1x1 Secret Garden (Zac & Blaine [Inactive]

The next morning, Blaine woke up in Zac's arms. She looked up to him to find him still sleeping, letting out a little giggle. "Zacky~ Wake up darling~" She cooed, poking his face repeatedly. She looked to her left and found a leaf and picked it up. She then began tickling his nose with said leaf, hoping he'd wake up.
Zac woke up to Blaine tickling his nose with a leaf, "what are you doing silly" he said poking his tongue out. He lifted himself up accidentally kissing Blaine on the lips, "I..I'm..I'm sorry" he said blushing and covering his lips. He smiled and laughed and rolled onto his stomach.
Blaine felt Zac's lips on hers and a sudden blush on her face appeared. "I-it's fine.." She murmured, looking at his smiling and laughing form. "Slept well Zac?" She asked, trying to change the subject. But she couldn't ignore the awkwardness between the two of them. She put her hand to her lips, still surprised. She wasn't mad at Zac, she was actually happy. 'His lips felt soft..' She thought to herself.
Zac smiled, "I slept well, i had cuddles from you so it was perfect, how about you?" she said shyly. he rolled back over onto his back after his red cheeks disappeared, "what do you want to do today" he said looking back at all the food in surprise. "all the food that i put out is gone but there is new foo there" he said surprised
She blushed at Zac's demeanor. It wasn't unusual for him to act this way, it was just that Blaine wasn't used to it yet. "I slept fine Zac. You kept me warm." she told him, a blush still on her face. "We could do anything. I'm not particularly picky." She said, a smile on her face. She looked back to the food that they left to the side yesterday. "Hey.. you're right. You didn't go back home and leave me here did you?" She asked him, pretending to pout.
Zac looked back at Blaine, "no I wouldn't leave you here" hey said with a sad look on his face. "I don't know how it all god there" he said surprised. Zac cuddles back up too Blaine as he got a chill down his spine, "might as well eat it thought".
Blaine cuddled Zac as he suddenly shivered. "You ok Zac? Is it cold?" She asked him, worried that he suddenly shivered. "And... are you sure this food is safe to eat? It could be poisoned.." She told him, too afraid to touch the food. "Where'd it come from then..?" She ask, puzzled to the sudden appearance of the food in front of them. "You did say no one else has been here.. Apart from you and me.." She murmured.
"it should be fine to eat" Zac said grabbing some of the food, he took a bite then slowly started to chew, " it tastes pretty good, i still want to know where it came from thought. It just seamed to appear out of no where thought" he said still amazed by the food appearing out of no where.
Blaine wasn't fully sure that the food was edible, nonetheless, she took a piece and chewed. "Hey.. it is pretty good." She murmured, looking to him. "Did anyone come here? This wouldn't appear out of nowhere you know.." She told him, looking confused. "Maybe someone came here while we were asleep?"
"but i have seen anyone here like ever and there is no gate other then the way we got in" he stated. "wait what did you wish for" he said with a smile on his face. "I.. um.. I wished for us to stay here just us two" he said blushing bright red, he covered his face and hid it so Blaine couldn't see his face.
"M-my w-wish?" she stuttered, looking to the ground. "I.. I wished that.. Well.. I uh.. We.." She was mentally slapping herself for stuttering so much. "I.. I wished that I'd never be apart from you.." She murmured, looking away so as Zac wouldn't see her blushing face. She has blushed on too many times in only a few hours. Yet she didn't regret the moments she did blush.
Zac leaned over towards Blaine and kissed her on the lips, " I ment that one" he said smiling as he pulled back. "Now we should probably eat this food, someone must loves us alot to make us all of this food" he said still smiling about the kiss he just gave Blaine. he grabbed another chocolate orange and carefully fed it to Blaine "well they know what you like aswell obviously"
'Another kiss.. And this time he meant it.. Oh God I'm going to melt sooner or later.' She thought to herself, an even deeper blush appearing. She took the chocolate orange in her mouth and chewed, at a loss for words. "Thanks.." She murmured, it was all that she could think of at the moment. She looked to the food and grabbed a piece of bread, stuffing it into Zac's mouth. The look Zac had when the bread was jammed into his mouth was priceless, resulting in Blaine laughing so much she rolled on the floor.
