dragon ball universe

  1. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragon Ball: Revenant (Characters OOC Thread)

    PLEASE DO NOT POST TO THIS THREAD UNLESS YOU HAVE RESPONDED TO THE RECRUITMENT THREAD FIRST!! THANK YOU!! Age: 23 Height: 5' 4" (162.5cm) Weight: 125 lbs (56.5kg) Race: Saiyan Voice Example: Cheyanne Voice Example Cheyanne's Theme Power Level: 2,000 Speciality: Ki Control Personality...
  2. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragon Ball: Revenant

    Dragon Ball: Revenant (This is a very long thread... šŸ˜…) Long agoā€¦ Before our history was remembered through words on paper, or images on a screenā€¦ Legends were forged on the battlefield, and shared through generations by campfire songs, dances, stage performances, and moreā€¦ In this highly...
  3. Veiled Dream

    Fandom Dragon Ball

    Dragon Ball Super This is my Dragon Ball Super Roleplay! It will focus primarily on Goku, Vegeta, and Broly and the resurgence of enemies old and new. This is a group-oriented roleplay. After their titanic clash where Vegeta and Goku had to fuse to stop Broly's unchecked, inhibited and...
  4. Emperor Of Embers

    Fandom Dragon Ball Saga: Past Guardians to New Heroes (Reboot) interest check

    Hello! I have recently restarted an RP of mine, and am in need of players. Let me know if any of you are interested so I can keep count of who is and who isn't. I will put the link down at a later time.
  5. Emperor Of Embers

    Fandom Dragon Ball Saga: Past Guardians to New Heroes (Reboot)

    Set 200 years after the events of Dragon Ball Super, North City is having a World Martial Arts Tournament! The purposes of the tournament? To scope out the participants for good character and potential, even if they lose. From there, our little group will be formed, and many adventures to be had...
  6. AzureFox

    Fandom DragonBall Z role play, preferably Frieza Saga.

    I've really been craving a DragonBall Z role play, around the Frieza saga time. Is anyone interested in this? Let me know! Back in the day of chat rooms, I used to have a few friends who would Role play as the Ginyu Force Characters or Zarbon, and I'd love to find someone who likes to role...

    Fandom RPs That I'm Craving And Roles I'll Play For You (Fandoms Inside) [updated]

    Hello! Thank you for looking at this thread, here is some info about what I am looking for in a Partner: - Spelling and Grammar are a must - At least one paragraph (three lines not sentences) per reply - You must reply at least once a week - It'll be deeply appreciated if me and you both could...
  8. The Waluigist Priestess

    Fandom Dragon Ball Z

    Hai! My name is Son Nellie, (at least in Dragon Ball) and I'm here looking for someone to RP with me, OF COURSE! I would love a Prince Vegeta x OC, Me as the OC! I'm ok with doubling! Have a Fantastic Day!
  9. SkyzorV

    Fandom Dragon Ball Roleplay, But Set Outside of the Canon (ALWAYS OPEN)

    Heyo, it's me, Skyzor. This one's a little different... See, I love the world of Dragon Ball, but the storyline we have now is far too muddled and convoluted. That had me thinking... We could just set it in a different time! This will take place 80 years before Freeza blows up Planet Vegeta...
  10. ANIMEWEEB101

    Fandom HIDDEN SAIYANS?! A Dragon Ball Super RP

    A saiyan who was Vegeta's best friend and rival had "died" on a mission to clear a planet's race. Reality was the king had banished her to a far far away planet for being too strong. She had been forgotten and no one remembered until Beerus and Whis had been looking for someone to compete in the...
  11. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Fandom LF Dragon Ball Role-Play Partner!

    With the reveal of the Dragon Ball FighterZ Season 3 characters Kefla and UI Goku, I'm more than hyped to start doing my Dragon Ball RPs again! If you'll don't know about that, then here is a video: Now, then. I suppose I should introduce myself. I am RedtheRoyalGuard, but my friends like to...
  12. FearItself

    Fandom Dragon ball RL (Full)

    What if the world of dragonball existed in the real world? Thats the question we will answer here. Set in modern day earth but with several differences. Capsule corp is an american company that has grown to prominence world wide with their advanced storage technology. In addition there exists...
  13. The Waluigist Priestess

    Fandom Dragon Ball Z-GT Timeline Roleplay Request! Will make Vegeta cry if you join(JK)!

    Hello Everyone! Son Nellie Here to see about a Dragon Ball Z Through GT timeline(alsow we keep fluffy hair Vegeta) Roleplay! Please follow my rules and remember that this will alter the timeline some with the addition of ocs and changes in the ships! RULES: Please only do the ships I list...
  14. Kharotus

    Fandom Dragon ball/z/gt/super rp

    Hello, i am looking for rp mates, i have couple wishes and rules so please take look at those before send me reply, thank you :) - only mxf pairings - only OCxcanon characters - i play your crush and you play mine, that way we keep it fair - please join to brainstorming too and i want open...
  15. FearItself

    Fandom Dragon ball RL

    What if the world of dragonball existed in the real world? Thats the question we will answer here. Set in modern day earth but with several differences. Capsule corp is an american company that has grown to prominence world wide with their advanced storage technology. In addition there exists...
  16. Bocaj

    Fandom Keeping A Ship, Afloat! Fandom Romance

    Hey there! This post, as from the title, is aimed to find anyone interested in some fandom roleplaying, with a bit emphasis on pairing/ships/romance, along with other themes; as I would like something else going on, besides romance. If that makes sense, at all. SO, I will list some...
  17. Mithril

    Fandom Dragon Ball - Universe Reborn

    Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read through my roleplay request thread. Hopefully you have a interest in Dragon Ball Z, otherwise you may be in the wrong place just saying, and have come to take part in my 1x1. Firstly some details on the roleplay and what I expect out of the roleplay...
  18. Emperor Of Embers

    Fandom Dragon Ball Saga: Past Guardians to New Heroes

    Set about 200 years after the last saga for Dragon ball, North City is having a World Martial Arts Tournament! The purposes of the tournament? To scope out the participants for good character and potential, even if they lose. From there, our little group will be formed, and many adventures to be...
  19. Emperor Of Embers

    Fandom Dragon Ball Saga: Past Guardians to New Heroes

    Alrighty! So my friend @Latios and myself have planned an Rp where it takes place 100 years after the Z Fighters' passing, and our group will be meeting each other for the first time in the World Martial Arts tournament in North City (It feels somewhat respectful to stick to DB tradition). After...
  20. ANIMEWEEB101

    Fandom Searching for 4 other people to role play with
