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[1x1] To High Seas (DrHuggies & SC)

Kai chuckled as he got up. "And I will probably need something to replace this stump." Kai smiled "Maybe I'll look like a real pirate now. No, I'll need to cut off my leg for that as well."

Kai got up and looked at his map, and got one of the crew members to point out to him where they were.

"Righty ho, we will need to head 30 degrees port from here and onto the main trading route, and we will raid the first merchant vessel we find, get me a hook or summin, and little miss Cassandra some new clothes." Kai patted her on the back and brought her out onto the deck,

"Welcome aboard The Stealin' Serpent" Kai laughed, "time for you to experience a raid" he said with a wink.
"Wonderful..." she folded her arms, glancing around. "You know, I expected the cooking to be nicer. I mean, not as good as the food back home, but I find it's sorely... lacking." she began to pace around, tilting her head a little. "Anyways, I was wondering what you do for fun around here. I know it's not nearly as boring as back home, thank god, but other than watching you, I haven't had much to do. And it would be nice if there was more too look at. Do you know just how dull everything looks? A few days of walking around and suddenly you get bored of wood and nets and barrels and... whatever else."
"I thought you would love watching me" Kai laughed, "isn't that why you came with me?"

Kai then grabbed her hand and led her onto the main deck. Passing her a cutlass he said "you're gonna need to know how to fight young lady."

The two trained for hours until they were both exhausted.

"You're really good Cassandra, keep that cutlass if you like." Kai then handed her a sheath and walked inside his cabin. "Come inside when your hungry dear." Kai yelled as the door to his cabin shut behind him.

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She reluctantly practiced fighting, resisting the urge to complain when her arm became tired and sore. She took the sheath hesitantly, before sitting down on a barrel and eying the cutlass. It was probably best for her to avoid fighting, seeing as she still didn't know how to fight very well - not well enough when her life was at risk, at least. She sighed, pausing to smooth out her dress, before glancing around again. It was about midday, and it was fairly warm out. She got to her feet, sheathing the sword and glancing around again, before quietly making her way down to the captain's cabin.
Kai was on his chair sharpening his sword when Cassandra walked in.

"That cutlass looks good on you." Kai said standing up from his seat.

"I'll start cooking the steak."

Once the steak was cooked the two sat down to consume their meal.

"After our little raid we will have some much better food on our hands sweetie, don't you worry." Kai said with a wink. When Kai had finished eating he pushed his plate to the side and propped his feet up onto the table, and in no time fell asleep.

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Cassandra sat quietly, unsheathing the sword and examining it for a few long moments, glancing up as he left to cook the steaks. She ate quietly, staring down at the steak -- it wasn't the best she had had, for sure. However, she ate without too many complaints, silently hoping that his promise that they'd have better food was true. When he pushed his plate aside and propped his feet up on the table, she raised an eyebrow, staring at him. She sighed, getting to her feet. "Rude." she muttered, eying him.
Kai awoke from his nap just before dinner time. He went outside and helped maintain the ship for a bit, but got bored quickly so decided to try and cook something nice for Cassandra. Kai got out a bottle of good wine he had raided and some beautiful lamb cutlets. He also had some dried fruits for desert. Kai even put on some fairly nice clothes and he sat down, waiting for Cassandra to come back from where ever she was, hungry.
She had wandered the ship for a while, and eventually took to organizing things below deck. While she wasn't one for cleaning, she decided she probably wouldn't be able to get someone to do everything for her now that she was out of her town and believed to be dead. When she figured it was tidy enough, she made her way back up, running a hand through her now-loose hair. She glanced around, pausing to stare out at the sea, her hands on her hips.
Kai growing impatient walked out onto the deck to see Cassandra staring out into the sea. He crept up slowly behind her and whispered in her ear, "beautiful isn't it, the sea." When Cassandra turned to look at him he took her hand and led her inside the cabin, "Come on, dinners ready."

Inside the cabin, Kai was seated opposite Cassandra. "Seeing as you always complain about the lack of good food, I have tried to prepare you a dish as lovely as possible." Whilst saying that Kai poured the two of them wine into gold goblets. Cassandra's goblet was encrusted with many rubies and sapphires while Kai's was a plain gold with intricate designs engrave on it. Kai looked down at his goblet. "Beautiful aren't they? Stole them from a friend on mine." Kai smiled, and started tucking in to the food he had prepared. Trying to use his knife and fork as much as possible, but failing he decided to just eat it with his fingers.

