Demons of the Sea [Glorious Bastards]

Re: Huge, flat and salty

The worm shakes in pain from the combined attacks, and instinctively and hopelessly tries to whip Leiji with its scales.

Chopped off, the large tendril contracts, twitching and wrapping around Leiji's left hand.

It's painful and irritating.

The tendril causes no significant damage.

Stunt 2 for Leiji, worth 0 suxx.

Anyway you scored 4 suxx, that compared to the Worm DV 4-1 = 3, make the attack successful, with 1 sux margin.

Raw Damage = base damage + sux margin - soak = 6 - 6 = 0, so minimum damage applies: 2

Rolling 2 damage for Leiji, resulting in 2 suxx.

The worm took 4 damage so far, reaching -1 wound penalty.
Re: Huge, flat and salty

As Nyusul sees Leiji striking without any difficulties given by the water, he can't stop himself from feeling envy.

"Oh yes, sister, you are like water, you move fluently here as in the air."

Without a single thought, the warrior's arms move. Mantis. Tiger. Bear.

A steam blanket raises from his body and surrounds his weapon as well.

"But i'm FIRE ITSELF! I've enough flames in my body TO BURN THE WHOLE SEA!"

The flame's tongue spreads out hitting the target.

Tick 4, speed 4, attacking with Tiger and Bear Unity adding 5 suxx.

Maybe there is no need for that but...Oh well, it is fucking cool xD

spending 4m peripheral and 1 wp

totale (11 peripheral, 1 wp)

Nyusul rolled the following in his 13 dice:

8, 5, 5, 8, 5, 5, 9, 2, 4, 8, 2, 3, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

6 -2 (due to the water) = 4 suxx -3 DV = 1 (hit)

1 suxx + (damage/2) + TBU = 13 - 6 = 7 dice of damage.

Nyusul rolled the following in his 7 dice:

8, 7, 1, 7, 4, 8, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

tell me if i've done something wrong :P
Re: Huge, flat and salty

Fire and water mix and boil in a spectacular display of elemental forces.

Nyusul's force shatters scales and flesh, and small pieces of the creature float in the foamy water.

Broken in two pieces by the sheer force of the attack, the fore part leaves the rudder and dives deeper down, while the hind one wiggles and twists randomly.

Bwahahaha! Stunt 2 for Nyusul, worth 2 suxx and 1 damage more.

You deal 6 more damage.

The worm took 10 HLs and is now at -2 wound penalty.

Worm, #6, Speed 3, DV -2

Dashing 27m down.
Re: Huge, flat and salty

"Yeah you fucking huge worm! Run for your life!"

Without any intention of following the worm, Nyusul just waits, looking at Leiji.
Re: Huge, flat and salty

"Take care, Nyusul!" Leiji says, as she emerges from the water. "It may attempt to stop us again... or try to sink us. Keep your eyes on the water and if you see it again, don't hold back!"

Climbing up the side of the ship, Leiji closes her eyes and allows her connection to her element to spread out and cover the ship. The Scourge begins to move again, now liberated from the grasp of the infernal worm, and then picks up even more speed as Leiji's Dragon-Blooded powers hasten it away from the approaching Lintha pirates and their devilish intentions.

Spending 3 motes of peri. essence to activate Storm Outrunning Technique.
Re: Huge, flat and salty

Amethyst said:
[...] Keep your eyes on the water and if you see it again, don't hold back!"
Nyusul is quite offended by Leiji's words.

"Don't hold back? Have you ever seen ME holding back?"

As the ship starts moving once again, Nyusul realizes he is still in the middle of the water.

"AAAAH! You fucking scallywag! You are leaving me here!"

With the blade of his weapon in his hand, he hooks the ship's hull and climbs it.
Channelled by Leiji, the gracious might of Daana'd accelerates the Scourge fast, but before her superior speed can prevail, from the two closest Lintha ships the extremities of two huge chains are shot high in the sky, reach their zenith and then start descending down straight on the Scourge.

Those interested roll Per+Occult, diff 4.

Leiji, give me a Charisma+Sail to see how quickly you can manoeuvre the Scourge away.

The two closest Lintha ships are some 200m away and YES, the two chains seem perfectly able to cover the huge distance.

The chains are veeery long but not impressively large, and there is some sort of hook or harpoon at their end.

The Scourge currently heads West and the Lintha are to her South.

