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  1. Callahan

    Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread

    2024 Enqusqo Grand Prix - Circuit of the Sun Sunday 15 September, 2024 Practice and Qualifying Liètzi Finala returns to it's most lavish destination in Txalenqu, Enqusqo, where the infamous Circuit of the Sun runs throughout the 5-star hotel, resort and casino which gives the city its fame...
  2. Callahan

    Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread

    MONARCHS SPOTTED A TIMELINE OF THE CHORICH ROYAL FAMILY'S ATTENDANCE AT THE ROYAL WEDDING Article by Élodie Basile, Palais Federál office of Marifort, Colonesse Following the birth of a new royal baby, the Chorich Royal Family has decided to break their leave of absence to attend the royal...
  3. Callahan

    Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread

    Prince welcomes newest child into the royal family while enjoying 10th anniversary Tuesday 6 August, 2024 News has come directly from the Palais de Cavalièrs in Datherey that his royal highness, Ludwig Rainulf Ulmburn don Winguric-Söingholz-Solheim, Prince of Rannberg along with his husband...
  4. Callahan

    Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread

    2024 Mount Finnis Grand Prix - Gerriton Ring Sunday 4 August, 2024 Practice and Qualifying The Mount Finnis Grand Prix returns for the first time as a Liètzi Finala location since 1972 at the Gerriton Ring in central Edury. The slippery slope that is Mount Finnis' lush forests and valleys...
  5. Callahan

    Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread

    2024 Renesian Grand Prix - Griessloh Circuit Sunday 28 July, 2024 Practice and Qualifying The Renesian Grand Prix returns to the Griessloh Circuit in Bredelem Province, Renesia for another weekend of televised racing and competition. Preliminary practices took place throughout the week...