1x1 Secret Garden (Zac & Blaine [Inactive]

Zac looked up in awe at what had just happened, "huh" was all that Zac could get out of his mouth. He went bright red and laid down face first in the grass, Zac was happy and excited but at the same time surprised that it had just happened so quickly, he stood back up and looked at Blaine, " what just happened" he said as he face got brighter red.
Blaine let out a laugh at Zac's demeanor. "What happened?" She repeated him. "Well, did it go a little something like, this?" She stated, taking a step closer to him, placing her hands on his face and kissed him once more on the lips, this time, not stopping until he wanted to stop.
Zac froze up, not knowing what to do at that second, he sat there in awe as his lips were still connected to Blaine's, he didn't want it too stop but didn't know what to do.
'Looks like he likes it' Blaine thought to herself, and instictively wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. It felt like heaven at that moment. And it was obvious neither of them wanted to stop.
Zac felt Blaine's arms wrap around his neck, this made him feel more relaxed, he put his hands around her waist and slowly pulled her to the ground making sure not to break the kiss. Zac pulled Blaine to the ground as he laid on his back and made sure it was amazing for both of them.

At the moment Zac thought to himself, " i don't ever want to leave here"
As Zac's hands snaked onto Blaine's waist, her face was immediately a deep crimson red. And even moreso when they were on the ground, with Blaine on top of him. After a while, they had to break apart, Blaine was gasping for air. She looked back down to Zac and rested her head on his chest. "That.. Was amazing Zac.." She murmured, feeling his heart beat quicken every second.
Zac held Blaine as she laid on his chest, "i don't even have words for how amazing that was" he said with a huge grin on his face. "I think we need to do that more often" he stated whilst he played with Blaine's hair
Blaine blushed even more at Zac's statement. "Y-yeah.. W-we should.." She told him, stuttering at her words. 'Keep calm Blaine! Oh God you look like an idiot!' Her inner voice cried out, mentally slapping herself. She didn't take notice of it and just continued to lay on Zac's chest. "Hey Zacky.. " she called out to him, looking at him from below. She planted one more kiss on his lips. "You're the best." She said, smiling at him.
Zac recieved one more kiss on the lips as Blaine said, "You're the best" she said smiling. Zac looked at her after the kiss still with red cheeks, "and your gorgeous" he said as he squeezed her tighter and smiled
"Heeey! That t-tickles! Ahaha! Stoop!" She cried out as her sides were being squeezed more by Zac. She tried pulling away, but his grip on her was strong, which made Blaine laugh all the more. "Zaaaaac! Ahahaha!" She cried out again, the ticklishness was too much for her to handle.
Zac let go a little and kissed her forehead, "I hope we never have to leave this place and that its always just you and me" he said with a smile on his face, Zac's face was still bright red though and had not changed since the kiss they had before
Blaine rested her head on Zac's torso again after he kissed her forehead. "I hope so too Zac.. It's just heaven when I'm with you." She murmured, poking at his chest every so often, a blush still evident on her face, happiness taking over yet again.
Zac laughed as the poking at his chest tickled, he couldn't be any happier at this point, "Blaine lets go see if this amazing place has a house for us to live in" Zac said as he helped Blaine up. As the both got to their feet Zac hugged Blaine once more but tighter this time as he did this he looked her in the eyes and planted a soft delicate kiss on her lips as to say don't leave me.
As Zac kissed her, Blaine returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck once again. They finally pulled apart, a smile on Blaine's face. "Come on then. That house won't find itself!" she cried out, jumping onto Zac's back. She loved being on Zac's back, it was so broad and warm it made her feel safe, like nothing could harm her.
Zac put his hand around his back to keep Blaine from slipping down, "lets go then" he said excitedly as he started to run further into the garden, the couple pasted statuses and weird looking bushes every couple of corners, this intrigued Zac alot as to who was looking after the place. As he got further up the garden he saw a small roof over one of the hedge walls, "whats that" he asked Blaine propping her up a little so she could see over the hedge.
Blaine looked over the hedge and saw a quaint little house not far from them. "Zac! It's a house! An actual house!" She cried out, looking at Zac happily, a huge smile on her face. "Come on! Let's go see it!" She told him, almost jumping out of Zac's hold on her. "Aaah!" She yelled, holding tighter onto his neck, letting out a little laugh.

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