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  1. Amethyst1

    Peleps Najalin Leiji [Glorious Bastards]

    Scourge Speed 9 meters per tick Maneuv -5S Crew 10/4 Armor 10LB HL Ux20 Mx15 Cx5 I D
  2. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Since we have some time before we enter combat, do any of the other Bastards want to lead a unit of men into battle? There are 40 men, so Leiji, Nyusul, Chu and Eris could all "use" a unit of 10 soldiers per the Mass Combat rules posted in the Rules thread. It's up to you all; I'm just offering...
  3. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Sorry, everyone, crazy weekend. But I'm back now.
  4. Amethyst1

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    "Prepare to board!" Leiji shouts. She has taken Nyusul's suggestion and directed the ship to approach the single Lintha one in the harbor. It will come up much closer than 30 meters -- close enough, in fact, for the small crew of soldiers on the Scourge to throw ropes across and cross over to...
  5. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    "Be careful!" snarled Leiji, just as Kabish plucked yet another splinter from her hand. She let out a yell of agony, followed by several low grunts. She had heard plenty of sailors swear in her day, but Leiji as a member of the Realm nobility was above such vulgar language. That did not mean...
  6. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    The Scourge had survived to fight another day. If only just. "Get me Kabisch!" commanded Leiji, looking down at her hand. It had grown significantly larger since the band of bastards had managed to escape the demonic pirates, and though she could not remember coming into contact directly with...
  7. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    [spoiler=]Charisma + Sail Peleps Najalin Leiji rolled the following in his 6 dice: 6, 10, 8, 8, 8, 3 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
  8. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty "Take care, Nyusul!" Leiji says, as she emerges from the water. "It may attempt to stop us again... or try to sink us. Keep your eyes on the water and if you see it again, don't hold back!" Climbing up the side of the ship, Leiji closes her eyes and allows her...
  9. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Welcome, Jolin!
  10. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    So is the worm running away? Or is it just moving? The ship is free now, right? Because if the ship is free, Leiji will return to it and activate her (instant) Storm Outrunning Technique to double their speed.
  11. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Sorry, thought the difficulty of the attack roll was the target's DV. So it goes me, Nyusul, and the worm... Then it's my turn again, yeah?
  12. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Welcome to the game, Danakir! Xarvh, I'm assuming that Dragon-Graced Weapon would be pretty useless as a Charm here as filling the worm's lungs with water wouldn't have an effect, since it "breathes" underwater anyway? Also, I'm a bit rusty on the rules, so hopefully my Attack roll is right.
  13. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty Underneath the water, Leiji takes advantage of the opening created by Nyusul. She has spent years perfecting her use of the sword, and it is high time to put that knowledge to use. She shoots herself forward like an arrow, passing through the water as if she was one...
  14. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    The Lintha are notorious as Demon-Blooded pirates who leave no prisoners and eat their enemies (actually only the ones they gain respect for). In the Compass book about the West, it says that standing and facing them often induces a crew to mutiny and that even Exalted heroes at the heads of...
  15. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty Seeing the gigantic worm, Leiji's eyes widen, but only for a moment. Almost instantly she begins to swim toward the tendrils gripping her ship, her sword at the ready. When the worm lashes out against her, she does her best to avoid the attack, moving carefully closer...
  16. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty Spotting the tube-shaped creature for herself this time, Leiji's eyes squint. Her chest rises and she lets out a sour grunt. She was not overly familiar with the sea monsters employed by the Lintha to guide their ships, but she had heard about huge worms that were said...
  17. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Oops, my bad! :oops:
  18. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty "LINTHA!" The word was repeated on the lips of sailors up and down the Scourge. They frantically move around, getting to their stations if they are not already manning them. It is not very long before Leiji appears on the deck shouting orders, not exactly...
  19. Amethyst1

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    I'm back now... and yes, I had fun. :)
  20. Amethyst1

    Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

    Re: Huge, flat and salty Leiji tilts her head to the side and follows Chu's eyes to the railing and the waters beyond. "There is no shortage of monsters, beasts and even gods in the West," she says. "So vast and deep is this part of Creation that there is no full record of all the creatures...