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Graded 1x1 - [Ryke - Ryken Outskirts] The Clock Tower Tutelage


The Overseer
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

With the success of uncovering what had happened with the merchants, and even stopping some upstart, mangy-beast who fancied himself a god, the group made their way towards Ryken. However, now the only ones that remained in it were Adelhein, Demeter, Saber and Gilgamesh. The young magus, by then, already felt his mana reserves being slightly more drained, supporting not only one, but two Servants. For now, however, it didn't seem to be much of a problem.

The sun was still up and shinning brightly, current time being at some point in the afternoon. Walking through the stone road, the group would, eventually, at a crossroads. From there, the bustling capital, Ryken, could already be seen on the horizon. On the sides of the road, forests sprung, creating a sea of green and canopy which blocked quite a bit of the merciless sun, allowing for a more comfortable ambience. "I think these forests will make for a good place for study and practice. Not what I am used to, but it will make do." He told Demeter, with a reserved smile, missing the grand halls of the Clock Tower. But, for now, that was the best option, as risking destroying or vandalizing the city wasn't the best of ideas.

Walking into the forest, he thought to himself for a moment if the dryad felt at home in a place like that. She most likely did, didn't she? It wasn't long until the group would reach a clearing that would allow for enough space for what would be necessary, at least at first glance. Adelhein would finally come to a stop, turning towards Demeter, the reason of him being there, instead of back at his room in the inn in Ryken. The Fae had caught his attention, being skilled in manipulating nature. So it had come naturally to him: why not partake of his knowledge with her? She certainly stood out enough to catch his interest. And, with the offer being accepted, the teenager would capitalize on it. It was his first step to establish his family name in that odd and exquisite land.

"Why don't we begin with you telling me how do you use your magecraft? How does it come to you?" He asked, as his crimson eyes focused on her emerald ones, the question being the starting point of how he was going to share his own ways. His attention, fully focused on her, while the hustling of leaves could be heard, along with the chirping of birds, the gentle breeze blowing his hair slightly. And Gilgamesh, still being kept still being kept in the dark, for now.

Gilgamesh leaned against a nearby tree, arms crossed, as she observed her Master and the forest spirit. Her eyes narrowed slightly, noting how Adelhein's focus seemed entirely on the creature before him. His curiosity in this 'Demeter' was irksome, though she couldn't quite pinpoint why.

Saber stood a short distance away, golden eyes scanning the surrounding forest for any signs of danger. Her duty was to guard her Master, not question how he chose to spend his time. And yet...her gaze would flick to Adelhein and Demeter, a frown tugging at her lips before she forced her attention back to her task.

Gilgamesh scoffed under her breath, pushing off from the tree to stride over to Saber Alter. "Your Master's fascination with that creature is vexing. I do not care for being ignored." She came to a stop beside the corrupted Saber, arms crossed as she too watched the pair.

Saber didn't so much as glance at Gilgamesh, keeping her eyes forward. "The creature is of little consequence. My Master's purpose here is his own. We are but his swords, to be wielded as he sees fit." Her tone was flat, revealing nothing of her own misgivings.

Gilgamesh let out an irritated huff. "I am no one's sword. I am a king, and I will be treated as such." Her eyes narrowed at the back of Adelhein's head. The boy would do well not to test her patience for long. She was not some obedient attack dog, to be dismissed and summoned at his leisure.

"You forget your place, Gilgamesh." Saber finally turned her head, eyes boring into Gilgamesh's with a warning glare. "You were summoned by our Master to serve. Do not make the mistake of thinking you hold any power here."

Gilgamesh met that glare with one of her own, eyes flashing dangerously. How dare this foolish knight think to order her about. Even though both Demeter and Adelhein couldn't hear any of the Servants, for now, the tension only increased with each passing second.

The trip to Ryken had given Demeter much time to reflect on the events of their last mission.

And through that experience, she came to know a bit about herself. She'd spent much of her time alone before taking the job from the Adventurer's Guild. Fending off wild beasts was one thing. Facing down monsters and nefarious men- be they human, beast, fae or otherwise- was an entirely different affair. They were persistent and didn't scare easily. They laid traps and deceived. She played through the scenario in her mind and thought of what might've transpired were she alone.

She recalled how she froze up when facing the mimic while Adelhein, Saber and the others were easily able to push through whatever fear they might've had. How every spell she'd cast drained her, and left her vulnerable and dependent upon the others until she regained her strength. It led to mixed bag of emotions. It made her happy that someone cared enough to help. But it also made her question why The El-Malloi had taken interest in her instead of the others, in the first place. Perhaps a bit fearful that she wasn't truly worth of it.

All the more reason to make sure that Adelhein's efforts were put to good use.

Had her mind not been so focused on events to come, she might've found a bit of humor in the situation they'd found themselves in. A human boy in heavy armor covered head to toe with clothes... followed by a fae in leaves who tread upon the ground barefoot without the slightest hint of discomfort. He was correct. She was far more comfortable out here in the woods. And while there were many questions she'd expected from him.

Her method of casting magic, ironically, wasn't one of them.

"How does it..."

Demeter lifted up her hand and gazed into her palm. Then, she extended her palm to the left and cast [Root Burst] in the clearing at nothing in particular.

Jagged spikes would erupt from the ground roughly 20 feet away from either of them before quickly receding back into the earth. No words, no catalyst, and Adelhein would likely no by now that what little movement she provided wasn't a key factor in the phenomenon either. And the young fae's brow would furrow as she watched her own spell. It was almost as though she were trying to retroactively describe what she'd just done. To describe a feeling that she'd never really put much thought into prior to today.

"When I..." her eyes narrowed for a moment, "When I focus on a place hard enough, I can feel it. And then that feeling... grows. Or... a plant grows, I guess. And, the harder I push, the faster it grows. The harder it grows. And it moves where I tell it to. But I don't really 'talk' to the plants. It's more like... how I move my arms and legs... when I do that?"

Her words lingered in the air. Very little confidence in her words. Even now Adelhein would see the subtle motion of her lips hinting at some attempt to phrase sensations that had never before been put to words. With a light sigh, she conceded and smiled at him.

"I've never really thought about it before, actually. It's kind of hard to put into words."

A brief pause before her eyes centered on his.

"How would you answer that question? If someone asked about your magic?"
Actions (1/3):
1) Cast
[Root Burst] in the clearing at no one in particular.

Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob
Last edited:
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein watched the demonstration, provided by Demeter, his crimson eyes locked on the erupting jagged spikes. His gloved right hand held his chin, processing what he was seeing, as if making a mental note about it. The way in which she produced magecraft was much different than his own, if he could even describe it as being magecraft that is. It felt more like direct manipulation of nature, rather than anything else.

And, when she began explaining how she made her magic come about, his focus returned to her. And, the more he heard her explanation, the more he became more sure of what he thought previously. "I see, so you feel more like it is an extension of your own body, which you can control and make it come about with enough focus?" He asked, wanting to have the details down and to not miss a single thing.

The young magus spent a few minutes, thinking back if he remembered any magi that could perform their craft just like Demeter had just done, without any incantations, catalysts or chants. The only one that came to his mind was the legendary and long gone Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the one who could perform the Second Magic. That alone would probably have earned the dryad a cell within the underground area of the Clock Tower, even if the scope of her capabilities weren't near the reality-altering magic performed by Zelretch. But possibly, with enough guidance and practice...

With his eyes regaining focus, Adelhein could sense the uncertainty within her. He wasn't sure if it was because it could be the first time that someone was analyzing her way of performing the manipulation of nature, or if it was something else. His expression relaxed, returning her gaze. While he had no idea how Kayneth would have gone about with this tutelage per se, he knew how he would do it. "There is no need to be tense around me. I understand it might be hard to explain something that comes naturally, like explaining how does one breathe." Moving his right hand back to his side, he gave her a reassuring smile.

As Demeter turned the question around, asking him how he did his own magecraft, his smile turned into a grin. "Mine is a multistep process. First, I focus on my magic circuits, which are like internal organs that allow me to tap into mana. Letting the prana flow freely, I begin to concentrate on the sigils and runes necessary for them, giving shape to my mana. My catalyst, chant and gesture helps me to direct 'what', 'how' and 'where'. If there is metal available, it is less taxing to manipulate it, rather than creating it out of 'thin air'." Letting his first description sink in for a moment, Adelhein continued, crossing his arms. "Certain sigils, like the Norse runes for strength and stability, are particularly effective in reinforcing the structural integrity of the metal. If I were to try and use other elements, I would need to visualize different sigils instead. My mastery, in specific, was a modification of my late uncle's Mystic Code. While his was an 'autonomous weapon', so to speak, mine is direct creation or manipulation."
Looking pensive for a moment, his gaze turned to the ground, he murmured. "I wonder if you even have magic circuits or manipulate mana without them... the latter option does seem more taxing." His mind was back in the cave, when the fae felt a bit tired after using her magic. That could be one of the reasons. "Was that cave the first experience in combat you had?" The teen asked in a nonjudgmental tone, focusing on Demeter once more.

Saber Alter's eyes narrowed as she observed the exchange between her Master and the forest spirit. His fascination with this creature was beginning to grate on her nerves, though she couldn't quite pinpoint why. Demeter posed no obvious threat, and yet...

Something about the way Adelhein smiled at the fae, giving her his full attention and reassurance, sparked irritation in Saber's chest. She shook it off, forcing her gaze away from the pair to scan the forest once more. Her duty was to guard her Master, not question how he chose to spend his time.

Gilgamesh watched Saber from the corner of her eye, a knowing smirk pulling at her lips. How interesting, it seemed the corrupted Saber was capable of jealousy after all. She chuckled under her breath, though the sound lacked any true mirth. The knight's possessiveness over their shared Master ignited a spark of irritation in Gilgamesh's own chest, one she was quick to smother. Adelhein was but a temporary amusement, to be discarded once he outlived his usefulness. She refused to lower herself to Saber's level of foolish attachment.

Saber's glare snapped to Gilgamesh at the sound of her laughter, eyes narrowing in warning. "Do you find something amusing, Archer?"

Gilgamesh met that glare with an uncaring gaze of her own. "Merely your predictable behavior, Saber. Your possessiveness over the boy is quite foolish." She waved a hand dismissively. "He will tire of you soon enough. As all mortal creatures do."

Saber's eyes flashed, irritation clear in her tone. "Mind your tongue. My Master's affairs are none of your concern."

Gilgamesh scoffed, expression chilling. "You overstep your bounds, mongrel. I will speak as I please." She refused to back down, matching Saber's stare with her own.

The tension between the two Servants was palpable, though not yet at a breaking point. Gilgamesh seemed content to needle and provoke Saber with her mocking observations, while Saber struggled to rein in her temper lest she attack the infuriating Archer. For now, their temporary truce remained intact by the barest of threads. One wrong move, however, and that fragile peace would shatter.
"Yeah, that is one way you could put it," She replied to the first question.

Adelhein and Demeter would continued their meeting in blissful ignorance of conflict brewing not far behind them.

