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Realistic or Modern Vanatas Project: Current Events Thread


22.06.2023 18:59

Outlandsmastery on recent Agarad Bombing: Makes point for referendum, not against
Outlandsmaster Scaftnoth Marley has released a statement today regarding the alleged bombing of a Republican Front housing block, saying that this is further proof that a definitive referendum and international support for the winner is necessary.

Marley, in a press release, said that "this bombing is further proof that the international community needs to come together to put an end to this violence. The Agar people deserve a stable and secure future and a place in society, and hawkishness is not going to provide that for them." The presser further elaborated that Marley would encourage other nations to support the World Forum proposal to appoint agents to execute said referendum.

"Radical federalism is based upon democratic ideals," Marley said in the presser, "Our blue way of life here tells us that democracy is not only the best way to run society, but also for the economy. But for that to happen, first a people must have a government responsive to them," the Outlandsmaster said in justification for his support of this motion. The ministry holds that Wheelerism is the application of the democratic process to the workplace, in agreement (although not in the same way) with the Wheelerist party of Lathadu. Therefor, while the Noyonist faction of the civil war may have some ideological ties with the Workers Association, the faction which is chosen by the people of Agarad should be the one to lead it- regardless of the Jarader Force's ideological position.

However, Marley had this to say on the international backlash to the proposal: "Some of our allies- and other states who happen to be associated with the blue shade- seem to believe that democratic economics doesn't require a democratic society. Our comrades in Velorenkya, Ordrey, Lathadu, and to a certain extent, Gladomyr, had the opportunity to choose their way of life for themselves. Wheelerism or Noyonism foisted upon a people, rather than adopted organically, is not radical federalism- but simply power politics. Velorenkya seems to abhor 'international moneyism', but they have no problem, it seems, forcing their ideology on a people who do not want it."

"Let me be clear," Marley said to end the press conference, "I will support Agar workers in their endeavors to take their destiny into their own hands. But for that to happen, they must first decide for themselves."

Marley speaking at the press conference

Eduran diplomatic victory, despite chaotic committee meeting
The Eduran delegation to the World Forum is categorizing its involvement in the Committee on the Agarad Civil War, and the forwarding of the referendum proposal to the general voting body, as a success.

While the Eduran delegation's motion to amend the proposal was not successful, it did vote in favor of sending the proposal as-is to the general World Forum. Sources from both the delegation and the Outlandsmastery have made statements to the effect that pushing this proposal through has allowed Edury to demonstrate that it is able to put pressure on international affairs.

Eduran diplomats will probably, in the Outlander's point of view, continue to attempt to exert that same pressure in the coming days. In order to emulate their recent victory, various ambassadors throughout Alutra are attending or hosting press conferences in their respective countries in order to gain support for the proposal in the WF, as well as gain signatories, as it is unlikely that the resolution will be unanimous, even if it passes.

Eduran foreign policy is in a strange place where, despite being vociferous in its attempt to join the Aarnieu Fraternity, it is also going up against the foreign policy of Ordrey, the Noyonist state which traditionally leads the blue-shade Alutran bloc.

The headquarters of the World Forum

Delegate Bert Smit recalled​
Following accusations of racism against Salians, Myrs, Enquscan people, Martlanders, Valorenkians, Riyatans, and Renesians, Eduran delegate to the World Forum Bert Smit has been recalled, and a replacement sent to Grana.

"There's no HR, so you can't sue me," Smit said as he boarded his plane.

The plane Smit left on.
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Rumors of unrest in Republican Front, JF begins renewed offensive​

Jarader Forces tanks in TBD, TBD Province.

06/23/2022 6:24 pm | Aliqah, Agarad
Soma TBD for Grana Times

ALIQAH – At 3:34 AM today, the Jarader Forces in Aliqah and TBD Provinces began a major offensive against Loyalist-held TBD province, accompanied by airstrikes and a massive artillery bombardment. The loyalist stronghold in TBD Province has been a major point of conflict in the Agar Conflict. Between the JF and Republican Front, more than 17 large offensives against the heavily fortified province have failed. According to JF authorities, they believe they have a real chance at taking the province this time, owing to the unprecedented wave of arms and equipment deliveries from Vatupic nations since the VTC’s recognition of the JF earlier this month. Among the JF’s new arsenal are Vatupic Airtram Hikuai fighter planes and Riyatic Iceberg main battle tanks. Previously, Vatupic nations have been hesitant to deliver their most advanced weapons to the JF.

Also in recent developments in Agarad are rumors of inner turmoil within the Republican Front. According to some sources, internal divisions within the big-tent faction have widened over the last month. Although the rumors remain unconfirmed, it appears that the moderate elements of the Republican Front are at odds once again with the hardline blue-shade factions, including the Agar Revolutionary Army and other revivalist and radical noyonist groups. Internal tensions in the Republican Front are not uncommon; since the very start of the Agar Civil War, the faction has struggled with reconciling its more extreme policy points with more moderate ideologies that see far larger popular support. The JF itself, which was a part of the Republican Front, split off following the Turquoise Palace bombing in 1987 in part due to the RF’s reluctance to commit to free, multi-party democracy.

Refugee camps across Aliqah Province are dissolving as refugees begin to stream into the former international zone.

In other news, the 30-year-long international zone in Aliqah ended today, as Vatupic enforcers allowed JF troops to enter and take control of the city. This marks the first time since the fall of Aliqah to the Republican Front in 1986 that the entire capital city is under the control of a single entity.

Comments (2):

Farud_Backpacking · 06/24/23 1:43 pm
18th time's the charm.

granaman · 06/23/23 8:51 pm
inb4 rf bombs themself again to stop the war from ending

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DAK Overview: The 2023 Protests​

Nadran, DAK
Written 14:66, June 27, 2022
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Tar-dinuuen law-enforcement officers traveling towards a protest in Ranin. Captured by Drinui, DAK photographer

Muralilin - Starting in late December and continuing in June, Tar-dinuu has entered a period of extensive and widespread protests reminiscent of those that gripped the nation three years ago. Much like the previous period, the current protests are politically charged, and many political actors have attempted to alter the narrative to further pre-existing agendas. This is especially heightened by the upcoming 2024 elections to the Grand Assembly, which already are predicted to make the demonstrations a central issue. Due to the many conflicting narratives surrounding the protests, these elections may be even more complicated than the last ones. So, to safeguard the functioning of the Tar-dinuuen democracy, it is necessary to establish the objective narrative of the protests.


Unlike the 2020-2021 protests, the 2023 protests do not have a single incident as a spark that later expanded into a wider conflict against Tar-dinuuen society. Instead, they are the creation of numerous separate political movements feeding into each other. For the majority of situations, the initial contested issue was regional but later shifted focus to broader national issues as they spread. This is the primary reason behind their longevity.

Perceived Discrimination​

The first 2023 protests began on January 3rd, following a judicial decision in the Tar-hano adin concerning the rights of traditional landholders on Protected Lands under the Conservation Proclamation. The Hanoen community of the Tar-hano adin is among the 13 Traditional Communities permitted to live and construct infrastructure on Protected Land for cultural purposes. However, the Conservation Proclamation explicitly stipulates that this privilege is only granted to allow these communities to continue their traditional lifestyles, and any development that is not a part of this lifestyle is forbidden. Exceptions can be made for life-saving infrastructure such as roads or medical centers, or with strict state oversight if the construction does not significantly affect the local ecosystem. The Tar-hano Court determined that the proposed community center did not align with the Conservation Proclamation requirements, and declared that the Tar-hano Traditional Government must pay a fine of ꤊ75,500.
They appealed the decision, and after obtaining a similar response from the Kimurin state government, began the protests.
The protestors claim that the central government was mistreating their minority communities by preventing them from accessing modern amenities. Some have also claimed that the cultural preservation actions launched by the Tar-dinuuen government may ironically be in effect a cultural genocide. According to the activists, by forcing Tar-Hanoens to live in stagnant poverty-stricken societies, they encourage residents of Tar-hano to abandon their traditional culture and assimilate into wider Tar-dinuuen society.
These protests and grievances echoed those expressed by the residents of Tar-tabanuu, Tar-jurnuu, Ranin, and Arutsin, who similarly claim to be neglected by the central government. Therefore, the Tar-hano protests ignited protests in these states, which expanded to several in other regions in solidarity.

Labor Disputes​

The protests in the city of Buurin began similarly to those in Tar-hano; contesting a legal decision. The employees working at the Buurin Oil Refinery expressed dissatisfaction with their working conditions and attempted to bring their grievances to the Petroleum Employer-Employee Coordination Court. On November 27th, the Court ruled that the Tar-dinuuen Petroleum Company had not violated any existing regulations, and the requested changes would significantly alter the industry’s profitability, therefore no reformation was required.
The workers rejected this decision and attempted to form a union, which is illegal under the Tar-dinuuen Labor Relations Act of 1957. On January 10th, the oil refinery’s employees tried to strike, which, as a criminal action, was halted by a police action. The dispute escalated further as several other Tar-dinuuen Petroleum Company-owned workplaces followed the Buurin Oil Refinery in its attempt to strike over the next three days, necessitating further law enforcement intervention.
These partial strikes are estimated to have cost the Tar-dinuuen Petroleum Company ꤊ5 million in lost profits. The Employer-Employee Coordination Court declared that 75% of this cost must be paid back by the offending workers, alongside interest, sparking further unrest.
Several more workplaces attempted strikes in solidarity with the oil worker’s over the next week with similar results, and several protests began within the Kidal Oil Archipelago, the informal term for islands within the Kidal Sea where petroleum extraction and refining are concentrated.
By the 1st of March, protests had spread beyond the Islands of Kidal. Many workplaces also claimed to have been ignored by the Employer-Employee Coordination Court when they brought up alleged grievances and reignited these conflicts. They also cite increasingly unsustainable costs of living and stagnant wages.

Military Policy​

On March 3rd, protests began in the border town of Tenamin, Ranin, against the construction of a new military base. In December of last year, the Grand Assembly approved an increase in the military budget to decrease dependence on Riyata and allow the kingdom to resist terrorist organizations. Part of the remilitarization includes the expansion of infrastructure along the ceasefire line with the occupied territories. However, as soon as the first military base began the process of construction, the local community began attempting to obstruct development. The activists oppose the clearing of natural ecosystems for the construction of the new military base, as well as remilitarization in general.
Among some Tar-dinuuens, the military as an institution has a poor reputation. It was an integral component of the World War-era Heritage Party regime, and after the Democratic Coalition assumed power the military remained the least reformed sector of the Tar-dinuuen state. Several accused war criminals were permitted to remain in their roles even during the Reconstruction Program. Further drawing such connections, the remilitarization initiative was a multi-partisan effort that included contributions from the controversial League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu, a Deep Buffist party known for Heritage Party apologia.
Additionally, the population of Tenamin may be sympathetic to the insurgent group. The majority identify as Lower Dinuuen, which may have spurred them to oppose actions taken to restore regional stability. The relationship between Tar-dinuu and the occupied territories is contentious within the kingdom, with many faulting the Tar-dinuuen government’s conduct during the Tar-dinuuen Civil War, and some even supporting the separatist movement. Though the extent of support for the insurgents is often exaggerated by political agitators, enough exists that the issue was central to the 2020-2021 protest movement.
The resulting protests spread to other regions seeing the first of a new wave of military investment, especially in Ranin and also combined with the wider movements expressing dissatisfaction with the ruling party. Later actions have exacerbated the issue, such as law enforcement response to vandalism and the Tar-dinuuen declaration of support for the Jarader Forces on June 13.


Protests have slowed economic growth by disrupting traffic across much of Tar-dinuu. Additionally, approximately ꤊ2.1 million worth of property damage has occurred due to violence by political extremists, either among the protestors or working against them. Damage to people has also occurred. Currently, there have been 13 deaths and over 350 recorded injuries. Of the 13 deaths, 4 have been law enforcement officials.
As a result of the chaotic circumstances, police officers have been granted licenses to take necessary actions to protect people and property. This may fuel further extremism among the protestors, and many activists claim that Tar-dinuuen law enforcement has used its powers unconstitutionally. However, the Tar-dinuuen Police Advisory Board and Disciplinary Court have found no evidence of unlawful conduct in any incidents involving police officers.

Political Response​

DAK policy analysts believe that the protests reflect a general dissatisfaction with the Tar-dinuuen government, and they are likely to significantly affect the outcome of the 2024 Grand Assembly elections that will take place in November. The two largest parties, the Tar-dinuuen Ecological Party and the National Democratic Party have both declined in popularity. The latest polling indicates an almost 21% decrease with the Ecological Party and a smaller but still significant 9% decrease with the National Democratic Party. The Kidal Islacentrist Party, the All-Workers Front, and the Urbocentrist Party for Autonomy and Federalism have risen in popularity inversely to their rival parties. If no significant events change public opinion, the Kidal Islacentrist Party will likely become the largest political party in the Grand Assembly after the 2024 elections, even accounting for decreased enthusiasm after the protests end.
Many political figures see the alteration of the political landscape and are responding to it. The most notable change is the departure of the Progressive Party from the governing coalition on April 16. The Coordinator of the Progressive Party, Representative Damadlar, stated “[the Progressive Party] must be mindful of our roots, as the voice of the hardworking people that make our great nation march on. Those people are now crying for change, and our comrades have thus far ignored them” in a speech after the decision was revealed. He also condemned violence on either side. Representative Damadlar said the Progressive Party would become an independent party in the next elections, instead of joining the Opposition or the People’s Alliance bloc, which would support other legislative blocs on a law-by-law basis.
DAK policy analysts speculate that the decision was made to reverse the Progressive Party’s decline in polls, as much of their working-class voter base has migrated to more extremist parties. The effort has been moderately successful, though it is not expected to alter the overall trend.

The People’s Alliance bloc also has taken advantage of the chaotic situation. The Blue Authors, a newspaper known for being a mouthpiece of the bloc, has released numerous statements from People’s Alliance politicians expressing support for the protests and opposition to government efforts to maintain order. Coordinator Maltri of the Kidal Islacentrist Party, generally regarded as the unofficial spokesperson for the alliance, stated that he was “disgusted by the negligence of the increasingly Buffist Tar-dinuuen establishment in the face of the working class’s justified outrage.”
To complement statements of support, the Kidal Islacentrist Party, All-Workers Front, and the Urbocentrist Party for Autonomy and Freedom released a joint ten-point manifesto on May 20th describing their solution to the protesters' concerns. This manifesto includes calls for the dissolution of the Traditional Community system and the Employee-Employer Coordination Court and vague endorsements of a “system of free association of all the oppressed peoples of the Kidal”.

