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  1. T

    Views of Creation

    Yeah, well you know there isn't any wyld around that. It turns raksha into deep gnomes with slightly more benign drow masters. Anyhow, I thought someone might respond with some epicness from their own game or imagination, not ... this. Nevermind. Maybe it is less interesting than I thought.
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    Views of Creation

    Well, if you were in the actual 5-metal shrike you could use it's aegis and proceed up more slowly. Now I suppose someone could argue that an effect that turns off your airship isn't actually damage, and thus isn't guarded against by the aegis, but considering that it was made in the First Age...
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    Views of Creation

    Okay, I believe that the Imperial Mountain is visible from just about everywhere on the Blessed Isle, weather permitting. Now the mountain itself is really high, if not the highest thing. Say I climb it, because I'm an exalt and I need something heroic to do on my vacation. I get past gods and...
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    I just saw Sweeney Todd

    Well then, you've got nuthin on me.
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    I just saw Sweeney Todd

    Not necessary, good sir. :) Actually, I meant to mention that Filth is the perfect setting for the musical, and I believe that something in 1st edition mentioned "The Butcher," some kind of serial killer around there. He seems more a Jack the Ripper type, but could be changed to the story of...
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    Craft (simplified)

    Okay, so I think it's widely acknowledged that craft is a huge xp hole, to the extent that it is much more expensive to play as an accomplished engineer than as a master ninja - realistic? Maybe. Worth it in play? Hardly. As I see it there are plenty of limits in place to stop a character from...
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    Night Caste Anima

    I pick b from the original post. I think its best to remember that the night are in many ways odd men out. Sun worshippers attuned to the night. What we can say for certain is that if they spend the motes out of peripheral and apply no other effect than they have their stealthy anima ability...
  8. T

    I just saw Sweeney Todd

    That you can swap references to London for Nexus, and Peru for Meru and you get a musical that could be playing in Creation. Sorta. Unless it is relevant to the setting of exalted though, right? :wink: I've met some people from Vermont... :roll:
  9. T

    I just saw Sweeney Todd

    There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, and the vermin of the world  inhabit it, and it's morals aren't worth what a pig could spit and it goes by the name of Nexus. At the top of the hole sit a priveleged few, making mockery of the vermin in the lower zoo, turning...
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    When the Unconquered Sun turned his face from his chosen he went away to think. He desired privacy, and so he went to the far, far North. He thought about the betrayal he had experienced, and it hurt him. He had not anticipated it, the betrayal or the pain it caused. He hadn’t tried to...
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    Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

    It's the inevitable giggling at Uranus that guarantees I'll never even try her in my game. Adding to the potential gigglefits is the fact that Uranus is the butch cross dresser from sailor moon. At the risk of being boring, I'm 'gonna point out that my intent was never to come up with an...
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    Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

    :D   Thanks again. I like her better now.
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    Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

    I'm not arguing, I just want to point out that as written, Neptune already has done more than any canon incarna in the last 1500 years. Lots of gods have been doing one thing since the usurpation, they work on the arbitrary time scale of plot. Everything you say about noticing Luna's fickle...
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    Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

    Thanks Jukashi, that's what I was going for.   :D
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    Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

    First, thanks.   :) Second, I agree with what you're saying about the wyld being better to examine in the west. I conceived of Neptune originally as an emisarry explanation, and then that became a side note as I worked on her. If I wanted to leave out the emisarry bit I'd move her. Where...
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    Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

    Yes, I posted this on the WW forum and it sank with out remark, I'm just hoping for some kind of feedback from people I don't give xp to. Please. Pluto: The sixth maiden - Maiden of That Which Comes After - There was once a maiden whose purview was the strands of fate that had been cut by...
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    Republic of Chaya

    In my game they were a first age experiment into the nature of the great curse. It was fairly secret, and not much at all was known about the curse, but the fact that to get even close to (what in my game is like) a terrestrial limit break the creator of the trees had to incorporate some exotic...
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    Exalted S

    I'm pretty sure the first canon usage was the description of Lytek in the sidereal book. But yeah, also the main book now.
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    Terrestrial God Replacements

    As it turned out, they didn't kill the god, they just narced on him to his superior. His superior chastised and imprisoned the corrupt god, then demanded the PC's visit his party sanctum before calibration. Now they can deal with his corruption.
  20. T

    guard action with a counter attack charm

    Dude, I said the rules say nothing about your action getting interrupted, then I backed it up with some brief but fair reasoning. You're snarky. I get it. What else do you want?