1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

I've seen a few "1001 Stories" threads and they never seem to go anywhere. Well I had a better idea, since not everyone needs a whole story, but pretty much everyone could use a random encounter to throw into a session, this seems more likely to garner attention.

They should have story involvement, but nothing world spanning or long term, just little side-quest kind of things.

Now, stats for the creatures/npcs involved are nice, they arent totally needed.

Nor am I going to bother with numbers as lots of people never put them up and when they do they get all skewed anyways, due to simultaneous posts.
While walking along a well tread forest path the characters are attacked/captured by a pair of wood spiders. It seems the local forest god is quite angry as a group of bandits has been operating out of his forest and he has so far been unable to apprehend them. He believe them to be at least aided by an exalted, if they are not all exlated. That is why the wood spiders tried to apprehend the circle. He requests their help and offers artifacts and/or a manse in repayment.

The actual bandits are mortals lead by a beastman half-caste who has managed to learn a few stealth charms to aid in concealing his gang.

Wood Spiders p. 306

Beastman p. 282-283

Bandits p. 279
This isnt about the "random" part of it, just for a list of encounters for STs to use when they need something to occupy their players and they get a little brain-dead. I have those days alot. Plus alot of the ideas I'm getting over on the WW boards could easily be turned into longer plots if the players read more into whats happening then what was originally intended. Hell thats how some of the best games I've run have gotten started.
Wandering Troubador--Wandering minstril looking for inspiration finds a sweet singing Spirit or Fae, who he romances into giving him a song, but she makes him promise to keep it to himself.

Of course, he shares the gift, and now he's gotten cursed, and looking to rid himself of it.  PCs find him tripping over the woods that have turned against him, ravening critters and goblins looking to turn him back over to their Lord to redress the wrong he's done to one of his favorites.

Cue the hero music.
While walking, a character's foot falls into a small sinkhole, twisting his ankle. While wrenching his foot out, the dirt around the hole collapses, revealing an opening into a long buried ruin, or system of underground caverns...

A human sorceror has gotten a hold of a series of collars of enslavement, from the first age. he has captured three dragonblooded and a lunar, he now seeks to capture one, or all, of the heros. this can be as subtle or aparent as you wish.
An ally of one of the characters is a heroic mortal who's part of a family of Outcaste Terrestrial Exalted.  Her sister is about to get married, so she asks the PC to pay her back by going with her to visit her family pretending to be her suitor.  Wacky and lethal hijinks ensue as random complications arise as the Solar must deal with them without revealing his Celestial nature while he goes along with the sham of being involved with his ally, trying to hide his true nature doubly so.
Flock of Minstrels--Someone has hired several Minstrels to spread the word of the Solar's deeds before them, and is very well informed about their deeds.  The songs are glorious, but none too subtle, and while the folk hero aspect is played up, it's going to draw the attention of the Wyld Hunt toot sweet.

Who hired these asshats, and who is supplying their material?  A Bronze Faction Sideral, of course, who is using several different guises to spread the tales, to guarantee the Solar gets the Hunt's attention.

So, your deeds have spread to folk hero status.  What do you do now, hotshot?  Off the minstrels, which will only buff up your infamy, and spread Anathema fear from the remaining minstrels?  Convince the minstrels to STFU? Grin and bear it, and slink away before the Hunt shows?  Beam with pride, even as the Hunt zeros in?
Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot.

He was not afraid to die,

O brave Sir Robin.

He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways,

Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!

He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,

Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken,

To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away

And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin!

His head smashed in and his heart cut out

And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged

And his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off

And his pen...