The ruling coalition has consistently condemned violence by protestors and has characterized the protests as disruptive. The Prime Minister, in a speech given on May 29th, stated that “[the protestors] may have begun with some legitimate concerns, but by now it has evolved into nothing but a mob of extremists seeking to bludgeon the rest of Tar-dinuu into submission.” Most members of the Ecological Party have echoed his perspective. Of the Progressive Party’s decision to leave the governing coalition, an official statement by the Tar-dinuuen Ecological Party released on April 18th declares a desire “to maintain amiable relationships and continue working with [the Progressive Party], despite current disagreements.”
Some individuals within the Tar-dinuuen Ecological Party and other parties within the ruling coalition have expressed concern over law-enforcement reactions to the protests and expressed some desire to find a compromise with the protestors. However, this perspective has not become the mainstream view.
The National Democratic Party and other members of the Buffist Opposition have, meanwhile condemned the protests entirely. Representative Tenaril followed the prime minister in his characterization of the protests as “extremist nonsense”, and also stated in a speech on March 13th that the protests “represent a rot in our society, which has overtaken the common sense of a vocal minority of the population”. Other members of the National Democratic Party and the League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu have alleged that the protests have been inflamed by foreign agitators. Many have tied protestors to the separatists in southern Tar-dinuu or to the Republic of Enqusqo, though official relations have not been confirmed. Representative Huidrar of the League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu alleged that “Alutro-syndicalists and Vatupic imperialists have engineered the perfect poison to bring about the downfall of our nation.”

Though the majority of the political energy of the protest movement has been channeled toward pre-existing Blue-shade parties, some political actors have created new parties to take advantage of the burst of anti-establishment sentiment. Most are not expected to gather enough votes to win the 2024 elections, and analysts generally predict that they will wither away as the protests fade.
The most prominent new party currently is the simply named Pathway, created by established entrepreneur Indlad. The aspiring young politician has crafted a populist platform borrowing elements from both sides of the political spectrum. Similarly to the blue-shade parties, Pathway supports anti-corruption initiatives, democratization, multiculturalism, and a closer diplomatic relationship with other Kidal nations. Similarly to the traditional buffist parties, Pathway advocates for policies that would promote small businesses, global trade, and technological innovation. Unlike any major force in the Tar-dinuuen political landscape, Indlad’s party platform outlined a plan to privatize large swathes of Tar-dinuu’s economy and to cut social welfare programs. Though the anti-establishment rhetoric may appeal to some voters, the latter points on privatization may prevent Pathway from ever achieving electoral success. In a poll conducted in May of 2023, 75% of Tar-dinuuens opposed any privatization of the economy of Tar-dinuu, and 54% went as far as to claim support for increased nationalization. However, the percentage of support for nationalization has decreased since the last relevant poll in March, in which 60% of Tar-dinuuens supported nationalizing a larger segment of the economy.
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Transmission 2 1 8, Designate: ISKIOIS
MOSS Team imbedded on the
Isidor en-route to Agarad
Objective: Ferment Anti-JF Sentiment

The Major checked his watch to ensure it read correctly. 2100. That’d put the 28,000 ton Velorenkan freighter roughly 20 miles off the shore of Agarad. More specifically Republican controlled territory. Ever since the war began Velorenkya had sporadically shipped in supplies to the RF in the form of both lethal and humanitarian aid. The Isidor was no different, containing various medical supplies and non-perishable foodstuffs to be distributed to the self-proclaimed true freedom fighters of Agarad. Since the growth of terrorist groups and increasing capabilities of the JF, Velorenkan merchant marines have preferred to arrive and conduct their off-loading of supplies at night. Less chances of a stray mortar or rocket landing on them as they wheel off containers full of canned foods or hemostatic bandages.

Yet there was a key difference between the Isidor and past merchant marine vessels. And it wasn’t the presence of Velorenkan Main Office for Strategic Services (MOSS) officers imbedded into the crew, as the MOSS routinely utilized the merchant marine to slip their agents into country. No, it was a fact that the entire 33-man crew was specifically hand-picked by MOSS to carry out the mission. The captain of the ship and a skeleton crew of merchant marine were civilians, albeit very politically reliable and about to be paid enough to stay that way. They were prepared to perform their duty for the Arekh. The other half of the crew were MOSS agents or Navy frogmen pulled for this operation.

Placing a hand on the shoulder of the gruff merchant marine captain the Major would initiate the critical part of the operation.

“Well Captain, I believe it is time we began.”

The Captain grunted in reply as he grabbed the hand mic for the Isidor’s radio.

Mayday, mayday mayday This is the Isidor. Break.

Situation is as follows. We have been approached aft side by what appears to be a patrol boat. Break.

Patrol boat has shot warning shots on us with machine guns. I repeat we are being shot at.

Request immediate assistance.

The Major nodded. “That sounded believable. You didn’t sound panicky though.”

The Isidor’s Captain grunted. “I’ve been on the seas since before you could walk. And I was in the Navy. It’s more believable I’m not panicking.”

The Major shrugged, “Fair enough Captain, are you now prepared to steer this vessel after what your fellow peers in the Navy are going to do?”

The Captain lit a cigar and waved off the comment as he extinguished the match, “Boy, I’ve sailed with worse before.”

“Very well.” Speaking through his radio the MOSS Major would signal the attached Navy frogmen, who excelled in underwater demolitions, to conduct their part of the operation. That being a controlled detonation of an old Agar naval torpedo on the aft of the Isidor. The torpedo had been strategically married up to the hull and its yield tweaked to illicit a wonderful explosion and overt damage to the ship, but no real structural damage.

Still though, the resulting explosion would rock the ship and throw a couple of the less experienced seafaring MOSS officers to the floor.

Upon steading his balance, the Isidor’s Captain would begin barking out orders to his bridge crew. They acted professionally, getting to the task at hand to ensure the ship makes it to port in one piece and most importantly with all hands still on deck.

With a glance back at the military intelligence officer the Captain grinned through his cigar, “Well we’ve done it now boy. This is where the fun begins.”

“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is the Isidor. We suffered a catastrophic explosion to our aft. I repeat, the Isidor has sustained a major explosion to our aft. Break.”

“I think we’ve been torpedoed. I’m holding her steady. We’ll try to make for port.”

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Citizen Molchati Duma reporting from Saint Yazdoikakh, Velorenkya

Last night the Isidor, a smaller sized merchant marine belonging to the Northern Isles Shipping Company was attacked off the coast of Agarad in the Shazabi Ocean. The Isidor was laden with over 18,000 tons of foodstuffs and medical supplies bound for the war weary Agar population as part of the Arekh’s decade spanning relief program.

Details on the attack are still sparse at the moment, however the Public Affairs Office for the Kadgivel (Velorenkan Defense Forces) has released the following:

“At approximately 2100 hours local time, the Northern Isles Shipping Company small bulk carrier Isidor was attacked by a small patrol boat type vessel 20 nautical miles off the coast of Agarad. Merchants aboard the Isidor identified Jarader Forces markings on the vessel before warning shots were fired at the Isidor. The Isidor attempted to contact the JF vessel, which did not respond back. Roughly 2105 the Isidor sustained an explosion on its aft side above the rutters. It is believed this was the result of a torpedo fired from the vessel. The Velorenkan frigate RVS Kolli, operating in international waters on a routine deployment to the Shazabi Ocean moved to assist the Isidor and escorted her to port in Agar Republican held territory. There were no fatalities, however two crewmembers were wounded and transferred to the RVS Kolli for treatment.”

There has been no official response from either the Arekh Governor or the Lazh. A close source within the Foreign Affairs Commissariat has revealed that the Arek Passionary Governing Council is taking the attack on the Isidor very seriously.

The Navy has stated the attacking Jarader Forces vessel fled before the RVS Kolli arrived to aid the Isidor. However sonar operators aboard the RVS Kolli believe they tracked the attacking vessel into waters outside Jarader Forces held territory before they lost the signal.

This attack on a Velorenkan civilian merchant carrying humanitarian supplies comes just weeks after the Jarader Forces targeted Republican Front families with a deadly bombing.

Comments (1):

Natasha · 01/05/2018 10:31 am
love this series, can't wait for part 2!
Landmark Armed Forces Bill Approved by Public Senate

06/07/2023 14:00 | Tsétlahó, RCE
Xò Zún Hulà for the RNC

In a resounding victory for Mulà Tín's government, the highly controversial Confederal Defence Bill has been approved by the Public Senate this afternoon. With an impressive 415 votes in favour, the Mercantilist-NIP coalition has fulfilled their campaign promise to strengthen the military might of the Republic's central government. The bill will now move on to the Regal Senate for extensive debate, potential amendments, and a final vote before it can be implemented across the RCE.

If approved by the Regal Senate, the new bill will grant the government the authority to establish two small, elite infantry brigades under the Public Naval Defence Council (PNDC) and the Public Aerial Defence Council (PADC). These brigades, subject to the regulations and command structures defined by the Regal Defence Council (RDC), will be the first land forces in the republic to come under the direct control of the federal government. Over the next three to five years, the government plans to recruit, train, and equip approximately 10,000 personnel to form these new marine and aerial special forces units.

Since the 1980s, the Republic has operated a confederal air force and navy, when the city-states relinquished autonomous control over air and sea territories to the confederal government. At the time, this decision caused a stir globally, amid concerns that the young republic was succumbing to the militaristic nationalism prevalent in its southern neighbours, particularly those in Tiridinia. However, internal documents from the Gardens of the Senate and press releases issued at the time emphasised the imperative of efficient defence organisation and responsible fiscal policies in response to the Agar oil crisis.

However, the introduction of this new bill has sparked controversy, even within the influential Mercantilist-NIP coalition. Several northern senators have expressed concerns, cautioning that the bill could pave the way for increased centralisation of power in the Tsétlahó-based confederal government, potentially undermining the interests of the northern city-states. Despite these concerns, NIP leader Vò Txí Marà has strongly supported the bill, arguing that it is in the best interest of the north to be part of a republic that is better equipped to defend itself.

Furthermore, some senators have criticised the bill as a wasteful use of federal funding, labelling it an obvious attempt to prepare the country for unnecessary conflicts, particularly in Agarad. These concerns have emerged amidst recent reports of escalating tensions in the region and the active involvement of Riyatic forces in the ongoing conflict. While the RCE government has joined Riyata's call within the World Forum for a peaceful and democratic resolution, the recent militarisation efforts by the RCE and its allies have come under international scrutiny, raising doubts about the sincerity of their commitment to peace. As a result, the Confederal Defence Bill is expected to be a prominent topic of debate at the upcoming KSCU leaders summit.

When asked by the RNC for comment on whether the bill was motivated by recent developments in Agarad, the Grand Senator declined to respond. However, a press release is expected in the coming days following the anticipated approval of the bill by the Regal Senate, which will provide further insights into the government's position.

This is a developing story. The RNC will continue to post live updates.

Comments (1):

NIP4evah · 06/07/2023 14:06
I can’t believe the NIP senators would betray us like that. PUBLIC ELECTION NOW!

ProudNavyMum · 06/07/2023 14:11
My son is in the navy… so proud off him… <3<3<3<3

PóPìPì · 06/07/2023 14:17
RCE News Company more like Riyatic Nonsense Company! Why does the government need a standing army when our own cities have their own?
Arekh Triumvirate Complex
Saint Yazdoikakh, Reborn Velorenkan Arekh

Arekh Commissar for Foreign Affairs Enayat Vakili thoughtfully sipped at his coffee as he fumbled through the documents hand delivered to him by a courier for the Zhaska High Command of the Military. It was an interesting read to say the least. And most of all greatly alarming that the triumvirate that jointly acted as Velorenkya’s executive leadership had acted without bringing him into the loop. Given the clandestine actions detailed in the TOP SECRET documents Vakili had to begrudgingly admit it was “need to know” and he didn’t “need to know”, till now.

With a sigh he closed the folder shut and placed it back into his briefcase. Glancing through his tinted windows he could tell his SUV was nearing the inner complex that housed the three most powerful people in the Velorenkya. The Arekh Triumvirate Complex was a sprawling compound built in the 1930’s to house the Supreme Leader, Arekh Governor, and Senior Commissar of the Arekh. Regarded as the pinnacle of revivalist-futurist architecture that captured the intensity and dynamism of the newly Reborn Arekh. In accordance with the ever-changing nature of the ideology countless murals outside and inside the compound had been continuedly opened to upcoming artists to ensure style was never stagnant.

Armed soldiers in full kit from the Commune-Syndicate Blue Guards, the esteemed “Saint Yazdoikakh Lifeguard Brigade” were the first security check for the Foreign Commissar’s SUV. Once his documents were checked and a cursory glance of the automobile was performed, the officer in charge saluted and waved the SUV onto the next checkpoint. The black fatigues and ballcaps of the next echelon of security manned by the Main Office for Arekh Security was a stark contrast to the camo uniforms of the Lifeguards. These guards were accompanied by dogs and more sophisticated software to ensure the Foreign Commissar’s SUV wasn’t laden with explosives or foreign material meant to decapitate the leadership of Velorenkya.

After stepping out of the SUV Vakili allowed himself a quick stretch and patted down his dress shirt for dust before following the uniformed Kadgivel (defense forces) aid towards the meeting. Being spirited past the granite halls aligned with avant-garde sculptures and paintings extolling the history of Velorenkya he’d arrive in the cabinet room. Unlike the grander and vibrancy outside the cabinet room was spartan and devoid of enmities or decorations exempting the large circular table in the center. Devoid of distractions the room was meant to focus attention of meetings to the matter at hand. Taking his seat, he took stock of who all had arrived. There was the Senior Commissar Arkhady Haledin and Arekh Governor Véranil Kontic. Together they comprised the heads of government and state.

Sr. Commissar Haledin was the typical syndicate working man to rise to the ranks and be appointed by the Lazh to oversee domestic affairs and the running of the syndicalist economy. He represented the so called “Workers Group” within the League of Revivalists that focused on the issues facing the average toiler and economic growth. Governor Kontic was a firebrand and represented the “Sadeeist” faction. Elected by the Velorenkan superethnos on the dual platform of expanding the Arekh’s influence through both pragmatic diplomacy with buff nations and armed intervention to shore up the blue world, Foreign Commissar Vakili wagered the documents he had just read were her brainchild. The pair often butted heads as is the historical precedent for the governor and Sr. commissar in the Arekh government, and the current Supreme Leader was often forced to exercise her power as the impartial arbiter.

