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Realistic or Modern 13 Reasons - OOC

I guess I could see Nadi being first making sense since they were best friends. Obviously not up to me, though.

Fun fact: Been asleep for three hours and I was in the middle of a movie marathon.
Holy crap, I GOT NONE OF THESE ALERTS IM SO SORRY!!!! Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose yes I'm absolutely fine with that since hers makes the most sense, then she could hear others after her and learn she's not alone.

Also, my post will be up tonight!
Hey I just wanted to alert everyone I'm going to be out of town Friday to Monday. I'll have my computer but I might not be getting responses up during that time period.

Holy crap, I GOT NONE OF THESE ALERTS IM SO SORRY!!!! Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose yes I'm absolutely fine with that since hers makes the most sense, then she could hear others after her and learn she's not alone.

Also, my post will be up tonight!
Oof don't you just hate when that happens :p
That's why with all my RP's I make a Group PM OOC because the site places private messages higher alert priority over threads.
Same! I'd post but I posted second-to last and it'd break the spam rule, plus not much has happened for me to comment on. It might pick up when Kassandra gets back from vacation though?
A group PM sounds like it will work just fine! I'll get started on one. Just for OOC, yeah?

I was gonna post too but I thought I should maybe wait since others haven't really had a chance.

As for little to comment on, that's why I'm thinking about a party of some kind. It would also help if Nadi got the tapes some time soon. What about blackmail? What if some of the characters begin to receive ominous notes and threats from someone about what they did?
not gonna lie, i meant to make a small post that ruben put his camera down out of shame but i guess abelle’s just put him into more shame than before Kassandra Rose Kassandra Rose

Oh shit, sorry. I thought people wanted more substance because someone mentioned about how they needed more interaction to work with. I hope that's okay?? I can change it if not!
Oh shit, sorry. I thought people wanted more substance because someone mentioned about how they needed more interaction to work with. I hope that's okay?? I can change it if not!
it’s no biggie, i was just teasing! i’ll have my post up soon, hopefully, i like where everything’s going!

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