizard still heres... " Gunhild muttered under her breath in annoyance, couldn't this thing just so conveniently bleed out already? Why couldn't some big, fat pesky lizard thing stay dead when you wanted it to? Sputtering out a breath of air as she felt the tarrasque shift itself directly onto her in order to keep her held down, growling under her breath as the appalling scent of the beast's breath hit her own heightened capability of smell.

"|Beeg stinky do stink, no touch Gunhild, beeg stinky BAD, DO A DOWN-GO DO, BADS, BADS, NOWS, GUNHILD SAYSES-DO|" Gunhild answered back in retort in abyssal, her language a collection of assorted growls and monstrous noises in said language as she reached forth with her own bare clawed hands to grab at the tarrasque's maw to keep it from biting down on her precious Gunhild face. Hoping to withhold it open with one hand to the lower jaw and the other to the upper in order to hold it widened open, she'd lunge forward with ther own bite (with added elasticity if needed be to reach) and attempt to clamp down her own maw on the creature's tongue (1&2). Gunhild liked eating, Gunhild was not meant to be eaten.

She could feel the dripping blood on her body, knowing she must've been truly getting somewhere. Seeing as she was already aiming to make use of her free hands and mouth, she prepared her free legs to continue the assault on the wounded underside of the beast and to begin kicking into the bleeding belly as hard as she could in order to ward the tarrasque off and continue hitting into its pretty exposed weakpoint.

Actions (Cooldowns: D (1/2))
1&2. Gunhild, Devour - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (E), Superstrength (E), Large (E), Grappler (F), Energized (E), Devour (F), Intimidation (F), Erosion (Contact Core)(F), Enhanced Digestion Feature, Elasticity (F) - Gunhild grabs and restrains the tarrasque's mouth with her bare hands in order to keep them restrained from biting her and so Gunhild can attack back with her own jaws, targetting the opponent's tongue - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown - Takes Two Actions
3. Brute Force - Superstrength (F), Tunnelling (F), Erosion (F), Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (F), Mining (F), Energized (F) - Uses the full weight and force of her strength and body to attempt to force her way through whatever is in front of her through sheer stubborn attempt, be it object, structure or people. Potentially destructive and violent. Has Horns and Claws as natural weapons to be used for this - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown


Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]


Despite the Tarrasque's sheer strength, Gunhild's determination to win grew stronger by the minute; with desperation turning into savage fury. Keeping its jaws at bay would be no easy task, but the beast woman was doing all she could. While her abyssal curses would fall on deaf ears by now biting the creature's tongue prove to have a much more direct effect. The beast bellowed painfully as he began shaking his head in an attempt to free his appendage from her peskily sharp teeth. Even though his tongue had a surprising amount of strength and heft, Gunhild's sharpened teeth and strong bite force would manage to take a chunk off its tip, spewing a bit of blood as another screeching roar blew hot pressurized air into her face.

Meanwhile, the Tarrasque's underbelly was being steadily worn down. Every kick would pierce deeper and deeper into the wound, cutting into the vulnerable underside; the wounds getting bigger and messier. Then, it gave way... and she'd feel something big and slimy fall onto her mid-range. It was the creature's large intestines - now inside-out - as gallons of its ancient seething blood began coating the river a deep crimson red. Gunhild could even see it steaming as it mixed with the water, bubbling chaotically as it was being boiled or evaporating rapidly into the aether. Without its ability to regenerate it rapidly, the Tarrasque was no longer able to stop the prolonged bleeding from its ravaged belly. It gave a pained wailing groan, feeling its strength rapidly fading as the beast woman was able to successfully kick it off to the side.

With a thunderous boom, the kaiju's disemboweled form collapsed into the river ditch. While it wasn't quite dead just yet, Gunhild would hear its raspy breathing become strained and tired, still angry but out of breath. It wailed its appendages fleetingly, while attempting to get up until falling back where he started. Both of its green eyes looked up at the looming beast woman; the once raging fury in its eyes beginning to grow more fearful. It was as if it was trying so desperately clinging to life, begging for mercy and to flee the scene. Regardless, it looked like it was knocking on death's door.

Gunhild had a chance to end its misery once and for all... for all eyes were silently upon her, wondering what she would do to finish it.
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Develius Develius
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Having finally succeeded in besting the Tarrasque, Gunhild was left to the moral dilemma of letting the creature potentially die overtime slowly or by putting an end to it herself. On one hand, it was in quite a major state of agony and in a lot of pain. It was (almost) defenseless at this point, did she really believe in kicking something while it was down? Maybe it wasn't so fair, that she should show mercy to the beast...