Besides them Vakili counted the barrel-chested soldier who heads the Zhaska High Command of the Passionate Defense Forces. Arekh Marshal Commander Yeffov was wearing the dark blue dress uniform cluttered with colorful campaign ribbons that characterized the high-ranking officers of the Kadgivel. Seated next to him was the director of the Main Office for Secret Services (MOSS) to the Zhaska. Technically holding a military rank, the director had forgone his army uniform today to adhere to the civilian business casual dress code subscribed to by the Velorenkan professional world. Technically subordinate to the military, the director was the lord of the Arekh’s foreign intelligence apparatus. His officers were the ones responsible for the actions described in the TOP SECRET documents. Rounding out the gathering was a smattering of commissars like Vakili with vested interest or influence in the world of national security or defense industry, and a select few advisers to the triumvirate themselves.

The members of the Passionary Military Committee, the collective commander-in-chief of Velorenkya’s extensive military apparatus idly chatted as they waited for the last arrival. Typical talk of middle-aged men and women. What new job positions their kids were in, what it was like being a grandparent, or how excited they were about getting a new puppy.

Upon the Supreme Leader’s entrance through the doors the collected officials rose from their seats to a rigid position of attention and delivered either the Velorenkan salute of the clenched right fist over the heart or the military salute if they were uniformed. Regardless of military or civilian status the assembled officials greeted the Lazh in unison with a cry of “Varya!”, the traditional battle cheer of Velorenkans said to imitate a tiger or wolf’s roar.

The Lazh respectfully responded with a nod and a quick “as you were” to allow her subordinates to relax and retake their seats as she pulled up a chair between Sr. Commissar Haledin and Governor Kontic. With the Lazh now present the chairwoman of the Passionary Military Committee, Governor Kontic, could begin the meeting.

“Mætigirir (kinsmen) we are gathered today to go over the evolving situation in Agarad.”

If he was a more disobedient man Vakili would have rolled his eyes or perhaps snorted. The evolving situation in Agarad was a direct result of the meddling and brashness of Velorenkan military intelligence, not just the Agars doing what they do best-killing each other.

“Exercising the duties of the Governorship I authorized our esteemed colleagues in the MOSS to begin Operation Glyptic in conjunction with the Kadgivel to shape the Agar political situation to Velorenkya’s favor. This is with the approval of the Lazh…” The Supreme Leader leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms upon the mention of her name. “…And let it be known that Maetigir Haledin has voiced his disapproval of Operation Glyptic.” The Senior Commissar merely grunted in acknowledgement as he lit himself a cigar. As the representative of the Workers Group faction, he had likely fought hard against this latest display of Governor-led interventionism. Such things can be bad for business and naturally it was Velorenkan workers who would be bleeding and dying in any foreign adventure.

“You have all been read in on Glyptic. We are now at the critical juncture of this shaping operation that will alter the current political realities in Agarad. Mætigir Haledin, what is your appraisal of Velorenkya’s readiness?”

The Senior Commissar took a thoughtful puff on his cigar as he digested the Arekh Governor’s question.

“I' believe I have made my displeasure with this course of action clear, but I’m a team player and I'll play ball. Economically we are secure. A lot of voices have been clamoring for the Arekh to do more, as I see it, we now have the ammunition to do more for the Agar Republicans. And if Glyptic proceeds as our colleguges in the intelligence community say it will, then the people will be behind us. I’ll have the League and our party partners close ranks. There will be opposition, like always, from the Union, but the Grand National Assembly will be behind us.”

The “union” that the senior commissar was referring was the “Union for Land and Liberty” the broad-tent coalition of anarchists, green-revivalists, and the situationalists who since the 1990’s had been the largest opposition party to the All-Velorenkan League of Revivalists. Among their members they counted the most vociferous anti-interventionist voices within the Arekh.

Governor Kontic nodded towards her peer before turning her attention to the head of the Arekh defense forces. “With the home front secure, Mætigir Commander what of the readiness and appetite of our troops?”

Arekh Marshal Commander Yeffov grinned, “The Velorenkan fighting soldier will do their duty and with great zeal, of that I have no doubt. The average soldier in the foxhole will be green, but the leaders and commanders at the top all have experience from our last interventions. Militarily the Arekh will be more than capable of helping our fraternal allies in the Republican Forces. The Jarader Forces are experienced warfighters but lack coherent training and tactics. We enjoy supremacy in every field expect veterancy. Now the real clencher is what the Riyatians do in response to increased intervention.”

The Governor cautiously leaned forward. “Marshal Commander Yeffov, would you appraise that the military is ready for and can successfully implement Case Blue Masquerade?”

Vakili had to fight to remain a passive and not let his jaw drop. This meeting had started out well enough, but the Governor was derailing it with her ambitions. An uptick in Velorenkan support and limited intervention was logical and followed the standard of a measured response. Yet Blue Masquerade wasn’t. Blue Masquerade was one of many such “cases” developed by the operations staff of the Zhaska High Command to deal with different contingences or situations the Arekh might find itself. As the head of foreign affairs Vakili had been read in on several and his staff had helped provide input into the foreign political situations such plans might create or be needed to react to.

Blue Masquerade had been continually updated since the beginning of the Agar Conflict and called for the complete ejection of “hostile puppet forces” that were arrayed against the Republican Front. Such hostile puppet forces could very well mean open confrontation with Riyata, or indeed the World Forum.

The lower-level commissars and advisors were surprised to hear the operation brought up, yet the military man seemed to have been ready for the Governor’s question.“Mætigir Governor, I have no doubts as to our ability to win a confrontation in all domains of combat inside and around Agarad. But if the Arekh goes at it alone, it will be a costly affair, and not in the interest of the military or the Arekh.”

The director for military intelligence pipped up in support of his commander, “Not to mention a unilateral move into Agarad will ruffle feathers. A ‘bolt from the blue’ will leave us isolated and give Riyata and the rest of the neo-colonial clique all the excuse they need to move against us.”

The Governor beckoned a hand towards the foreign affairs commissar, “Mætigir Vakili, would the Arekh be acting alone against the neo-colonists in Agarad, or is it possible to get a coalition to support our aims?”

This was the moment of truth, “Before answering that Mætigir Kontic I would like to make my opposition to the implementation of Case Blue Masquerade known. As the director said, a bolt from the blue and overt unilateral action will derail our relations with a good deal of the international community. Not to mention the possibilities of a shooting war with Riyata.”

Governor Kontic acquiesced to her commissar's point of view. “Duly noted mætigir, I trust your senses. I’m not in favor of the plan as it currently stands. I am sure most of this committee is of the same mind as me. We can't fully kickout Riyata without war, which we all want to avoid. But perhaps an amended plan built around the sensibilities of Grana could be applicable.”

Vakili quickly nodded, inwardly relieved the Governor wasn’t on a total warpath, “Mætigir Kontic, if we enter Agarad with clear intentions and objectives and do all in our power to avoid bloodshed with Grana, I am of the belief that we can achieve a frozen division in Agarad that is in the Arekh's favor. My commissariat has already sent out informal feelers to several nations that are alarmed with the recent neo-colonialist offensive. If we force the Republicans to work with the Rukhulate, the Arekh will have backing. We’ll most likely have to make several concessions with sub-passionaries or the autocrats, but if you give me a free hand Governor, I can give you a coalition against Vidina.”

The Supreme Leader, who had been passively listening in on the committee meeting finally spoke up after her foreign commissar. “Passionate action dictates we put the welfare of the Arekh above our ideological values. We cannot allow further encouragement to Grana and their neo-colonial project. Agarad and Harad must not fully slip into their sphere of influence.”

The Governor allowed herself a faint smile in satisfaction. Foreign Commissar Vakili resigned himself to handing the Governor a victory but was thankful she had the senses to water down the plan. The senior commissar had pledged his support in getting the National Assembly to back her. The military was ready to jump as always. Vakili had made his objection and caution known, yet he was confident he could create an international coalition behind Velorenkya. The Lazh's words were the final nail in the coffin for any peaceful approach to Agarad.

“Therefore, as the chairman of this committee and the Arekh Governor, I will have our colleagues in the Kadgivel alter Blue Masquerade to account for the Grana neo-colonialists and begin the preliminary steps to carry it out as an operation. Foreign Commissar Vakili, you will be made the Arekh special plenipotentiary for the creation of an international coalition with the goal of halting the neo-colonial project in Agarad. This meeting is now adjourned.”
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ADF, NAL announce ceasefire with JF, collaboration on TBD campaign​

07/09/2023 6:01 pm | Citana, Riyata
Sera Alqide for The Citana Sun

In a surprise announcement earlier today, officials of the Agar Democratic Front (ADF) and National Army of Liberation (NAL) unveiled a groundbreaking agreement between themselves and the Jarader Forces. Going beyond a mere ceasefire, the three parties have agreed to join forces against the Rukhulate loyalists for what officials only described as “a period of time.” Joint military operations are set to begin as early as next week; according to some rumors, however, NAL troops may have already entered TBD province as early as June 29th.

The Jarader Forces’ current offensive against the loyalists in TBD and TBD provinces, which began in earnest last month, has not made significant progress even with the unprecedented influx of foreign equipment. Most territorial gains have been made on the rural northern front, where the loyalists are not as entrenched as the heavily-urbanized south. By enlisting the help of the ADF in particular, which is in control of most of TBD and TBD provinces, JF likely hopes to crack the loyalist stronghold by assaulting it from all sides. With their backs increasingly pushed against the Mishrawad River, it remains to be seen how the battle-hardened loyalist exclave will handle a sustained attack from not only on two but three or four fronts.

For the ADF and NAL, which are a part of the Republican Front coalition, the arrangement with JF marks only the latest in a series of structural disagreements in overall RF policy. The Agar Democratic Front (also called the Agar Democratic Forces), one of the “big three” factions in the coalition, commands over a quarter of total RF fighting forces and has come into increasingly frequent disagreement with the other major factions in the coalition. The ADF leads the moderate arm of the coalition, an important counterweight to the Agar Revolutionary Army that heads the revivalist arm and the Republican Council that represents a wide range of other deep-blue factions. Ideologically, the ADF are generally aligned with ideals of progressivism like the rest of the RF, but are opposed to the single or “few-party” system that the rest of the coalition seeks to establish.

The National Army of Liberation, not to be confused with the National Liberation Army, is a relatively minor secularist faction that has switched sides four times since the RF-Moderates split in 1987. Although it has mostly remained with the RF, unstable leadership has seen it join the JF in brief spells during 1992-1994 and 1999-2004.

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Transmission 9 5 9, Designate: ISKIOIS
MOSS Team imbedded in
Agarad, target: RVS Kolli
Objective: Ferment Anti-JF Sentiment

The Velorenkan Major observed the Isidor through his binoculars. From what he could tell they had done what they could to repair it and were soon likely to have it return sail back to the Arekh under its own power. And under the watchful protection of RVS Kolli, which was also in port. The darkness around him prevented him from clearly seeing anything else except the silhouette of the frigate’s clean-cut superstructure, but he wagered the crew was on a high readiness level. They were after all in a foreign port tending to a merchant marine that had been “torpedoed”.

Letting the binoculars fall to his chest he’d check his watch. 0400 on the dot. It was “show” time. The sun had yet to rise but the moon was providing them plenty of illumination to sight their target. Moreover, it meant that the Agars were still fast asleep. It was a little over 3 and half kilometers from them to the RVS Kolli, he wagered that gave them plenty of space to “shoot and scoot”.

Glancing at his subordinate he’d grimace at the captain who was idly using an electronic cigarette and exhaled a thick cloud of vaper. “Why can’t you just smoke tobacco like a real person?”

The Captain grinned up at him, “Mætigir Major, we Revivalists acknowledge the inevitable march of history and progress yes?”

The Major narrowed his eyes, “Yes, where are you going with this?”

Blowing another cloud of vaper, this one aimed his commander the captain would respond, “Electronic cigarettes are to tobacco what the jet fighter is to the biplane. It is progress and speed, my dear mætigir.”

The Major sighed in disappointment and returned his gaze to the ships in the distance, “I’m rescinding your promotion recommendation. Now get on the fucking missile, we have work to do.”

His subordinate snickered as he went to the back of the boat they were gently rocking on. Dingy would be more appropriate, like everything in Agarad the vessel had seen better days. It was ramshackle and held together by varying bits and pieces that didn’t belong. However, it was big enough to mount a laser guided missile system and fast enough to flee the scene of the crime, and that was all that mattered.

With a quick motion the Captain had removed the tarp and netting that had been placed to conceal the aging missiles. It was a cheap second-generation system introduced in the 1980’s. Most importantly such systems like this had seen widespread proliferation by all sides in the multi-generational civil war and it couldn’t be traced back to the Main Office for Strategic Services. As the Captain heated up the guidance electronics the Major made his way from the bow of the ship and started up the motor to ensure they could make a speedy get-away.

Eyeing the ship’s engine with unease the Captain piped up again, “Are we sure our own Navy isn’t going to kill us?”

The Major offered a nonchalant shrug, “They have strict rules of engagement. If they do engage us, your significant other will receive healthy payment for your honorable service to the Motherland.”

The captain snorted while he sighted the RVS Kolli up to his optics. He didn’t need to hit the ship, that wasn’t the mission. But it needed to look like he was trying to. With a satisfied sight picture, he signaled to the major he was ready to engage.

“Target identified, ready to lase.” There was a chance that as soon as the captain “lased” the ship and got a firing solution that the ship would be alerted. In order to get a range and accurate ballistic solution the system had to keep a continuous laser beam to “paint” the target and guide the warhead. He was shooting at the waves just to the side of the ship, but there was a chance the laser detection systems on the frigate could pick them up. Making the duo’s escape even more difficult.

Ensuring he was clear of the missile’s exhaust the Major readied himself to steer their dingy out of harm’s w0ay. “Backblast area clear, lase target.”

With a click of a button the Captain sent a beam straight for the waves roughly 25 meters in front of the frigate.

“Range three and half klicks.”

Eyeing the ship warily, the Major gave the order, “Fire.”

The Captain announced “on the way” as he gently depressed the firing trigger. The missile exited its launching tube and lazily spiraled along the path illuminated by the laser. The frigate was caught unaware, and the missile splashed harmlessly just off to the side of the vessel. Roaring their own vessel’s engine to life the Major would begin their getaway as they fired their second and last warhead. “Fire two.”

“On the way.” This time the missile wouldn’t be able to lazily splash down off the side of the frigate. The crew was at their battle stations and had been prepared. When the guided missile was 100 meters away from the vessel a tongue of flame erupted from the RVS Kolli’s point-defense weapon system and greeted the missile with an explosion that temporarily illuminated the port.

Satisfied the Major commended the Captain on his good shooting, yet still vowed to rescind his promotion if they successfully evaded the Velorenkan Navy. They pair had a long morning on the waves till they could ditch and swamp their dingy and exfiltrate.

The missile attack on the RVS Kolli, while resulting in no casualties, would result in a cascading chain of effects. The Kadgivel had their hands tied behind their back via the Passionary Governing Council with very strict parameters for rules of engagement. The intention behind this was to avoid a possible shooting incident with Riyatic forces. The missile attack succeeded in accelerating the departure of both the RVS Kolli and the Isidor merchant marine from port in Agarad.

