
Junior Member
Prolly been discussed before, but doyou all think GET permanantly Kills ghosts [as it would imply by the title!] and/or Deathlords?

I really dont like the idea of deathlords being these eternal beings that most likely cant be killed...
Ghosts are spirits. If a charm kills spirits, there is no reason it cannot destroy them. Killing a ghost with Soulsteel weapons also sends them into Oblivion. Whether you want killing Deathlords to be as easy as using charms that permanently destroy spirits to be enough to destroy them is something for you to decide as a Storyteller. Similarly with Soulsteel weapons. Deathlords are ghosts, but they are also something more. Whether you want them to require special means to be destroyed or not is up to you. It has been suggested that they might require such, or something like being thrown into the Well of the Void. It has also been suggested that they might have secret weaknesses, though this may just be a lie put together by the Gods of Great Forks that was enough to trick the Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral and a Robe of Black Feathers.

Just remember that a Deathlord is an extremely powerful being of considerable age. No matter how you allow them to be destroyed it should be EXTREMELY difficult. A Circle, Pack, or Sworn Brotherhood, or mixed groups of some sort seeking to do so should have their work cut out for them. Many of the Deathlords have relativelly large military forces, and are ancient geniuses. All are practicioners of the Void Circle of Necromancy. Most have some Abyssals in their service, as well as other beings of power at their disposal. Defeating a Deathlord should take intelligence, creativity, power, cunning, and likely significant allies. Whether this be allying with Lookshy and the Marukani against Mask of Winters or one or more of the western island nations against the Bodhisatva Anouinted with Dark Water, especially when going against those with significant military force allies are...useful. If going against a Deathlord without such forces, such as the Dowager of the Irreverant Vulgate in Unrent Veils, they likely have other tricks at their disposal. She herself has the Well of Udr, and whatever horrors she can pull out of it. Her last major one was the Contagion...what comes next may be something worse.
Going with the 1e Autocthon book, one possible senario the authors list is that the Lover Clad in Rainament of Tears gets ahold of the Eye of Autocthon, and uses it to poke her finger in the eye of First and Forsaken LIon.  The Eye destroys the shadowland they are in, and the book mentions that during the Lover's travels to find another shadowland to return to the UNderworld, she is now vulnerable to final death (Oops, using a Vampire term).  

It is mentioned that if you destroy a Deathlord in Creation, they will reform in the Underworld unless you do something extraordinary to prevent it.  There are things that will permanently destroy a DL, but those are kept secret for obvious reasons.
There could probably be some super-uber-ultra weapons that could destroy any Deathlord permenantly if you felt like creating them, such as a hollow arrow filled with the tears of the Unconquered Sun or something.
Good luck getting that big boy to cry - something makes me doubt you could pry him away from the GoD to sit him down on the couch and have him watch Steel Magnolias.

but yeah =) neat idea
Might be easier to ask... "Dad, could we borrow your divine spear?"

And after reading that I know that could be thought of in many different ways...but I intended it as a tongue in cheek sense-of-humor.

Hmmm, this isn't making it any better. LOL
*uncomfortable chuckle* heh yeah... I think I like the tears idea better than the... err other thing
Jukashi said:
There could probably be some super-uber-ultra weapons that could destroy any Deathlord permenantly if you felt like creating them, such as a hollow arrow filled with the tears of the Unconquered Sun or something.
When the Unconquered Sun turned his face from his chosen he went away to think. He desired privacy, and so he went to the far, far North. He thought about the betrayal he had experienced, and it hurt him. He had not anticipated it, the betrayal or the pain it caused. He hadn’t tried to anticipate it, so this was not a knock at his perfection. But…

They were his chosen. Had he failed? Had he somehow bent effort to something and failed to achieve perfection?

Well, they had achieved their goals completely. The Primordials were dead or imprisoned. Except, for the two of course… Of course! They had stayed his chosen’s hands. The Yozi’s had been spared. He had allowed compromise into one of his plans. Perhaps it was accidental, but clearly he had better keep an eye on those two. Where was Autobot anyway?

Meanwhile, before he was done shifting away responsibility, the Unconquered Sun wept Perfect Golden Tears. They sizzled away at a glacier and into it’s bedrock, not stopping until their perfection had been greatly diluted by pure, crisp, refreshing glacial water. The result is a bubbling, golden lake surrounded by snow and glacier, called the Sun King’s Lament, or something like it. It is still hot enough to cook eggs (or exalts) and water taken from it remains just barely sub-boiling. An alchemy 1 procedure, or a stunt, can distill it into it’s purest form. To properly store the resulting tears of the sun requires a vessel of magical materials or an alchemical 2 process to treat something to specifically hold them.

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