And the menagerie of unfamiliar terms made her realize just how different Adelhein's magic was despite the appearance and method of their attacks being so very similar. Maybe she was doing everything that he'd been doing on instinct. Maybe these magic circuits and rituals simply didn't apply to her and her methods were fundamentally different. The more she heard him speak with confidence, the more she realized just how little she knew about magic at large.

And as she became aware of her own ignorance, her curiosity towards this new area of study began to rapidly grow.

"Maybe? It depends on what you mean by 'combat'? The barrel wasn't the first thing that tried to eat me. It wasn't the first thing that I've killed either. But it was the first thing I'd run into that didn't either die or run away after the first attack. I guess I wasn't really prepared for what happens when they don't run. But I wanna be."

A brief pause in contemplation.

"And.. and maybe that's why I need to learn about the mana and the circuits and the Norse Sigils. I don't know if I'm using any of that already, or if I'll ever even need any of that, but I don't think that learning will hurt. And maybe then I'll be able to fight as easily as you do. Your spells were just as big as mine and you didn't break a sweat. But um..."

There was a trend Demeter had noticed in her brief experience dealing with mankind and society. There always seemed to be people who could give you what you wanted, but never for free. It wasn't even about money either. Just something in return. It wasn't something that she took issue with. It made sense. But she noticed a distinct lack of negotiation or trade. A part of her felt that, maybe, it was unwise to ask the next question.

The other part decided to listen to him and not be so tense.

"So, what made you want to help me? I really appreciate it, I do. But I feel like I keep waiting for the part where you ask me for something in return, and I can't tell if I'm... being unfair for thinking that. Because... being able to better protect myself the next time I'm attacked by a dragon man or something in a cave is kind of a big deal, isn't it?"

Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein was visibly glad to have correctly summarized how Demeter was using her own abilities. That would give him much needed insight on how to best share his knowledge with her. As unique as that method was to him, he was confident that his methodological approach could be a boom.

While completely unaware of what was brewing between the Heroic Spirits, he listened attentively when she began to talk about her own experiences with using magic in possibly life or death scenarios. From what he heard from the dryad, she was green, not only in skin tone. Still, he had to admit she acted pretty composed during the challenges they had faced inside the caverns, from the Mimic Barrel, to the dragon-man-thing. It made him glad that his prior experience to coming to this world had been quite merciless, fighting his magi peers and even kin in a 'competition', even if the cup was now forever out of his grasp.

"It must have been quite the experience to fight something a little more... complex, let's say." He commented, narrowing his eyes slightly, a smile accompanying it. "I had quite a bit of experience prior to the cave: training and study in the Clock Tower and inside the El-Melloi family, as well as some competition against other magi and their Servants. I wasn't alone in the last one, however." The teenager would look back towards Saber for a moment, before refocusing on Demeter. "Saber has been with me for about... two months, if I believe correctly." Still remembering when the King of Knights still hadn't been corrupted, having had used her council and strength both then and now as well.

And, as Demeter continued, showing her eagerness to learn what he had to teach, possibly even being able to put it into practice, his smile only grew. After all, necessity more often than not drove creatures forward, one way or another. "But?" Repeating the ending of her sentence, he tilted his head slightly, wondering what could be holding her back from it.

The young magus' expression relaxed as she continued, not appearing to be insulted in the slightest of what was holding her back. Indeed, it was a valid thing to know: why was Adelhein offering to help her, despite asking nothing in return so far? It was common that everything came with a price. The academy which he was instructed in, after all, only accepted those who passed their exam, showing their mastery, or if they had the right name to skip it altogether, for example. And that helped the institution to keep its prestige, producing success cases which none other had managed to replicate.

"You have talent." His words are accompanied by a smile. "But talent without direction might end up hitting a wall. I am interested in seeing what heights you can reach with proper guidance." There was a slight edge of arrogance in Adelhein's tone. The young magus believed, after all, that the methodology he had learned was the right one, as it was to be expected from an orthodox magus like himself. "I would hate if someone else wasted your time with parlor tricks or whatnot. However..." The corner of his lips curled upwards ever so slightly, his next words finally also removing Gilgamesh from the 'dark' she had been kept. "... I do have my own objectives in this place. One of them being my prestige. The best way of expanding it is with success cases, like your own. Of course, not everyone is cut for it, but I do believe I have a queen eye for those who do. I am sure that will end up making me travel all around this continent." Ambition, pride, tempered with the teachings of the El-Melloi family of honor and pragmatism, for now. Of course, a lot more came with prestige and renown, but that was left unsaid for the moment. "So, what do you say, Demeter?" He asked, with a smile being kept on his lips, offering his gloved hand to hers, palm facing upwards.

Saber Alter's eyes narrowed as Adelhein spoke of his prior experiences, her grip tightening on her obsidian blade, Excalibur Morgan. Though she remained silent, her jaw clenched subtly, memories of their battles during the Fourth Holy Grail War resurfacing. A flicker of jealousy ignited within her blackened heart at her Master's undivided attention towards the dryad. She had been a fool back then, bound by her ideals and chivalry - weaknesses she had shed upon being reforged as the blackened Servant standing before them.

Gilgamesh, on the other hand, watched the exchange with an amused smirk playing on her crimson lips. Her eyes danced between Adelhein and Demeter, drinking in every word and movement like a fine vintage. When the young magus finally offered his hand to the dryad, the golden Archer let out a light, mocking laugh tinged with a hint of envy at having to share the spotlight.

"My, my... such grand promises from one so young," Gilgamesh purred, idly inspecting her nails. "Tell me, Adelhein, do you truly believe your teachings hold the key to unlocking this woodland sprite's full potential?" Her crimson eyes flickered with challenge as she regarded him. "Or are you simply looking to add another fascinating specimen to your collection?"

Her gaze then shifted to Demeter, an unreadable expression on her face. "The choice is yours, little dryad. Will you trade the freedom of your forest realm for the shackles of an arrogant human's tutelage?" A cruel smile curved Gilgamesh's lips. "Just be warned - once you walk that path, there is no returning to what you once were."

Saber Alter's molten eyes bored into Demeter, her aura thrumming with barely restrained power and a subtle undercurrent of possessiveness towards her Master. "Ignore her taunts," the blackened king growled, her deep voice laced with disdain for her golden counterpart. "Adelhein's guidance is invaluable. Under his wisdom, you will become a force to be reckoned with in this world." Her burning gaze shifted to the magus, softening ever so slightly with pride and allegiance. "Is that not so, my Master?"

"You have talent."

"Oh." She replied succinctly; eyes widening ever-so slightly.

It definitely wasn't the reply that she expected, but she certainly wasn't complaining either. She merely listened coyly as he explained his thoughts. And, even when he began to explain his personal desires, the dryad held silent. A contemplative moment to try to understand the arrangement. It was...

"So basically, you help me to become stronger. Better. And then I go out and do awesome things. And then, when people ask me how I got that way, I tell them about you and make you look good? So that they also come to you looking for greatness?"

With a raised brow, she watched for a response in the young magus' expression.

"That...I- I mean... y-yeah. I could do that for you. Sure."

Her smile reflected his. And truth be told, if he kept good to his word, she probably would've just done that anyways. That just seemed like basic decency as far as she was concerned. Still, she decided not to voice that particular thought. Adelhein offered his hand to the young fae. And, had they been alone, she would've taken it without much hesitation. But they weren't.

They hadn't been from the start.

A new voice interjected and Demeter's hand froze in place as her gaze shifted over to the new arrival. The Golden One approached with unprovoked laughter that left her wondering just what she'd found so funny. There was something eerie about her smile that the dryad couldn't place. Something off-putting about the strange questions that she'd been asking Adelhein.

Then Gilgamesh turned her poison words against Demeter, herself.

And Adelhein would watch her small hand slowly pull away.

"Trade? Shackles?"

Then came Saber's voice, a plea for reassurance that fell upon deaf ears. Neither of them were the reason why she'd come here in the first place. Neither of them had shown any concern for her. And so Demeter chose to turn away from both of them. To listen to neither. Her eyes met Adelhein's as a finger pointed towards the golden instigator, Gilgamesh.

Naught but raw confusion written all over her face.

"What is she talking about?"

Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Demeter assessment of what Adelhein planned to have in return was perfect, although he himself hadn't planned to stand too much behind in going into this new world and doing things by himself. Despite being prideful of his own abilities, he wasn't short-sighted enough to think he couldn't improve. Much on the contrary: the better he was, the more he could teach, and even more solid his claim of being the 'Alpha' and the 'Omega' regarding magecraft would be. "You understood it perfectly. And I'm sure we will end up sharing the path of doing awesome things. No better way to accompany your progress than seeing it up and close, right?"

Everything was set for the first step of grandeur, the ascension of the El-Melloi far away from their place of origin. In a new world, in a new land. Or at least, that was what the teenager thought, until the King of Heroes intervened, with the usual mocking and arrogance which plagued her very character. Why did one of the strongest Heroic Spirits came accompanied by such traits? Seems like Gilgamesh's power came with a price, the price being... well, Gilgamesh.

Watching as the dryad slowly pulled her hand away, he did the same with his own, turning towards the Golden Ruler, his crimson eyes meeting hers.
"Of course, I am confident in what my knowledge can provide. I did, after all, survive the Grail War and reached its very ending. Who knew Kiritsugu Emiya would end up destroying the ritual. I would certainly have been its victor otherwise..." (And all would have kneeled before you.) His tone was firm, carrying slight irritation as he mentioned the name of Kiritsugu, running his gloved hand through his hair, dispelling the whispers on the back of his head. This iteration of Gilgamesh probably didn't remember what transpired in it, so Adelhein thought it would be fruitless to bring up more details about it. How Gilgamesh's Master had been killed and her allegiance having shifted towards that accursed supervisor.

Her next comment, however, made him raise his eyebrow. Whatever the Servant said about 'adding another' to his collection, not really being able to be grasped by his mind. "My collection? What are you talking about, Gilgamesh?" He asked, the puzzled expression on his face being palpable. He gathered she would expand on it soon enough, if it wasn't just King of Uruk searching for entertainment wherever she could find.

And, to add to it, the mention of shackles which, rightfully so, added even more doubt to what was being offered. The teenager crossed his arms, sighing slightly, before his expression hardened. Seeing the pointed finger towards Gilgamesh, by Demeter, and the question of what she meant by it, Adelhein began with his crimson eyes peering into the dryad's. "I suppose Gilgamesh here thinks I am planning to make a familiar out of you, magical contract and all, which she would be wrong, as this certainly isn't the case." His voice was firm, despite who he was contradicting. "The magi teachings are anything, but shackles. And the mentor-apprentice relationship is one of mutual benefit, not exploitation." As he continued, he uncrossed his arms and his expression relaxed once more, turning his gaze towards Saber, who had supported him. "Saber is right, she has known me more than a few hours, so she would be a better judge of my character." Adelhein concluded, hoping that would have cleared up whatever doubts Gilgamesh had produced.

Gilgamesh scoffed loudly at Adelhein's words, running her armored hand through the back of her golden hair. "A mentor-apprentice relationship?" She echoed with a derisive laugh. "How quaint you make it sound, little magus."

