dragon ball universe

  1. Spidermanshark2

    Fandom Looking For Partners

    Edit: I HAVE RETURNED AND STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE! Hello there! I have decided to go and try out BBCode on a public thread of my own to make things look nicer and cleaner. It will look basic and boring, but bear with me since this is my first time using it! The following are a couple of tabs...
  2. GothicGlypso

    Fandom Dragon ball Super Broly x Cheelsi roleplay

    I need a partner for a wholesome Broly x cheelai roleplay, I’m fine with being either you can choose which you want to be, if you’re interested at all please DM me and we can discuss further and start.
  3. OfTheNights

    Fandom Night's fandom search!

    Hello! I go by Night and I am 23 years old. I've been deeply craving writing some oc x canon romance stuff, so this post is for that specifically. Before I get into the fandoms, some stuff I thought to list. -As stated above I am in my 20's and for my own comfort I request that anyone looking...
  4. Koi-Sama

    Multiple Settings Ocean Arena

    O.A INFORMATION This style of RP does not need story build-up for combative justifications between opponents, however, you can make things up on the fly if you wish, but that is only if you have discussed it with your partner. Ocean Arena features 2 locations for combat RP; the reason being for...
  5. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragonball: Ascension

    Beep... Beep... Beep... Scanning... Beep... Beep... Beep... Scan complete. Average Power Level established. "Put it on the main monitor," came a thunderous male voice echoing through the metal room. Affirmative... Beep... Average Power Level, 5. "Maximum?" Affirmative... Beep...
  6. gritteeth

    Grit's Multipurpose Recruitment Post (☠1x1☠18+only☠Fandom&Original☠Canon/OCxCanon/OC☠Optional art RP☠)

    Hello, hello, and welcome to Grit's 1x1 roleplay recruitment post! Haphazardly thrown together, but full of heart! ...Or something along those lines. Maybe I'll learn how to use BBCode and make fancier posts later. For now, I just wanted to get myself out there. I'm by no means new to roleplay...
  7. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragonball: Ascension (OOC)

    Here is the OOC where we can discuss anything and everything about the RP together! Welcome aboard to those who've been accepted!! For your convenience, the Characters and Lore pages are linked atop this post. But I'll link them here too just cause! Characters Lore
  8. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragonball: Ascension (Characters)

    Hoyo! Here's our Characters page! Please be sure to read the lore page's information before creating a character as there are some things on there which might catch longtime fans off guard if you don't pay attention to the smaller details. For your profile, please fill out all the same...
  9. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragonball: Ascension (Lore)

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreetings! GojiBean here! Since we have a fair number of people interested, I decided to make a full on lore page for the RP! And quick disclaimer: Maybe read it in bits rather than all at once, cause there's A LOT to unpack here. The Saiyans The Saiyans have proclaimed...
  10. GojiBean

    Fandom DBZ Interest Check

    Hoyo! I'm here to see if anyone's interested in a DBZ RP? But before you shout "Yay!" or boo me with a "Nay!" from the mountaintops, here are the most important things about the RP to consider! (Also, here's a link to the Lore Page: Fandom - Dragonball: Ascension (Lore)) Rules And Guidelines...
  11. Trafalgar Hoshi

    Multiple Settings Hoshi's One x One Search [ Fandoms, Originals, Ect... ]

    Hello~ I'm looking for a long term roleplaying partner. I'm 33 years old. I want roleplay with someone that is 18+ someone around my age. My Rules I double with OC x Canon’s. I don’t do much of Canon x Canon pairs. For fandoms. I do double. I only do FxM only. I can write up to two paragraphs...
  12. OZ.exe

    Fandom Oz's Fandom RP List! (Any and all are welcome!!)

    Hello everyone! You can call me Oz! I came on this site to use my creativity since I'm always procrastinating on personal writing. I'm not new to roleplay, only this site! I go by any pronouns and I welcome anyone on this site to roleplay with me (Unless you're racist, anti-LGBTQ+, or a...
  13. Nihilist_Ulquiorra

    Fandom Sonic Rp Version. 2

    So @Shadow The Hedgehog i want to redo our first sonic rp but with mostly Sonic, Bleach, and DBZ the main characters are Shadow, Sonic, Ichigo, Rukia, Goku, and Vegeta
  14. AnimesChibia

    Fandom Fusion and a Half

    ((Starter for SSJ4 Gogeta)) A satisfying pop! reached the ears of the prince as he finally rolled his shoulder in just the right way. There we go... much better... He picked up a water bottle left out on the table for him and chugged it down until it was empty. He puffed out a sigh before...
  15. AnimesChibia

    Fandom Looking for Dragon Ball rpers

    Hello, I'm new to the site, and I'm looking for new writing partners. Starting with Dragon Ball because I got the brainrot for it rn. You'll see the characters I prefer to rp as in my about me. Just because the character you want to play is on my list, however, doesn't mean I don't want to...
  16. starscheme

    Fantasy Long-Term Dragon Ball RP Partner MXM

    Hi! Hi! I posted this before and then lost interest nearly and then got back into it haha ^^; but I'm looking for someone that would like to Roleplay Vegeta x Goku. I have some ideas I would like to use and my muse is itching for some actual action then me writing it lol. The Setting of...
  17. Kobe Nathan Wade

    Fandom Johto League: Type Rising

    Glory. Fame. Purpose. Trainers find these things in battle. For hundreds of years humans battled alongside Pokemon as equals, throwing themselves into the front lines of war and competition to fight with their partners. They were said to have had powers and abilities on par with that of their...
  18. EllicharaTheReshiram

    Fandom Dragon ball:Rise (open)

    As you all know, Dragon ball is full of characters with lost potential that deserves much better than they got. This rp will be about them. We will start right after Super. Goku and Vegeta are training with Whiz again and this time, they've brought Gohan, Goten and Trunks with them too...
  19. mamabear

    Fandom Looking for partner and friend. DBZ universe

    Hey guys. I’m Madelene or Maddy by my friends. I’m 29 and have been RPing for about 3 years now. I’m looking for someone to RP Dragonball Z with as of right now. I’m not really picky about themes. I don’t get grossed out easily. The only things I don’t like are pedophilia and rape. Now I am okay...
  20. GojiBean

    Fandom Dragon Ball: Revenant

    PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD UNLESS YOU HAVE RESPONDED TO THE RECRUITMENT THREAD AND POSTED A CHARACTER TO THE CHARACTER OCC THREAD. THANK YOU! ________________________________________________________________ The Mess Hall, Mother Ship Kriito CRASH!! "Dammit, Cheyanne!!" Echoed a roar...