Then again, it wouldn't have ever showed mercy to her, would it? It didn't care for the settlements of smols that it annihilated, it wasn't aware of the value of other peoples' lives. Letting it live would just be letting all the smols die for nothing, that didn't seem so fair. Why was this tarrasque's life more important than everyone elses? Plus, Gunhild was pretty sure that it started it and not her. Then, there was also the chance that it may just return and cause even more destruction and death... which was also terrible.

Sighing, Gunhild looked down at the beast that seemed like it had reverted into more of a snivelling puppy with its loss.
"Terry-askies shouldses no be means to smols, no be means to Gunhild. Is onlys fairs" Gunhild spoke softly as she looked to the stomach of the beast. Rather than giving it a last chance to bite off her hand or something, she supposed she might as well end its agony at the source... of... the agony. Having grown her arm to reach towards the gashed stomach of the beast, she aimed to just grab the biggest handful she could to try and pull out the internal organs that lay in reach. It was the most obvious weakpoint at all, and should hopefully kill the creature for good so that she could be done with this trial.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F)
2&3. Gunhild, Fetch - Rubble-Rouser Fighting Style (D), Superstrength (E), Large (E), Grappler (F), Elasticity (F) - Gunhild grabs and restrains a target using any natural weapon (hands, mouth, tail ect.) in order to keep them retrained and at Gunhild's will or to continue striking them while they are restrained - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown - Takes Two Actions​



Mentions: Femboy Femboy [Gunhild]

Thrusting her hand deep into the Tarrasque's stomach, the once mighty beast gave one last roar of agonizing defiance. It's muscles twitched as it desperately grasped out with its claws for any hope of escape or to fight back. Alas it was futile. Though as as Gunhild believed to have grasped the hulking belly of the beast, she'd suddenly feel it dissolve in her clawed hand like sand. Before she knew it, the whole Tarrasque began disintegrating into transparent cubic cubes. This would It would spread to the whole environment around her, before revealing the default gray walls of the training room. Any wounds inflicted on her would also vanish, reverting her back to normal. It was reminder that this was a simulation.

"Well done, Gunhild." Lockheart announced over the intercom, her voice still stern yet relatively pleased, "This concludes the first test. Admittedly, I figured you wouldn't have a terribly tough time with it. Then again, that Tarrasque wasn't fully grown yet. A mere sub-adult male; rowdy as it is destructive. Adult individuals are a bit larger and stronger; with elders being the toughest of the bunch. While extensive damage has been dealt to the village, such destruction is inevitable in these circumstances. I do commend your efforts to mind your step in the beginning... though do know that in a real scenario we would've helped with the evacuation efforts if not done so already. While unfortunate, collateral is to be expected within a reasonable margin of error, depending both on the environment and the kaiju in question. By all accounts, you did the best you could."

The researcher also applauded the beast woman's efforts. "Yeah! You did a good job, Gunni!" she cheered, before realizing her overeagerness, "U-Uh I mean, Gunhild!"

The room would once again dim, as the trainee was being pulled back into the dark void. "We will begin with the second test shortly." the researcher stated, "Just as a reminder, if at any time you wish to stop the simulations, do let us know immediately. Do you have any further questions or concerns before we proceed?"

Regardless of the outcome, the room would soon begin to change...


As the darkness began unraveling the stage, Gunhild would feel a terribly cold wind bite at her skin. The howling air echoed across the simulation room, with mist beginning to form around her. She could easily see her own breath with how chilly its gotten. The ground beneath her would also begin to freeze over. In a few short moments, Gunhild would be presented with a new environment, standing upon a slab of ice and snow making up one massive ice sheet. It was however merely one of a many series of broken ice sheets that drifted in a vast cold ocean. These ice sheets would normally be hundreds of meters across for most men, but as Gunhild remained in her large form, these rocking ice sheets were mere platforms of her to walk on. A few long steps and she'd make it to the next sheet. Yet while they felt sturdy enough to carry her weight, the smaller ones looked to feel unsteady.

One wrong step and she'll plunge into the freezing abyss.

Though as Gunhild would survey the area, she'd find a dense icy fog that clouded her vision considerably. She could see merely a fraction of the way... making this a perfect scene for an ambush. Her opponent, however, was currently nowhere to be found. Regardless, it would be wise for her to remain on guard...
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