Her crimson eyes glinted with thinly veiled mockery as she regarded the two of them - Adelhein with his pretentious airs, and the naive dryad who seemed captivated by his empty promises. Truly, they were but children playing at being kings among commoners.

"You protest too much, Adelhein," Gilgamesh purred, inspecting her nails idly. "We both know the ultimate goal for one such as yourself is to amass a... following, shall we say? Loyal subjects beholden to your every whim through the bindings of magecraft."

She waved a dismissive hand. "Whether you choose to call it a 'collection' or simply the natural order of things matters not to me. I am merely skeptical of your altruistic claims when it comes to nurturing this dryad's abilities."

Turning her piercing gaze upon Demeter, Gilgamesh's full lips curved in a cruel smile. "Ask yourself, little one - what does a human magus truly gain from empowering a being tied so intrinsically to the natural world? Enlightenment?" She barked out a scornful laugh. "I think not."

The golden Archer leveled a challenging look at Adelhein then. "If your intentions are as pure as you claim, prove it. Renounce any future claims of mastery or fealty from the dryad. Let your 'teachings' be a gift, freely given without expectation of subservience in return."

Her smile turned sharp. "Unless, of course, you fear what abilities she may one day wield outside your control?"

Saber Alter's aura flared in response to Gilgamesh's words, the corrupted king's molten glare promising painful retribution for the insults leveled at her Master's honor. But she remained silent, awaiting Adelhein's response with hand poised over her obsidian blade.

"I don't share your despotic nature, King of Heroes, and I do not believe that I have anything to prove to you in relation to my offer." Adelhein's response came quickly, while he still kept his composure, the relaxed expression being kept upon his face. Internally, however, he was becoming slightly vexed in having his own Servant to try and undermine his authority in that manner. Still, he chose not to make use of his Command Seals, for now. With his attention returning to Demeter, he concluded. "What I offer is indeed without a price tag, material or otherwise."

Adelhein and his servant began to fight. And she asked the dryad a question so simple that the very act of asking it confused Demeter.

"A friend?"

Truthfully, Demeter wasn't entirely sure why. There was bitterness in Gilgamesh's words as she assaulted Adelhein's character and questioned his intentions. If she'd only listened to her words and hadn't seen her face, then Demeter might've thought that she was trying to protect her from something. But, even then, those words felt sorely misguided. It wasn't that Demeter disagreed with Gilgamesh at all. It wasn't that she believed Adelhein's intentions were "pure" by the definition that the golden one... seemed to be using.


"So um..."

Her eyes flittered about the group as she began. Most of her words had been for Adelhein, alone, up until this point. But now she wanted everyone to listen and here this.

"So, earlier, when I said that I was waiting to hear what Adelhein wanted from me. I wasn't... I wasn't implying anything bad by that."

Perhaps that was here Gilgamesh's irritation began. A fault in communication that they'd been working from for a while now. Perhaps it was, perhaps not. At least, if it was, she could go ahead and clear that up and maybe calm everyone down.

"I don't think that wanting things from other people makes you bad. Cuz, if it did, then that would make shopkeepers bad. And it would make people who love others bad. And it would make entertainers bad. And it would make... me bad."

Let's not forget what drew Demeter to the clearing on that morning. It wasn't some altruistic plot to save the world or a grand enterprise for charity. She sought after strength and self improvement. Quite frankly... the most selfish motivation of all.

"I don't think that the things you want from people... or even just wanting things from people, makes you bad. I think that how you go about getting the things you want from people is what makes you good or bad. I dunno about subservience, but if he spends a lot of time helping me then he probably does want some loyalty because that would be kind of awful if he did that and then I just didn't care about him, right?"

And then she considered the possibility that not sharing her thoughts from earlier might've been a mistake.

"If Adelhein is good to me and keeps his word, then I was probably going to have his back and say nice things about him anyways, so..."

So maybe Gilgamesh could calm down a little.

Maxxob Maxxob

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Gilgamesh arched one delicate golden brow as Demeter spoke, her expression shifting from mocking disdain to one of faint surprise. The dryad's candid words seemed to give the arrogant Archer pause, crimson eyes narrowing in contemplation.

"Well said, little sprite," she murmured after a moment, tapping one armored finger against her lip. "Perhaps I underestimated the nuance of your perspective."

Her gaze slid towards Adelhein, something unreadable flickering in her eyes. "It would seem our...concerns diverge on this matter. You seek no subservience nor fealty, but simply a mutual rapport borne of tutelage, yes?"

The briefest hint of approval colored Gilgamesh's tone as she regarded the young magus. "In that case, I shall reserve judgment for now. Just remember - I will be watching with great interest to see if you remain true to your noble claims."

Saber Alter's stance relaxed marginally at Demeter's words and Gilgamesh's apparent acceptance, at least for the time being. The blackened king's molten gaze met Adelhein's, a silent question burning in their depths. It was clear she awaited her Master's lead on how to proceed.

Demeter's argument gave even Adelhein pause. The dryad spoke nothing but the truth in regard to how relationships, in general, worked. The give/receive dynamics were essential to keep bonds, regardless of what type they were. Maybe the young magus had taken those for granted, as the thought hadn't even crossed his mind: it felt natural for him to expect that and not see it as him wanting anything 'extra'. And that was the result of his naïveness due to his age. "Quid pro quo, everything is a two-way street." He murmured, after all, wasn't exactly in that manner that even his dynamics with his Servants worked?

Still, Gilgamesh's sudden 'intrusion' on the matter made him think for a bit about what had propped her to do it. Certainly it wasn't by the kindness of the King of Uruk's own heart, knowing quite a bit of the legend. Maybe some nuance he couldn't quite get at that time. Whatever her reasons might be, he considered it wise to try and know it at a more opportune moment. Meeting the Golden Ruler's gaze, he nodded. "That is right, mentor-apprentice rapport, as I said previously." Stopping for a moment, another word which the dryad had mentioned came to his mind. "And friendship..." That concept in specific sounded almost foreign, being brought up in the not so friendly and kind world of magi, but it was exactly what that would bring forth. "... you are more than welcome to watch and see if actions back up the claims."

With that being said, his gaze shifted towards Saber's momentarily, nodding slightly, before finally focusing on Demeter herself. "Now that worries seem to have been satisfied, what do you say? Will you accept this mutual partnership?" The teenager asked, with a smile present on his lips, offering his right, gloved hand to the dryad once more, something glinting in his crimson eyes as it was focused on hers. There was much to be done and he was eager to begin.

"It's okay. I get confused sometimes, too." she replied to Gilgamesh with a smile.

The Golden one seemed satisfied with that answer. And, once again, Adelhein offered his hand. This time, there was nothing left to stop the young dyrad from taking it. The first hurdle had finally been overcome, but the day was young.

Onto the next.

"I think that there are two major things I need to work on before I worry about anything else. Because I don't think that anything else I learn will matter if I can't get past these two things."

Her thoughts slipped into her memories once more as she explained her own self-assessment.

"I need to find a way to use my spells without exhausting myself. It doesn't matter how good how my magic is if I have to take a breather every time I cast it. It's not that big of a deal when I'm with a group, but it's a huge problem if I get into trouble and I'm not. As I am now, I'm doomed if I can't defeat my opponent in one blow. And, even if I do, I'm still doomed if he came with friends."

Something might've occurred to Adelhein in that moment. It is true that Demeter had exhausted herself with every spell she casted back in the cave; that much was self-evident. From the massive spires of root that erupted from the earth to a wall of solid bark erected to intercept a fireball, every spell was followed by a long lag-time of recovery before Demeter could cast again. But then... didn't she just cast a spell not too long ago and show no sign of exhaustion whatsoever?

How curious.

"The other is that, well... I kept freezing up when we were in the cave. When the barrel sprouted legs and started spewing poison, I got nervous. I watched every race ahead of me in an instant and I had to- well, it was a fight to get my body moving in the first place. When we met the dragon man, it was even worse," much of what she'd said were things that Adelhein would likely remember. But some of the things that were happening back there were impossible to perceive, "You remember when the Dragon man was like 'Don't make trouble or I'll kill or the prisoners'?"

Extremely loose paraphrasing, to be sure.

"I remember just... thinking alot. Thinking about the hostages. Thinking about what kind of trap that he might lure us into if we cooperated with him. Thinking about how badly things might've gone if we sided with them. How badly they might've gone if we didn't. How... how badly they might go regardless of what we did," she paused for a moment and nodded, "And then you and Gilgamfried just chose. You just... chose. And I remember feeling so relieved when you did. Not because I thought that it was the right decision. But because... I didn't have to waste time thinking about it anymore and could just ride things out and see where they went. I want to be more like that. I can't keep getting lost in myself every time something unexpected happened."

The latter issue?

Well, compared to the first, this one was probably going to be the far more challenging issue to work on. But, if they could press on past these first two hurdles, then Adelhein might've actually had a chance to unlock the wellspring of potential that lay dormant within the young dryad. What's more, Gilgamesh's gaze was ever-lingering upon them. Judgemental and cruel. She seemed eager to witness The El-Malloi fail.

Adelhein's new apprentice had just presented him with his first two real challenges.

It was time to see just how great the tutelage of the young master really was.

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

With a firm handshake, the mentor-apprentice bond had begun in earnest, Demeter already bringing two of the more pressing matters which she considered vital to be worked on: one being the fact that she would become fatigued after her spells and the other how difficult it has been for the dryad to make decisions in the thick of things. Both were interesting challenges to work on: each testing the first step in the mentorship and if the El-Melloi scion had any actual credit. Quite the baptism of fire.

Adelhein's gloved hand reached his cravat, touching it gently, as his mind reeled back to what had happened in the cave. What had happened was crystal clear in his mind: after both him and Demeter had erected the magical barriers to protect themselves, along with the rest of the group, of metal and thorns, the dryad found herself tired and not being able to act at that very moment. Which resulted with him dragging her, by the hand, so both of them could be close to the 'dragon man', their opponent with delusions of godhood.

"Well, how do you currently feel? You have used your magecraft a bit earlier, while explaining how it worked. But you didn't seem exhausted as you did, back in the cave." The teenager asked, his crimson eyes looking at her appraisingly, as if trying to notice what changed from the caves to that very moment. "It could have happened because that was a life and death scenario, while here you feel more at ease. Mmmm..." In his mind, a few things began to click, what could have caused this shift. It began to become clearer and clearer with each passing moment. His crimson eyes narrowed, Adelhein appearing to have zeroed in on the culprit. "... you might be overloading your magic circuits, making more mana than necessary 'flow' for what you are trying to bring forth and ending up exhausted for what is not being used. Fine control during more stressful situations is oftentimes harder than in practice or demonstrations. What do you think? Do you think you might have concentrated more than was necessary in the cave?" As he asked that, a smile widened quite a bit on his lips.

If that was true, it would, in a way, tie with the second issue. Second guessing yourself, thinking too much on the variables in a situation that demanded action, was deadly. A bad plan was better than no plan, inaction having been the fall of too many magi. And thinking on your feet could, more often than not, catch your opponent unprepared and by surprise.

