The Darkening - Fresh Recruits


Dialectical Hermeticist
The world is ending.

Far in the south, the Outer Dark bleeds into the world. The Black Princes stalk the jungles in stolen bodies and their power warps the land and life. The Vampires, Skinshifters, and mortals of Lama have banded together with support from the citizen-soldiers, battlefield Necromancers, and Pyrokinetic Comissariat of distant H'kaer.

But that is not our story, though their struggle defines the world.

Far north of the conflict, magical airships ply the airways. Sorceor-kings rule from their stormspires. The Changelings of Sylana, the Living Forest, devour the flesh of mortal interlopers. The Dead Regiments struggle to contain the Rakh-virus and its Ghoulish carriers in the Curselands. Shaydensea, a foggy expanse of distorted gravity, provides safe haven to cutthroats and pirates. Still further north, the mega-city of Hrothgard spreads across the landscape spewing smoke and steam skyward under the piston-driven fist of the Engineer's Guild. And further still, in the icy realm of Trollhaven, Frost Behemoths wing majestically through the eternally wintry skies, their mournful song echoing the prayers of Troll priests.

Enter Captain Anton Djuke of the airship Spitfire, scion of a Demonic lineage, his loyal crew, and his passengers...

So, lost a few players for this game, which is a shame. I fully intend to go ahead, and if more people would like to join, that would be great. One caveat; this is not Exalted, but Crucible. I will be running an Exalted campaign, but not for a little while yet.

Characters are incredibly open, feel free to look at the game to get an idea of the sheer scope -

Humans, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, Changelings, Murklyres, Treekin, Rattus, Infernal Scions, Mutants, Awakened Constructs, and if anyone is interested, a sentient weapon are all possible.

Not to mention the subdivisions into Inquisitors, Magi, Phayder, Monks, Engineers, Alchemists, Airship Captains, and probably other things that I am forgetting.

I'm struggling to condense the bulk of content into one post, but does anyone like what they hear so far?
So for intelligent weapon's' date=' how does that work? Do you enslave your weilder? Do you go flying around?[/quote']
You can enslave your wielder, or work in tandem with another player, or with an NPC. Depending, of course, on the type of magical weapon.
I like the idea of a Cursed Sovnya which will promise to aid one in a single task, in return for bowing ones head to a life of servitude there after.

Would that work?
Sovnya... sovnya... that's a Russian polearm, correct? Rather marvellous weapon on the theme of the glaive?

I love the idea. I can see precisely how it could work, mechanically. Perhaps better to place you in the hands of an NPC, but we'll see how it goes.

Hm, as for the forging... Necromancy or Heartweaving are definately required, perhaps Chronomancy...

I suppose the question is, would you prefer to be a genuinely sapient weapon, or a soul imprisoned therein? Would you prefer to condemn your wielder to millennia of undeath in your service, or halt their aging process in time?
A crafted intellect rather then a imprioned soul, and I would go with halting the aging process - I'm amoral in part because I don't truely understand all it's nusences and subtlties, but I'm not so sadistic as to enslave my weilder beyond even the grave.
That makes sense. So, lessee, standard Guardian forging, Heartwright mindspinning, and a Chronomantic enchantment. I can add you to the game, so you can read over the info and get a feel for the setting before I pass on your chargen details.
It should be possible to download the rulebook in the board. I'll add you now.
So yea. I shouldn't but I will.

Interest in a big, stupidly cunning, happily bloodthirsty Troll with a ridiculously huge Bardiche and a penchant for tiny hats and strong drink.

Vaguely Russian, he carries a monkey around on his shoulder because, as he likes to put it "It is better than having the monkey on my back, Ya? YOU DRINK WITH ME NOW!"

If this is acceptable?
Sounds good. Although, for the record, Trolls are normally big, contemplative, priestly types who serve as the religious leaders of their society (Orcs and Goblins being sterile offspring of Trolls and the other parts of the caste system).

A boozy warrior Troll would also make for funtimes.

I can add you to the board if you'd like the rulebook.

Although I think there's a download in one another thread here... Let me check.
*imagines a game where the whole party are sentient weapons*

*Imagines game with nothing but trolls*

*Imagines troll debate*

Troll 1: YES!

Troll 2: NO!

Troll 1: YES!

Troll 2: NO!

Troll 1: YES!

Troll 2: NO!

Troll 1: REALLY!?

Troll 2: YES!

Troll 1: Oh, O.k. then.
Ah, what the hell, I'm in.

Sentient weapon is fascinating, but if you'd rather limit those numbers then Infernal Scion has a certain ring to it. Maybe some poor sap who made one too many deals with the demons (i.e. more than 0), bound to servitude and probably eternal damnation, and sent out to [setting] to be a jerk for his master's own inscrutable purposes.
Oh, the Infernal Scions are different in this. Think of them as Realm Dragon-Blooded, except with Demon blood running in their veins.
Grey said:
That makes sense. So, lessee, standard Guardian forging, Heartwright mindspinning, and a Chronomantic enchantment. I can add you to the game, so you can read over the info and get a feel for the setting before I pass on your chargen details.
Still waiting for these - I don't want to write something into my backstory that doesn't make sense with what rules I'll work in.

If you don't have them up by tomarrow, I will just go ahead and write a backstory, and we can work backwords, so it's no big deal either way.
Aw man, step away from the internet for a few days and someone suggests an awesome concept while you're not looking!

This sounds like some good fun. Are there still slots open? I don't know the setting exactly, but I'm pretty quick on the draw. :D
The setting is a bit like Warhammer Fantasy, but without the sparkly cheer and brotherly love.
Ah, sounds fun then! That doesn't the answer of whether or not there is room left. Is it a home brewed game, or does it work on a system? And, for that matter, what is the system (if it IS a system) and can I access it on the interwebz?
I, too, wonder if slots are still available. The game looks like fun. Also, do you need to be a member of the group to download the pdf? I tried and it said the pdf was private.
Ah, wait, I released a more recent PDF and made the old one private to avoid confusion - new link shortly.

Plenty, plenty of space open.

Sorry for the delay, Dragon - I've been very busy.
Grey said:
Sorry for the delay, Dragon - I've been very busy.
Don't worry about it. I'll try and have a backstory written up by late tonight, and I'll just change anything that can't work within the rules once you have them.

As I thought about this character more, I've moved away from it enslaving its wielder - I like the idea that it hires merceneries to carry it around, perhaps out of pride. It was 'born' in debt, having to serve its maker, so it likes buying the services of others, because it show how it has advanced, has left behinds it's past as a empty tool of war.
Groovy. I'm thinking of doing something like a Face - a con man, front man, someone who can...facilitate the acquisition of material and resources. I have no idea if there is a race that caters to that sort of thing. Hence the desire to read the rules. I look forward to the link.

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