Nyusul is hanging low on the stern of the ship, close to the rudder, and can see the chains but not their end.

Mnemon Eris rolled the following in his 5 dice:

4, 7, 3, 5, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.

Yaaaaaay, thank you Nox!
Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 5 dice:

5, 10, 1, 2, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

Nyusul is happy to see the combat was not over.

Whoah! They are incredibly resourceful!

He thrusts the flames tongue just a little above, then with a somersault he delivers a strong kick at the chain.

I havent any point in occult and 2 in perception, so... :P
Charisma + Sail

Peleps Najalin Leiji rolled the following in his 6 dice:

6, 10, 8, 8, 8, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
Nyusul strikes true the hook at the end of the chain, but the hook starts quacking and shrieking; flying with metallic, pointed wings and trailing the chain behind it, the hook opens a metal beak tries to bite the Fire Aspect.

The other hook instead dives for the hull and buries its beak deep inside the metal planks.

In the meanwhile, Leiji has reorganized her men and is already turning the ship towards North.

No need to throw dice here, you guys are far stronger than those things.
The hissing sound of two chakrams flying towards the chains behind Nyusul, warns the warrior to stay out of their way. They both lodge in the open beak as it tries to bite the Fire Aspect, aiming to break its jaw off. Before they even reach their target, a dim blue vortex is propelling a jump over the warrior's head and Eris is flying almost parallel to her weapons. A splashing sound is heard as she lands on the water, hurling two more chakrams right behind the metal beak that seems to be feeding on the ship's hull.

"Metal ducklings? For real?? This is not swan lake damn it..."
The chakrams slice the first metallic bird and severs the second chain, that shakes, twists, shrieks and writhes in pain back to the pirate ship.

Powerful is the spirit of Daana'd, channelled by Leiji's Essence, and the Scourge quickly manoeuvres Northwards; even pushed by the Infernal Worms, the Lintha are no match for the Realm vessel to outrun, and soon even the wind changes its course.

Blessed by the elements, the Scourge sails North, smoothly.

Only the small demon-bird, plunged into the port side of the hull, continues to grind and dig, but it does not seem capable of significant damage.

As she leads her ship farther and farther from the pirates, Leiji notices that her left hand has swollen considerably.

Handle the demon bird as you see fit. The ship may need minor repairs. I will post again in 24h. Everyone gets 1 xp for fending the pirates.
The Scourge had survived to fight another day. If only just.

"Get me Kabisch!" commanded Leiji, looking down at her hand. It had grown significantly larger since the band of bastards had managed to escape the demonic pirates, and though she could not remember coming into contact directly with the infernal worm, she suspected some hellish taint to be the culprit. However, she needed to rule out any medical cause, and for that she needed her medical officer.

As she waited, she pondered what she would do about the swelling if her suspicions proved accurate. As far as she knew, none of the remaining Brothers in her company were healers, supernatural or otherwise. She could consult Chu's knowledge of the occult, but there was no assurance that he would have any idea about diabolical magic. Wavecrest would potentially be her only opportunity to seek out an accurate diagnosis, assuming Kabisch and Chu were unable to assist.

"We're in need of repairs, Cap'n," said one of the midshipmen, running up with a quick salute.

"Nothing serious, it looks like, but we'll need to refit nonetheless."

"Do what you can at sea," Leiji grumbled. "I don't intend to slow down. At least not today. We'll refit in the safety of port when we reach Wavecrest." She paused, then spoke again. "I'd like a report on that bird-like creature that landed on the ship. If it seems like we could cast it off without doing any needless damage to the ship, then have the men do so."

How bad is the damage? Is there any pain in Leiji's hand, or is it just swollen?
Glasses on, Kabish checks the swollen hand carefully.

"Milady, there are multiple tiny splinters lodged in the skin... Can you see?

They are spread all over the palm and the lower side of the fingers, but they are not spread over the articulations, I would wager that they got there as the hand was clenched around something.

Were you a mortal, I would amputate, but with your permission, I can try and remove them."

As the sun sets and the sea colors red, the pirates are but a small spot in the distance, soon to be lost.
The shrieking sound coming from the hull attracts Eris' attention.

Thought we were done with the birdies...

She glances at Leiji and Kabish, says nothing. Unless they were going to move towards the amputation direction, not much she could do. Her "medical" methods were rather crude...Taking care of injured monks at the order had been described as "tough love" back in the days, not really appreciated apparently...