"Ah yes, I remember very well when Dranth, that cur, threatened the hostages. Even invited us to join him and then challenged us to a one-on-one combat, as if we would have accepted it, having advantage in numbers. Later on, being so bold as to invite us all to take him at the same time." Adelhein shook his head of how ridiculous the one-on-one proposal was, looking at the blackened King of Knights for a moment and remembering how swiftly she decapitated him after he was overpowered by her, Demeter, Adelhein and Shael. "Although, I have to say, you did come up with the plan regarding the hostages rather quickly... even if the bishop chose to pursue his own plan, without consulting us first." There was a tinge of distaste in the young magus' voice when he recalled the canine-humanoid and bishop, Ceylan, hash decision to act without the group consent. While it worked, it might very well have not worked at all.

"But the answer to quick thinking is pragmatism. See what can be done at the moment and put into action without thinking too much about it. Searching for the best outcome will most of the time lead to the worst. It takes time to learn how to act like that, but it is certainly doable. It is how I was taught, and I can certainly teach you how to do it." While sometimes excellency could be searched for, the opportunity for that was rare. "When we met Dranth, the situation was quite clear: even if he had the power to kill the hostages, he had to be stopped. Who knows what would have happened if he had finished the ritual in the first place? The loss of life was acceptable when everything placed on the scales." What Adelhein was saying could be seen as cruel to some, however that was how his methodical mind worked.

Saber Alter listened silently as her Master spoke, recalling the events in the cave that led to their victory over the madman calling himself a god. Her eyes slid to Gilgamesh for a moment, noting the other Servant had not been present during that first trial. While Saber Alter felt a small swell of pride at having fought by Adelhein's side and protecting him from harm, she knew Gilgamesh would likely see it as a missed opportunity to prove her own worth.

Gilgamesh's expression remained neutral, though inside she felt a twinge of annoyance at having not been summoned in time to join that first battle. To miss a chance to showcase her power and put the mongrels in their place was vexing, though she showed none of this on the surface. Her eyes followed Adelhein as he paced, listening to his explanation of the events that had unfolded. The boy had a strategic mind, that much was clear, though some of his methods seemed rather ruthless. A smile pulled at the corner of Gilgamesh's lips. Ruthlessness was a trait she could respect and, for that, she was surprised.

"A pragmatic approach, indeed," Gilgamesh commented, her arms crossed over her chest. "To act without hesitation is the mark of a true leader. While loss of life is...unfortunate, it is sometimes necessary to achieve victory." Her gaze slid to Demeter. "You would do well to follow the young master's teachings, forest spirit. His methods may seem harsh, but it seems they will serve you better than I thought."

Saber Alter said nothing, though she watched Demeter closely to gauge her reaction. Those who could not stomach the difficult decisions and sacrifices required to prevail lacked the strength to stand at Adelhein's side. Saber Alter approved of the mentorship forming between Adelhein and Demeter. The forest spirit had potential, and under their Master's guidance, she could become a useful ally.

For now, Saber Alter remained silent and watchful. She was content to let Adelhein and Gilgamesh converse, only speaking if directly addressed or if she sensed an impending threat. Her duty was to guard and protect, not engage in casual conversation. Still, she listened closely, gaining further insight into how her Master's mind worked with every word he uttered. The more she understood him, the better she could serve his needs and ensure his survival. That was her purpose, the reason she had been summoned into the previous and this world. She would fulfill it without fail.

Demeter held silent as she listened to the words of the young magus.

Much to her surprise, he decided to tackle both issues at once. For her stamina, he surmised that the issue lied in her control. And that the pressures that would cause her to lose it in battle simply weren't present out here in the woods amongst allies. And as for her coyness, he suggested something far more abstract than the former solution. Pragmatism. And, though she understood his words, that second solution only left her with more questions. But, before she replied to her mentor...

...she would briefly address Gilgamesh.

"It's fine. Better to take the harsh action than to stand around doing at all. I mean, it worked out in the end."

She sent a light smirk Gilgamesh's way before turning back to Adelhein.

"Oh yeah. I guess that didn't wear me out, did it?"

Demeter's brow furrowed a moment before she turned to her left and gazed out into the open clearing. She extended her hand to the side and cast [Root Burst] once again; spikes rising into the air to strike absolutely nothing. Then, a moment later, she'd cast it a second time. No lag in her casting. No visible exhaustion, audible breath nor sweat upon her brow like before. And, while that may have seemed like a victory, both Adelhein and Saber would've noticed a stark difference in the pikes that the dryad currently summoned. Compared to those she'd utilized in the caves...

...these were a bit lacking in speed and force.

"Back then in the cave, the only thing on my mind was getting rid of the danger as quickly as possible. I guess I was putting my everything into every attack. I guess that's no good if you've got nothing left after is it? But then... I also have to make sure that the strikes I do throw are strong enough as well, right?"

She cast [Root Burst] once more; this time utilizing the full 30ft range that she was currently capable of. And this time, she had a target. A tree, torn in half and made to fall by a rising arboreal spike that ripped right through its trunk. And yet, the young fae seemed to draw no satisfaction from this.

"But it's different when you're actually in danger. When something's actually staring you down and trying to hurt you."

There was a long pause before she finally turned back to The El-Malloi.

"Hey, Adelhein? I think I'd like to focus on my control for now, and maybe revisit the pragmatism at a later time. I want to see if I can maintain this control in a real fight. Where it matters," she paused for a moment in contemplation before she continued, "But I also need so see if I can still be effective like that. Still... kill. Even when I'm not putting everything into every attack."

Then, she turned and looked to the woods. To the trees and past the thicket. As valuable as the open clearing was for practicing magic, practical application often violence often required a partner upon which to practice one's techniques.

"We're already in the woods. And I have you guys to back me up if it goes south. So... if I found a beast out here and hunted it? If I found a predator? Wouldn't that be the best way to practice control?

Maxxob Maxxob
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

The teenager magus was a bit surprised with Gilgamesh's change, the Servant saying her first words of praise towards him, after the long suspicions about his intentions, bordering questioning his character. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips with it, having his ego stroked by the King of Uruk. However, he didn't let that distract him from the work that had to be done.

His crimson eyes swept from Gilgamesh to Demeter, nodding as she seemed to have noticed the absence of fatigue. With keen eyes, he observed both times in which she used her magecraft: the roots of trees bursting out of the earthy terrain, protruding to impale empty space. His mind reeled back to the cave, seeing that there was a noticeable difference this time around. Slower and not as strong as the roots which had impaled Dranth. In his mind, he could only think of it as a more controlled use of her magic. Not as deadly, but also didn't leave her open and defenseless.

Hearing her next words, he nodded. "That is correct. In the heat of the moment, a magus, or anyone really, might be compelled to put as much strength as they can behind their attacks. While that can be useful sometimes, there is a price to be paid for it. If someone swings a big club with all their strength, and miss, they will be left wide-open afterward. On the other side of the coin, if there isn't much strength on the swing, an opportunity might be missed. The fine-tuning of how much mana you put behind each time you use your magecraft will be a game changer. You caught on very quickly." He made care that his words of praise didn't sound like condescension, but was glad that she arrived at the same conclusion as him. The correct conclusion.

Becoming silent again, he observed as the dryad used her magecraft once more, this time directing her [Root Burst] with a tree as her target, destroying it with ease and felling it, the sound of the trunk hitting the ground reverberating through the sea of green. "As someone used to say: everyone has a plan, until they are punched in the face." He added to her comment, grinning slightly. No amount of stratagems, plans, strategies or training was useful if one couldn't put them into action when it mattered the most.

Nodding once more, he agreed with the decision to focus in controlling her abilities, for now, and revisiting the idea of pragmatism in the future. The latter would take more time to be absorbed and understood. And, upon hearing her suggestion, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Finding a real creature in which to practice... I like that idea. Personally, I was about to suggest either practicing your performance against Saber or Gilgamesh, but that would lack 'realism' in a sense. Your alternative of finding a creature in the woods is much better." Turning towards both Gilgamesh and Saber, he asked. "Saber, Gilgamesh, do you agree to this approach?."

Gilgamesh's crimson eyes narrowed slightly, returning Demeter's smirk with one of her own. She then studied the dryad as she practiced her magecraft, noting the power and precision behind each strike. The girl had potential, that much was clear, though she still had much to learn. Gilgamesh approved of Adelhein's methods in mentoring Demeter, pushing her to strengthen her abilities in a controlled setting before facing true opposition.

"A sound strategy," Gilgamesh commented with a nod. "To hone one's skills against live prey is ideal. I faced many great beasts in my youth, hunting them to test my strength and cunning. Each victory made me stronger." Her gaze slid to Saber Alter. "As for facing myself or the corrupted Saber in practice, that would not be advisable at this stage. Our power would likely overwhelm the forest spirit, causing more harm than good."

Saber Alter remained silent, her eyes tracking Demeter as the dryad practiced her magecraft. While facing a Servant, even in a practice setting, could push Demeter to improve her skills rapidly, the risk of serious injury was too great. For now, battling lesser creatures as the dryad suggested was the wisest course.

"I concur," Saber Alter said simply. Her gaze shifted to Adelhein. "Master, shall we scout the area to locate suitable prey for the dryad to test her strength against?"

Saber Alter cared little for mentoring the forest spirit, but she would follow Adelhein's orders without question. If he wished for Demeter to gain experience battling beasts under their watchful eye, Saber Alter would ensure suitable prey was located, and the engagement went as planned. Her duty was to Adelhein and his goals; all else was secondary. If the dryad proved herself a capable ally, that was beneficial. If not, she was of little consequence. Saber Alter's focus remained on serving her Master's needs above all else.

With both Servants agreeing to the plan of searching for a suitable opponent for Demeter, he turned towards the dryad with a mix of excitement and expectation on his expression. "Let's begin scouting, then?" With those words, the group would begin to make their way deeper into the heart of the forest, the clinking of armor being heard from both Heroic Spirits with each step. Saber stood closer to Adelhein during their walk, while Gilgamesh walked unbothered, fully confident in pulverizing whatever beast or threat that dared to engage her.

Eventually, the group would come upon something. Low, dangerous growling could be heard from just after a few trees. And, as the group got closer enough, they could see it clearly. The creature was something akin to a bear, yet clearly affected by mana concentration. Its eyes glowed red, foam dripping from its lips as an ominous, shadow-like veneer enveloped it. Its teeth and claws razor sharp. It was hard to know if the creature was an animal or a monster, however, one thing was clear: it was a predator.

The creature was about 45ft from the group, still not having noticed them, despite starting to sniff around and begin to catch the scent of something. Adelhein, seeing the creature, thought that they couldn't have found a better target for Demeter's practice. "Time for your practical lesson about control, Demeter." With his crimson eyes facing hers, the teenager's expression kept relaxed, despite the stakes at play. "Remember, control how much 'focus' you put into it and don't burn yourself all at once. I will be standing right here if you need it." Adelhein gave his final advices before the real test, one arm motioning towards the afflicted bear, in an inviting motion.