Yeah...minstrils are great... :lol:
The Circle of Solars have made quite a name for themselves throughout the Threshold.  Unfortunately, an enterprising guildsman has taken the opportunity to profit on their glory.  As he makes his round with his caravan, he sells to the peasants eighthbooks (books costing an eighth of a silver coin) that illustrate the adventures of the Circles.  These illustrated serials stereotype the PCs, and so whenever they come into a new village or city, all those who've read the books feel as if they know the PCs as well as anyone can.  Because the readers think that the PCs are truly the great and noble and virtuous heroes that they seem to be in the books, whenever the PCs come into a village, the villagers can't help but come to the Circle with their problems.  All of the villagers.  With all of their problems.  And if one of the PCs tries to refuse to help them, the villagers will scoff at them, citing an example from one of the books that clearly shows that they wouldn't dare do such a thing for whatever reason the book says.  And so the Circle are heroes first in the eyes of the villagers of the Threshold and then must prove themselve to be those heroes that everyone thinks they are.  This makes them a great target to the villains of the Threshold, who seek out the Circle and either try to force them to do their bidding or kill them to ensure their heroic deeds do not interefere with their plans.  And all the while, the threat of the Wyld Hunt looms over them...
Flock of Minstrials--Someone has hired several Minstrials to spread the word of the Solar's deeds before them' date=' and is very well informed about their deeds. <snip>[/quote']
Yeah...minstrils are great...
... that's "minstrels".

Sweet idea though :) .
Once the heroic glory of the Circle has been told throughout the Threshold, the Circle is applauded for their good deeds by the villagers they come across.  After a time, it is almost second nature for them to be congratulated in this way.  That is why the PCs are so surprised when they come to a village and they are booed out, bombarded by rotten vegetables and other unhygenic things.  It seems that the Circle's reputation has changed for the worse, that news is spreading that they're actually villains of the worst sort and that the entire area knows of each and every one of their misdeeds.  Thing is, the Circle has done of the kind!  Apparently, someone has been masquerading as the PCs and causing trouble all to ruin the Circle's reputation.  Can the PCs find these miscreants in time before they cross the line from famous to infamous and find out why the imposters would do such a thing?
Not really my idea.  It's based on a Flaw that was on up on the old EC.  But somebody had to bring it back, because it was so tasty...
CW--I was thinking more like...


The man they call Jayne...

He robbed from the rich

And he gave to the poor

Stood up to the man

And he gave him what for

Our love for him now

Ain't hard to explain

The Hero of Canton

The man they call Jayne...

Our Jayne saw the mudders' backs breakin'

He saw the mudders' laments

And he saw the magistrate takin'

Every dollar and leavin' five cents

So he said "You can't do that to my people"

He said "Can't crush them under your heel"

Jayne strapped on his hat

And in 5 seconds flat

Stole everything Boss Higgins had to steal...

He robbed from the rich

And he gave to the poor

Stood up to the man

And he gave him what for

Our love for him now

Ain't hard to explain

The Hero of Canton

The man they call Jayne...

Now here is what separates heroes

From common folk like you and I

The man they call Jayne

He turned 'round his plane

And let that money hit the skies

He dropped it onto our houses

He dropped it into our yards

The man they called Jayne

He stole away our pain

And headed out for the stars...

He robbed from the rich

And he gave to the poor

Stood up to the man

And he gave him what for

Our love for him now

Ain't hard to explain

The Hero of Canton

The man they call Jayne...
Actually, that might be a bit of fun there.  A town where one of the Exalts' retainer/Follower/Allies is a big time hero, and while there, he eclipses the Solar's fame, and the PCs are considered the town's hero's flunkies...
That would be so awsome! the heroes do all the saving of the town, but due to the peoples love, their sidekick gets the glory. I would laugh and laugh and laugh! :lol:
Actually we had something in Earthdawn that went that way one time. A squire essentially to our Warrior became far more famous to this town than the Circle 8 Warrior, it was TERRIBLY amusing when people demanded the squire take down the Warrior for...treating him like a squire.

An 8th Circle Warrior, much like the Wu Tang Clan, ain't nothin' to fuck with.

Exactly. That's why I felt bad in game for the poor little bastard. I was an 8th Circle Archer at the time.

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