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  1. I

    Custom Martial Arts Charms

    What should be changed in these? Solar Styles Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon and Phlegon 4 horses of the chariot. All styles allow use of light armor only Phyrios Style: Focuses on disarming opponent and rendering him immobile Form Weapons: Fighting Chain + whip 1. Cost: 3m; Mins:  Martial...
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    How do you make maps?

    I use a mapping software called Dunjunni right now. Before that I just used plain old graphing paper and a trusty pencil, with a good eraser.
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    New Martial Art Styles

    I have updated all the charms with some stats and flavor text. I wasn't sure on these stats at all so please give your opinion on what the appropriate stats would be. Solar Styles Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon and Phlegon 4 horses of the chariot. All styles allow use of light armor only Phyrios...
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    When Castles Fly

    If there is a manse wouldn't one attuned to Air be more than capable of retaining a connection to creation?
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    New Martial Art Styles

    I have some preliminary ideas for some custom martial arts styles. Let me know what you think...please. Its my first attempt, but don't hold back. Phyrios Style: Focuses on disarming opponent and rendering him immobile Form Weapons: Fighting Chain + whip 1. Suffer no external penalties for...
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    [2e] Essence 4 PC

    Thanks..I was just assuming he was trying to make a powerhouse character or something. But from what I've read and your comments here I know that if he is trying this its a most likely a foolhardy choice. Thanks to all who answered.
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    [2e] Essence 4 PC

    I'm a new story teller and one of my PCs just made a solar exalt character with 4 essence. How powerful is this PC going to be? I want to present a challenge to them so I was wondering what the best way to do that for this character.
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    Custom Setting Ideas

    Thanks for the feedback but my players don't want to buy new books so we're going to stick with exalted for the time being. If anyone is interested in the full documents you can download them from this site: ...
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    Thank you but I have a follow up question: What is a clinch enhancer and how do they work?
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    I've been looking through the books and I keep seeing mentions of a term clinch. What is this and how does it work?
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    Dragonblooded Aging?

    I read somewhere(i think the DB handbook) that the maximum age of a Dragon Blooded Exalted was about 3 centuries, but I have seen several accounts of DBs much older than that. Would someone please clarify this for me.
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    Custom Setting Ideas

    Well since helms were very important in actual ancient reece I wanted something to make them important in Exalted Greece as well. I guess rules wise it would be like having extra personal Essence but only for that single charm. The martial arts forms I am talking about are the martial arts...
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    Custom Setting Ideas

    Changes from vanilla I have made: Gods were changed to reflect the Greek Pantheon -The Vanilla Underworld is now Tartarus. -There are a few sets of gods. -Primordeals are now represented by Titans and the Greek Primordials. THe Promordeals Exalted are still the chosen ones of the...
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    Custom Setting Ideas

    I have an idea for an Exalted campaign set in ancient Greece. I also need some people to critique my idea. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
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    Unsure where to post

    Well OK then thanks a bunch.
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    Unsure where to post

    I have an idea for an Exalted game in a different setting and I would like someone else to review it for me. I'm just not sure where I would post something like that in these forums. Could someone point me in the right direction?