By the time both vessels were a suitable distance away from Agar waters the Kadgivel had presented the Arekh Governor with news of a direct (and probable Jarader Forces) attack on a Velorenkan Navy vessel. The missile attack on a Velorenkan vessel escorting a civilian merchant that was itself attacked on a humanitarian mission was an excuse enough for the Arekh Governor to loosen the leash on the Kadgivel.

Following the Arekh Governor's address to the nation the "immediate and appropriate" response to the hostile actions on the Agar Coast took the form of a smattering of over 60 cruise missiles launched from the RVS Kolli and other neighboring Velorenkan Navy vessels. Their targets had long been pre-sighted and identified by the Zhaska High Command of the Kadgivel and included Jarader Forces command and control points, anti-air batteries, and supply depots along the coastline. Targets were carefully picked in order to avoid unacceptable collateral damage to Riyatic forces already in the theater of operations.


“My fellow All-Velorenkan Mætigirir and citizens

As the elected Arekh Governor and Commander in Chief on behalf of our Lazh, it is my duty to the Velorenkan people to report that hostile acts against Velorenkan civilian shipping and Arekh Navy vessels on the Agar Coast has required me to order the Arekh military to respond in kind.

Nearly a month ago the world witnessed the terroristic disregard for innocent civilian life in a tragic attack on an apartment complex occupied by children and mothers as the opening stage of a military campaign.

Last week we witnessed the callous disregard and disrespect of dignity and decorum by an attack on the civilian freighter Isidor, laden with humanitarian supplies for the sick and starving.

This morning we witnessed the complete disregard and disrespect for the whole of All-Velorenkya in a flagrant missile attack on the frigate RVS Kolli. The crew of the vessel performed admirably and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Kadgivel in responding to the threat. On my orders there will be an immediate and appropriate air and naval response against terroristic forces responsible for these hostile acts.

Yet repeated acts of violence against the civilian population of Agarad, Velorenkan humanitarian missions, and the Passionate Defense Forces of All-Velorenkya cannot be answered only with self-defense. The conduct of certain factions in the Agar Civil War has exemplified the definitions of barbarism and terrorism. It is now time for Velorenkya and indeed the world to act and declare that such conduct cannot be permitted to continue. Therefore, Velorenkya shall meet and answer these acts of aggression against our own civilians and military with a calculated and measured response.

This recent spasm of violence against the Arekh on the seas around Agarad ought to make it clear to all Velorenkans the importance of the struggle for peace and security in Southern Harad. Terrorism against civilians and the legitimate expressions of Agar sovereignty has now been joined with aggression against the Velorenkan people and military. The outrage and treachery committed on the Agar Coast will rekindle the efforts of the Arekh to fulfil our commitment to the civilians and legitimate passionate forces in Agar. Velorenkya will work with our partner nations and extend a branch to all freedom loving governments and peoples to create a partnership that may swiftly and justly bring peace and security to Southern Harad. We Velorenkans know, although others appear to forget, the importance of international cooperation and solidarity in meeting this threat.

The Foreign Commissariat will be making the message of Velorenkya’s renewed commitment to peace and security in Agarad clear to our friends, partners, and adversaries. The Chief Commissar and Supreme Leader of the Arekh has given me her assurance and ascension that the aggression and terroristic action against our civilians and military must be met with determined and passionate action from Velorenkya. I have meet with delegates from the Grand Congress and have requested of them to immediately pass a resolution making it clear that our government is united in its determination to take all necessary measures in support of freedom and in defense of peace in Southern Harad. I have been given assurances from delegates in the Grand Congress and colleague and mætigir the Senior Commissar that such a resolution will be promptly and freely debated before being passed with overwhelming support.

It is my solemn duty yet passionate responsibility to freedom and the Velorenkan people to marshal the soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Passionate Defense Forces of All-Velorenkya to close with and destroy the barbarism and terrorism in Agarad. Just as Velorenkans have done since the March on Saint Yazdoikakh, so to now shall we commit ourselves vigorously and with righteous determination to the cause of freedom, peace, and national self-determination.

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21.08.2023 22:59

New Forwielder Elected
Bayild Eferƿin, the first female Lord-Magistrate of Edury, has been elected to serve out the remainder of Rohn Pal’s term as Forwielder. The late Pal died some months ago as a complication of his terrible hypergout, much to the sadness of his family and the nation. His replacement, Eferwin, was elected by special dispensation of the Assembly yesterday night.

By law, the Forwielder must be elected directly by the people. However, Eduran law does provide the ability to the Assembly to choose an interim Forweilder in the event of an emergency or death, to serve out the remainder of the current term, if the current term is already half expired. As such, Eferwin will serve until January 2025.

Eferwin came to international prominence as the first woman Lord-Magistrate of Edury in 1980, as the leader of the Other Party, and the first non-Worker’s Assembly politician to achieve the Magisterial Chair since 1921. Eferwin assembled a technocratic cabinet made of engineers, economic scientists, diplomatic experts, and philosophers. She led a policy of infrastructure build-up and took on numerous projects in order to stimulate Eduran employment in the wake of the Great Kerfuffle, itself part of the economic recession which struck much of Eastern Alutra in the 1970s.

Her policy expanded employment, and did provide a boost to the economy, at the expense of enlarging the national debt, which counterintuitively included large debts to many of the unions which remained affiliated with the Workers Assembly. After her term expired in 1985, she did not seek a second term, and returned to politics as Burgess of the Great and Noble People’s Assembly. It is expected she will run for a full Forwielder term in 2025.

The new interim Forweilder, left in civilian clothing, and right in Full Great Ultra Dress Uniform as Lord Mayor of Drumfarsdale

Foreign Ministry to Propose Talks Between Agar Factions, Riyata, Velorenkya
Outlandsmaster Scaftnoth Marley announced that an official proposal for a diplomatic summit will be made between the remaining factions of the Agar Civil War, as well as the powers of Riyata and Velorenkya, to come to a peace settlement.

”The need for a discussion is apparent,” Marley said in the announcement today, ”I believe that a framework for talk, acceptable for all parties, is workable.”

The aim of the talks will be for all sides to accept a referendum, but as to what will be up to vote, the Outlandsmaster did not specify. The option to choose a new government for the whole of Agarad is what the foreign ministry has been pushing for since Riyata and Velorenkya became more involved in the conflict, however, proposals instead for a partition of Agarad into Jarader Front and Revolutionary states may be floated to see how Velorenkya responds.
”We want all parties- the civil warriors, Velorenkya, and Riyata- to be amenable to these talks.”

The talks will be proposed to take place in Godenhaven, but the exact site will be open to negotiation.


Outlandsmaster Marley infront of an unknown blurry flag

Flights to Resume

International flights from Barend de Boer International Airport resumed today.

The flights had been canceled due to a spill in the international terminal on Wednesday, when a Velorenkyan tripped and dropped his Biggest Gulp Tripple Blast on the runway, melting a hole in the tarmac…

Frithar Hale closed the Outlander app and slammed his phone down on the table a tad more forcefully than a man who was ‘chill’ would. The cheap Yaikea tables in the basement of the Outlandsmastery building rattled when hit too hard, the result of Kimbert the janitor’s duties not officially including ‘furniture construction.’

Scaftnoth Marley, the leader of the foreign ministry of Edury, entered the conference room from the door to the left of Frithar. Seated to his right was Lt. General Kinthane Knightly, a man who looked like a brick. He was the head of the Eduran military’s intelligence division, entitled simply as the Knowers. It was he who spoke first.

“So, do you think they’ll take it?” he asked, lounging in his seat as if it were not an uncomfortable plastic second thought of a thing. He almost made it look luxurious.

“The ambassador in St. Yazdoikakh seems to think it's worth a shot. All we have to do now is wait and see.” The Outlandsmaster, despite being average in height, frame, and face, spoke with a purpose and a finality that belied his experience and training. He strode to a chair kitty-corner to Frithar, drew it, and sat in one smooth motion. The slightly awkward man who appeared on national telesmizion did not exist in the bowels of the foreign ministry. “What do we know of Velorenkyan progress?” he asked.

“Not much,” Knightly drew himself out of his reverie and folded his hands on the table, leaning forward. “Their intelligence and spec ops out pace ours by years. If they want to hide something, it’s hidden. But we can make some educated guesses. We have little reason to believe that the JF would willingly begin antagonizing Velorenkya directly, not unless Riyata was pushing them to. However, we also have little reason to believe that they’d do that, either. So we can suppose that Velorenkya is making things happen that they want to happen, one way or the other. They have the capability.”

Marley absorbed this, gears in his head turning, before he acted decisively. “Would it be possible for us to make it more difficult for them?”

The Second Hartow of the Knowers let out a short burst of a laugh, before he gathered himself and very curtly said, “No. Our forces are designed almost entirely with the purpose of defense, not projection. Even the Knowers are simply about knowing about what threats are lurking in the shadows.”

The idea had been dismissed from Marley’s head almost as quickly as it had been conjured up. “Very well. We’ll simply have to get them to accept the talks.” He turned, at last, to Frithar. “Talk to Greg in Yazdoikakh, see what it’ll take for them to agree to this. If needed, head over there yourself. The international terminal in the airport is open again, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“I heard,” Frithar stood, “Am I right in thinking there’s a policy change afoot? Are we going to try courting Velorenkya?”

“We’re going to try and get their attention,” Marley started. “Whether they’re gonna give it, we’ll have to see.”

“Expecting your party to lose in two years?”

“Anything’s possible. And in this time of interest, Edury needs to be prepared for multiple contingencies. We’re coming out of our slumber.” ⊿

The Kolli Resolution
Arekh Governor Kontic’s Resolution would enter debate onto the floor of the Peoples’ Hall in Saint Yazdoikakh to a joint session of the Supreme Arekh Assembly. Officially titled the Joint Standing Resolution to Combat Terrorism and Safeguard Peace in Southern Harad, it was informally flagged as the Kolli Resolution in reference to the RVS Kolli that had been attacked by Jarader Forces in port. The Kolli Resolution would grant the chairman of the Passionate Military Committee (Arekh Governor Kontic) the power to utilize and deploy the Velorenkan Military in Agarad without a formal declaration of war from the super-parliamentary Grand All-Velorenkan Congress.

The Kolli Resolution wasn’t without precedent or controversy. Similar resolutions or decrees enabling war powers without an actual declared war had been debated on and approved in the past. The first Supreme Leader and Lazh Khosravi passed a decree through the Grand Congress that authorized the use of military action against the breakaway Imperial Remnant, which resulted in the liberation and Avāntinani (joining) with the Sarokaes Islands in 1940. In the 1980’s the Supreme Arekh Assembly narrowly pushed through a resolution at the behest of Lazh Sadee’ and his Executive Triumvirate that enabled Velorenkan intervention in the Tubica'I Brush Wars. And now in her pursuit to confront what her administration and the Supreme Leader viewed as Riyatic neo-colonialism, Arekh Governor Kontic was asking the Supreme Arekh Assembly for her own war powers resolution.

As an ardent Sadeeist, Arekh Governor Véranil Kontic’s primary concern was the jockeying of Velorenkya for a greater position of strength and influence within the multipolar world. The Agarad Civil War existed as a frozen and forgotten conflict that a former naval intelligence officer like the recently elected Arekh Governor could see had great potential...

...Chancellor Haledin as the head of government for the Arekh would stay true to his word despite his own objections and meet with key legislative allies and leaders from the Revivalist League and elsewhere within the Supreme Arekh Assembly. The standing legislative body of the Arekh government, the Supreme Arekh Assembly composes 450 representatives divided equally between two equal chambers. For the Kolli Resolution to pass it would need to be approved by a majority vote in both the Assembly of the Syndicates and Assembly of the Superethnos.

The historical party of power, the League of All-Velorenkan Revivalists and in particular Haledin’s own faction, the titular “center” of the party the Workers Group held a clear majority in the Assembly of the Syndicates. The flanks of the League, the futurist and Sadeeist factions needed no convincing as they were firm supporters of Governor Kontic. Though some members of the Workers Group needed more convincing and assurances from the Chancellor (those who represented cooperatives or collectives with active business interests with Riyata or similar countries) a substantial majority was easily won in the Assembly of the Syndicates.

The Assembly of Superethnos was a different story. The League’s traditional political opponent and occasional coalition partner, the Union for Land and Liberty, held over 40 percent of the seats in the Assembly of the Superethnos to the League’s own 32. Though the Union lacked the numbers within the League dominated Assembly of Syndicates to battle the resolution on their own, with enough defections or abstentions they could block the Kolli Resolution.

Representatives of the deep blue and anti-interventionist Union for Land and Liberty vociferously made their opposition to the resolution known on the floor of the Peoples’ Hall. A commercial art syndicate card carrying representative from the avant-garde and ever counter-cultural Velorenkan Section of the Situationist Forum railed against what she declared “an illegitimate and worrying Spectacle should this resolution be passed”. A union representative from the rural and commune rights orientated Free-Soil Party, the largest party within the Autonomous Free Confederal Sadhrav, voiced that “the Grand Congress is the only constitutional force able to authorize the Lazh, and by extension Governor Kontic, the ability to wage war. I would support such a measure in an extraordinary session of Congress but cannot in good faith vote yes in this joint session of the Supreme Assembly”.

However differing viewpoints among the many different organizations within the Union for Land and Liberty prevented the creation of an effective united front in the Assembly of the Superethnos against the Kolli Resolution. The Black Rebirth Federation, the main coalescence of Ultrafederalism (anarchism) within Velorenkya and a major faction within the Union notably defected by voting in favor. One “ultra”, an enlisted sailor of the Kadgivel representing the major port city of Khonestazh announced his intention to “vote yes for the cause of international blue solidarity” and that “I will resign my seat the second this resolution passes to return to my ship and join with the Kolli in giving the barbarous bastards some hell”.

The defection of the Black Rebirth Federation greatly reduced the chance of representatives to the Union from the Situationist Forum, Free-Soil Party, and Passionate Ecological Party from producing the needed votes to prevent the resolution. To cement the majority and present a greater mandate for intervention Chancellor Haledin would have several arms twisted, call in a few favors from opposition representatives, and by proxy agree to one or two deals over cigarettes during legislative recess to pass the resolution through the Assembly of the Superethnos. Though the Chancellor himself was hesitant to support the Governor’s gamble, the Revivalist League, its many factions, and traditional political coalition partners closed ranks around Chancellor Haledin. A few League representatives hailing from nomadic constituencies, or the agricultural syndicates would abstain from voting as the only notable protest from within the party in power.