An excitement rose in Demeter as they advanced deeper into the woods.

Although, maybe tension- anxiety- was a more apt word to use in this situation.

There was nothing new about this place. There was nothing new about encountering beasts. But a newfound change in perspective left the forest feeling like a brand new place beneath her feet. And, for the first time since she'd come to this new world... she longed for the sight of borne fangs that hungered for her flesh. And, of course, the little dryad was extremely eager to put her new tactic to the test.

And perhaps to impress those at her back.

It wasn't long until Adelhein spotted a bear. A beast that seemed to carry a curse so potent that they could see the mana emanating from its body. It's eyes were as red as fresh blood. And sickness leaked from the edges of its mouth and down onto the forest floor. Demeter could feel her heartbeat speed up ever-so-slightly, but she smiled in response. Perhaps it was an act of rebellion against the worry that washed across her nerves. Perhaps it was just a manifestation of her joy having been given such an opportunity.

On Adelhein's signal, she would advance. And she would advance, alone. 15 feet forward until the diseased beast was within her range. And she whistle the loudest whistle that she could; beckoning for the predator's attention.

There was an opportunity for her to launch the first strike. For her to try to end the fight before in a moment of relative calm before it even began. And perhaps, when on their next adventure, the little dryad would try to claim victory in every battle she fought before her foes had a chance to realize that there was even a battle to be fought. But she didn't want that kind of battle, today.


"Come on."

Let the beast's eyes meet your own and trigger that aggressive response that comes with the meeting of two hostile souls. Give it time to size you up and plot it's next strike. Allow the animosity to fill the air so thick that you could feel it pressing against your diaphragm with each uneasy breath. And let the pressure of the moment- of the enemy- bear down upon you.

A steady breath helped to keep Demeter's mind calm and focused. Arms held forward as she lowered her stance over-so slightly.

"Bear those fangs for me."

For it was only under pressure that one could truly evolve.

Maxxob Maxxob

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein watched intently as Demeter approached the odd bear-like creature, even forgoing the advantage of the first attack as she let out a sharp whistle, making her presence known to the creature. In the teenager's mind, she did the right thing: attacking the creature outright would have wasted the opportunity. With crossed arms, his crimson eyes watched the scene, ready to intervene on it himself, as well as ordering both Heroic Spirits to do the same, if the need arose.

As soon as the sharp whistle echoed through the forest, the creature turned its face towards Demeter. Its mouth opened, grotesquely sharp teeth being revealed. The predatory eyes which the beast possessed brimmed with hunger. It desired for prey and had found it. Fully shifting its body to face Demeter, the being would stand in its hind legs for a moment, letting out a reverberating growl in a show of utter primal dominance. As the bestial cacophony resounded, as if ricocheting from the bark of the many trees which surrounded this almost natural arena, birds took flight to escape whatever it was coming. From the distance, several bushes shifted and move, no doubt it was small critters which, now aware of a nearby predator, attempted to escape to safety.

Demeter's quarry quickly went back to its initial position, on all fours. The massive paws possessed by the creature pushed the dirt beneath them, as it started rushing towards the dryad. Its powerful maw was hanging open as it ran, salivating for the flesh of the forest sprite, eager to taste it. Each time its paws hit the earthy ground, a resounding 'thud' could be heard, the drumming getting closer and closer with each passing second. Dust was being lifted behind the creature, the crushing of twigs and leaves accompanying it.

The creature closed about 15ft of distance in almost a blink of an eye. Suddenly, it coiled slightly, lifting its front legs. The muscles of the hind ones contracted, before letting out a massive force, resulting in a leap in the direction of Demeter. The sharp teeth, which resembled, ironically, a bear-trap, aimed at the dryad's jugular. It was the moment which would test the forest spirit's resolve and control.

Gilgamesh watched the beast charge at Demeter with a mix of interest and amusement. The creature possessed a feral power and speed that would push the dryad's abilities to their limit. Her interest to see if Adelhein's teaching methods bore fruit was palpable. If the forest spirit could not handle such a base creature, she was of little use to them.

Her hand rested casually on her armored hips, ready to intervene if necessary to prevent the dryad from being overpowered. While Gilgamesh preferred to allow others to test their mettle without interference, she would follow Adelhein's orders. If he wished for Demeter to survive this encounter, Gilgamesh would ensure it, whether by distracting the beast or striking it down. For now, she simply observed, curious to see the full extent of the dryad's power.

At Gilgamesh's side, Saber Alter watched the scene unfold with her usual stoic silence. Her eyes tracked the beast's every movement, ready to rush in and skewer it with her sword should it gain the upper hand over Demeter or threaten Adelhein. While Saber Alter cared little for the dryad, she would not allow any harm to come to her Master. If Demeter could hold her own against such a creature, it showed her usefulness. If not, she was of no consequence. Saber Alter's duty was to Adelhein alone.

"Show us your strength, little dryad," Gilgamesh said, a challenge and command in her tone. She grinned, the thrill of the hunt and promise of entertainment lighting her eyes. Whether the dryad emerged victorious or needed saving, this would prove an interesting spectacle. Gilgamesh glanced at Adelhein, gauging his reaction. The boy had summoned two powerful Servants; now it was time to see what his little apprentice could do.

To her words, the beast replied with a roar that struck terror in every critter that had been hiding amongst the brush and canopies and sent them fleeing away.

Demeter felt it too, but she held her ground. A mantra kept repeating in the back of her mind, over and over, with each passing second. Stay calm. Keep control. Stay calm. Keep control. Even as it advanced. Even as it leapt into the air. It wasn't until the creature was airborne that she would launch her first attack. Not from below, nor straight ahead.

But from the side.

Just ahead to Demeter's right- or the bear's left if you preferred his perspective- spikes would erupt from the earth and rocket into the creature's side. Instead of meeting the beast head-on, she would attempt to wound its flank and alter the trajectory of its flight all in one move with the raw force of her [Root burst]'s impact. And, should her strike find purchase and open a wound, then poison would seep into the creature's blood. Then, without a moment's hesitation, she would sprint to her right to maintain a bit of distance; keeping her eyes on the beast the entire time.

One more.

She slid to a stop, threw her right hand up, and summoned another volley of arboreal spikes directly below the beast to pierce its underbelly. And her smile widened a bit. Perhaps the beast would weather these first few strikes. Perhaps it would fall. Either way, Demeter felt a satisfaction building inside her. Because, regardless of what the beast might've thrown at her next?

She had plenty left in the tank to answer it.

Actions (3/3)
1). Cast
[Root Burst] at the Infected Bear to counter its lunge.
2). Moved 30ft to her right.
3). Cast
[Root Burst] on the bear a second time.
Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption. - 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob
Last edited:
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

While the battle in the Alkaf Cave had ended, another one raged just a few miles outside Ryken, the only contenders being Demeter and the bestial-creature. With the bear pouncing, its presence pulsating with dark mana, the path it was taking was clear: the dryad's face and neck. However, as the animal predator was reaching dangerously close to its mark, Demeter's magecraft spurted from an unexpected place. Instead of spiked roots erupting from the dryad and then travelling towards her target, as Adelhein and Saber had witnessed before, the manipulation of nature took place right at the creature's left.

With the thorny appendages bursting out of the ground, they smashed against the creature's flank. A resounding thud echoed through the canopy, the roots, hitting its mark, but being unable to penetrate the creature's thick skin and fur. However, the force of it struck true to divert the bear's leaping path. The impact sent the creature around 15ft to the dryad's left, leaves hustling as the air pressure shifted towards the direction.

The afflicted bear, upon touching the earthy ground, skidded a few more feet, turning its whole body towards Demeter with unexpected grace. Animal instincts alone would be unable to allow the creature to do that. It spent only a moment eyeing the woodland sprite new positioning, 48ft now was the distance between them. Its glowing, red eyes emanated with renewed hunger for flesh, a copious amount of drool escaping the hanging jaws, wetting the earth beneath it.

Without missing a beat, the creature began charging Demeter once more, even faster than last time. The strong muscles and bones worked in tandem, propelling the bear towards her with each time its massive paws hit the ground. The agility it possessed clearly bellied with massive size. 20ft were closed in a blink of an eye, and it was then when the dryad's assault continued. This time around, opting to target its underbelly as the bear kept moving towards her.

In quick succession, the arboreal spikes shoot from the ground, each from a little further than the last one, accompanying the creature's movement. Six were launched in total, in quick succession, all which managed to hit around the same area in the creature's belly. While the first four didn't manage to pierce it, they served a purpose: weaken its underside, creating a clear path. The last two spikes managed to capitalize on it, striking true and deeply, sinking into the bear's massive body. A massive, thunderous growl left the creature's maw, feeling its body being pierced. It was lucky that no vital organ had been hit by it.

Despite it, blood now dripped from its underbelly, poison slowly begin to spread throughout its veins. The creature's movement wasn't stopped by the pain or the attack, the spikes breaking at their base as the rush continued. And, reaching Demeter's position, the bear widened both front legs, almost in a hug, revealing the steel-sharp long claws it possessed. In the very next moment, both swiped right against the dryad's center, wanting to slash the forest sprite from both sides. While a first victory was struck against the afflicted bear, how would Demeter react to this now life-threatening scenario?

Gilgamesh watched the unfolding battle with keen interest, her crimson eyes glinting with undisguised glee at the brutality on display. As Demeter's thorny roots slammed into the beast's flank, diverting its deadly pounce, the golden Archer let out a low, approving chuckle.

"Well struck, little sprite," she purred, lips curving in a cruel smile. "Though I fear you'll need more than glancing blows to conquer such a relentless foe."

True to her words, the monstrous bear shrugged off Demeter's assault and charged once more with frightening speed. Gilgamesh's smile widened as the dryad's counter-attack pierced the creature's underside, sanguine droplets splattering across the grass.

"Now that's more like it..." she breathed, gaze devouring the grisly scene ravenously.

However, Demeter's attack did little to truly halt the raging beast's charge. Gilgamesh tsked in mock disappointment as the bear closed in, raising its wicked claws to disembowel the woodland sprite.

Swiftly, the King of Heroes moved behind Adelhein, her armored arms encircling his chest as she leaned in close. The young magus could feel the heat of her breath fanning against his neck as Gilgamesh whispered huskily in his ear.

"Well, little magus? Shall you allow your adorable new pupil to face such a grisly fate?" Her lips grazed his skin as she chuckled darkly. "Or will you seize control of the situation and ensure her...education continues uninterrupted?"

Crimson eyes danced with cruel mirth as Gilgamesh pressed herself against Adelhein's back, the swell of her armored chest pressing into him. For now, she seemed content to relish the morbid spectacle before them both.

Beside them, Saber Alter watched the fray with frigid impassivity, seemingly ignoring Gilgamesh's newfound proximity and intimacy towards their shared Master for the moment. The blackened king's molten gaze betrayed no emotion, but her gauntleted hand rested upon the hilt of Excalibur Morgan, ready to draw the corrupted blade if commanded. Her focus remained solely on the life-or-death struggle playing out before them.

