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Graded 1x1 - [Ryke - Ryken Outskirts] The Clock Tower Tutelage

The demerit of innocence is that you're more likely to believe tall-tales when they're told to you by friends and strangers alike.

The merit is that you actually listen to and contemplate upon these stories even when they veer widely into the absurd.

There were a few curious glances that lingered upon the group as they advanced through the street. In any other country, a fae, human and two constructs walking through the street would've been an odd sight, indeed. The words coming from Adelhein's mouth no doubt did little to make the group seem any more ordinary. And yet, even with her unique take on the situation, she probably reached a conclusion that most would.

"Well, but... this isn't that world, right? Your world? And the Holy Grail isn't here. So then... there's no reason to gather servants for it anymore, right? And no reason for them to stick around for it."

From what little she understood, that practice existed to serve a purpose that simply didn't exist in this world. And yet, despite that... Despite that and all of the dysfunction that the group seemed to share during moments of relative calm, there was an even simpler truth that she observed. A fact that, retroactively, became ever-more clear with every word shared by the three 'Holy Grail Warriors'.

"The Grail isn't really a thing anymore. But you're all still together even without it. So... I guess the Holy Grail must not have been all that important to begin with?"

Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

As the quartet continued to walk towards the Inn, Adelhein listened attentively to Demeter's question. And, this question, brought some surprise to his expression. The dryad wasn't asking about something specific from what the young magus had told her, no. Instead, the question went beyond it. There was a moment of silence from him, as he digested those words, which were nothing short of truth.

"Indeed, in this world has no Holy Grail to be sought, as far as I know, although, seeing how commonplace magic is in this place, I wouldn't scratch the possibility of something similar existing outright." That was something he couldn't really discard. Having already witnessed some of the magic present there, so much different than his own and what he had learned, he wouldn't really know until he saw it all. "But that is not really what I am after. Would be interesting if it was found, even for research purposes only, but I am not betting on it." His aim was still the same he had mentioned previously: prestige, self-betterment and spread his legacy. Those were the core teachings of his family, drummed into his mind from a young age. Still, seeing that the young magus still retained the ability to bring the Heroic Spirits forth, it would seem quite a waste to not do so, which even his immature mind could understand it. "You are correct, their purpose now is different from originally intended. They are powerful and wise in their own way, battle-tested in ways that I can't hope to be. A council often reaches a better decision than a single person, right?" His eyes slid towards both Gilgamesh and Saber, looking at them in turn. He didn't seem them as a means to an end, a tool to be used. There was... more.

The woodland sprite's next words brought forth a small chuckle from Adelhein, not as to mock Demeter, but how correct she was, in a sense. "You know, the magical community back there would probably have ostracized you, for saying that the Holy Grail must have been not that important... but you are right, in a sense. It served as a meeting ground between Saber and me. And, whatever connection I might still have with it, allowed me to summon Gilgamesh into this new world." And, with the Inn coming into their sights, Adelhein's mind churned with the last provoking thought brought by the dryad. Without the Holy Grail, the carrot at the end of the stick, to bring Master and Servants together, their cooperation still continued, despite the tense moments. But the young magus wasn't one to try and pry the 'whys': he saw allegiance and loyalty, retributing them in kind.

He would then come to a full stop, right at the front of the Inn. While the place wasn't phenomenal, it was very comfortable, the young magus spending quite a bit of whatever coins he got to remain in a place of a certain... standing. "This is where I have been staying with Saber, the King's Bed." The irony of the name of the place not lost on him. "At least, until I acquire an estate, which I am planning to do as soon as I am able to." There were some comforts which Adelhein, thanks to his upbringing in the El-Melloi family, would rather not open hand of. One of them was having his own estate, which had to be grand to bring more authenticity to what he claimed and comfort he deserved.

Entering the place, he was quick to approach the front desk and producing coin for the owner, renting one extra room for Demeter. Turning towards her blood-soaked form, he took the key which was given to him, offering to her in turn. "I rented a room for you. This will be our meeting spot for the moment. Whenever we go our separate ways, this would be the place where we would reunite." He pointed at the stairs, which would lead Demeter to the second floor. "Yours will be the third room on the right, they are already getting the bath prepared... well, hopefully." The young magus gave her a small smile. "We will wait you here, until you are finished." Pointing at one of the tables, he motioned both Saber and Gilgamesh to follow him, as he took his seat on the table.

The journey through Ryken's bustling streets passed largely in silence for the two Heroic Spirits - their regal, imposing presences instinctively parting the throngs of commoners and merchants like a blade cleaving through reeds. Though wildly divergent in their bearing and inner reflections, both Gilgamesh and Saber Alter maintained an outward facade of icy indifference towards their surroundings.

