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  1. S

    Keychain #323-328

    I wonder if that means we're going to see Eschalach at some point, then? That should be interesting. Though I guess since they're leaving the North behind the chance of that is low.
  2. S

    Keychain #323-328

    I don't think that's Mew Cai. They are not in that manse, after all. It looks like a different dragon, to me. Some kind of elemental?
  3. S

    Keychain #323-328

    But you have to be stylish (or at least stunt well enough to have good mote recovery) to pull it off. So that's okay.
  4. S

    Keychain #323-328

    Nice to see us getting back to the main storyline and finally going to the Isle. Must say I didn't see the secret tunnel coming though (I was kind of looking forward to seeing them trying to sneak in by ship). Edit: Huh. So its the traditional Chinese destructive Cycle except with Metal...
  5. S

    Keychain #317-322

    Actually, I think you have a point. When he was a stick figure Ten's clothes looked fine on him, but now they looks weirdly small.
  6. S

    Keychain #317-322

    Hey, Misho looks good! Could have done with a longer page, but still, he looks much better than Ten (still something off with him, and I can't figure out what...)
  7. S

    Keychain #317-322

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! ...ahem. In all seriousness, I like the new art style, though it will take some getting used to. And I agree that Ten's arms I think the problem lies in his shoulders. They're too rounded, or something. I'm not an artist, though, so I can't...
  8. S

    Social Combat Fix Idea

    Uh... yeah. What IanPrice said.
  9. S

    Social Combat Fix Idea

    Unnatural mental influence is plenty social threat to the PCs. The current system means it is easy to ignore natural mental influence. Keep in mind what high Willpower (which every Exalt is going to have) means. It means your character is stubborn as all hell and rarely strays from his chosen...
  10. S

    Social Combat Fix Idea

    I feel like playing Devil's Advocate a bit here, so let me defend the current system. This is true, and intentional. The ST should not have the NPC's spend Willpower unless there is a very good reason. The "spend Willpower to ignore" rule exists to give players an easy out. Any replacement...
  11. S

    So... you got the mandate of heaven...

    Except that there are aspects of the Exaltations that even the greatest of the gods cannot interfere with. The Exaltations are, by design, impossible for the gods to tamper with (at least while they are inside their hosts). The gods cannot command the Exalted. If they could, then the Exalted...
  12. S

    Keychain #311-316

    Hey look, I was right! I think.
  13. S

    So... you got the mandate of heaven...

    Those are Charms. Charms cannot be revoked. They're an intrinsic aspect of the Exaltation. The Mandate of heaven is a separate, external thing the UCS gave the Solars in addition to their innate abilities. I don't think of it as an extra magical compulsion. Rather, I see the Mandate of Heaven...
  14. S

    Keychain #311-316

    Perhaps there's some rule that if the Unconquered Sun's name is the last thing you hear (or if you know it when you pass into the Lethe, or something), then your next life will be a happy one? You know, like that treaty the Deliberative used to have with the Bureau of Destiny (by the way, would...
  15. S

    Mechanically, how does Ben's guitar work?

    Shot answer: Custom Charms. Details unknown. Long Answer: Did Ben ever use sound based attacks? I mostly recall him wielding his guitar like a club while doing fancy things with the strings, but he never attacked with music directly. He uses custom charms to channel his Resonance into hurting...
  16. S

    So... you got the mandate of heaven...

    It is implied, not least in the text of the spell Hidden Judges Of The Secret Flame it the White Treatise, that the Solar's lost the Mandate of Heaven when the UCS turned his face away from them in disgust at their excesses. Specifically, it says that disobeying an Exalt is no longer a crime...
  17. S

    Keychain #311-316

    Yes, sir! [deep breath] D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
  18. S

    Keychain #311-316

    Possibly just at the general tendency of redemption seeking Abyssals.
  19. S

    Keychain #306-310

    Actually, I found out where I heard it. Its in the Storyteller's Companion that Abyssals are aware of the possibility of redemption.
  20. S

    Combo timing question

    Hmmm.. I'm not sure I agree. One of the main benefits of combos is the ability to use reflexives with a simple charm, and with cyl's ruling you get this benefit for two actions (5 ticks) for the price of only one willpower instead of two. I would rule that until your first/next action you can...