What would her Master decree in this precarious moment? Salvation for Demeter...or the harsh lessons that reality oft imparted through blood and sacrifice? For now, the Dragon Slayer remained lethally poised, awaiting Adelhein's orders without comment on the Archer's unsubtle provocations.

Gilgamesh pressed herself more fully against Adelhein's back, the swell of her armored chest pressing into him. Crimson eyes danced with cruel mirth as she awaited his response to her taunting whispers. For now, she seemed content to relish the morbid spectacle before them both while baiting her Master's ruthless pragmatism.
Not great...

The upside?

Demeter was managing to keep her cool, and her control, as the battle continued.
The downside?
It might've been costing her too much effective power in the process. Her first strike, to its side, didn't even penetrate its hide. And her second strike, to its more vulnerable underbelly, barely pierced its hide. Gilgamesh's... debatably encouraging words would've been really nice to hear in that moment as the cursed bear drew near; but her mind simply didn't have room for distractions. Not that she would've been able to hear it over the sound of her own heartbeat, anyway.
For the briefest of moments, Demeter turned away from the beast as though she were going to flee. But, as soon as her leading foot hit the dirt, she stopped turned back to face it. This wasn't some foolish act of courage meant to impress Adelhein and the others. No, quite the opposite. It was an honest surrender to the reality of her situation that would allow her to better face in coming threat. She could tell as soon as she took that first step.

Her legs simply lacked the speed to escape the breadth of the beast's wide, outstretched arms.

Still as a statue with sweat running down the sides of her face and wide eyes, she watched its claws rear back; adrenaline drawing the events unfolding around her to a relative snail's pace. With nowhere to go, the young fae was left with only one option. As soon as the beast's claws began to close in on her flesh, Demeter would spread her own arms apart in a motion almost diametrically opposed to that of her foe.
Two root spikes erupted from the ground just between them and rocketed towards both of the creature's wrists with intent to stuff each attack, if not lacerate the muscle within. Then, almost within the very same fluid motion, she would bring her left hand back and throw her right forward; pointing directly at the third beast's skull. And one last [Root Burst] would rise from the ground just between her feet and soar straight for the beast's jugular.

Actions (3/3):
1). A
[Root Burst] cast to counter the right paw.
2). A
[Root Burst] cast to counter the left paw.
3). A
[Root Burst] +2 sent straight to the jugular.

Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption. - 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein's eyes widened slightly, his concentration on the fight nearly shattered by the sudden embrace of unexpected arms. A hint of confusion crossed his face, but the teenager struggled to maintain his composure. At that moment, Adelhein's struggle was his own. Gilgamesh's velvety tone in his ear brought a rosy flush to his cheeks, her warm breath and grazing lips sending a shiver down his spine. Swallowing hard as he felt the armored chest pressed against his back, he answered, "I... I trust that Demeter has it under control..." While his tone held conviction, there was some difficulty in uttering those words. For the first time in a long while, his naïveness and unfamiliarity with the situation showed through, making it a Herculean task to keep his focus and gauge Demeter's need for assistance.

And the teenager's trust was not misplaced. His crimson eyes followed Demeter as she turned, seemingly to create distance from the oncoming claws aimed at her torso, the creature intent on tearing the dryad apart. However, her leading, bare foot found purchase against the earthy soil, as if bracing for something. She extended her arms to her sides, mirroring the actions of the monstrous bear. Soon enough, the plan she had in mind was put into action, showing quick thinking under pressure where a single mistake could be fatal.

Two sharp, wooden spikes burst from the ground, sending dirt and grass flying in opposite directions. Their tips, traveling with great force and ferocity, aimed at both of the bear's wrists. The afflicted bear, caught off guard, didn't anticipate such a counter-attack. In a display of nature's fury, the spikes impaled its massive, furred wrists just above the paws. The timing was just right; a single moment of delay would have seen the scythe-like claws connecting with Demeter's body. The spikes pierced the wrists of the bear, sinking deeply into its flesh, going through muscle and even chipping some bone. Vivid, sanguine liquid spurted from the wounds as the tips of the spikes made it all the way through, impaling the bear. Some of the blood bathed Demeter's face and neck, and she felt its warmth against her skin.

The first, dual assault had been enough to stop the attempt on the woodland sprite's life. However, the assault continued, Demeter seizing the advantage with a follow-up. With a graceful, fluid motion, Demeter coiled her left arm, while her right extended towards the bear, her fingertips inches from its drooling, hungry maw. A third spike burst from the ground, this one emerging from the space just between the dryad's feet with uncanny spatial awareness of her own form. Aimed at the jugular of the afflicted bear, it found its mark, the tip slowly piercing into the bear's throat. The spike stopped a few inches in, tearing fur, skin, and part of its trachea. A hoarse, painful growl escaped its throat. Whether by luck or not, the spike, firmly lodged in the bear, ended up staunching the otherwise massive flow of blood from the wound.

The monstrous bear now showed visible signs of weakness, its hind legs trying to pull and push against the spikes impaling its wrists and jugular, to no avail. Despite more poison from Demeter's magecraft coursing through its veins, the red, vivid eyes of the bear still burned with ferocity and killing intent. The deadly spectacle had turned the forest clearing into a coliseum, reaching its zenith. The honor of the final blow rested in the hands of the forest spirit.

Gilgamesh watched the duel with ravenous delight, her crimson eyes drinking in every bloody detail as Demeter countered the bear's lethal swipe with impaling spikes. A harsh chuckle rumbled from the golden Archer's throat at the dryad's ruthless retaliation.

"My, what brutality," she purred against Adelhein's flushed cheek, clearly savoring his discomfort at her intimate proximity. "It seems your little pupil has more mettle than I anticipated."

The Heroic Spirit clad in radiant armor shamelessly pressed her lithe form against the young magus' back as they observed Demeter impaling the grievously wounded beast through its wrists and throat. Gore spattered across the dryad's features, vivid crimson against her verdant skin.

"A savage display indeed," Gilgamesh's throaty voice was tinged with dark amusement as she licked her lips slowly. "The question remains whether she possesses the resolve to deliver the killing blow against such a tenacious adversary..."

Her heated breath caressed Adelhein's ear as one of her gauntleted hands boldly traced the contours of his chest over the fabric of his clothing. "Or if I'll need to take matters into my own hands to ensure the beast's demise - and provide a...memorable lesson in the process."

Beside them, Saber Alter's grip tightened fractionally on Excalibur Morgan's hilt, her molten glare never straying from the bloodied spectacle before her. Though the blackened king remained stonily silent, the erratic tension in her stance betrayed an underlying eagerness - to intervene or simply revel in the carnage, it was impossible to tell.

The wind from the beast's promptly halted advance blew Demeter's hair back and ruffled the petals she wore for clothing. Warm blood splashed across her face and forced her right eye shut. Some semblance of a roar sputtered out from the corrupted bear's throat; all clogged with jagged root and venom. The little dryad would watch the beast's fruitless struggle to dislodge itself from the spikes buried deep within its wrists and throat. Slow, her stance would ease up. Her heartbeat would begin to slow. She would sigh and wipe just enough of the blood from her face to let her right eye ease back open.

And she would let out a light chuckle of relief.

But only for a few moments.

There was one last experiment that she needed to perform here. An experiment that she could now afford to fail. Demeter would focus on the ground below the beast once more, but with notably more intensity than she had had at any point throughout the battle. More force, but without sacrificing control. A light exhale.

Then, she would cast [Root Eruption].

Dozens upon dozens of focused root spikes would erupt from the earth with such force that Adelhein and his two servants would feel it beneath their feet. The El-Malloi and Saber were familiar with it, but it would be Gilgamesh's first time seeing it. The arboreal spears would hoist the creature roughly 15 feet into the air as they bored through its flesh; the bloodstained ends of jagged, venomous roots bursting out from atop the bear's back as they arrived at their zenith.

Warm blood would rain down from the skies for a brief moment. Too far away to sully the clothing of her companions. Too close for Demeter to have any hope of avoiding it. Not that she would've wanted to, really. She closed her eyes, lifted her head upwards, and enjoyed its warmth as it rained down upon her. In any other situation the scent of iron filling her nostrils and its taste teasing her tongue would've lead to concern or discomfort. But here, it was more comforting than any cool summer shower would ever be. Irrefutable proof of progress. And what followed was a gesture for Adelhein to enjoy.

The little dryad would spread her arms out, hands open and palms forward, before quickly crossing them in a violent motion.

And, with no delay nor sign of exhaustion, two spikes would rise from the earth at either side of her foe and cross one another in a similar fashion. They would intersect at the beast's neck and, in one final act of violence, sever its head from its body. It would sail through the air, over Demeter's head, and land maybe a foot or two behind her. She would turn, walk over to it, and gracefully pick it up by the hair atop its skull.

With a wide, toothy grin, Demeter would present her trophy to her comrades in one hand-


-a strong thumb's up with the other.
Actions (3/3):
1). Cast
[Root Eruption] +2 on the corrupted bear.
2 & 3). Cast
[Root Burst] on the corrupted bear to sever its head.
Root Eruption- Magic E, Energized E, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic AOE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- Demeter summons roots spikes from a solid surface to impale foes. These spikes can be summoned from the earth, walls, ceilings or even her own body. Each root is coated in a poison that simultaneously acts as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant; effectively causing a target to hemorrhage an unnatural amount of blood from any wounds taken from this move if not properly treated.- 1 action- 30ft Range- 15ft A.O.E.- 1 post duration- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Root Burst- Magic F, Energized F, Magic School F, Deflect (1) F, Indirect F, Blight [Bludgeoning] F, Continuous F, Incurable F, Magic Range [Metamagic] F- A weaker variant of Root Eruption that Demeter can cast up to thrice in rapid succession. Often used in combination with Root Eruption. - 1 action- 30ft Range- 1 post duration- Grade F- 0 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob
Last edited:
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

The young magus steeled his mind as much as he could, doing his very best to keep his concentration on the scene before his crimson eyes, Demeter already becoming the clear victor of this life and death combat. With Gilgamesh's gauntetled hands tracing his chest, her warm breath tickling his neck, this unique situation demanded everything of Adelhein, maybe even more than anything had demanded up to that point. And yet, despite it all, the tension in the blackened King of Knights stance was not lost on him, always eager for combat and bloodshed.

The King of Uruk had couldn't have been more right about the savagery at play in the arena surrounded by trees, however, the brutal display would be brought up many notches still.

With the dryad wiping the blood of the bear off her face and eyes, once more her eyes were opened. Even from where the trio stood, Master and Servants, the momentary relief on Demeter's expression of having the afflicted creature at her mercy was palpable. So far, she had shown control of her magic, doing just enough to not exert herself. The lesson about control had been successful, the in the exam, taking place right before their eyes, she passed with flying colors. All in all, that could have ended then and there, but then the question would have remained: had the woodland sprite the resolve to deliver the killing blow? While Adelhein and Saber already knew the answer, Gilgamesh would have hers in the next moment.