At least, until Demeter's probing words about the unnecessary nature of the Grail rekindled entirely different reactions in the ancient legends walking amongst mere mortals once more.

Gilgamesh's crimson eyes glinted with a hint of wry amusement at the dryad's refreshingly blunt appraisal. Of course the anachronistic Holy Grail ritual meant little to one so quintessentially apart from the transient worries of man's ephemeral civilizations. It was a perspective not entirely unfamiliar to the fallen monarch herself, echoing her own disdain for the petty squabbles and fleeting glories humanity placed such weight upon.

Yet there was a glimmer of reluctant respect in those heavy-lidded eyes as well, carefully observing the manner in which Adelhein humored the naive woodland sprite. The patience and open-mindedness with which he validated Demeter's innocently bold statements rather than lashing out in offended pride...

It was, perhaps, one of the first true lessons the ageless King of Heroes was learning about her newfound charge.

For all the distant echoes of a once-great ruler radiating from Adelhein's poised demeanor, there remained an underlying humility to his character. A quiet charisma and self-assuredness tempered by wisdom beyond his years - even if that wisdom remained unrefined and hampered by naivete.

A seed of potential malleable enough for the right hands to shape into something...formidable.

Gilgamesh's full lips quirked ever so slightly at the thought as she took in their new lodgings. While hardly befitting her lofty standards, she found herself - surprisingly - less put off by such simple accomodations than she would have anticipated. Of far more compelling interest was sizing up this new world's denizens, drinking in the vibrant tapestry of cultures passing through the bustling mercantile hub...along with any intriguing treasures to be found amid the tantalizing melange of exotic wares on offer.

Plans and possibilities blossomed like seeds in fertile soil with each new experience in this unexplored realm. And her young charge, the elusive key to unlocking her access to this brave new world, seemed equal parts dutiful protege and indulgent host. She found herself - almost against her will - instinctively deferring to his lead with a rare mote of patience for mortal weakness. If only to see what other wonders or tribulations might arise along the way.

As the King of Heroes lowered her imposing frame into a plush high-back chair by the hearth, hand idly toying with a brocaded throw pillow - her features remained coolly inscrutable. Yet internally, she found her interest in Adelhein's ambitions and 'self-betterment' stoked anew. The seeds of a cunning strategy were already taking root, assessing ways to mold and cultivate his potential into something worthy of claiming as her own.

After all, the greatest of mankind's treasures were most often sculpted by her own two hands. Why should this upstart lion cub be any different?

Where the arrogant Gilgamesh coolly sized up her new hunting grounds and naive student, Saber Alter's molten gaze remained locked squarely upon Adelhein's impassively regal figure as they settled in for their evening sojourn. The young man's placid explanation of their 'altered' existences had awakened myriad tumultous urges within the Dragon Slayer's psyche - each more volatile than the last.

On one hand, listening to her...Master so humbly acknowledge the purpose she and Gilgamesh now served fanned the smouldering embers of Artoria Pendragon's all-consuming GUILT and self-loathing. The sheer arrogance and folly of clinging to what little remained of a path she had disavowed with each waking evil she committed...

She deserved neither the loyalty nor compassion that radiated from Adelhein in waves - instead meriting only the brutal rejection and abhorrence most would rightly level at the twisted monster lurking within her ebon armor.

Yet the pull of simple familiarity - the yearning for belonging and the comfort of a singular Purpose and Master she had sworn herself to protecting - exerted its own siren's call.

Adelhein was the last vestige of the shattered ideals she had fought and bled for so valiantly long ago. A mission once so pure that she had sacrificed her humanity itself in pursuit of its tenets. Until her resolve had splintered beyond the hope of repair. And now, only the fleeting pale shadow of that heroic king remained, chained beneath the thrall of her darkest urges and utter despair.

The memory of how she had been twisted, corrupted, and betrayed lanced white-hot agony through Saber Alter's soul with each beat of her phantasmal heart. It sang with a potent hybrid of seething hatred and bitter shame that gnawed perpetually at the tattered remnants of her sanity. The snarling beast inside demanded vengeance and freedom from its shackles at any cost - regardless of who stood in its path.

And yet...

Despite the unfathomable anguish now binding her so inexorably to this world of perpetual waking torment, one thin thread of loyalty endured. However much her hatred for the cruel deception Adelhein had inflicted might corrode her devotion...the cold, hard truth remained.

He was her anchor to reality. Her sole protection against giving in utterly to the darkest depths of her fractured existence.

Her salvation...and her undoing.

