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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    no, not yet
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    "I prefer to only use what the docters give me...I'm just cautious, you know?" Kat said as she laid back down on the bed.
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    I am so sorry I haven't been on in a while! but I like your character nello! you can be in!
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    @LOVE: Kat: "Thanks, but no thanks...." Kat said as she gave the pills back to Liz.
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    Thats great! thank you so much! She looks really creepy! :)
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    Thank you SOO much! that is a huge help! I just need a few more characters and I think we will be ready to start!
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    I sit in my room just staring at the wall. I can't help it but I am seeing flashbacks of my mother and fathers faces when I had my episode. They were so scared of me...When I was in the car coming here, I could here them talking. My mother said to my father "What did I do to deserve a...
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    NebulaSkies// Do you think you could make a character or two for the bad side (Like Miss. Honey or a nurse or someone like that)? that would be a lot of help! I just love all the characters you come up with!
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Kat left Liz to be alone in her room so she could rest after the tiny episode she had just had. Kat decided that she would go walk around and mabey work on her social skills. As she walked through the halls of Blue Moon, she kept coming back to what Liz had told her. "You never's all...
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    TheJoker: You can join! You are the first boy to enter the story and I love your background! NebulaSkies: I love your story! You can definatly join! Nello: Sure you can join! But first I am going to need to see a character outline and a picture of your character.
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Kat// I looked at Liz in a confused look, but I just shook it off. "You know, you shouldn't cut your self... I am sorry, but one, its wrong, and two, the site of blood sets of my panic disorder and I don't want to have an episode infront of anyone..." Kat said as she got up and went over into...
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Kat// "Mabey if you keep this up, you'll be able to go home sooner than you thought." Kat said as she gave Liz a small smile.
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Kat// I turn around and I put my arms around her and take her back to my room. I lay her down on my bed and hold her hand. "Everything will be okay...just breath.." Kat said looking at her with worried eyes.
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Kat// "what do you mean, what was your reason. I think she just accidently bumped into you." Kat said shyly, not wanting to upset Liz.
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    its really cute! :)
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Kat// I look at this girl with firey red hair for a while. I finally say "hello, My name is Kat. I'm new here. Whats your name?"
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    aww! thats so cute! wait....are you one of the characters on blue moon mental hospital?
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Katll She looks at Liz in bewilderment and says "What outbreaks?"
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    Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled

    I like your story, you can join! I am not sure when i am going to start so just be on the lookout. when i start the story, you will see it in the rp section, not the character sheet section. (if you can add another link to the picture that would be great because i wasn't able to see it using the...
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    Blue Moon Mental Hostipal

    Katll "sure, why not. If I am stuck here for 7 years, I might as well make some friends." Kat said smiling at her new friend.