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Realistic or Modern 13 Reasons - OOC

I didn't get any of these alerts, omg.

I really enjoyed reading it too! I'm glad everyone here seems like they're quite into literate writing. We all seem to be on the same wavelength which will be really helpful.

As for postings, I think maybe there should be a 2/3 post rule. To stop spamming, you should wait for two people to post after you before posting again :) What does everyone else think?
I didn't get any of these alerts, omg.

I really enjoyed reading it too! I'm glad everyone here seems like they're quite into literate writing. We all seem to be on the same wavelength which will be really helpful.

As for postings, I think maybe there should be a 2/3 post rule. To stop spamming, you should wait for two people to post after you before posting again :) What does everyone else think?
Thank you! And that sounds like a fair compromise! At least two sounds reasonable.
shit, its started?? i can only post tmrw at like 1pm est, its rlly late but ive got a conference rn. is there any way u all can keep that in mind?
I didn't get any alert either. Didn't know it started. But I'll have something up tomorrow.
Won't be able to reply till late, at a concert. People just tried to smuggle in gin/vodka inside of a hollowed out loaf of bread. Yay for the North of England.
Tried using code again, will probably regret it - please tell me if it's dodgy again. Also, even though it's probably a while off, freakishly excited to see who's the first tape.
Guess you'll just have to rank it as; okay you messed up -> okay that was kinda mean...she needs help -> well you just didn't help her even though you could have -> Why wouldn't you help her? -> Why would you do that? -> Noooo no don't do that -> okay you killed her, congratulations.

I don't even know.

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