As Saber claimed her customary vigil where she could monitor any potential threat to their temporary refuge, her frigid gaze settled balefully upon their young Master's tranquil features. The stark dissonance between Adelhein's doe-eyed hope and the demonic force shredding her own soul asunder awakened echoes of the rage and jealousy that so often consumed her blackened heart.

The swordswoman both abhorred and envied that naivete equally. Resented every instance of compassion or encouragement he offered in blissful ignorance of the true monster lurking at his shoulder, cinching her invisible chains ever tighter around her psyche. Reviled the fact that his mere presence was the only lifeline preventing her from discarding any lingering pretext of humanity and surrendering herself to infinite oblivion.

Pain. So much unending, exquisitely gratuitous pain.

Yet for now, the ebony-clad Knight of Vengeance forced such poisonous urgings beneath an iron mask of stoicism matching the obsidian armor encasing her nightmare form. She would ruthlessly suppress those hateful impulses...because even as warped and mangled as her sense of duty had become, no force would ever allow her to betray the only being capable of offering her salvation or damnation.

If she was to endure this torturous purgatory from which there could be no escape...then so be it.

Artoria Pendragon would pay the blood price in full.
Last edited:

The El-Melloi dropped alot on Demeter in under a minute.

First came the key. And a room in "The King's Bed" not too far from his own. An acting rendezvous point for them to meet up whenever they parted ways. She glanced down at the key in her hands for a moment before meeting eyes with Adelhein.

"Wow, I uh... y-yeah, okay. I'll go get washed up and be right back."

Demeter didn't hesitate to get moving, but she did nearly kick herself along the way for forgetting to say "Thanks". She made her way over to her room and opened the door to a fully furnished room. Some of the staff already waiting on-hand to lead her to the bath. Quite the revelation, there, really. It took a few minutes for them to explain to the dryad that, yes, the bathwater was supposed to be near-boiling hot. Another few for her to shed her cloak of leaves and actually ease into it. But, eventually, she got comfortable. And, for the first time in what felt like ages...

...Demeter had a moment of quiet to herself.


Despite everything that had happened, the young fae couldn't work up a smile. It wasn't that she was upset by anything but, rather, she hadn't had the time to really process alot of it. Did she like beds, or sleeping inside? Did she like spending time in the city and away from the forests where she felt most at home? Was this new "hot bath" thing an improvement or some ploy for the hotel staff to make soup out of her? Were people going to start asking her to wear itchy clothes?

These weren't really questions that she was going to have an answer for tonight. But, as she soaked in that hot mineral water with three people waiting for her to get out and return to them, there was one thing that she definitely saw as an improvement.

"I guess this that means that I'm not alone anymore, huh?"

With a light sigh, and an equally light smile, she leaned back, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the familiar quiet.

At least for a little while.

Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein relaxed on the comfortable chair of the Inn, after being on his feet for quite a long part of the day. A lot had happened in that day: from the business in the cave, with Adelhein, Saber and Demeter taking care of Dranth, the dragon-man with some demented idea of godhood, to Gilgamesh's summoning and, finally, the beginning and first test of the dryad's mentorship. And, while the young magus that much physical fatigue, he certainly his mind was beginning to get tired. Still, there were decisions to be made before the day was over.

With Demeter leaving Master and Servants by themselves, for now, the teenager already began plotting their next destination. "Perhaps we should begin to check and scout whatever institutions that deal with magic in this world." He proposed, looking at Saber and then at Gilgamesh in turn. "It will give us an idea of the extent of magecraft that is readily available for the... spellcasters of this world." The noun 'spellcaster' said with a bit of disgust, as Adelhein didn't really see the magic users in that world as his peers or equals, no, they were lesser. But there were exceptions, Demeter being one of them. "Scouting their strength seems wise. What do both of you think?" He asked, wanting the input of both Heroic Servants. And perhaps there would be something of value to contribute with Adelhein's betterment.

"A wise proposition, Master," Saber Alter replied in a rasping tone scarcely louder than a blade leaving its sheathe. Her molten gaze flickered momentarily to the stairwell where Demeter had departed before returning to Adelhein with an air of taciturn possessiveness.

"Indeed. We would do well to gauge the measure of this realm's mages and ascertain if their 'magecraft' poses any potential threat," she continued in that low baritone rumble. There was a brief flicker of something akin to grudging approval in her smouldering irises. "Your caution does you credit, as ever. Though their brand of 'spellcasting' may prove crude by comparison to our world's mysteries...it would be folly to underestimate any potential advantage we might glean."