"How are you liking the ship so far dear? Boring? Don't worry, tomorrow we have a boat to catch."
She stared down at the food for a few moments, tilting her head slightly, before eying the goblets. "Yes, I suppose they're nice..." she cut a small piece of the meat and stuck it into her mouth, chewing slowly. "And the food is alright. Thank you." she nodded, shifting a little. "The ship is a bit boring, I suppose. It's dirty, below deck. Dirty and not as organized as it should be." she shook her head, taking another bite of her food. "So, I cleaned up a little. Put everything in its place. So, it's easier to walk without tripping over something. And, I'd like some new shoes. Ones that don't ruin my feet, please."
"Yes, yes, yes" Kai sounded utterly bored by her requests, "how about a pony, oh and enough Jewlery to fill up the ocean" Kai replied sarcastically. "Any way you better get some sleep dear, you can sleep here or down below decks, your choice." Kai jumped into his hammock and lay down looking at Cassandra, still politely eating her lamb. "It really kills me seeing you eat lamb like that. You're on a pirate ship sweetheart, use your fingers, try it it's fun." Kai said. Kai then started humming an old pirate tune, "if you're gonna sleep here, you ain't sleepin on my hammock, you can sleep on those nice soft fishing nets over there." He points to a pile of fishing nets in the corner of the room and chuckles.
Cassandra pouted at him as he left the table and climbed into his hammock, before glaring at the pile of fishing nets. She cut off another piece of lamb and popped it in her mouth, frowning at him. "I can't say I'm not surprised you don't sleep in proper beds, but... a pile of fishing nets? Now that is just cruel..." she sipped at her wine, sitting back a little, eying the pile of fishing nets.
"Well you're welcome to join the rest of the crew below decks." Kai stated, "you'll get your own hammock, but I don't know how long you'll survive down there, those men haven't been with a women for over two years, if you get what I mean." Kai said with a wink, "your choice sweetheart." Kai smiled and closed his eyes, listening to see whether or not Cassandra would stay in his cabin. This was her first test, so Kai could see what kind of person she really was.
She muttered something under her breath, opening the door and poking her head outside, before sighing, returning to the cabin and putting her hands on her hips. Sitting back down, she finished her wine and lamb quickly, before standing again and approaching the pile of fishing nets. "Fine. Whatever. I suppose, as long as there's nothing sharp in there, it won't be terrible. It's no proper bed, but..." she frowned, running a hand through her hair, before lifting her skirt slightly and sitting down on the pile of nets.
Kai smiled and looked over to Cassandra. "You passed sweetheart, here use my hammock I have a spare one in my closet." Kai started guffawing at the look of relief on Cassandra's face, "come on sweetheart, it's alright, it ain't booby trapped if that's what you're worried about." Kai smiled and got out the spare hammock. He strung it up next to his older hammock and lay down, waiting to see whether Cassandra was going to sleep on the fish nets or in his old hammock.
Cassandra stared at the hammock for a few long moments, before getting to her feet again, approaching it and swinging it a little as she stared at it. "You sleep in these? I've never used one in my life..." she hesitated briefly, before attempting to climb in, gripping onto it as it swung a little and she nearly fell out. "Oh! There." she sighed, sitting up a little and glancing around. "Seems like a bloody death trap to me... ah, well. Must be a little comfortable, right?"
"Better than a pile of fish nets." Kai laughed. Kai wasn't quite tired yet so he looked towards Cassandra and said, "I honestly think i was made for the ocean, Kai in japanese means sea, which I find quite a cool coincidence don't you think?

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"Well, alright. I suppose that's... interesting." she nodded, sitting back and yawning. "I really do wish this was more comfortable, but I suppose I can get used to this..." she lied down, frowning slightly. "Yeah, I think I can. It's no bed, but it's a place to sleep. Better than the floor..." she stared up at the ceiling, rubbing at her eyes and shifting a little.
Kai smiled, admiring the strange beauty of the girl who was once his hostage, and now his guest. "Well... good night sweetheart, time to go shopping tomorrow," with that, he closed his eyes and dozed off to sleep.

As usual Kai was the first up, so he went out onto the deck and enjoyed to crisp fresh morning breeze. Kai then went back into his cabin and got out a bottle of rum, sat in a chair, and waited for the mistress to awaken.
Cassandra was awake for a little while longer, turning on her side and facing the wall after a little, soon drifting off to sleep. She slept soundly throughout the night, and remained asleep until a few hours after the sun had risen. She awoke quietly, not moving as her eyes blinked open, sitting up after a few long moments and stretching. With a sigh, she carefully climbed out of the hammock, looking over at Kai.
"Mornin sweetheart, make yourself at home, grab anything you want, we will be replacing it soon." Kai smiled, "The merchant ship is due by us in a couple of hours, after breakfast we are gonna have ourselves a wee competition, if you would like to watch meet us out on the deck in 20 minutes." Kai went onto the main deck and started going around the ship spreading the message of a competition.
Cassandra nodded, watching as he left. She sighed, eating whatever food seemed edible. Then, she made an effort to tidy herself up, trying to brush her hair with her fingers, as well as smooth out her dirty dress. When she felt as presentable as she could be in her current situation, she made her way up to the main deck, glancing around, trying to figure out what hour it was.
A crewman crept up behind Cassandra and felt her butt. "OI BRUCE!" Kai yelled and glared menacingly into the crewman's eyes. "Treat your women well Bruce! You're going to be taught a lesson, JACK!" a small teen ran over to Kai, "Yes?" he asked, "would you mind judging our match, first knock out wins, understood?" "Yes cap'n". Kai took off his shirt and handed it to Cassandra, "could you hold onto this dear? Thanks." and he turned back to face Bruce, clicking his knuckles.
She had resisted the urge to kick the man, knowing that, without her shoes, she couldn't do quite as much damage as she wanted. Still, she attempted to stomp on his foot, though was caught off guard by Kai handing her his shirt. "Oh. Well, I would much rather defend my own honour, but I suppose it's only fair you do it for me..." Cassandra frowned, taking a few steps back and glaring at the two. "Do break something, will you? There's a good fellow."
Bruce was a big man and very muscly. Bruce was sure he was going to win.

Bruce flung out a clumsy punch that Kai easily block. Kai then leaped into the air and kicked Bruce's jaw from below. There was a sickening crunch and the man fell to the ground. Kai walked over to Cassandra and said "was that broken enough for you? You can keep the shirt by the way." Kai then walked into his cabin, got a bottle of rum and lay in his hammock.

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