She silently moves past them and hops on the gunwale, right above the bird. Four chakrams fly vertically, inflicting forceful blows on the bird. Careful not to damage the ship, she sends the first pair flying barely one millimeter away from the hull, aiming to smash the lodged beak. The second one is trying to cut the creature's metal body in half.

Would have made a cute pet though...
The metal bird is destroyed in a fuzz of orange sparkles, only a small piece of the beak remains lodged in the wood, inert, while the rest is lost in the water.

In the Captain's cabin, Kabish, hands covered in blood, is working strenuously to remove all the splinters from Leiji's hand, assisted by Ratna and Nazo.

Those damn splinters seem to root in the flesh, and the surgery is long, painful and destructive, but nothing an Exalt can't heal.
"Be careful!" snarled Leiji, just as Kabish plucked yet another splinter from her hand. She let out a yell of agony, followed by several low grunts. She had heard plenty of sailors swear in her day, but Leiji as a member of the Realm nobility was above such vulgar language. That did not mean that her eyes, tone and every other expressible feature about her did not communicate the brimming wrath within her. Each splinter, once removed, brought with it pangs of intense pain and more streams of blood. Kabish, good doctor that he was, worked mechanically, unmoved by the tempest stirred in his superior officer and social better.

Ratna, one of Leiji's bodyguards, and Nazo, her chief servant, were more moved. For Ratna, it was an inability to do anything to help the woman he was sworn to defend and aid. "Have courage, Mistress," he said softly, holding the shoulder of the wounded arm down, to keep Leiji from flailing about. "It will soon be over."

For Nazo, it was in her instinct to nurture, to provide care, yet she was relegated to observer, an assistant at best. Leiji's welfare was in the hands of her medical officer. "She has shown great courage," she said sharply. "She was wounded fighting off that thing. And now this..."

Leiji said nothing as her attendants and inferiors spoke about her. Right now her mind was racing with fury, eager to be directed at an enemy. The death of her brothers, being chased by the Lintha, an invisible enemy out to kill them all... All of this compounded with the disgrace she had wallowed in when she lost face with her House. It created a volatile mixture of frustration and bitterness, and she was letting it seethe with the blood and the anger she was feeling now.
Two days pass, sailing the Western Sea Airwards.

The only distraction available aboard is to check Firewards for the Lintha in pursuit; tense nervousness replaces the calm of the previous days, but no foe appears at the vast horizon.

Leiji recovers quickly from the pain and the blood loss, and the hand beings to heal.

In the late morning, a small inhabited island is finally spotted.

The day is clear, and it is possible to see, in the distance, both the smoke coming from the town and a large vessel in the harbour, sporting the Lintha insignia.

Leiji has a -4 to all actions in which she uses her left hand.

Nonetheless, she calculates that, even if the Lintha are in hot pursuit, the Scourge has at the very least a twelve-hours advantage over them.
Chu allows himself to smile outwardly. Land and enemies. At last. Maybe he'll get a chance to play with the pirates instead of waiting to defend a ship or for a beastie to get close enough to destroy on deck. The last two days had been spent looking backward towards where the previous Lintha group was and waiting for a chance to do something, anything.

This sea journey would test his self control, of that he was sure. Better to blow off some steam soon. Drawing his hammer, he moves towards the front of the ship instead, smiling and waiting. A burning town, any distruction caused to it would be attributed to the Lintha, he didn't even have to hold back. He grabs a sailor gawking at the harbor the ship was headed to and takes the spot that he had just opened up.

Just trying to maintain Chu's general silence, figure that from an outside view he simply grinned and glared at the Lintha, that should be vaguely disturbing behaviour :P Especially from someone who just doesn't talk.
A fleshy mass is tangled under her feet on her way to her cousin as the sailor is hurled out of the way, but that does not alter her course. Flesh is softer to walk on than wood anyway. She's checking her boots as she's standing on top of him and notices one of her straps got loose from the unfortunate collision.

"Now, look what you did...."

Amused by the fearful look in the man's eyes, she simply steps off his body and pushes him out of her way with her foot, as she stands at her cousin's side. As though she can read his mind, her smile matches his exactly. She puts a hand on his shoulder and pitches her voice in a disturbing whisper.

"Not long now cousin...."

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