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    [Shadows of Nexus] Tavern Talk

    Omg I just saw all of this :-(
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    [Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

    Hey I was actually wondering if I could go over my character with someone on skype I have a few questions as to what I'm allowed to do as I h e a couple of ideas but want to run them by someone before I really get into finishing my character
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    [Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

    I was wondering if someone could explain intimacies, how they work, and what they are for?
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    [Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

    If anyone is interested, instead of Anathema, I found this awesome toolkit for character creating and management that also allows for house rules. If you want to check it out here is the link I'm using it as i type haha.
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    [Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

    oh and 3-when would you like us to have characters approved and created by? and lastly 4-Is there going to be a regular time that we all sign on? Or how does this work? Sorry I'm a newb :-p
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    [Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

    Okay, so I had a few questions as to how this will work. One- How do we submit characters on here, two-How will this work when we all have characters created and the story/campaign actually begins?
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    [Exalted] Shadows of Nexus

    Awesome I am very excited for this. Night caste checking in.
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    [Exalted] Premade Adventure for New Players!

    I think I would like to play either a night caste or a dawn caste
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    [Exalted] Premade Adventure for New Players!

    Hey I'm totally interested if you still have open slots! I have played exalted before, but it's literally been years since i've played and even then I didn't know a lot about the lore and remember less. Would love to play if I can.
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    New to Exalted? Start here!!!

    I would def. prefer to play a solar!
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    Looking to Play exalted!

    Let me know if you or someone else get something going either way!
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    Looking to Play exalted!

    To be honest, I'm really not sure. I haven't rp that much and have never rp online. I think i'd rather chat though.
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    From Malfeas with Love

    Hello, I haven't played exalted in a while and would love to get into a game! If you are still looking for players I'd love to join.
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    Silver Surfers [Exalted]

    Is this still open? I love exalted but have never played a lunar and would love to try!
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    Looking to Play exalted!

    Hello all, I'm a huge fan of exalted. I still consider myself new to rp in general, but I have played exalted in a pretty long campaign. In all honestly the campaign was pretty brutal as out of a group which started at 5 and ended in about 8 and lasted about a year, I was the only one to have...
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    New to Exalted? Start here!!!

    Hey, sorry I'm completely new to this. I didn't see anything about exalted groups for those who have played exalted before. If there is one I'd like to know!
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    New to Exalted? Start here!!!

    Hello, I was wondering if there is a campaign still going on, or if there is someone out there willing to run an exalted game that I could join. If so great, please let me know!