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  1. GraySky

    What region do you base your games in (and why)?

    I really like the south. Something about the potential mysteries concealed within it's unending dunes enchants me.
  2. GraySky

    Artifact -- what's fair?

    And what happens if the attunement lapses?
  3. GraySky

    Game Finder

    Don't suppose anyone's running a game in San Diego, CA?
  4. GraySky

    How does one use Socialize effectively?

    Okay, that's the thing that I'm really wondering about. Wouldn't haggling fall under social combat, and if not, would you resolve the dispute with an opposed roll or something?
  5. GraySky

    How does one use Socialize effectively?

    I mean, besides being used in stealth for social combat, what out-of social combat applications does it have that aren't better accomplished with just roleplaying? Also, how do you use Bureaucracy for bribing officials and buying/selling goods? It seems like social combat would be used to...
  6. GraySky

    Familiar question

    Hm. That actually does sound perfect. Thanks. :D
  7. GraySky

    Familiar question

    That's not a bad idea, but how exactly are creatures of the wyld able to keep their shape in Yu-Shan and Creation?
  8. GraySky

    Familiar question

    So I'm starting a new campaign and one of my players is playing a sidereal on a sabbatical from Yu-Shan (it's a mixed exalt type game.) He spent five dots in familiar, and asked for something along the lines of "a small, invisible flying creature with the ability to pick almost any mundane...
  9. GraySky

    So what's the fluff with those panda people?

    Thanks for the help.
  10. GraySky

    So what's the fluff with those panda people?

    I'm pretty sure they're from the south and are often enslaved, but beyond that, I have no idea.
  11. GraySky

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    I don't know why, but for some reason I really like dragon bloods.
  12. GraySky

    New to the forum, looking for a game.

    Cool, I'll get right on it.
  13. GraySky

    New to the forum, looking for a game.

    So uh... how do I go about joining that game?
  14. GraySky

    New to the forum, looking for a game.

    I'd be interested in playing that. What's it called?
  15. GraySky


    Hello. I'm pretty happy to see an exalted roleplaying forum out there. Whenever I try STing I always make a fool of myself, and no one else who I know cares enough to learn the rules and ST, so I turned to the internet. I look forward to playing with you all.
  16. GraySky

    New to the forum, looking for a game.

    Any type of setting will do, including heroic mortal games.
  17. GraySky

    Duel Wielding Help

    Thanks a bunch, everyone.
  18. GraySky

    Duel Wielding Help

    Okay, so I know that using your off hand imposes a one die penalty, but what benefits do you get from using a weapon in both hands? Does the rate stack, or what?