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  1. The Dragon Beyond

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    Don't worry about it. I'll try and have a backstory written up by late tonight, and I'll just change anything that can't work within the rules once you have them. As I thought about this character more, I've moved away from it enslaving its wielder - I like the idea that it hires merceneries...
  2. The Dragon Beyond

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    Still waiting for these - I don't want to write something into my backstory that doesn't make sense with what rules I'll work in. If you don't have them up by tomarrow, I will just go ahead and write a backstory, and we can work backwords, so it's no big deal either way.
  3. The Dragon Beyond

    Mutants & Masterminds - Superfolk

    If you pay attention, you can figure out what all the caps are - they will either say "and this is capped at PL+X" or not - and if not, it isn't ever capped.
  4. The Dragon Beyond

    Mutants & Masterminds - Superfolk

    Eh, some things explicitly go over that - Immunity and Regeneration, are two promantent examples, but their are others.
  5. The Dragon Beyond

    Mutants & Masterminds - Superfolk

    I'm going to be a magic item using character myself, so I HOPE magic exists :D ! I've got the mechanics, I believe, I just need to work out the fluff.
  6. The Dragon Beyond

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    Sounds cool. Could you point me towards where I would go to familarize myself with the rules?
  7. The Dragon Beyond

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    A crafted intellect rather then a imprioned soul, and I would go with halting the aging process - I'm amoral in part because I don't truely understand all it's nusences and subtlties, but I'm not so sadistic as to enslave my weilder beyond even the grave.
  8. The Dragon Beyond

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    I like the idea of a Cursed Sovnya which will promise to aid one in a single task, in return for bowing ones head to a life of servitude there after. Would that work?
  9. The Dragon Beyond

    Superheroes (interest)

    I would actually go with Khantalas idea of no Character Limits - Let everyone make what they want. It is however somewhat harder on the gm. :)
  10. The Dragon Beyond

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    So for intelligent weapon's, how does that work? Do you enslave your weilder? Do you go flying around?
  11. The Dragon Beyond

    Superheroes (interest)

    Eh, I was in a short lived game where everyone was built on 150 points, but at PL 8 with 2 points of 'free' tradeup (that couldn't be broken up), and max trade of everything togehter capped at 5 - It made it so everyone had something where they were exeptional yet still had weaknesses. Another...
  12. The Dragon Beyond

    Superheroes (interest)

    OK, so no one wants to step into the ring and make a suggestion, so how about a game set slightly after WWII, where the war ended up dragging on for a decade longer after the Nazi's unveiled their ubermensch. The allies fell back for several years before striking back with recovered magics of...
  13. The Dragon Beyond

    Superheroes (interest)

    Well, what kinds of heroes does everyone want to play? People with subtle, long term powers? Physical powerhouses? Focused gimick heroes, or broadly compete champions who could one day join this worlds equivilent of the Justice League? Some of these decisions effect the power level the game...
  14. The Dragon Beyond

    Superheroes (interest)

    No big - one is an offical MnM setting, the other is a third party setting for both MnM and Heroes, but I was mostly throwing them out as examples of well defined super-hero world that are both permissive, and would help focus players by being resonablly well defined. One thing I've noticed is...
  15. The Dragon Beyond

    Superheroes (interest)

    Abbarent would be nice - I've never acctually had a chance to play it. If you want to go mnm, could I suggest either the Paragon Campaign setting, or the Gestalt setting - they both have an element of things look one way on the surface, but there are deep truths.
  16. The Dragon Beyond

    Uncivilized Providence - An Exalted Sci-Fi Game.

    Hmm, this sounds awsome. Give me a day to whip something togather and see if it works for you.
  17. The Dragon Beyond

    We need another Infernal game...

    That's Sidereal, not Infernal!
  18. The Dragon Beyond

    We need another Infernal game...

    Bah, what weaksauce Infernal would go for that soundtrack...
  19. The Dragon Beyond

    Fur-xalted (please kill me for coming up with this)

    So the GM complains about the other players to one player, rather then tell each potental player what he wants changed, after leaving us hanging for quite some time? I'm gone.
  20. The Dragon Beyond

    Fur-xalted (please kill me for coming up with this)

    So in theory, you're going to select players now?