Search results for query: *

  1. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Ryker Summers

    Yess! x3
  2. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Ryker Summers

    I hope my noob isn't showing xD
  3. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] The Beginning of the New Era

    Ryker And Luka ---------------------------------------------------------- Ryker Ryker sighed in his tent, listening to the sobs resounding throughout the camp, wails at the doom gathering not only over their hearts, but their heads as well. He looked up at the cloth ceiling of the...
  4. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Ryker Summers

    Sorry :unsure: I always say 'mam to everyone automatically :tongue: but hell yeah you should :devil:
  5. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Ryker Summers

    Yes 'mam ^-^
  6. DarkestShadow

    Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

    Valon let his eyes roam as he walked with his weapon, taking in the colossal halls and rooms with ceilings to match. Why did Death need add these unnecessarily large ceilings to a damn school? His lips sliding into a smirk at his thought, Death was weird... He turned his eyes from his...
  7. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Ryker Summers

    Thank yous xD it sucks if people left though :(
  8. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Luka Winters

    Yay :3
  9. DarkestShadow

    Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

    Valon chuckled at the grumble, picked up his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder as well, hissing in pain as it landed on the achy bruises hidden by his shirt. Damn blonde! He thought with a scowl, following his weapon to the cafeteria. He pictured the adorable red face that his partner...
  10. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Luka Winters

    Name: Luka Winters Appearance: Midnight black hair and golden eyes with specks of ice blue inside. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/damn.jpg.67444c640ee59fce831bf89411f44dd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29702"...
  11. DarkestShadow

    [Attack on Titan: Outside the Walls] Ryker Summers

    Name: Ryker Summers Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05d25e1e_doesthisyes.jpg.ae9804143167e3b8b95b070af38d53cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29693"...
  12. DarkestShadow

    Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

    Valon smiled, relief flooding through him at the aspect of finally getting a weapon, hoping their souls could resonate or at least be in sync enough for some awesome attacks. "Hell yeah, I'd love to team up!" He felt a little foolish getting so excited, a light embarrassed dust spreading across...
  13. DarkestShadow

    Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

    "Don't get near my crotch again then." Valon chuckled, his blood smearing on her hand as her spit slid into his, a smirk spreading across his face as he followed her back to the group. He looked around and came to stand by the snowy haired guy, his bloody nose causing him to tilt his head back...
  14. DarkestShadow

    The DWMA's Other Students

    lol you're AWESOME xD @yistae Holy crap that sync!
  15. DarkestShadow

    The DWMA's Other Students

    TEEHEE!! (large fangirl giggle!)
  16. DarkestShadow

    The DWMA's Other Students

    I know!!! I can't wait!!!
  17. DarkestShadow

    Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

    He growled at the pain, stopping her fists with his hands and swinging her around before throwing her into a wall, his hands burning with pain. He smiled dangerously back, rubbing his face before appearing before her in a blink and bringing her face harshly to his knee before elbowing her...
  18. DarkestShadow

    The DWMA's Other Students

    Oh no I've seen most of it x3 still on my way through season 2 thobut she is VERY Yang like
  19. DarkestShadow

    The DWMA's Other Students

    Holy crap @Icefox11 this is getting intense! Can they be rivals? xD
  20. DarkestShadow

    Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

    He bit his tongue against the pain and tasted copper, a smirk in place as he looked her in the eyes with smugness, his heavy boots kicking her right in the crotch, right in the no no square. He then charged forward and brought his fist to her chin in a dazzling uppercut, he wasn't a weapon, but...