With the passage of the Kolli Resolution, Arekh Governor Kontic had secured the support of a united home front in waging what was referred to as a “safeguarding action” within Agarad. The Kolli Resolution along with the first Velorenkan cruise missiles lobbed at Jarader Forces signaled the climax of the first phase of Kontic’s plan to shake the existing multipolar world. Clandestine activities carried out by the OZVK (Elyrian: Oma Zæse Veldesizir Kathona: Main Office of Strategizing Services) within Agarad and a subtle public relations campaign in Velorenkan media had largely marked the first phase. The second phase would see a formal military intervention to upset and embarrass the Grana Bloc while the foreign affairs commissariat simultaneously outreached to repair relations with neighboring historical antagonists or build new relations with non-traditional partners…

…A coherent Kadgivel offensive strike at Jarader Forces would take time to assemble, especially as the scope and parameters of the conflict were in flux for the operations planners within the Zhaska High Command of the military. The international political front would dictate ultimately how the course of the Agarad Civil War would evolve. Foreign Commissar Vakili and his commissariat would burn the midnight oil in order to produce a favorable climate for the military. As the planning and readying of the Kadgivel for a deployment of direct boots on the ground within Agarad developed the Arekh under Governor Kontic would “play the field” regarding the international political situation…

…After the passage of the Kolli Resolution on the 10th of August the remainder of the month would see intervention limited purely to sporadic cruise missiles or long-range aviation strikes. Such attacks were carefully planned and sighted to minimize collateral damage. Moreover, a great deal of restraint was used by avoiding advantageous targets near a Riyatic military presence. Targets included known Jarader Forces SAM sites, military runways and parked aircraft, and the occasional Jarader headquarters building. The careful restraint exercised by the Kadgivel in these few, yet methodical strikes differed greatly from established Velorenkan doctrine…

Kadgivel war planners were assured by the Passionate Military Committee that if/when a total deployment of the Velorenkan military to Agarad happened that military objectives would not be hampered by political sensibilities. Going into September the military would still continue to exercise extreme scrutiny regarding what the Aerospace Forces and Navy could lob a missile or smart bomb at...

From Into the Wolf’s Lair: A Close Look at Modern Velorenkan Politics by Dan Smith

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Galvia - newspaper header.png

Royal Kissgate: Scandal erupts as Prince Kašpar is caught in a not-so-private make out session with Prince Emilio of Ovezia.

Princes are caught sharing an intimate moment during royal visit to the Abayadi coast.

1 November 2023
by Gábina Ondrušek

— A romantic scandal involving Prince Kašpar and Ovezian Prince Emilio has sent shockwaves through the royal family and the nation, raising questions about the future of the monarchy.

Crown Prince Kašpar, aged 22, son of incumbent Queen Markéta III and heir to the Galvian throne recently returned from his three week-long trip to the Abayadi coast, where he visited the nations of Esharat, Ventora, Watan, Threazari and, most notably, Ovezia. This final destination, where the prince stayed during the course of the last five days of his trip, had been of particular importance for Galvia’s international relations even prior to the start of the royal visit, as the seventh amalate remains only one of very few monarchies in the continent.

Queen Markéta III had already traveled to Ovezia in 2013 for the coronation of Queen Aorura II, and both continued to maintain a rather close relation as the only two queens regnant in the continent, and two of just three in the world. Both queens are also two months apart in age -born in February and April of 1973, respectively- and lost their mothers prematurely in 1989 and 1979.

Their last reunion was in April of 2023 when Markéta III visited Ilena for the 50th birthday of Aorura II. It goes without saying that the relationship between both royal families has been nothing short of positively delightful and heartening. And as of this past weekend, the same might be said about their sons, and heirs apparent to their respective nations.

During the last weekend of this trip -October 28th and 29th- Prince Kašpar was caught on candid camera in what reporters have described as a “vigorous public display of affection” on the balcony of the royal suit where His Royal Highness had been staying with none other than the heir to the Ovezian throne, Prince Emilio.

emilio-kaspar (3).png
Prince Emilio (left) and Prince Kašpar (right) caught sharing an intimate moment on the balcony of Kašpar's royal suite in Ilena.
Emilio, Prince of Lyz, aged 22, is the son of Queen Aorura II and the current heir elected of Ovezia. The Ovezian prince had already been caught in a sex scandal involving another man and an infamous bottle of olive oil three years prior while visiting Watan. And despite pictures of this previous scandal having been removed from circulation at the request of the Ovezian Royal Family, this time, though considerably less raunchy, photos of the “Royal Kissgate” between the two young princes have made shockwaves across the continent and the world.

The photo, made public last Monday, has prompted intense speculation and widespread interest in the personal lives of the two princes. While we are unable to disclose the specifics of the situation due to lack of information given out by both royal families since, it is clear this has opened and exposed deep tensions and divides within the royal household and Galvian society. The incident has not only captivated the media but has also been a topic of discussion among the public. Social media has been abuzz with rumors and theories about this secret relationship and its potential consequences for the princes and the monarchies.

Cecílie Cahynová, spokesperson to the Galvian Royal Family issuing a statement during a press conference earlier today
As the controversy unfolds, the Royal Family's spokesperson, Cecílie Cahynová, issued a brief statement, expressing concern for the well-being of the princes, as the Royal Palace has reportedly received a number of death threats directed at the Crown Prince and various sectors of the population have made clear their discomfort with the relationship due to its same-sex nature, and urging respect for their and their families’ privacy. Cahynová also reassured the public that the monarchy remains strong and committed to its duties, presumably referencing Queen Markéta’s upcoming trip to Gladomyr.

Political figures and analysts part of our team are closely watching the situation, as they believe it could have broader implications for the country. The scandal is expected to continue dominating headlines, and its resolution remains uncertain at this time.
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14.01.2024 18:59

Warthane Tiler, a list candidate for the Band of Free Folkmeets (commonly called the Other Party) called for the gradual closure of the coal mining industry, to start with the cessation of exports. He has not been seen since the 5th.

Warthane Tiler, a list candidate for the Other Party is speculated to be a missing person, along with his fiancé, Edmund of-Newburgh. The pair have not been seen, nor has there been any communication with them, since the 5th of January.

Tiler, a relatively new person on the scene of national politics, drew criticism and controversy from various camps along the political spectrum for his proposal for a gradual closure of the coal mining industry. Various mining unions condemned Tiler’s proposal, and have officially endorsed the Workmans’s Folkmeet.

However, Tiler’s proposal to start the phase-out by banning the export of coal drew a specific condemnation by the Renesian junior ambassador, Bern Yount. In turn, the ambassador’s condemnation drew its own condemnation from various Eduran politicians and commentators, who decried Yount’s alleged ‘meddling’ in Eduran domestic politics. Renesia is one of the largest importers of Eduran coal.

Rensian and Eduran relations have endured more strain than usual since last year’s Rotewing Bombing Incident. Certain members of the Worker’s Association chapter commonly known as the Student’s Guild stand accused of giving aid to the assassins, and while they have been placed into custody, the current Eduran government refuses to cooperate with Renesian authorities to prosecute the accused.

Jeremy Jeremyson, a popular Eduran podcaster and conspiracy theorist, has alleged that the Renesian authorities may have had something to do with Tiler and of-Newburgh’s missing status. The Renesian embassy to Edury has not commented on this, drawing some criticism, and concern.

The Chief Officer of the Bureau for Agricultural Products has said that there is no butter shortage, and previous reports were due to a calculation error.

“That’s the last time we use an abacus to do our tally-work,” said Heartly, the Chief Officer of the Bureau. Since the Officer’s statement, the price of butter has dropped from ɛ420 per kilo to just 20 shot per kilo...

Renes 24/7
"On the Hour, By the Hour"
Renes 1/14/2024 21:54

Edury Accuses Renesia!
Edury's Other Party member, Warthane Tiler, has been reported missing alongside his fiancé and no one has seen or been in contact with them since the 5th of this month. Many Edurans on Ze (formerly known as Twooter) blame Renesia for their disappearance as a comment made by the Renesian Junior Ambassador Bern Yount insinuated his disappointment in Tiler's policies of closure of the coal mining operations in Edury that was popularised by Jeremy Jeremyson, an Eduran Podcaster. The Yount family are one of the major coal distributors in Renesia and raised concerns two years ago to the late Prince Kluas II on the economic impact on living expenses in Renesia.
Renes 24/7 conducted an online interview with the Renesian Head Ambassador Arnd Baaiman located in Edury. Baaiman stated that he is communicating with the Eduran government to clear up this misunderstanding as quickly as possible. Baaiman also stated that he cannot make any further comments about the situation.

Lord Berthold Ragner wrote a twoot about the situation stating: "Ironic how the Edurans keep saying that they do not want Renesia to meddle with their affairs when they were directly involved in the Rote Wing bombing incident last year." Many Renesian nationalists agreed with Lord Berthold Ragner's statement and even started harassing the Eduran ambassador on twooter. After the rapid popularity of the twoot the Renesian Minister of Interior, Diederich Eibenfurt, announced the increased presence of security and search around the Eduran Embassy in order to deter any renegades or extreme nationalists from approaching the embassy.
We will keep you updated on this incident on the hour, by the hour!
Cities of Colors - Results!
The Colors Appreciation Day is nearly upon us and the Community Affairs Department has finally announced this year's winners! This list will include the city, alongside the awarded color and theme that the city will be pursuing:-
  • Blankenport — Black — Avians
  • Zweistadt — White — Crafting
  • Staatburg — Red — Process
  • Monadee — Green — Preservation
  • Waalwarden — Blue — Unity
  • Groendaal — Yellow — Glory
  • Ebreichschlag — Purple — Gifts
Good luck to all the Participants in their colorful endeavour, they are racing against time this year since the results were delayed by a week. We will update you on the progress of each city on the hour, by the hour!
Volksnachrichten: People's Truth
Tiler's Disappearance: Provinces United!

Last update: 01/16/2024 - 9:30 pm
Renes — The disappearance of Warthane Tiler and his fiancé Edmund of-Newburgh caused an uproar in Edury with most stating that Renesia is involved in some way based on a comment by the Renesian Junior Ambassador Bern Yount. The Eduran Other party mentioned that Tiler had not heard from since the 5th of January which coincided with the comment made by the Junior Ambassador. However, many Renesians started blaming Edury for the Rotewing Dome Bombing last year which started many heated debates on Ze (formerly known as Twooter).

Lord Berthold Ragner organized a military parade for Schaarstal provincial army earlier this morning and coordinated the parade with other Renesian provinces. Only Renas, Bredelem and Fern provinces did not participate in the provincial military parade. In a speech given by President and Governor Horst Hornt during the Laagburg military parade mentioned that Renesians will stand united against any incursions targeting the Renesian honour or way of life. Many Renesians on Ze agreed with Horst Hornt and many buff and blue-leaning Renesians came together requesting the Renesian government to make a statement on the issue.

There have also been demonstrations in front of the Eduran embassy in Renes, however, the police quickly dispersed the the participants. There have not been an official response from the Ministry of Interior as of the 14th.

The Ecoralian Foreign Minister announced that he will travel to Renesia and Edury to calm the situation as both countries are Ecoralia's closest allies. We hope that Edury does not kill this peace talk too.

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Blue and Buff Parties Make Significant Gains in the Grand Assembly After the 2024 Elections, as Moderates Fall Behind.​

Aridfar, DAK
Written 14:53, January 24, 2024
Map of the election results by electoral region in the 2024 election. Compiled by the DAK Elections Commission.
Muralilin - Following a turbulent election, the Kidal Islacentrist Party became the largest party in the Grand Assembly, allowing them the first opportunity to form a governing coalition.
The coalition is expected to include the other members of the People’s Alliance, an alliance of deep-blue political parties composed of the Kidal Islacentrist Party, the All-Workers Front, and the Urbocentrist Coalition for Autonomy and Federalism. This formation would give the deep-blue parties a narrow parliamentary majority, though for security the Kidal Islacentrist Party will most likely seek to include the Progressive Party in government. With solely the People’s Alliance parties within the coalition, the governing coalition will contain 351 seats and would gain an additional 47 seats if the Progressive Party agrees to join the government.
If successful, 2024 would be the first year where a radical blue party was included in government since 1984, and the first year since the Grand Assembly was established where such a party was a leader in the governing coalition. Historically, deep-blue parties have been the weakest of the three political factions within the Tar-dinuuen government.
This is largely due to their connection with the historical Islacentrist Workers’ Militia, a terrorist organization that fought against the Tar-dinuuen Democratic Coalition during the Tar-dinuuen Civil War. Though initially a member party, the militia left the Coalition in 1959 after rejecting the Democratic Coalition’s commitment to a pluralistic democratic constitution. The islacentrists then fled to the islands of Kidal to engage in a campaign of violence lasting for eight years, until the Democratic Coalition liberated and reintegrated the region into Tar-dinuu in 1968. However, successor organizations attempted to continue the civil war long after the militia had been defeated. The Kidal Islacentrist Party itself is descended from one such successor organization.
The modern People’s Alliance, especially the Kidal Islacentrist Party, has largely refused to condemn the actions of the Islacentrist Workers’ Militia. Many officials engage in consistent apologia for its actions and often portray themselves as its ideological descendent. Though they no longer publicly express support for Kidal separatism, they continue to support and often even legitimize the separatist Lower Tar-dinuuen Sovereign Authority, a terrorist group occupying parts of southern Tar-dinuu.
The electoral success of the deep-blue parties was mirrored on the other side of the political spectrum, where the deep-buff League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu has gained 95 seats in the Grand Assembly. They will likely be unable to influence policy to a significant degree if the People’s Alliance successfully forms a coalition, as the member parties explicitly stated they would refuse to cooperate with buffists. However, their success suggests they will become a significant force in Tar-dinuuen politics in future elections.

Besides the People’s Alliance parties and the League, most parties either lost seats or remained static. The Progressive Party was able to gain 5 seats, making it the most successful out of the non-extremist parties. While the Unified Edlrist Party technically gained 7 seats, this was due to the reintegration of the Edlrist Traditional Party, and with this accounted for, the UEP experienced a sharp decline. Niche parties, such as the Liberal Freedom Party, Ruu-Edmuralin, and the Party for Rational Advancement, were largely stagnant.
The most significant shift is the collapse of the Ecological Party and the National Democratic Party. After the 2016 elections, the Ecological Party briefly became the largest party in the Grand Assembly, but now has returned to the relative obscurity it held before its rapid ascendence. It currently possesses 37 seats. The National Democratic Party, meanwhile, has historically been the dominant party in Tar-dinuu, descending directly from the party of the same name that led the Democratic Coalition. Even when they were unable to secure a position in the government, the NDP was generally the most significant opposition party. However, the National Democratic Party won only 61 seats in the 2024 elections, making them the fifth-largest party for the first time in history.