The ghostly knight's lip curled in a disdainful sneer that revealed a glint of sharpened fangs. "If the magical whelps of this land have managed to stumble upon arts or lore unknown to us, we must be prepared to counter such...unforeseen assets."

A contemptuous undercurrent laced Saber's words - the instinctive reaction of a hardened warrior sizing up the opposition with ruthless pragmatism. There was no idle curiosity or lofty hypotheticals in her dismissive regard for this unknown magic. Only a merciless drive to eliminate any threats to her Master's ambitions before they arose.

And yet that primal savagery was laced with a searing intensity born of something far deeper than cool calculation. The Dragon Slayer's subtle physical tension and restlessly flickering gaze betrayed a seething malice roiling just barely constrained beneath the surface.

As if even passively acknowledging the existence of potential rivals to Adelhein's favor represented an unforgivable slight against her twisted sense of honor and duty.

For the briefest instant, her bestial pupils dilated with the barest hint of soul-rending anguish. But the fleeting vulnerability vanished in a smoldering wave of darkly possessive fury mere moments later.

After allowing a pregnant pause for Saber's feedback to linger, Gilgamesh stirred from her relaxed repose with an indolent stretch of toned limbs - the corded muscle beneath her golden armor rippling subtly.

"Well now, you may be half-right about their crude spellcraft holding few insights for the likes of us," she drawled in a rich contralto purr that dripped with idle arrogance. A golden, armored hand waved in an airy, dismissive flourish. "But where is the harm in assuaging young Adelhein's scholarly curiosity if only to provide amusement? I yearn to witness any interesting discoveries the magi of these lands might offer."

Those crimson eyes gleamed with calculating interest as she turned to fully regard the young magus - the weight of her assessing gaze carrying an almost palpable weight of simmering challenge. "I would think you'd relish the chance to better understand the playing field you now find yourself upon, Adelhein. The more advantages brought within your reach...the more swiftly you might ascend beyond the foolish limitations placed upon you elsewhere, hmm?"

One arched brow arched quizzically as she studied his expression with an almost predatory keenness.

"Unless you believe such potential shortcuts beneath your dignity and defy recourse to any gains...however ill-begotten they might seem on the surface?" Ribbons of provocative amusement and subtle implication coiled through the silken challenge. "For one who so boldly snatched his freedom from the metaphorical jaws of a stagnant and restrictive place like the Clock Tower... I would have thought you far too bold and audacious to dismiss any opportunity out of hand now, hmmm?"

It was a clear goad - veiled in enough plausible deniability to avoid open insolence or confrontation, yet barbed with tempting hooks to lure the young mage forward. Like a seasoned falconer deftly guiding an eager new hawk to explore the full breadth of its hunting range.

But behind her carefully sculpted poise and smug bravado, a pale gauntlet tightened ever so slightly on the arms of her plush chair. A telling gesture revealing a different, decidedly unimpressed shade of the fallen monarch's regard of this brave new realm's inhabitants. While Gilgamesh might pay lip service to curiosity and indulgence, prideful contempt smoldered within for anything tarnishing her exalted station.

Like a conquering general magnanimously offering a vanquished foe the privilege of providing entertainment or tribute to their new lord and master...else suffer the consequences.

The young magus stopped for a moment, analyzing the feedback he had received. With both elbows on top of the table, stapled fingers, he was in deep thought for a moment. Saber, giving her opinion from a more strategic side, the fallen monarch's mind already working towards measures and counter-measures of whatever obstacles they could very well end up facing. Gilgamesh, meanwhile, enticing his hunger for knowledge in new opportunities, which he wouldn't find where he came from. And, as much as his prideful upbringing and belief in the superiority of teachings that came from the Clock Tower, he couldn't deny the allure of boon he could receive. A boon which he decided it was worthy of pursuit.

It was then that Demeter had returned from her bath, now not drenched in the blood of the bear which she had so brutally exterminated during her first test under the young magus' tutelage. After a quick exchange between mentor and apprentice, the woodland sprite decided to put her new teaching once more into practice, seeking a new adventure in which she could employ it. Meanwhile, the teenager told her about his own plans of visiting the more formal institutions which he could find. For now, they parted ways, King's Bed, the Inn, being for now their meeting place for when they reunited once more. Only time would tell where this splitting path would take them.
Isekai Hell Grade

Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

been a while since we had a training episode. good to see some character filler chapters that explain and justify future endeavors. short sweet and to the put but fairly informative. Feel like much more than 2 companions would get tiring going back and forth with yourself though.




Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer - 15pts (narrator)

Demeter - 20pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [4th wheel] - character was present and included. rounds out a group. but were they ever really needed or with the 'in' group. A tag along that may eventually play a more crucial role.

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