Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled


New Member
STORY LINE: To the outside world Honey Bee's Home for the Abandoned and Troubled was a paradise. But for those who were inside those prison walls, they knew living on the streets would be much better. This home is ran by non other than Miss. Honey Bee herself. She and her security gurd, and her right hand man walk the street and looks for homeless kids and sweeps them away to the home. Miss. Honey Bee is a monster though. When the someone breaks a rule, She does unimaginable things to the kids there, and this is their story of their life at the horrible Honey Bee's Home.

(I don't want to give to much of the story away so this was really just a sneak peak! I am looking for characters between the ages 10-18. I am also looking for people to be Miss.Bee, the main nurses there, and her right hand man, the gaurd)

for the character sign-up please use this as the outline! (This is my own character)

Name:Mia Cloud



Abandoned,Trobled,or Runaway:Runaway

History:Mia ranaway one year ago when she found out her mother and father were in a car crash. She has been wondering the streets and looking for someone she can relate to. She has always been odd and to herself. She has neve had a real friend. She hopes that one day she will find the person that will be there for her always

Picture of what you look like:


Sure! just fill out a character outline for me! are you doing the blue moon mental hospital rp by any chance?
Name: Quinn Hudson



abandoned,troubled,runaway: runaway

hisotry: Quinn got pregnant in her junior year and had trouble with staying a float with her social status and being pregnant. She is currently 7 months pregnant and her parents have voiced their opinion to many times about how she is a whore. So she runaway and and came here.

Pictire of what I look like: (can't get a pic now) Diana aAgron
Name: Aislinn Pierce

Age: 16

Sex: female

Abandoned,Trobled,or Runaway: abandoned, or more disowned.

History: Aislinn's parents never particularly enjoyed having her around because she never fit their description of a perfect daughter, so when they caught her sneaking in at 4 in the morning smelling like beer and barely able to walk they picked that as the perfect reason to kick her out.

Picture of what I look like:

View attachment 5380
I like your story, you can join! I am not sure when i am going to start so just be on the lookout. when i start the story, you will see it in the rp section, not the character sheet section. (if you can add another link to the picture that would be great because i wasn't able to see it using the link you put.)
@okimouse♥ Yes, yes I am, matter of fact.

Name: Nicole Perry

Age: 17


Abandoned,Trobled,or Runaway: Abandoned

History: Nicole lived an abusive life with her mother and father. Her father had raped and impregnated her last year, making her have a baby girl, Jenna. Her mom kicked her out for deciding to keep the baby.

Picture of what you look like:

Name: Ryan Bernstein

Age: 16

Sex: male

Abandoned,Trobled,or Runaway: Runaway

History: Ryan lived a charmed life. He was popular, got good grades, was good-looking, rich, and athletic. Then, about a month after his sixteenth birthday, his greedy uncle shot and killed his parents. Ryan managed to escape, but was forced to live on the streets. He thinks he is saved when Honey Bee picks him up, but its only the beginning.

Picture of what you look like:

[MENTION=2605]TheJoker[/MENTION]: You can join! You are the first boy to enter the story and I love your background!

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION]: I love your story! You can definatly join!

[MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION]: Sure you can join! But first I am going to need to see a character outline and a picture of your character.
((Aw, thanks :) ))

Nicole roamed the streets, a sleeping baby in her arms. She had no where to go. No where to be. She had no food. No water. Nicole was absolutely hopeless. She sat down in front of a building, slowly waiting for someone to pass by and help.
[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION]// Do you think you could make a character or two for the bad side (Like Miss. Honey or a nurse or someone like that)? that would be a lot of help! I just love all the characters you come up with!
Thank you SOO much! that is a huge help! I just need a few more characters and I think we will be ready to start!
Name: Laura Honeybee

age: 53


abandoned,troubled,runaway: Owner

hisotry: Laura and her parents lived on the street up until she 12. They lived in a small apartment far away from other children. Because of this, she wants children on the street to live the life she did.

Pictire of what I look like: View attachment 5402
Name: Bae Lee



Abandoned,Troubled,or Runaway:Troubled

History: Bae lived with her Good-for-nothing Guardian in a trailer park for most of her life. Her parents died when she was young and left her to stay with her "Uncle" Kenny, a binging Alcoholic. A few weeks ago, "Uncle" Kenny got so wasted that he passed out with the Kerosene Heater turned sideways. He blew up the trailer and killed himself in the process. Thankfully Bae was out playing guitar at a nightclub when it happened, or she'd be dead. With nothing but her guitar and her backpack, she's been living behind the Soup Kitchen for a while. She finally thought she caught a brake when she came by Mis. Honey Bee's place....She was sooo wrong.

Picture of what you look like:

View attachment 5430

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