Current Agenda​

If the Kidal Islacentrist Party can form a government, which is likely, it has stated it will pursue the agenda outlined in its ten-point manifesto published on May 20th, 2023. Coordinator Maltri, the most likely candidate for prime minister, declared his intention to “democratize Tar-dinuu, end conflict in [the Kidal region], liberate workers, and break the chains that bind us”.
In terms of practical policy, the Islacentrists have expressed support for the measures proposed by the 2023 protest movement. These include reforming the electoral region system, weakening the Constitutional Advisors, dissolving the Employee-Employer Coordination Court, ending the Traditional Community system, and elevating various Dinuuen and Kidal dialects into official languages. They also have proposed loosening immigration restrictions, pursuing greater nationalization, and severely scaling back petroleum production.
In the field of international policy, the Progressive Alliance upholds the ideal of greater international independence. Coordinator Maltri criticized Tar-dinuu’s relationship with Riyata and other great powers, claiming that the kingdom is “essentially a satellite” of “imperialist” powers. In previous statements, he has said he supports withdrawing recognition of the Jarader Forces in Agarad and reevaluating the Special Economic Privileges offered to allied nations.
Despite this stance on global politics, the islacentrists express support for greater regional cooperation. They have advocated for vesting more power into the Kidal Sea Cooperative Union and even supported some National Democratic proposals such as the Kidal Sea Joint Defense Force. However, they also differ significantly from the established parties in their approach to separatism. The Kidal Islacentrist Party historically is derived from Kidal separatist political organizations, and while they no longer express public support for independence, they still have sympathy for secessionism. Therefore, they have proposed conceding to the breakaway administration of the southern occupied territories and recognizing the Lower Tar-dinuuen Sovereign Authority as a legitimate government.
Some factions have advocated for even more radical ideas inspired by traditional islacentrist ideology, though in his victory speech Maltri stated that “revolution cannot be achieved by a parliamentary majority”, claiming that the Party’s purpose is to “heal the historic crimes of Tar-dinuu” and “offer immediate relief” to those he alleges are suffering. Their reliance on the light-blue Urbocentrist Coalition for Autonomy and Federalism to form a governing coalition is the likely reason behind their relative moderation.
Even tempered, many experts have indicated concern about the policies endorsed by the Kidal Islacentrist Party. The Organization for Kidal Diplomatic Policy, a think tank composed of prominent political scientists and policy advisors based at the University of Muralilin, warned that the suggested normalization with terror groups such as the Lower Tar-dinuuen Sovereign Authority, coupled with loosening ties with Tar-dinuu’s geopolitical benefactors, could result in a “massive degradation in the Kidal’s internal security”.


Eradar, DAK
The results of the elections are a clear continuation of pre-existing trends in Tar-dinuuen society. 2020, 2021, and 2023 were all marked by large protests with nationwide participation. While opportunistic agitators may have played a role in those events, they were ultimately caused by the increasing uncertainty within Tar-dinuu.
Environmentally, the heightened rate of natural disasters and degrading ecosystems, which some scientists believe may be a result of anthropogenic activities, has placed the physical essence of the country itself at risk. The vast majority of Tar-dinuuens inhabit coastal regions that are particularly vulnerable to such disturbance. In the past two years, almost every significant population center in the islands of Kidal has experienced some amount of damage from the various hurricanes and floods that have swept through the region. Alongside the stress created by the damage to property and people, there is a spiritual aspect. The vast majority of Tar-dinuuens adhere to some variation of Edlrism, a religion defined by its reverence for nature. Many of the natural features damaged by environmental disruptions have cultural importance to Tar-dinuuens, which destabilizes traditional social structures people historically relied on.
There is also economic uncertainty. While the kingdom still is relatively healthy, there have already been some issues. Due to the rising prevalence of renewable energy sources, it is possible that eventually, the export of petroleum internationally will no longer be profitable. As petroleum is the traditional center of Tar-dinuu’s economy, this would likely cause a collapse. As prior governments have, perhaps unwisely, constructed an expansive and labyrinthine welfare state, any loss in revenue for the government would be immediately felt by the large population of voters that have become reliant on it. The sustained loss of profit would not necessarily have to be significant, as Tar-dinuu currently spends unnecessarily large sums of money propping up inefficient state-owned industries, artificially supporting less productive segments of society through social welfare programs, and enforcing draconian regulations. Most experts believe the most effective solution would be the gradual privatization of state-controlled industries, though this is unfortunately unpopular and opposed to the recently elected government’s goals.
Finally, the proliferation of independent, international media has played a large role in the 2024 election and the previous two elections in 2016 and 2020. While organizations such as DAK can provide objective coverage, supplemented by informed analysis, due to their public funding, many do not. Independent news sources are not subject to the same rigorous standards as public sources, and therefore often hold an ideological bias. Additionally, many news outlets rely on provoking emotional responses to generate profit and therefore tend to exaggerate issues. This problem is compounded by the more recent prominence of Sinapse in the current information age, where uninformed and sometimes malicious actors can quickly propagate falsehoods with few restrictions. As such unreliable sources continue to proliferate, they have an increasing and potentially dangerous influence on the worldview of many Tar-dinuuens, leading them to elect extremist populists who pander to them rather than less dramatic moderate candidates who don't engage in demagoguery.

The views expressed above are the opinions of the author, not the official editorial stance of DAK.


Most politicians have congratulated the victorious parties on their success while expressing alarm concerning the dramatic gains by extremist factions within the Grand Assembly. No elected officials have contested the outcome, however.
In his speech following the announcement of the results, outgoing Prime Minister Lurar stated that he was “disappointed that so many Tar-dinuuens do not feel [the Ecological Party] have served them”. However, he congratulated the People’s Alliance on their victory, hoping that they will use their position to “improve the lives of all Tar-dinuuens, and not become enraptured in petty political disputes''. The former Prime Minister also condemned “violent extremists on all sides''. Unlike some other politicians, Lurar and the Ecological Party stated they were not exceptionally concerned about the extremists, as Lurar has “no doubts that our democratic institutions are stronger than any of its opponents”.
The National Democratic Party, in an official statement, expressed dismay that the People’s Alliance had become so powerful. They explained that they “are disappointed and disheartened that so many Tar-dinuuens seem to have forgotten their history”, referencing the historical Islacentrist Worker’s Militia and its well-documented human rights abuses during the Tar-dinuuen Civil War. The National Democratic Party went on to condemn “malicious and opportunistic agitators that have sought to undermine the Tar-dinuuen people and promote terrorists to positions of power”. However, they still accepted the electoral victory of the People's Alliance. Some reports have indicated that the National Democratic Party may attempt to form a coalition with all other non-government parties to oppose the islacentrists. If such a coalition were to form, it would unseat the current projected government, though the Progressive Party and the Ecological Party have stated they will not join a government including the League. Additionally, many members of the UEP have expressed disdain for the League, suggesting they would also object.
The League for the Defense of Tar-dinuu shared the concerns of the National Democratic Party. In a speech, Representative Radlan declared “nothing but contempt for terrorists and their sympathizers” and that “all Dinuuens who voted for these beasts are traitors to their people”. Radlan’s objection to the Kidal Islacentrists has a personal element, as her grandfather “was murdered by the islacentrist rodents while defending the honor of his people”. However, she still thanked “the courageous Dinuuen voters” that propelled the League’s growth in the elections.

Finally, the Constitutional Advisors released a statement following the announcement of the election results, officially congratulating the victors. Many expect the Constitutional Advisors, 50 appointed representatives in the Grand Assembly with the ability to veto unconstitutional laws, to block many initiatives by the Kidal Islacentrist Party. However, in their statement, Constitutional Advisors promised to “will review all proposals on an individual basis when they become relevant” and “will make no blanket judgments”. When reached or comment by DAK, Coordinator Maltri of the Kidal Islacentrist Party said he hopes the Constitutional Advisors will not obstruct the People’s Alliance agenda, but “if [the Constitutional Advisors] prevent the people’s democratically elected government from enacting the platform they campaigned on, it would finally end the notion that Tar-dinuu is a democracy”.

Many distinguished civilian observers have also expressed concern over the Kidal Islacentrist Party’s success. Madrar, professor of Economics at the Kidal Institute for Economic Development, stated that their proposals were “based on discredited radical blue theories” and pointed specifically towards the islacentrists’ commitment to decrease and eventually eliminate petroleum production as a “potentially catastrophic miscalculation”. Idranil, celebrated historian and author of best-selling Tidal Wave: A Comprehensive Historical Review of Kidal Insurgency, joined many Tar-dinuuens in condemning the relationship between islacentrism and historical terrorist organizations.
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Breaking News: Terrorist Links Uncovered In Kidal Islacentrist Party​

Emarir, DAK
Written 14:17, February 1, 2024
Muralilin - The Constitutional Advisors, 50 appointed Representatives in the Grand Assembly responsible for protecting the integrity of the Constitution of Tar-dinuu, released a statement this afternoon announcing the beginning of a comprehensive investigation into the ruling Kidal Islacentrist Party and other parties within the deep-blue People’s Alliance. According to the statement, an anonymous whistleblower alerted a Constitutional Advisor of financial misconduct within the Kidal Islacentrist Party soon before their unprecedented victory in the 2024 elections. After following up the allegations with an analysis of funding data for the Kidal Islacentrist Party, the Constitutional Board for State Accountability has discovered a link between the Kidal Islacentrist Party and the Lower Tar-dinuuen Sovereign Authority.
CBSA, a subsection of the Constitutional Advisors responsible for ensuring transparency in government, has determined that during 2023, the Party has illegally transferred over ꤊ1 million to organizations affiliated with the LTDSA. This was primarily accomplished through intermediary organizations based in the Republic of Enqusqo. The funds were largely sourced from donations, though portions also originated from individual party members. The Constitutional Advisors emphasized that the investigation is still in its initial stages, so it is unclear the exact scope of the misconduct at this time. Additionally, it is still possible that more information may come to light that could change the nature of the investigation.
From what has been concluded thus far, the allegations violate several long-standing Tar-dinuuen laws. The National Security Act of 1963, enacted during the turbulent Tar-dinuuen Civil War, officially forbids any Tar-dinuu-based organization from making any transactions or exchanges of resources with recognized terrorist organizations. This law was primarily created to address the specific organization the Kidal Islacentrist Party has been interacting with, the Lower Tar-dinuuen Sovereign Authority, which was the first entity to be recognized as a terrorist organization by the Democratic Coalition.
The Lower Tar-dinuuen Sovereign Authority is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that has illegally occupied approximately 44,000 square kilometers of Tar-dinuuen territory since the ceasefire established with the Democratic Coalition in 1966. It is widely believed to be backed by Salia, the former colonial ruler of Tar-dinuu, and advocates for independence from the kingdom of Tar-dinuu. The LTDSA has been accused of sheltering Salian and Heritage Party war criminals after the end of World War III, as well as committing genocide against non-Emist Dinuuens between 1989 and 1993. Outside of their territory, the LTDSA has launched periodic attacks through affiliated groups elsewhere in Tar-dinuu. The most recent of these incidents was the bombing of a warehouse in Kamulin, Ranin, which occurred on December 12, 2023.
Along with the National Security Act of 1963, the Constitutional Advisors also accuse the Kidal Islacentrist Party of violating the Anti-Corruption Act of 1972. The law stipulates that all expenses by a political organization and its employees must be reported to the Constitutional Board of State Accountability. The CBSA is then expected to release the records to the public if the information does not constitute a threat to national security, to ensure transparency in the political process.

The Constitutional Advisors’ statement clarified that it is not currently known what the Kidal Islacentrist Party’s funding was used for, or whether other members of the People’s Alliance are involved in the alleged criminal activities. It also elaborated on other elements of the investigation that are still in progress, including an analysis of campaign donation contributors and potential connections between Kidal Islacentrist Party members and specific criminal actions.

In a rare usage of constitutionally-defined powers, the Constitutional Advisors unanimously voted to halt the transfer of power until the ongoing investigation has been completed. They stated it is not known how influential the LTDSA is within the Kidal Islacentrist Party, but the Constitutional Advisors are concerned that allowing the party to govern could be a significant national security risk. The Constitutional Advisors can veto legislation by the Grand Assembly, but they cannot veto decisions made by other government institutions composed of individuals appointed by the Grand Assembly. Therefore, they believe that if the Kidal Islacentrist Party was allowed to assume power they may compromise the integrity of the entire Tar-dinuuen state.
For the duration of the investigation, which is expected to take approximately two months, the Constitutional Advisors will exercise their constitutional right to form a provisional administration. During this period, the Grand Assembly will be temporarily dissolved. Sitting representatives will continue to receive a salary, and have the option to continue receiving briefs on the overall political situation while outside of the Grand Assembly. However, the Constitutional Advisors will be the only officials permitted to influence political decisions. As a caretaker government, the Advisors are expected to primarily manage the day-to-day functions of the state, such as the appointment of officials and diplomacy, but will not pass new legislation unless deemed necessary by a unanimous vote.
Upon the conclusion of the investigation, new elections will be scheduled. Depending on the results of the investigation, the Kidal Islacentrist Party may be barred from running, but otherwise, they will function as normal. By August 2024, the Tar-dinuuen government will return to control by elected representatives, barring exceptional circumstances.
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Kinipopo finals coming to Lora May 13th
May 4, 2024

Lora—Excitement is mounting in Ventora as the World Kinipopo League finals approach. The games will take place in Lora, Castellano, 13-19 May 2024. During this year's league games, Ventora's national team has been largely undefeated, winning each of its brackets. In an interview after yesterday's win, Ventoran team chief Rodduo Risevo Erdoxas said, "We're looking forward to playing Saturday's winner and then bringing our play home to Lora in a week. Our team has really excelled this year and I can't be prouder of them."

Entering into the last bracket game on Sunday, the team will face the winner of the today's game between Gladomyr and Enqusqo (RCE). Betting on the game was rather intense considering both teams gave Ventora cause for concern in the league games. Each scored a point against Ventora, resulting in much interest in the Gladomyr-RCE game. Duomo is the only other team to have wrestled a point from Ventora, but they were knocked out of the finals by RCE.

As it turns out, Ventora will face Gladomyr on Sunday and VisiónDeportiva will have live coverage. While tickets are still available for the finals in Lora, they've become somewhat pricey since many expect the games will include the Ventoran team. The last time a Ventoran team placed in the top four was in 2018. In any case, everyone has been following the playoffs. VisiónDeportiva reports a significant expansion in viewership this year. The media service attributes it to increased interest in ralley and F1 racing along with the Ventoran kinipopo team's excellent record this season.

Can't attend the games in Lora? Visit snps.visióndeportiva.me.ve/wkl for special viewing package deals.

