1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

The characters are traveling along when they suddenly come across a Daiklaive of Conquest sticking out of the ground, it's blade biting deep into the earth, there for them to take.  Why would it be there though?  Is it abandoned by another Solar?  If so, why?  Is it cursed in some way?  Or is there some other bane upon this great blade?  Perhaps the spirit in the Daiklaive of Conquest is so strong that whenever a Dawn attunes to it, he is compelled by the daiklaive to conquer all that he sees with a blindness that gives him an additional Motivation of conquering lands.  Or perhaps there's something else about it that just doesn't seem right.
The PCs awake at camp, smelling smoke.  Forest fire!  

Natural?  Unnatural?  Trap?  Nope, a Fire Elemental, summoned by some enterprising young Thaumaturge who lost control.

Twist: several Tree Spirits ask the PCs to find the little bastard and slit his weezand, and if they do so, or at least give him over to them for revenge for their lost sisters, they'll get the location of a cache of goods the DBs stashed in the woods a while ago, which was stolen by some enterprising brigands, who met a messy end at the claws of something in the woods that the Tree Spirits won't talk about.
Perhaps that daiklaive conquered a sleeping behemoth under the ground? Slumbering the eons away after being thwarted by the Solar hero who weilded the sword. Though...if you pull it out...well that mountain near by wakes and begins to move...
Among the ruins of a village, the PCs find only one lone survivor - a baby barely old enough to crawl that was secreted away by his/her parents before destruction rained down.  What was the force that destroyed the village, and why?  Is the Circle going to find out who did it and make sure they won't ever do it again?  Or were the destroyers justified in what they did?  And what of the baby?  Will the Circle take care of it?  Will they be able to raise it?  If not, can they find someone else to properly take care of the child?  Or will it be that every time they find someone willing to be a caretaker the PCs discover that there's some agenda lethal to the baby?  Will the PCs accept that and wash their hands of the child?  Or will they carry the baby into the thickness of combat, carrying the baby on their backs right by the scabbard for their daiklaive?
Ships... ships are fun...

An island floating in the middle of the sea... absolutely normal, right? even if it has twin rolls of massive coral rising like fins. while the island is covered with grass, moss and various small plants...

It seems an interesting island... or at least a place to rest... even with the aura of essence around it... like a demeanse...

But if any essence is -spent- while on said island... it rumbles as if reacting... to the essence.

What will your brave heroes do? Will them attempt to attune to the island, because it's obviously a demanse?

Or will they think it's a manse and hunt for the entrance?


Spend enough essence and the island wakes up... and dives into the sea...

a few months later... you hear stories of giant lizards destroying costal cities... complete with giant essence breath attack. ^_^

Yes... Godzilla LIVES!
Oh dear lord...I dare ask' date=' how did it go?[/quote']
The PCs ran... both times... ^_^

Once, they wised up to the Godzilla aspect... the other time... well... they woke him up... and then suffered essence poisoning... from the aura of essence around Godzilla...
Interesting' date=' how do you work the essence poisoning, I've always wanted to try 'radiation' in Exalted.[/quote']
It's like poison or enviromental damage.

They get to roll stamina + resistence. The difficulty is (effect, in this godzilla case 5) minus their essence trait.