Zac nearly chocked on the piece of bread, "so mean" he said jokingly whilst poking his tongue out "im gonna get you back for that one" Zac said as he picked up another chocolate orange, he slowly crawled towards her with the orange in his hand, "I will force feed you gorgeous" he said with a goofy smile on his face.
"Not if you can't catch me Zacky~" She called out, standing up and getting ready to run. As she brushed of the dust from her clothes, she ran at full speed in the opposite direction of where Zac stood, leaving him there dumbfounded. She kept running and looked back every so often, not noticing a root of one of the nearby trees and tripped over it. "Aaah!" She screamed out, as she fell face first into the dirt. "Owiee.." She murmured.
Zac looked amazed at the speed she had ran away at, he ran towards her as he noticed she had fallen, "your silly" he yelled from a distance as he came closer. He finally stood at Blaine looking at her, he placed the orange in his mouth so he could pick her up, "your so silly" he said picking her up. as she stood up he kissed her with the orange still in mouth and put it in her mouth. Zac blushed and smiled again, "I win" he said laughing and placing the shocked Blaine on his back and running towards the food again.
Blaine turned as stiff as a board at what Zac did. While Zac was carrying her back, she began play hitting him on his back. "Zac you big meanie! What was that for? Meanieeeeee!" She continued, still hitting him on the back. After awhile, she slung her arms around Zac's neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. "Zac.. You're a meanie.." She let out, examining his facial features.
I stopped walking and smiled, "I'm not mean, I made you smile mean people don't do that" he said whilst poking his tongue out, "and i know for a fact you liked it" he added as he started to blush. Zac started to walk forward towards the food again, "hey Blaine if you could would you live here forever" he said with joy in his voice, "i bet if we wished hard enough a house would appear, and no one ever comes here" he added once again with a great big smile on his face
"Yeah.. I'd like that.. Me and you, in a big house for us alone.." She said, blushing at the idea. "I'd really like that.." She murmured, placing a kiss on Zac's cheek. She thought about it, her and Zac alone here. It sounded like paradise. She tightened her hold on Zac, and snuggled her head in the crook of his neck. This was heaven to her. And she wished it would never change.
Zac closes his eyes, " I wish there was a house for me and Blaine to live in here", he smiles and looks at towards the food, "think its time to eat again".
Blaine smiled at Zac. "Hungry again?" She asked him, looking to his face in mock surprise. It wasn't a surprise to see Zac hungry yet again. He always was eating, yet he never gained much weight. Blaine was jealous of him. He always had his figure in perfect shape, yet she had to work her butt off to maintain her body. "Zacky, pass me another orange!" She let out. Bah, the gym could wait. For now, she'd enjoy the deliciousness of the chocolate orange.
Zac grabbed another orange and placed it in her open mouth, "there you go gorgeous" he said smiling. "We should explore this garden more and see if there is anything else in here" Zac mumbled excitedly as he shoved more food in his mouth, "there is probably like some place i can give you another kiss and make it the most magical thing in the world" Zac let out blushing.
Blaine's face turned every shade of red you could think of at Zac's words. "Zachary!" She let out, trying to hide her face behind him. Although the idea of exploring the place wasn't so bad. "Let's go to some place you haven't been to!" She called out, looking over to one side of the field to the other, her arms still around his neck.
Zac smiled as he was strangled over the thought of kissing Blaine somewhere special, "I promise we can explore" was the only words he got out as he was strangled. Blaine let go and the couple walked further into the garden, they came upon a lovely crafted statue of a cupid, it seamed unnaturally clean. Zac sat there still smiling about the thought of kissing Blaine on the lips again, he started to blush bright red over the thought.
Happening upon the statue of cupid, Zac sat down beside it. Blaine looked at the statue in awe and looked back to Zac, who was blushing like crazy. She walked closer to him and kissed him full on the lips. "You ok Zacky? You're blushing like crazy all of a sudden." She asked him, puzzled at the sudden redness on his cheeks.

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