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  1. T

    KoC 146-150

    An Alchemical Protocol (Spell), page 157 in the Autochthonians. The book puts it best: "The weaver weaves a chrysalis of Essence around himself and undergoes a spectacular high-speed metamorphosis, transforming himself from a synthesized being to a living, breathing nightmare creature...
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    KoC 146-150

    Uh, so it's not intentional that her assumtion of this form sounds similar to the Procedure "Incarnation of Bestial Malice"?
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    Questions for the Fair Folk

    Question(s) (For Nova): What nation in Autochthonia were you part of? Which of the Five Magnificent Sodalities of Penultimate Truth and Intransigent Gospel were you a member of? (Since you obliquely refer to it) What's your opinion of the Locust Crusade? Do you have Thousandfold Courtesan...
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    Good, because that's what he was. His lense (as well as giving him Awareness and Perception 7) allowed him to sense everything happening in the west, shine a beam of light to help ships see where to go... and also fire a powerful laser beam.
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    He's not actually stated as being either a behemoth or an automaton. Hmmm.. he could be either. I missunderstood him as being created by some pre-first age race, when he's just said to have served and honoured them.
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    On the subject of Oliphem, is it possible the race who created him was the same one which is now Autochthonian Soulsteel? Both races made technological marvels, both were devoured in the time of the Primordials. I mean, it's not like it matters much now, unless you make him a new eye out of...