In a magic display only new for the golden ruler, arboreal spikes, now more resembling spears due to their form and thickness, would burst from the ground, leaving considerable holes on the ground. Once more, the underside of the creature was being targeted, now with a much different result. The spikes skewered its body fully, skin, flesh, fat and organs alike, hoisting the bear up in the air, 15ft from the ground. And, with them piercing the back of the bear, as it held it up in the air, a massive rain of warm, crimson vitae began pouring down. While the Master and Servants were at enough distance to avoid being rained down on, the same couldn't be said about Demeter. However, instead of shying away from it, she bathed on it, the smell of iron now mixing with the one from the surrounding vegetation.

The grand finale would be brought forth by Demeter's next stroke of magic, two spikes, similar to the previous ones she had been conjuring forth, burst from the ground, towards the impaled bear. Both would crash against the neck of the creature, from each side of it, decapitating it. The fallen prize would fall onto the ground, which the dryad would promptly grab it from the hair on top of its skull, bringing her hard-earned trophy towards the trio. With a toothy smile and a thumbs up towards Adelhein, Saber and Gilgamesh, her visage bellied the violence which she had unleashed. And there remained the hoisted, impaled and headless monstrous bear, as if it was some sort of abstract sculpture. Whoever came across it would certainly be left wondering, in awe, horror and terror, what it might have transpired there.

Gilgamesh watched Demeter's final brutal flourish with undisguised relish, her lithe form pressing tighter against Adelhein as the impaled beast was violently decapitated. Crimson eyes glittered with dark glee, hungrily drinking in every gory detail.

"Exquisite..." the golden Archer purred against the shell of her Master's ear. "Your little student has exceeded my expectations most deliciously, little magus."

Shameless hands roamed over Adelhein's chest and torso as Demeter strode towards them, proudly bearing her gruesome trophy aloft. A low, throaty chuckle spilled from Gilgamesh's lips.

"To think, such brutality hides beneath that verdant, innocent facade. You've clearly instilled the proper mindset in the sweet sprite."

Emboldened by Adelhein's lack of resistance, the King of Heroes rewarded him with a fierce, demanding kiss - her lips scalding and tasting of smoldering embers. When she at last broke the scorching liplock, Gilgamesh's feline smile was pure sin.

"Keep imparting such successful methods, like your ruthless pragmatism, and there may be...further rewards in store for you, my dear Master," she promised, voice a sultry purr before finally disentangling herself from his side.

As if nothing untoward had occurred, Gilgamesh languidly closed the distance to Demeter, golden armor gleaming as she casually circled the dryad and her macabre trophy. She offered the forest spirit an approving nod and mocking little clap. "Well done indeed. Decisive action, ruthless follow-through...you will do well under our Master's tutelage."

Beside them, Saber Alter remained stonily silent, her piercing golden glare following Gilgamesh's every move and provocative display. Only the subtle tension in the blackened king's stance and the near-audible grind of her teeth betrayed her bristling fury at the Archer's overtly possessive claim and unashamed display upon their shared Master.

However, the corrupted King Arthur restrained herself - for now. Instead, Saber Alter slowly turned her impassive stare upon Demeter, as if evaluating the dryad for a moment. "Well done." Her tone was cold, devoid of emotion, yet sincere. It was a rare feat for anyone to receive praise from the fallen monarch.

Just as Adelhein's lips parted to commend Demeter's performance, they were locked by the King of Uruk's. Their velvety quality, along with the scorching intensity of it, made the young magus' head spin. His mind almost going blank for a moment, being held by one last thread of composure. And, when this unique, first-time experience came to an end, with Gilgamesh breaking the kiss, the young magus was left with the lingering feeling of her lips on his.

It took quite a few moments from him to recover and compose himself from it, the redness on his face having intensified greatly by then, from his cheeks to his ears. Clearing his throat and running his gloved hand through his hair, in a vain attempt to hide his embarrassment, he would finally speak, glancing at King of Heroes briefly, before focusing on Demeter. "W... well done, Demeter. You have improved a lot on the control of your magecraft." The more Adelhein spoke, the more his composure returned and the red-hue ever-so slowly dissipated. "The fact that you have managed to keep using just the right amount of focus during a live scenario means we are taking the right steps in your tutelage." He concluded, with a small, coy smile, being sure that his offer for mentorship had being well-placed, and the fruits of it would be plentiful. His methodology was, after all, perfect.

"Heck yeah, I did! Hahaha!" she replied to Gilgamesh.

Covered in fresh blood with a magic bear's head in tow, began to race towards the others. Or at least towards Adelhein and the Gold-clad woman hanging over her back. For the moment, whatever signals Gilgamesh were trying to send found no purchase in a mind as innocent as Demeter's. And had things continued the way they had been, the young fae would've jumped on The El-Melloi as well in one big, happy dogpile to punctuate a successful hunt. But, as naive as Demeter was, there were some things that even she understood. Hanging on someone's shoulders was one thing.

A full-blown kiss was another.

Demeter stopped in her tracks when she saw that. It was almost as though she had to divert the energy from her legs to her brain to process what she was seeing and redefine that relationships between Adelhein and his servants that, admittedly, she wasn't the most informed about. Then, her eyes shifted over to Saber. She was half-expecting the dark knight to meet eyes with her and empathize with the surprise that she'd been feeling at that moment. But that's not what the young fae saw when she caught sight of Adelhein's other servant.

No, Saber didn't seem to have the slightest amount of interest in Demeter at that moment. And, quite frankly, the dryad was glad that she didn't. There were no doubt a lot of emotions shared between Demeter and the deceased bear that had just tried to eat her. And yet... as far as Demeter was concerned the killing intent radiating from Saber went far beyond anything that either she nor her opponent had produced. The young fae would've been lying if she'd said that she fully understood what was going on, but she went ahead and made a decision not to put her arms around her teacher... lest she invoke the very same reaction from Saber. And, in a moment of palpable irony, Demeter had switched places with all three of her companions.

And the warrior who'd just been spectated by her allies became spectator for an entirely different kind of battle.

The only difference here was that she had no idea how she'd step in and intervene if this situation got out of hand.

Her eyes lingered on Saber for a moment before Gilgamesh's approach drew her attention. With a still raised brow, she watched as the golden knight circled around her; still actively recategorizing her in her mind. Then, she ran over brought her hand up for an energetic high five and met his smile with one of her own. She could see the pride welling up within him as he spoke, and it cultivated a bit of pride within herself as well.

"Well, of course we are. I've got the soon-to-be famous El-Melloi teaching me the ins and outs of magic, after all."

Still, even in their moment of celebration, it was hard for Demeter to fully enjoy it.

She was having a good time. Adelhein was having a good time. Gilgamesh seemed to be having a really good time. Saber... well, Saber looked like she was about to kill murder someone. And after a moment of hesitation, Demeter slowly made her way over to Saber's side. Possibly without being detected given that death-glare she had locked onto Gilgamesh.

"Um... hey," when- or perhaps if- Saber turned and met eyes with her, she'd find the little dyrad sending her a coy wave. A look of concern written all across her face that might've qued Saber in to the body language she'd been presenting, "Are you okay?"

Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

While many questions were still present in Adelhein's mind about the unexpected intimate moment, with the addition of Gilgamesh's promises of 'further rewards' still vivid, he now looked almost fully composed, returning to his old self. The embarrassment which reigned supreme a few moments ago had been overthrown by pride about Demeter's success and his own methods. And, doing his best to turn a blind eye to the dryad's look of surprise, lest she inquired about the previous event, to which he had not a single clue on how to explain, much to his dismay, he watched for a few moments the woodland sprite's hand raised. "Oh..." Finally, he realized what that was all-about: a high-five.

Demeter's more casual behavior was a breath of fresh air, even if the young magus was unaccustomed to it. Back where he came from, interactions between magi always carried a lot of formality, with guarded stances more often than not. Ego, legacy and prestige more often than not were measured against each other and, in addition, no-one knew when a knife in the back would be struck. It would take time for Adelhein to remove himself from that mindset, if he ever did so. However, he would not be one to his pupil hanging, his right gloved-hand hitting against hers with a resounding and wet 'clap'. Only then he would notice that the palm of his glove had been smeared with the fresh blood from the bear. Unbothered, he produced a handkerchief from the inside of his coat with his left hand, cleaning it, before discarding it to the ground of the forest.

"Maybe it would be best if we headed to Ryken and head to the Inn we are staying at. Can't have my esteemed apprentice walking around bathed in blood, right?" He said, in a slight humorous tone which matched the smile on his lips. However, before they departed, there was Demeter's question to the corrupted Saber.

For a long, tense moment, Saber Alter regarded Demeter with an imperious, frigid stare - the corrupted king's molten golden eyes burning with a bleak, nearly soulless intensity. The blackened Servant's pale features were as carved from unfeeling stone, revealing nothing of the turmoil roiling within her shadowed spirit.

Just as the dryad's guileless concern seemed on the verge of being rebuffed entirely, something inscrutable flickered behind Saber's forbidding gaze. A hairline fracture in the emotionless mask, betraying a glimpse of the tormented humanity lingering within the depths of her blighted essence.

When she finally spoke, the Dragon Slayer's rich alto was low and devoid of inflection - yet it did not possess the same biting chill as before.

"I am...adequate," Saber intoned stoically, her jaw clenched until the words emerged in a gruff rasp. "Your concern is...noted, if unnecessary."

The fallen monarch fell silent once more, molten eyes drifting inexorably back towards Adelhein and Gilgamesh. The former radiated a heady mix of embarrassment, confusion and pride over his pupil's trial - the latter fairly dripped with smug satisfaction, having staked her claim so boldly before them all.

Saber's blackened vambraces creaked faintly as her gauntlets tightened into white-knuckled fists. Yet she did not move to intervene, holding herself in check through sheer force of will. For now.

It was then that Gilgamesh's crimson gaze languidly roamed back to the blackened Servant, catching her conflicted stare. One sculpted golden brow arched in wordless challenge, sensual lips curving in a slow, taunting smile of pure sin.

A tremor ran through Saber's armored form - then the tension abruptly bled away, her stance slackening infinitesimally. The void in her eyes deepened as she forced herself to look away from her fellow Heroic Spirit's blatant taunt.

Adelhein's suggestion of returning to Ryken provided a welcome interruption. With a curt inclination of her regal head, Saber fell in behind her Master without a word, her expression once more a forbidding mask of cold indifference.

Adelhein was glad about with how the tension had dissipated, thanks to Demeter's question. His mind, at least in these matters, were just as naïve as the woodland sprite's, not comprehending the 'whys' at the moment, knowing little of what transpired inside the fallen monarch. Maybe, at some point, that would be brought to light... or at least, that is what he hoped, for the sake of the trio and now also his new pupil. With the practical demonstration coming to an end, accompanied by Demeter's victory. Turning on his heels, he would begin to lead the group outside the woods and, once more, into the road leading to Ryken.

