Search results for query: *

  1. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "Ooh, that's great! I love Summer. And it will be even more special because I'll be with your family, surrounded by tanned volleyballers, scorching beaches and the blazing heat that I'm sure will remind me of Summer here." Adrian wrapped an arm around Alissa's shoulder's and pecked her temple...
  2. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "Naw, shucks little lady." Adrian put on a southern twang and kissed the top of Alissa's head. He was confident that his wish would come true. The breeze picked up, blowing his hair around his face, copper wind chimes echoeing loudly behind them. It wasn't an overly cold breeze; tepid was the...
  3. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "Of course. There's a deck just out here." He held onto Alissa's hand and led her out onto the wooden deck. The French Doors were concealed behind a thin white curtain, which flapped wildly as the late night breeze blew through the doors. Stepping out onto the deck in just his jammies, the feel...
  4. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "I'm just going to change into my jammies. I'll be back in a second." Adrian pecked Alissa's forehead, gathered his pyjamas and walked into the ensuite, closing the door behind him. Stripping off, he changed into yellow plaid boxer short and a tight grey singlet. Gathering up his clothes, he...
  5. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    It was 8 o'clock when all of the dishes were cleared away into the kitchen and everyone was filled with delicious food. Adrian's family had run out of questions, leaving Jessica, Damian and Toby to go to their own homes, leaving Adrian, Alissa and Liana sitting at the table with his parents...
  6. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "The army? Well, that must be a very interesting job. Do you see them often?" Alissandra asked, taking a dainty bite of her food. Adrian felt himself roll his eyes and smile. He could sense that one of her questions would lead into a very long discussion about the values and morals that families...
  7. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "Dinner! Adrian and Alissa!" Alissandra called from the kitchen, the smell of the chicken wafting underneath the door. Adrian stood up and held out his hand. "Come along Honeyqueen. My mum makes the best chicken within 100 kilometres." He closed his hand on Alissa's and pulled her up, leading...
  8. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "And it was lovely to meet you Alissa. I hope you're hungry, because dinner will be served soon. I know it's a bit early, but I've had it sitting in the fridge marinating for a while." And then Adrian's mum slipped out of the door, shutting it gently behind her. When her footsteps echoed away...
  9. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    (Time Skip) Adrian was packing his clothes into the drawers of the guest bedroom at the family home. The trip home had been full of talk, mostly directed at Alissa. He smiled broadly as he stuck his shirts in the drawer at the thought. It was no surprise to him when his mother told the two...
  10. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian felt his heart soar with emotion, mostly happiness and pride as he saw the edge of the country. "I know Honeyqueen! My family will already be at the airport, waiting at the gate as if the plane will be early." He rolled his eyes knowingly and smiled, sighing deeply. The next 20 minutes...
  11. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "This is your captain speaking, in a few minutes we will be taking off. There will be a brief stop in Maui before we arrive in Mebourne. Please enjoy your flight in comfort and luxury." Adrian and Alissa were strapped into their comfortable leather chairs, the planes engine whirring softly as...
  12. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian stopped at a red light and took the opportunity to look more closely at the slip of paper. "I think he's absolutely adorable! On the weekends we can walk him down to the beach and play frisbee so he gets plenty of excercise. And I think he'll be a great addition to our little 'family'...
  13. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "Well, since I've already paid for the trip, we'll take my car. I can pay for long-stay parking, and we're gone for roughly two weeks, so that will be about $300." Adrian said thoughtfully then led the way to his deep red Mazda 6, courtesy of his parents. Stopping at the boot of the car, he...
  14. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "You don't have to do anything for me. But if you insist," Adrian smiled and stepped closer to her, swiping a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Without warning, he moved quickly and picked Alissa up bridal style, and carried her to the bedroom, laughing. "So, my gorgeous Honeyqueen, who is...
  15. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian cocked an eyebrow and smirked cheekily. "Oh, you lie my hands do you? Well that's good. It runs in my adoptive family I guess." He chuckled a little bit as he moved his hands lower, reaching the middle of her back. "My older brother Nathan is a masseuse, and a good one at that. You'll get...
  16. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian replied back to his mother and sister, and closed his eyes, Alissa's backrub relaxing him. "Hmm, that's a tough question. It would have to be between orange, yellow and pale green. Other colours are just meh to me. What's yours? It's funny how you can get to know someone so well as a...
  17. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    "I could never hate your food. You always make everything delicious." Adrian hugged her back, pushing his love telekinetically into her. He felt his stubble brush against her chest, reminding him that he needed to shave. "And I'm glad you'll get to see where I grow up. It's a little suburb in...
  18. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian sat at Alissa's kitchen table, his plate of steaming salmon and crisp salad tantalizing his tongue. "It looks and smells absolutely beautiful. You are truly good at everything, aren't you?" He leaned over the table and pecked her, before digging into the flaky salmon. Adding some salad...
  19. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian thinned his lips at Alissa's comment. "You know, I don't like you making me dinner, I prefer to make you dinner. But since you insited, I'm in the mood for grilled salmon and waldorf salad. Do you have the ingredients to make it? Because if you don't, I have got some in my dorm." He got...
  20. MissEva

    J. Parks Academy for the Talented

    Adrian walked back over to the couch, the bowl of hot popcorn steaming in his hand and plopped himself down next to Alissa. She unpaused the movie while he stuffed his mouth with a handful of the buttery goodness. "So who was that on the phone? Is everything alright?" He glanced sideways, a tiny...