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Ventora wins kinipopo finals; Duarte declares holiday
May 19, 2024

Lora–It's been an exciting series of games that have captured the attention of Ventorans across all social strata as the World Kinipopo League (WKL) finals were hosted at the 54,367-seat Estadio Lora Central in Lora, Castellano, Ventora. Arranged for kinipopo, the venue added 6,300 seats, but ticket prices quickly became unaffordable as the Ventoran team's successes in league play made it likely they would make the playoffs. The popularity of the games and the venue size are both credited with driving record TV and online viewship, which the WKL pegged at over a billion during the final set between Mitruhmoer and Ventora.

Ventora was no stranger to close games during the playoffs. The team defeated arch-rival Esharat in the quarter-finals three games to one, but the margins of victory were only 2, 4, and 8 points for the Ventoran team. Despite losing a set to Esharat, the Ventorans simply outlasted their Eshar opponents. The second quarter-final pitted another Ventoran archrival, Kleolaion, against kinipopo-creating Lakau. Many hoped for a Kleolaion win in order to face their regional rival in the semi-finals, but Lakau won.

Experts had a difficult time predicting who would come out on top in the Lakau-Ventora match-up, considering Ventora's season this year, home-field advantage, and the skill of the Lakauans. As it turned out, except for the fourth set, the games were not as close as most expected. In the end, the Ventorans were more successful than not, earning their spot in the finals. VisiónDeportiva has learned the Fiscal Watchmen Corps are looking into some alleged betting irregularities on this series. There are reported concerns about the perceived difference in the actual outcomes of the matches compared to so-called "experts expectations". Sport commentators generally see the sets as well-played but agree the games being decisive to one team or the other was unexpected. While most commentators don't see this as concerning, or even unusual, VisiónDeportiva will continue to monitor this story and report on updates as they become available.

All eyes were on the final match in Lora today, with beautiful weather gracing the crowds and players. The Mudruvese were looking for their second WKL championship and they were reportedly narrowly favored, though you wouldn't think that in Lora. Despite a diverse crowd of international attendees, Ventorans held many of the venue's tickets and their loyalty was unquestioned. Fans, both in person and viewing on TV and via Sinapse, saw some amazing sets. Mitruhmoer trounced Ventora in two sets, but the Ventorans played skillfully and were able to scratch out victories of two-to-four points in the other three sets, securing their first-ever WKL title. The home crowd couldn't have been more pleased, and it was a fitting conclusion to the country's hosting of the WKL finals.

Following the end of the finals, which Ventora's regent Isidro Duarte Arias attended, the regent went to the Mudruvese lockerroom and thanked them for their gamesmanship. He, then, went to the Ventoran lockerroom and congratulated the team on their amazing season. "You have brought all Ventorans together, and your success exemplifies the industriousness of Ventorans for over a millenium." Duarte then signed a regent's decree declaring May 20th an official bank holiday. The regent does not have the authority to require private employers to provide holiday pay or shut down, but the decree closes all government offices and financial institutions for the day. Nonetheless, most employers are expected to close, except for essential services, and will likely provide holiday pay. "The whole kinipopo season has been exciting for the Ventoran team, but the finals have been particulary rousing. Accordingly, we recognize the efforts of every team and particularly those that made the top four. And, I speak for all Ventorans in congratulating our team on achieving our first title! It's especially rewarding this achievement happened here in Ventora", Duarte said while signing the decree in the Ventoran lockerroom.

Regent decrees are generally limited in their scope and significance since the office is largely ceremonial. Duarte, not known for being prolific with regent decress, seems to be making efforts at unifying the country. Although he has not announced, he is up for re-election in 2025 and most pundits expect he will stand. Since VisiónDeportiva is a sports network and not a political channel, we'll just take the holiday at face value.

Want to see more of the kinipopo finals at Lora? Visit snps.visióndeportiva.me.ve/wkl for highlights or full sets with MemberAccess.​

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Rally de Covales 2024 - Info, News, Insiders, and What to Expect - Featuring Exclusive Interview with Senagnio Satuar


Lindert Ijben
From GRCMedia
June 19, 2024

The GRC will be returning once again to the Abayadi Sea for the 33rd annual Rally de Covales, where fervor awaits from fans on the Covales and around the world alike.

This rally will take place on the island of Viale, based out of the city of Tradine, where the opening ceremony (and podium ceremony) will take place on June 20 and June 23 respectively. That means that this event lasts for the traditional 4-day schedule.

Rally de Covales 2024 will follow the typical schedule of 20 stages, this year with a new stage added onto the calendar—Poxa, 9.08 kilometers of road wrapping along the island's northeast coast. Overall, the event will take place over 235 kilometers of rough, winding, tropical dirt roads.


Hulderic Arends was the 2022 Q1 cup winner, and looks forward to his opportunity at Rally de Covales 2024

One of the most exciting developments for this year’s rally is the promotion of Q1 driver Hulderic Arends and co-driver Rean Bezuidenhout. The duo will be elevated to the premier QS classification to drive alongside Veumvirks in the Veum Katri QS II, with their new crewmates Alf Müühre and Linde Prisobe. This promotion is a significant opportunity for Arends and Bezuidenhout, who are eager to showcase their skills on the larger stage. They have currently accepted a schedule to drive for the QS classification for Rally de Covales 2024, next month's Rally Alero 2024, and Rally Gladomyr 2024 later this year.

The weather forecast for the rally is predicted to have very wet and rainy conditions, leading to likely extremely muddy roads. This will undoubtedly present a formidable challenge for all drivers, as they will have to navigate through technical stages and maintain control under these difficult circumstances. Fans can expect to witness some spectacular driving skills as competitors tackle these demanding conditions head-on.

For those planning to spectate, there are several excellent spotting locations along the route. One of the best places to catch the action is the new Poxa stage, which gives a scenic view of the island's northeast Abayadi coast and tall cliffs, and is accessible via the main highway. Parking is available in designated areas near the stage entrance, and shuttle services will be running throughout the rally to accommodate fans.


Matara Kuzha celebrating his victory at Salia Rally 2024

In the spotlight, reigning champion Matara Kuzha, who currently leads the standings with 117 points, is expected to put on another stellar performance after winning the Salia Rally 2024. Aksel Huitfeldt, who won last year's Rally de Covales, is currently in second place with 93 points and will be keen to reclaim his title. Close behind are Alf Müühre and Senagnio Satuar, with 90 and 89 points respectively, both of whom have shown remarkable consistency this season.

A special mention goes to Ailith Billing, currently in fifth place with 86 points. Billing has been one of the standout drivers this season, demonstrating impressive skill and determination. With the unpredictable weather, there is potential for major shake ups in the standings, making this year’s Rally de Covales one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the calendar.

In an exclusive interview with GRC News, Senagnio Satuar shared his thoughts and hopes for the upcoming Rally de Covales. Satuar, currently sitting in fourth place with 89 points, admitted that he has not been at his best this season but remains optimistic about turning things around on the challenging courses of Viale.

Senagnio Satuar in the driver's seat in February

“For sure, I’ve had a rough start to the season and I haven’t been on my best performance,” Satuar confessed. “But I’m hopeful that Rally de Covales will be a turning point. This rally is known for its technical demands and infamous jumps, which can really test a driver's skill and precision. So, I’m ready to face these and give my season the kickstart it needs.”

Rally de Covales is notorious for its numerous jumps and tricky stages. These jumps are not only a sight to behold, but also a test of control and timing for the drivers. Satuar emphasized the importance of these features, stating, “The jumps here are legendary. They require a lot of attention, you cannot go too fast over them, and if you go over them the wrong way you may fly in some random direction, maybe into the trees next to the road. It’s a real test of nerves and expertise.”

Satuar’s determination is palpable. The Ventoran achieved second place last year at Rally de Covales 2023. “I’ve been working closely with my team to fine-tune our strategy and make sure we’re prepared for everything that is to come. For sure, the wet conditions probably will add another layer of difficulty, but I’m confident that we can rise to the occasion. It's not like this sort of weather is unusual for the Covales anyways. And of course, a lot of Ventorans will be there to watch, they will all be rooting for me. I want to make my fans proud.”

As Satuar gears up for the rally, his focus and commitment are clear. With the season at such a critical moment in time, all eyes will be on him to see if he can reclaim his form and make a significant impact in the standings. Rally de Covales, with its demanding course and unpredictable weather, provides the perfect stage for Satuar to prove his skill after a mediocre season so far, as drama is almost certain to occur throughout, with no one spared.

SEE MORE - Kuzha elaborates on his sudden success in the 2024 season * Ailith Billing manages expectations ahead of Rally de Covales 2024 * Phaengdrem C. Makh shares his best travel tips

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Breaking News: Grand Senator Shot

July 20, 2024
It has been confirmed that three people have been killed, including Grand Senator Mula Tin Tun, at the inauguration of the Butterfly Wind Farm.
by Mara Min Ŋahu

News coverage of the event shows the Grand Senator in the midst of delivering his speech when several shots can be heard coming from the crowd. The attacker targetted the Grand Senator and his aides. Their names are yet to be confirmed, however, the Tsetlaho Chronicler is aware that two other's have been confirmed dead, while three aides remain in hospital in critical condition.
The Butterfly Wind Farm was part of Mula Tin's Renewable Energies Project which aimed to transition the republic away from a reliance on fossil fuels and to develop a strong technology sector. Stage one of the project has been constructed in record time and will provide enough energy to power around 400,000 homes.

Despite the success of the project, it faced harsh criticism from several opponents in the Public Senate, including a threat of a rebellion from the back benches of the Mercantilist party. Lobbyist in the fossil fuel sector are particularly upset by Mula Tun's approach to energy security.

The Grand Senatorship of Mula Tin has faced other controversies. As well as moving the Lower Tar-dinuu embassy into Tsetlaho and the establishment of a permanent RCE embassy in Kendin, he has alienated Riyatic investors, blocked further integration in the KSCU, created a centralised standing army, and been the subject of various corruption scandals over his involvement with the Golden Sun Company.

Both the central government and the Txiloŋosqu government have launched a joint investigation into the attack. At a press briefing, Txiloŋosqu Police Chief Ŋaru stated, “We are utilising all available resources to track down the perpetrator. This was a calculated and heinous act, and we will not rest until those responsible are brought to justice.” Authorities have not yet disclosed whether they have any leads or suspects in custody.

Prominent Senators and the Regal council have given statements denouncing the attack and have declared a week of national mourning. In her statement today, the President of Vintxenqu said, “Today, we mourn the loss of a dedicated public servant and two innocent lives taken far too soon. Senator Mula Tin was a true believer in a strong and independent Enqusqo. His vision and leadership will be sorely missed.”

This is a developping story. Stay tuned for further updates.

Comments (3)

This is shocking, can't believe my Tunnie is gone :( :( </3
6 minutes ago

Good riddance. He never did nothing for us Vintxa!!
21 minutes ago

whaaaaattt???!?!?!??!??? do we have no grand senator now???!!?!
27 minutesago

Suspect Arrested for Political Assassination

July 23, 2024
by Mara Min Ŋahu

The investigation into Saturday's shooting at the Butterfly Wind Farm has resulted in the arrest of a young man in Txahlenqu this afternoon. The suspect, a former Golden Sun Casino employee, was identified as a person of interest by investigators shortly after the shooting of Grand Senator Mula Tin Tun on Saturday. He was arrested this afternoon in his apartment complex a block away from his former place of employment on the Txahlenqu strip.

The Republican authorities have released few details about the suspect but our investigative team here at the Tsetlaho Chronicler have uncovered troubling facts about the individual from his online presence and neighbours.

The suspect spent much of their time over the past month on the deep-buff social media platform Truuthr. They engaged with several online groups that critiqued the Grand Senator for abandoning core Mercantilist policies. He also spent a lot of time researching the Tar-dinuuen Heritage Party and the Txahlenqu Big Families.

On several occasions, neighbours heard the suspect bragging about a close connection with Tsa Tsin Txaqo, the patriarch of one of Txahlenqu's richest Big Families. The exact relationship between Tsa Tsin and the suspect, who the authorities have told us not to name, remains unclear.

As major business owners along the Txahlenqu strip, Tsa Tsin and Mula Tin's business interests often conflicted. Tsa Tsin's construction company, Stormrest, lost the bid to build the Butterfly Wind Farm to a subsidiary of the Golden Sun Company, a scandal for the Grand Senator who was to face a corruption inquiry this August.

The political ambitions of Tsa Tsin have been known in Txahlenqu for years. He is an influential figure within the city who has ties to politicians in Higher Tar-dinuu. He is also rumoured to have associates in Alutran criminal organisations. Conspiracy theorists online speculate the patriarch had a hand in the recent assassination, although suggested motives vary from Dinuuen political meddling to business rivalry.

Tsa Tsin refused to comment on allegations of his involvement with the assassination.

The three aides admitted to the hospital are believed to be stable and on the road to recovery.

This is a developing story. Stay tuned for further updates.

Comments (4)

1 hour ago

Worrying if the big families are involved...
2 hours ago

bet it was those dinuuen politicians so corrupt you know what they did to our grandparents horrible that or it was those alutrans never trust an alutran that's what I say
2 hours ago

of course they're from Txahlenqu, they have no respect for the republic them lot
3 hours ago

Constitutional Uncertainty in Senate

July 26, 2024
by Mara Min Ŋahu

In the wake of the recent assassination of the Grand Senator, the institutions of the RCE face a constitutional crisis. The assassination of Mula Tin Tun marks the first time that a politician has died while holding office in the RCE, a measure that was not accounted for in the foundational treaties of the Republic. With the period of national mourning coming to a close, Public Senators will return to their seats within the Gardens of the Senate after the weekend. It remains unclear how the transition of power will take place.

Several prominent members of the Grand Council have hinted at the potential for an interim Grand Senator to be appointed from their ranks for the remainder of the Senate's term. Several northern cities use this system, with a hierarchy of positions defined in their constitutions. If the Republic adopted this approach, the most likely appointee would be the current Grand Consul of the Treasury Sive Tsin Yono. Questions have been raised around Sive Tsin's involvement with the assassination due to being cousins with Tsa Tsin Txaqo, a Txahlenqu businessman with suspected ties to the assassin.

Despite denouncing these accusations, political pundits think it unlikely that Tsin would be able to survive a vote of no confidence. The same experts believe the no-confidence vote is exactly what will, and should, happen. In an interview with the Tsetlaho Chronicler, Sura Min Ŋaru, professor of politics at the Univerity of Tsetlaho, explained the constitutional mechanism of the no-confidence vote as the means to replace the Grand Senator. She believes that the constitutional action is for either of the Senates to initiate a vote and force the government to dissolve so that a new government can form.

