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1x1 Action Role Play Plots (Ignore reply count, always open!)

Hallo, I am Serenity. I found your plots most interesting, and I would love to discuss a roleplay with you.

I am most interested in your plots Wrong Time, Wrong Place and Partners in Crime Hunting. I am uncertain of what gender I would play in either, as that simply depends on what character I have (or make) fits the role best.

I typically respond 1-3 times a day, depending on schedule differences. 3-5 paragraphs is my average, but more or less is no difficulty for me.

If you are interested, I would love to hear from you.
SerenityAlec said:
Hallo, I am Serenity. I found your plots most interesting, and I would love to discuss a roleplay with you.
I am most interested in your plots Wrong Time, Wrong Place and Partners in Crime Hunting. I am uncertain of what gender I would play in either, as that simply depends on what character I have (or make) fits the role best.

I typically respond 1-3 times a day, depending on schedule differences. 3-5 paragraphs is my average, but more or less is no difficulty for me.

If you are interested, I would love to hear from you.
Hello! I am interested :3

Shoot me a PM! I don't really mind if you play male or female - totally up to you :3
Trial period activated. No longer just accepting RPs and dealing with people's rudeness. I've had too many people be jerks, so I'm sorry to all, but you will be on trial period, and if I cannot get along with you stress free, I cannot RP with you.
I hope you don't think I'm being rude. Despite our disagreement I think you're one of the most interesting role players I've come across. You've actually managed to keep a romantic theme out of it (thus far) and still keep me interested. xD I haven't had that in like forever... xD
AntiMatter said:
Hello. Im interested in the Prompt ones. :)
Well, shoot me a PM with your favourites, and let's try something out!

FreeMustang said:
I hope you don't think I'm being rude. Despite our disagreement I think you're one of the most interesting role players I've come across. You've actually managed to keep a romantic theme out of it (thus far) and still keep me interested. xD I haven't had that in like forever... xD
I was actually worried that I wasn't going to get along with you after that... I apologize that I start getting all defensive and all about horses... It happens after a lot of horse people are jerks to you and say you'll kill yourself if you continue riding :\

I try my best (and have had a lot of practice) with rping and keeping things spiced up, as long as my partner cooperates xD I kinda feel sorry for Riley. He got dumped and now is getting every piece of his riding methods judged by a girl.. huehue
Aww man I was the reason you're putting everyone on trial periods huh? LOL! I think the biggest things to remember about anything is to back it up with multiple sources, still recognize that there's not just 1 "right" way of doing everything, and if all else fails agree to disagree because neither of us can change any of it.

Ehhh.... I think you're holding back in the rp. I think Riley could be a lot meaner. Especially since Anna is practically just going in circles with her insults. I think Anna would be critiquing him harshly regardless of him falling off, but it definitely helped get things started. xD
FreeMustang said:
Aww man I was the reason you're putting everyone on trial periods huh? LOL! I think the biggest things to remember about anything is to back it up with multiple sources, still recognize that there's not just 1 "right" way of doing everything, and if all else fails agree to disagree because neither of us can change any of it.
Ehhh.... I think you're holding back in the rp. I think Riley could be a lot meaner. Especially since Anna is practically just going in circles with her insults. I think Anna would be critiquing him harshly regardless of him falling off, but it definitely helped get things started. xD
Nope, you're not the reason. I've had several people... not be so kind.. (Their names shall not be known). I really hate getting my chars controlled.

Well, Riley isn't the complete nasty type. Sure he can be a brat sometimes, but he's not a total bad guy :P

I bet it would be pretty funny if, like when they do a practice (If they switch horses), if she got thrown off over the fence too first time around LOL Since the horse I based the RP horse off bucks like a bronc and can do so with his head up.... There's no staying on a bronco ahaha
Hello! Im very interested in a few of the modern rp's if you want. owo

I'd really like to rp: Royal Visit, wrong place wrong time, Lone Wolf, Vacation? you thought this was a vacation?, the run underground.

Aaa jeez there are so many good ones! >u<
Veno said:
Hello! Im very interested in a few of the modern rp's if you want. owo
I'd really like to rp: Royal Visit, wrong place wrong time, Lone Wolf, Vacation? you thought this was a vacation?, the run underground.

Aaa jeez there are so many good ones! >u<
PM me and we can something out? :) we could even multiple at a time, if you'd like.
cattamer said:
PM me and we can something out? :) we could even multiple at a time, if you'd like.
uhhmm Im so sorry but I really have no idea how to pm! D:

I just joined this site, Do Mind telling me how? owo
Veno said:
uhhmm Im so sorry but I really have no idea how to pm! D:
I just joined this site, Do Mind telling me how? owo
Oh! You probably don't have it open yet. But, when you have it, click on a profile name,then you simply start a conversation. I'll PM you, zinc you just joined :3
I'd have to say that the Royal Visit one interests me. Shoot me a private message and maybe we could discuss it some more, yeah?
cattamer said:
Added another horsey plot if anyone's interested.
*high pitched girly scream at the mention of another horsey plot* How are you planning to make it so who ever is playing A isn't role playing by them selves?
FreeMustang said:
*high pitched girly scream at the mention of another horsey plot* How are you planning to make it so who ever is playing A isn't role playing by them selves?

I was thinking it could start out when A manages to get themselves back to camp, and then B would arrive in the next post :P
I'm willing to do a few of the one's you have posted here. Basically any/all of your prompts seem interesting, but I'm intrigued mainly in your partners in crime. I haven't done mystery/police roleplays much and that one seems awesome. I did what I called a P.O.V roleplay with a friend. (We basically wrote a short 16 chapter story/roleplay that involved our two characters. One page was A and what he was experience and the other page was what B was also experiencing in that same environment.)

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