Failure netted them 3L of damage, and failure 6L of damage (botch means I get to dip into the whole mutation effect ^_^ ). Irregardless of actual harm done, they'd be at -6 die penalty for a number of days as their exalted consitution deals with the essence overload. The number of days is how many minutes they spend in that enviroment.
Very nice, I asked because in Aspect Book Air they had something akin to that when a huge skyship blew up over a battlefield. Killed half the DBs fighting the Solar from essence poisoning. Their bodies could take it.
Very nice' date=' I asked because in Aspect Book Air they had something akin to that when a huge skyship blew up over a battlefield. Killed half the DBs fighting the Solar from essence poisoning. Their bodies could take it.[/quote']
That explosion was in the 1000+ motes... damn straight they died. For something like that, the rules would have been totally different.
I realize that, twas a explosion several kilomotes brighter than the Sun (ha! new Exalted words ftw!) and I was just saying, the Godzilla thing reminded me of that.
If I were them, I would have just gone to a factory-cathedral and make my own Thousand-Forged Dragon resembling him to take him on...
Thousand-Forged Godzilla would win easily.  He'd just absorb the Essence emanating from Godzilla and use it to fuel his own attacks.
Mystic Tornadoes start apearing all over the scavenger lands, tearing them up. as if that is not bad enough, Tengu start swooping down from some unknown location to grab local peasant girls and carry them off. meanwhile, rumor start cropping up of a first age city made entirly of jade being found. also there are rumors of a great and powerful sorceror who rules this city and gaurds its secrets.   :D
Did you learn nothing from the movies?

Godzilla put a green scaly foot up the ass of Mecha-Godzilla how many times?  Yes, Mecha-Godzilla has the armor plating, the rocket fingers, the laser beams, and can even fly, but Godzilla still owns the bastiche, because Godzilla has heart.

And, if the movies are any guide, he regenerates.  

The power of Godzilla isn't his radioactive breath, or the off the scale geiger counter BO, but his ability to take brutal beating after brutal beating, and still open up the #10 can of Whoop Ass.

Thousand Forged Godzilla takes the early rounds, as does any Godzilla foe critter that isn't on Monster Island while he's showing his son how to blow Essence Fire rings, but on the open field of battle, Godzilla always takes the end round, and then screams his primal scream of pain and rage upon the Creation.  

Because in the end, Godzilla is the fear and rage of the Nihonjin for having two frippin' cities atom bombed.  

Which isn't a bad basis for a Behemoth.  One birthed from the death screams of two First Age cities, and instead of turning them into Deathlands, the power is congealed into a sleeping Behemoth, who absorbs not just Essence, but also rage and fear, soaking it up like sweet wine, using it to power itself.  The more fear and anger it creates, the stronger it gets.  The more it destroys, the more people flee from it, the more powerful it becomes.  And yet, all it wants to do is set down that burden, to be the instrument of revenge for those lost cities and people, whose souls it absorbed, and must now serve...
A sidereal gets lost in the Wyld, and the PCs have to go rescue her. you would need somekind of protection(probably an artifact) for the Lost Sidereal.
While traveling through northern tundras, one of the PC's goes missing one night. This leads to two seperate adventures. One where the rest of the party tries finding the missing team member, and the other where the missing PC wakes up in a snowy cavern, frozen to the wall, facing down an angry monster of some sort (Star Wars anyone?)

You're treking through the Northern Tundra to Whitewall/Icehome/Gethamane/any large town. When you become aware of the scintillating lights of the aurora borealis. Following it, you find yourself walking further and further into the ice pack, across teh frozen seas and to the far north, until you come to a brilliant Manse carved from the ice and inlaid with rich veins of blue jade.
While travelling to a place, one of the PCs hears a voice in the wind.  Far away and distant.  Each place they stop, the PC hears the voice, and a face forms in any clear water, a form in the flame of the campfire, bolls in wood form the same face.  Someone is crying out to them, and using the Elements to craft a cry for help.

Wyld Hunt trick to get the PC off and alone, or a genuine cry for help by a bound Thaumaturge, facing deviltry at the hands of some fell force?  The traces and clues lead to a fallen tower in the hills, a makeshift camp nestled in the ruins, which is quite comfy and well provisioned.  The only thing of value, beyond the supplies is a diary, and a large mirror, with a stained handprint on one side, with protection wards incised around it, save for one small area, towards the rear, nearest a mouse hole, and a the chalk and salt there are smudged and marred.

Can the PCs glean enough clues to re-enact the ritual that was performed?   Can they fix the ward?  Can the find the caller?  Or is it all a ruse by the Hunt to draw them to a place where many kegs of Firedust have been packed into the basement?

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