She also noted a quirk of the 1967 amendments that would allow the Regal Senate to call for a vote of no confidence against the Public Senate. Such an action would immediately dissolve the Public Senate and lead to a Public Election. When asked which she would prefer, she said "I don't like the dangerous precedent that would be set if the Regal Senate forces the Public Senate to dissolve. It flies in the face of the ethos of the Republic. I would much prefer the government to be dissolved to allow a new Grand Senator to be appointed with a smooth transition of power."

Many senators disagree with Prof. Sura Min. Several prominent senators from all parties have been vocal on Tweetr in calling for a Public Election.

All eyes will be on the Gardens of the Senate on Monday to see how the institutions of the Republic move on from this unprecedented tragedy.

Comments (2)

I hope we get a public election, sick of us Vintxa not getting represented
12 minutes ago

All this infighting in the Senate :( My Tunnie wouldn't have wanted this </3 </3
29 minutes ago


2024 Renesian Grand Prix - Griessloh Circuit
Sunday 28 July, 2024

Practice and Qualifying
The Renesian Grand Prix returns to the Griessloh Circuit in Bredelem Province, Renesia for another weekend of televised racing and competition.

Preliminary practices took place throughout the week, with notable triumphs coming in the form of Menakya Inazu and Egon Kraus taking pole position in the first and second practice sessions of the week. Winner of the 2024 Mitruhmoer Grand Prix, Vernon Kofoed showed the best lap time performed in a practice session, coming in at only 1:42:002 where team mate Maawel Yahyee trailed close behind at 1:43:092, a feet noted by team manager Timûs Mohand who commended both drivers who are new to the team as of the 2024 season.

Qualifying at Griessloh saw rain storms with winds of up to 35 kmh, coating the road type track with rain water. Many team directors called for the rescheduling of the qualifying race half way through as weather conditions saw poor performances from many mid to low ranking drivers such as Egon Kraus, Amalu Ijjasar, and Oyomere Osandatuwa, who qualified for P20, P19, and P18 respectively. These requests would be denied by the FIALF however as contested by Duquen's analytics team who saw Vernon Kofoed take pole position while newcomers to the podium Kala Akina and Aretes Aracius were surprise appearances due to their poor performance at the Mitruhmoer Grand Prix earlier last week.

Taco Bengo.jpeg
Kofoed behind Admudiar on lap 43 of 70
Grand Prix
In a stunning turn of events, Kofoed dropped from his first place position down to third due to Aracius and Akina who overtook Kofoed while boxing at lap 42, leading to loser of the Mitruhmoer Grand Prix, Lakauan driver Kala Akina to secure pole position while Kleolaikos driver Aretes Aracius held onto second place for the remainder of the race.
"I'm glad this sport is seeing some variation this season. Winning has its perks but seeing someone go from the bottom all the way to the top in a matter of hours is what makes racing the way it is. However, that doesn't mean I plan on making Kala's life any easier." said Kofoed, translated from Ordish in a post-race interview.

Other notable happenings during the Grand Prix include Mitruhmoer driver Shandi Kyitsaeg Nyag who just barely missed the mark to reach the podium,.
"There are things the team [Roon-Y] need to work out before Mount Finnis." claimed Nyag whose team mate, Maawel Yayhe lost his advantageous position, qualifying for 5th place on the grid, and ending the race in 7th.

Seetish favorite Aimeric Enguerrand stagnated at 9th place, earning his team points, although a substantially less amount than those earned by his 2nd place position in Gondlokh, which his team mate Aracius was able to replace. When asked for a post race interview he declined, entering his team's garage before further questions could be asked. Likewise, Gathenizi driver and distinguished royal Odetheus Winguric could not be in attendance due to royally mandated proceedings that prevented him from participating in todays event. In his stead was Alnen native and Reial test driver Ferec Kobor. Kobor is infamous for his various victories in the LF junior division, LC (Liètzi Correire), where he took home 2nd place overall in his 2022 season and driver's champion in 2023. Kobor has since taken a gap year as a test driver for his home team Reial where some say he is being prepared to take one of it's driver's coveted seats.

Kodor preformed exceptionally well for his first ever race in LF, gaining one spot over seasoned Eduran driver Aetheling Smith. Smith, who stood on the podium just last week in Gondlokh had this to say following his performance at Griessloh:
"He's Chorich, racing might as well be in his blood. Still, getting your ass handed to you by someone who can't even drink yet is quite the humbling experience; now lets just hope the team [Edonmi] knows what to do next time this happens."

Kobor before starting in 14th place on the grid and ending in 13th place

With only Mount Finnis and Enqusqo left before the Gathenizi Grand Prix takes place, it is entirely possible that one of Reial's drivers looses their seat to the rising talent from Datherey. The same goes for any drivers in the lower half of the grid as mid season trade-outs can occur following the Gathenizi Grand Prix in Stainsberg. Until then, those who do not wish to take any chances will have to prove to their team they are worth keeping until the end of the season.
LIVE: Senate re-opens after Grand Senator assassination

Last updated 18:32 July 29, 2024

by Mara Min Ŋahu

Catch the latest developments in the Senate following the assassination of Mula Tin Tun.


Tsetli Min Xeŋa has taken to the social media platform Tweetr to denounce her fellow senators and to confirm that while she is shaken by today's events, she is unharmed.

Police has confirmed reports about the violent events outside the Gardens of the Senate earlier today. The Chief Commissioner has described the outcome as "undesirable". The comment has been deemed inappropriate by many and there are calls for the Chief Commissioner to resign over her handling of the protests.

An emergency meeting of the Grand Court has been called to review the actions taken by parties during the events today. All 36 Grand Justices are expected to convene tomorrow in Tsetlaho. The Tsetlaho Chronicler will be following the committee closely.

The RDC has released a press statement:
"Today several representatives in our democracy took it upon themselves to disrespect our fallen politicians and undermine our republican values. We have acted under the direction of your heads of government to ensure the peaceful continuation of democracy in a united Enqusqo. Grand Senator Mula Tin Tun campaigned for the creation of a central military power to protect the Republic from external threats. It saddens the Regal Defence Council that our first exercise of this power was against fellow Enqusqans at an event in honour of the late Gradn Senator. We will continue to work to support the Republic and return the democratic process to normal. Political violence has no place in our country."

The RDC entered the Gardens of the Senate and stormed the Grand Amphitheatre at the request of the Regal Senate. The Gardens have been evacuated and it is believed the Senators responsible for deposing the President of the Senate are detained.
This is a developing story. Stay tuned for further updates.

A group of angry Mercantilists have forcibly removed the President of the Senate from the Grand Amphitheatre, along with several senators and members of the press. It is believed they mean to hold a vote of no-confidence in Tsetli Min, nullifying her dissolution of the Public Senate.
Thankfully no one has been harmed.
This is a developing story. Stay tuned for further updates.

Tsetli Min has been informed of the vote in the Regal Senate by a Regal Consul. She has ratified the vote and declared the Senate to be dissolved.

The Regal Senate has held a vote of no confidence in the Public Senate, a shocking and unprecedented use of the no-confidence powers of the Regal Senate.
The vote was proposed by The First Citizen of Txahlenqu, Mula Txala Tsetli. The First Citizen is the maternal cousin of Mula Tin Tun and was not expected to be at the meeting of the Regal Senate today.

The Regal Defence Council (RDC) has deployed the newly created confederal infantry brigades to the Gardens of the Senate to ensure the security of the senators and preserve the democracy of the Republic.
They have established a perimeter around the Senate and peacefully dispersed the crowds. The press has been allowed to re-enter the Grand Amphitheatre to view Senate precedings.

Reports of two dead, with several other protesters injured and arrested by Tsetlaho Metropolitan Police. It is believed that the police resorted to lethal force to protect a group of Pink party senators returning to the Gardens after lunch.
Eyewitnesses say the protesters had physically blocked their entrance to the Plaza of the Senate. Violence is suspected to have erupted after one of the protesters drew a concealed weapon.
Following the gunshots, much of the crowd outside the Gardens has dispersed.

This is a developing story. Stay tuned for further updates.

Shots have been fired outside of the Gardens of the Senate. An update will be available as more detailed reports come in.

The Tsetlaho Metropolitan Police have been deployed to maintain the peace as demonstrations outside the Gardens of the Senate grow in size and number.
Speaking at one of these demonstrations, Sive Tsin Yono accused the Senates of abandoning the constitution of the Republic.
The situation outside the Senatorial Gardens is developing, stay tuned for further updates.

The Public Senate has approved the Unionist bill with 211 to the east and 90 to the west. The motion has been sent to the Regal Senate for ascension while the Public Senate breaks for lunch.

Following the defeat of Sive Tsin's bill, Satli Hin Ŋaru, the youngest member of the Senate, volunteered a bill from the Unionist party. The bill gives the Senate the power to appoint a non-partisan council to fulfil the role of Grand Senator until the next election. Debate has now concluded and Tsetli Min has put it to a vote.

A representative of the Regal Council has arrived at the Public Senate and informed the Public Senate that the Regal Senate has exercised its veto over the debate.
Several Mercantilist senators rose to their feet and hissed as the representative left. Tsetli Min has reprimanded the Senate for its behaviour following the incident and had several back-benchers removed.
Sive Tsin decried the veto as a "repulsive show of authoritarianism" before storming out of the Senatorial Gardens with his supporters.

A fierce debate has consumed the Public Senate for the past hour. Sive Tsin's bill has stirred factionalism within the Public Senate. It is expected that the bill will be put to a vote within the next half hour, or die on the floor.

After a short debate, the Regal Senate has unanimously defeated their version of the Interim Grand Senator bill.

Sive Tsin has presented a bill before the Senate to seek approval for his appointment as interim Grand Senator. We have been informed that the same bill has been simultaneously presented to the Regal Senate, which is simultaneously sitting at the Regal Amphitheatre.

Mother of the Republic and President of the Public Senate, Tsetli Min Xeŋa, presided over the re-opening of the Public Senate. The ceremony included a 5-minute silence respecting the Grand Senator and his aides. Tsetli Min concluded the ceremony by reminding the Senate of its prerogatives, the importance of consensus, and a call for calm and considered cooperation between all senators.

Senators and spectators have been permitted entry to the Grand Amphitheatre for the re-opening ceremony to begin promptly at 10:00.

Grand Consul of the Treasury, Sive Tsin Yono, has just arrived at the Gardens of the Senate. With several of his allies, he was seen entering the Lotus Garden, a small audience space in the Senatorial Gardens.

Senators and prominent members of City governments have been arriving throughout the morning for the re-opening of the Senate. Gathered in the Plaza of the Republic, there is a sombre mood amongst the politicians.
"Today is a crucial day for our democracy," said former Grand Senator Lalin Wora Muza "We must find a path forward, united and strong."
The Chief Whip of the Mercantilists, Haru Pin Maqo, declined to comment when asked by the Tsetlaho Chronicler. He entered with a grim expression on his face.
Comments (3)

Can't believe they've done this. My poor Tunnie will be turning in his GRAVE! His poor republic. Gladd he made those sexy soldiers to save us all </3 gone too soon </3
3 hours ago


Are you &%*@ing serious!! What is happening rn?!?!!
6 hours ago

Good, glad they're all showing up today to get this sorted
10 hours ago


Public Election Season Begins

3 August, 2024
by Mara Min Ŋahu, Chief Political Correspondent

Following last night's ruling by the Grand Court, candidates launched their campaigns today before a backdrop of rioting and political violence. The court's decision to uphold the vote of no confidence in the Public Senate has vindicated Tsetli Min Xeŋa who initiated the procedure for a Public Election at 6 pm.

The decision came after violence broke out at the reopening of the Gardens of the Senate on Monday, following a brief hiatus in the wake of the assassination of Grand Senator Mula Tin Tun. The inability of the Public Senate to facilitate a smooth transition of power along with the mounting possibility of violence both inside and outside of the Senatorial Gardens, led to the Regal Senate, the indirectly elected upper house of the Republic's legislature, dismissing the Public Senate.

The immediate controversy around the extraordinary measure triggered an emergency meeting of the Grand Court. The whole body met on Tuesday to decide the validity of the motion under the constitutional framework of the Republic. All 36 Grand Justices agreed that the power to dismiss the Public Senate was a natural consequence of the Regal Senate's sovereignty.

With the vote of no confidence ratified by the courts, the Speaker of the Senate, Tsetli Min Xeŋa, began the proceedings for a Public election. This has done little to quell the violence which has taken root in cities across the Republic.

Former Grand Senator Lalin Wora Muza was among the first to announce her candidacy this morning. She has pledged to uphold democratic values while in office. "Our Republic stands at a crossroads," she said during her campaign launch in the Plaza of the Republic. "We must choose unity over division, democracy over chaos."

Satli Hin Ŋaru, the former Senate's youngest member, represents the Unionist Party's progressive principles and fresh perspective. "Our Republic stands on the brink of transformation," she said at a community centre in downtown Tsetlaho. "We need to address the root causes of discontent and build a Republic that serves everyone, not just the privileged few," she told reporters.

Sive Tsin Yono, whose contentious bid to become interim Grand Senator has been blamed for Monday's events, has also thrown his hat into the ring. At a speech held in Txahlenqu, he promised to "bring order and reform" to the Republic, underlining his commitment to economic stability and traditional values during his term as Grand Consul of the Treasury.

The Mercantilist Party, which is experiencing significant internal strife, has yet to support a candidate for party leader. The party's Chief Whip, Haru Pin Maqo, has called for a special convention to speedily decide on leadership before entering the election cycle. "Our party must come together and present a united front," he emphasised in a televised message.

The Mercantilist platform frequently emphasises free enterprise, limited government intrusion, and a strong private sector. In light of recent events, the party is doubling down on these ideals, arguing for policies that encourage investment, create jobs, and lower the regulatory burden on businesses. The Mercantilists believe such policies are critical to the Republic's recovery and long-term stability.

In an interview with the Tsetlaho Chronicler, University of Tsetlaho politics professor, Sura Min Ŋaru, shared her thoughts on the election "This election is more than just a vote for the next Public Senate and, indirectly, the next Grand Senator. We are voting for the future of our Republic. There is a constitutional question at the centre of this election that needs to be answered before we can move on as a collective"

The answer to this question may come from one of the Republic's smaller parties. Political analysts believe that recent events have eroded the public's faith in the larger parties, which may result in significant gains for the Pinks, Noyonists, and the NIP.

Candidates will be under increasing public scrutiny for their ideas, statements, and actions in an election that looks to be shaping up to decide the future trajectory of the confederation.

The Tsetlaho Chronicler will continue to publish the latest updates on the election.

Comments (3)

Hmm not sure who to vote for now I can't vote for Tunnie :( </3
18 minutes ago


21 minutes ago


241 on selected meals at Ñembo with code EDUB17CH
27 minutes ago



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