The afternoon sun was still present, now not being so strong as previously. A gentle breeze blew, the young magus black coat fluttering with each step. Eventually, the group would arrive at the main entrance to the mercantile city, located next to one of the country's main rivers. As expected, as soon as they reached the entrance, a garrison of guards, which conducted the security check, was promptly stationed and waiting for new arrivals. There was a mix of reactions from the guards, looking at the curious group: a male teenager, dressed in rather regal black attires; a female knight, clad in pitch-black armor, stoic expression accompanied by golden eyes; a female knight, clad in golden armor, mocking expression accompanied by crimson eyes; and a dryad, covered with fresh, vivid blood, holding a severed head of a bear.

Wariness blended with curiosity on the guards faces, despite their numbers. Still, one of them, appearing to be higher-ranked than the others, stepped forward, presenting an object already known to both Adelhein and Saber: the black orb. "If you wish to enter the city, first you need to place your hand on the orb." His voice was neutral, yet holding a somewhat respectful tone. Already knowing the process, Adelhein was the first to step forth, placing his gloved hand on the orb. As he did so, there was no reaction from, which earned him a nod from the officer. Next, it was Saber that repeated the process, her stoic and impassive expression keeping true through it. The result had been the same. And then it was Gilgamesh's turn. With a scoff and displeasure written all over her face, as if these mere cannon-fodder would be able to stop her from entering the city, she also placed her gauntleted hand on the orb, its obsidian, shiny surface revealing nothing.

Finally, it was Demeter's turn to place her hand upon the black orb, the tension from the guard having dispelled slightly, the head of the bear held by the hair on top of its head, which still dripped with blood from the neck, probably revealing why she was covered in blood.

Surprisingly, Demeter believed Saber's words.

Not because the latter had done an even remotely convincing job of explaining why she was okay, but because "adequate" didn't carry the best connotation to begin with. The knight's eyes drifted back over to her fellow servant with that save seething scowl. Gilgamesh replied with a wicked, taunting smile. At this point, that wasn't very strange. What was was Adelhein's lack of a response. But before Demeter could try to bring it to his attention-

-perhaps purposefully-

Adelhein suggested that they be done with their forest romp and head over to an inn where she could get cleaned up. Truthfully, she had no problems just finding a nearby river to wash off in. But, after taking just one glance at the animosity building between Saber and Gilgamesh, she had to agree.

"Yeah, it... it probably is a good idea to get a change of scenery."

The journey back was quiet for some time. Probably because all four of them had things to say they they were hesitating to say... save maybe Gilgamesh. She thought about intimacy that Adelhein seemed to share Gilgamesh. About the rage that Saber seemed to feel in response. And Adelhein's... general lack of response to all of it. She thought about all of the things that he gained from them. And what they might gain from him. And finally, as they all began to lay hands upon the black orb, the darndest question or two came out of Demeter's mouth.

"Hey, Adelhein? Why do you summon servants?" a brief pause, before she continued, "And what do the servants get out of it? Do they choose to be summoned?"

Despite the blood dipping all over her skin and the severed head in her hands, her contact would reveal that there was nothing criminal about where, whatsoever.

The same really couldn't be said about some of the questions she'd decided to ask.

Maxxob Maxxob

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein watched as Demeter laid her hand on the black orb, not preoccupied about the results of it. By then, the young magus knew she was neither a monster nor a criminal, but maybe, 'know' was the wrong word to describe it. He had faith that the woodland sprite was neither of those things. Curious how someone so deeply rooted in knowledge, cold calculations and methodology also accepted some things without test or proof. But then again, not all aspects of life could be corroborated by evidence.

With nothing appearing on the surface of the shiny, obsidian and polished sphere, the guards stood back, also allowing Demeter's entrance to the capital of Ryke, Ryken. However, before the young magus could continue leading the group, the dryad would ask him three questions which he hadn't quite expected: 'Why do you summon Servants?', 'What do the Servants get out of it?' and 'Do they choose to be summoned?'. While apparent disinterest was etched across the face of the guards previously, only caring about doing their job, there was some meager reaction from the officer, shown by one of his eyebrows raising slightly.

While that was not his homeland, where secrecy about such matters are to be kept a secret from the mundane population, those without even the knowledge of the existence of magic, the young magus preferred not to discuss such a topic in front of a garrison. "Come, I will tell you along the way." He said in a tone of invitation, looking at Demeter, then at Saber and finally Gilgamesh, before being the first to step into the capital.

Ryken was busy as usual, people of all walks of life coming and going. The hustle and bustle of the port-metropolis was a testament that, despite its small size compared to the other countries, Ryke was a trading juggernaut. In addition, the place was a cultural melting pot. Every single species could be seen walking its streets: humans, fae, beastkin and constructs. The variety on the country's populace dwarfed the other countries, not that Adelhein nor his Servants were privy to this information just yet, which usually had a primary species: In the East Empire was humans, The See was fae, The Republic beastkin. Opportunities appeared to be plentiful for those with the fortitude to seize it.

Walking upon the cobbled streets, Adelhein's pace was slow, in a deliberate manner, so that he could answer Demeter's questions, walking at her side. And, while the questions were direct and simple enough, some background was necessary for them to be fully answered. And, under the gentle sun, ignoring the gazes directed at the group every so often, he began. "Back in my... 'world'..." the young mage felt a little weird about saying those words, but he continued. "... every so often a ritual takes place, a tradition. It is called the Holy Grail War. In it, seven magi, like myself, are selected by the Holy Grail, a wishing granting mystical object, itself to participate in it. Before it begins, each magus summon a Heroic Spirit, just like Saber and Gilgamesh. Their presence and participation is needed for the ritual." He said, his left hand motioning towards them.

"While I don't know the more... intrinsic aspects of the ritual, magi and Servants fight together until only a single pair remains, for the Grail accepts only a single victor." Behind his words, there was an implicit mention: those, which were defeated, had been so because they were killed. "Victory gives the opportunity for both the magus and the Heroic Spirit who were victorious to wish for anything upon the Holy Grail... anything." Adelhein repeated his last words, attempting to cement the all-powerful capabilities of the mystical object. "The ritual not only gives an opportunity for the Spirits to be 'alive' once more, but also test their own mettle against their peers. I believe that is an opportunity that no Hero would let it side." His crimson eyes slid towards both Gilgamesh and Saber, before adding. "I was a participant in the 4th Holy Grail War along with Saber."
He became pensive for a moment, thinking about Demeter's last question. After a bit, his gaze met the forest spirit's. "I've never heard about a Heroic Spirit refusing their summoning. The Grail itself is a sort of... 'middleman' between the summoner and the summoned, choosing which one is more appropriate. Usually, a catalyst is used for magi to try and affect which Servant would be summoned. I haven't used one, neither with Saber back then, nor with Gilgamesh, which you witnessed. It was left to... chance. However, I always make myself clear: if the contract is not what they want, I will break it and their spirit will go back to their resting state." The young magus tried to keep himself as direct and concise throughout the explanation, not wishing to overburden the dryad with information. He was an open book at that moment, as one would expect in a mentor-apprentice relationship. "Sorry about the long explanation, but I thought some background was necessary. Are there any doubts or other question?" He asked, with a relaxed expression and a smile on his lips.

As Adelhein patiently explained the intricacies of the Holy Grail War to Demeter, Gilgamesh and Saber Alter maintained an outward veneer of stony indifference. Yet beneath their stoic facades, the two Servants' thoughts churned with a heady mix of emotions - colored by their ancient legends and the bitter realities of their current existences.

Gilgamesh strode with an arrogant, leonine grace, her crimson eyes roving over the bustling cityscape with thinly veiled disdain. What need had the King of Heroes for these scurrying lesser beings and their petty mercantile hub? Such provincialism should have been beneath her exalted notice entirely.

And yet, there lingered a glimmer of boyish curiosity in those crimson depths - a fascination with the sheer variety of peoples and potential treasures converging upon Ryken. A hunger to plunder its spoils with the same ruthless entitlement she had plundered the riches of countless civilizations eons ago.

It was a reminder, no matter how faint, of the insatiable lust for adventure and untold wealth that had once defined the ancient ruler. Before grief and betrayal had calcified her being into a tyrannical monster reviled by her own people.

As for Adelhein's recounting of the Holy Grail ritual...Gilgamesh affected blatant disinterest, features twisting into a contemptuous sneer as mere words failed to convey the sheer immensity of her achievements in life - and the glory rightfully owed to one who had obtained all the treasures of the world.

Yet deep within, that unrelenting spark of ambition smoldered anew. To have the chance, however small, of regaining the peak of her glorious dominion...such a prize was perhaps worth the indignity of playing by another's rules. If only for a time.

Her heavy lidded gaze slid towards Adelhein, taking in the gracefully economical confidence and quiet authority the young Magus exuded. Surprising for one of such tender years - yet familiar in a manner that stirred nostalgic shadows from the King of Heroes' war-torn past.

There would be time enough to determine if this little lion cub had the mettle to be truly worthy of the boundless rewards Gilgamesh could bestow. Until then...she would savor the intrigues as they unfolded, her luscious lips curling in a sinful smile.

Where Gilgamesh's thoughts simmered with the rekindling embers of a fallen tyrant's ambition and vanity, Saber Alter's mind roiled in a veritable vortex of bitter wrath, anguish and self-loathing - all centered inexorably upon Adelhein's modest recounting of their shared past.

With each word, she felt poisonous tendrils of hatred, jealousy, and GUILT coiling ever tighter around the tattered remnants of her once indomitable will. The mere MENTION of the 4th Holy Grail War and its savage deceptions was a vicious torment from which there could be no escape.

How she longed to lose herself in the yearned-for solace of mindless slaughter. To drown out that hateful, mocking voice in the back of her mind with a throne built atop an endless mountain of broken bodies and ruined kingdoms!

Yet Saber remained as rigid and implacable as her brooding, ebon armor - forcibly quelling the demonic impulses howling for freedom. She would not...COULD not allow herself to surrender so utterly to the corruption raging within.

Not while Adelhein drew breath.

No matter the depths of her festering resentment towards him for the curse he had inflicted, her conflicted loyalty and fierce protectiveness endured like a guttering candle in the darkness. He was HERS. Her ward, her ally...and her jailer all in one.

Molten gold eyes seared with bitter recrimination as they fell upon their Master. How she envied and hated him in equal measure. Loathed the innocence still clinging to him despite the horrors he had witnessed - the heroic principles that motivated his actions with noble ideals she could scarcely comprehend anymore.

And yet...

The Dragon Slayer's jaw clenched until the muscles corded with strain. Even now, she could not bring herself to repudiate him. Not truly. That single shred of decency still binding her bound will was an agonizing torment - yet equally, it was her last lifeline in this waking hell.

Even if his presence was a stark reminder of all the sins and failures that had damned her...Adelhein alone held the power to redeem her shattered, blackened existence. A torturous semblance of hope she could only grasp at in her most unguarded moments.

For now, Artoria Pendragon would stand vigilant by her Master's side, guarding him from any threat no matter the malignant forces clawing at the remnants of her soul. She would never allow him to fall as she once had.

Her salvation...and her undoing. Love and hate endlessly entwined.
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