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  1. W

    Looking for 4-6 Players for Exalted 2.5

    I'm quite interested - if you're still looking for players I've PM'd you as well, with a link to a ready charsheet
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Bakar throws the briefest of glance at the newcomer, then looking back to Ava: "One of yours I presume?"
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    And I'm back! Bakar's guards give a brief glance to the newcomer before returning to their thousand yard glare that seems to target the lot of you - and none of you - at the same time
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    And thus - I must inform you all: I am leaving for a wee bit of easter holiday vacation funtime I shall be fully back the 20th So... ya However, at that point I want some serious responses to Bakar's proposal of a tour of the city and surrounding lands. Is there something you want to see...
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    And it looks like the locals are buying RE's disguise... let the good times roll
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Just because an NPC doesn't find your antics amusing doesn't mean the rest wont... though considering that you're all in what's basically a feudal-tier not-african kingdom, then seeing a stiff upper lip british butler... ya (Still, this is exalted... so rule of cool trumps logic here, and...
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Freeman strains to avoid facepalming... his essence scanner, hidden under his hood, quickly revealing to him that this servant has the same essence signature as Burning Lion and Ruby Eyes - so it must be Ruby Eyes
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Bakar nods to Mari: "I have no intentions of showing you meaningless hovels. Ozmea is an oasis here in the southern dune sea, at the root of the Falucan river - and the Silver Coyote labors to protect his lands and the people he lords over. I would show you and your entourage how he does so...
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Bakar smiles ever so slightly: "I see. Now, you say you and your entourage is here to inspect these lands? I shall call for an escort and horses - you do know what horses are, right?"
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Such is life. Bakar's stony face into a sharp frown: "You claim to live underground, yet know nothing of mountain folk... what are you" he says, with a decidedly suspicious tone.
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    ((You rolled more 1s than sucs - that's how I've done crit fails. Should have mentioned that much earlier... it makes rolling tons of dice just that more interesting)) Freeman has no clue what mountain folk are - the tome of the great maker might have mentioned other people loyal to the Great...
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    That's a crit fail if there ever was any. Ava looks rather perplexed and dumbfounded... having no clue what the man is talking about (then again, the idea of mountains... or even most geographic concepts in Creation, are quite alien to Autochtonians) - suffice to say, this does not impress Bakar
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Bakar's face becomes wrinkled, as he briefly closes his eyes to think. As his still quite serious gaze returns to Ava, he inquries: "Are you mountain folk?"
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    That's not what Bakar heard... "You have been held in isolation... and escaped? Were you held prisoner?" Bakar inquires.
  16. W

    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    "Forgive me for not being impressed by your stating the obvious. Your work title was part of the name you introduced yourself with. Equally, you have yet to answer where you and your fellow metal people are from. I am fairly well versed with the tribes, kingdoms and other holds of the direction...
  17. W

    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Fuck, I was about to go grocery shopping. Anywho - the red-robed man, still with a face that might as well have been cast in steel, remains unfazed: "I do not know where you are from, but in Ozmea and most other countries in creation it is considered customary, if not at the very least polite...
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    Freeman, similarly to Burning Lion, remainds silent but does not bow his head - instead attempting to simply remain quiet and alert. The crimson-robed man shakes his head. He utters one word, spoken coldly, which is follewed by the sound of feet stomping and spears clattering: "Iron"...
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    ((waiting for the others to get a word in edge-wise - even Burning Lion is close enough to say something if he so wishes))
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    Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

    The strange procession of metal maiden, cloaked but unhooded metal maiden, cloaked and hooded figure - followed by another cloaked and hooded figure - barge in through the palace gates. Inside, in the immediate lobby, a multitude of officials, clerks and guards stop and look as whatever flung...