Looking for ideas, criticism- NewMaiden's

The Matt

New Member
Yes, I posted this on the WW forum and it sank with out remark, I'm just hoping for some kind of feedback from people I don't give xp to. Please.

Pluto: The sixth maiden - Maiden of That Which Comes After - There was once a maiden whose purview was the strands of fate that had been cut by Saturn. She took them unto herself, weaving them into her robe, tying them into her hair and mending tears in the loom with them. Some, with minor alteration, were simply handed back to another maiden. The pieces she cut from them were used to properly tie up loose ends – their families mourned and moved on, their spirits wended their way promptly into Lethe. An ended city’s destiny could find its strand tied up into the fates of its refugees, into various scholarly books, or perhaps, woven back into the loom at a later date, after mending.

When the first Primordial was killed, the sheer magnitude of the event threatened to drag all of creation into oblivion after it. Saturn cut every thread of the loom free and handed them to her sister – who, rather than hurling them into oblivion, disobeyed her own Nature and carefully re-anchored them to the loom. This breach of function was her own end – she fell from the sky as an enormous meteor, through creation into the newly congealed underworld. The fragments that splintered off of her were sufficient for the Dragon Kings to construct their orrery in Rathess. The rest eventually became the calendar of Setesh.

Her 20 chosen’s exaltations sit in a shadowy corner of Lytek’s cabinet; their purview has been largely absorbed by other chosen; they are mere curiosities for now. Jupiter moved quickly to have her sisters take over Pluto’s responsibilities. Lest the world know that the incarna can die, she has seen to it that no one learns what happened. Lytek certainly knows, and there are certainly documents that might speak of it in forgotten corners of Yu-Shan. The Yozi’s are sworn to not speak of it, but there may be dark God’s who have escaped the purge.

Obviously, in my game the calendar is mostly starmetal, with some soulsteel alloyed in. If a group were to manage to get a hold of them and through some epic (mumble-mumble) put her back together then the underworld would be completely part of the loom, as would its inhabitants.

Neptune: The Newest Maiden – The Maiden of the Depths that Rise – However she came by it, it is given to Luna to control the Wyld.  Her phases govern its ebb and flow, and unlike the tide there are no lesser gods to assist or countermand her in these duties. Certainly her chosen have some influence upon it, but they are generally more concerned with its creation side than the other. So it was that Luna gave birth to (or fathered upon someone, that is unclear) Neptune, who was to be to the wyld what Saturn is to Endings.

Born instead of made, she is by nature less than the other maiden’s (who are technically her aunts, not her sisters.) and has required training. In the First age she trailed Luna and some of its servants, picking up what she could. She followed solars as they made their way into and through the wyld and observed sidereal planning sessions to learn what destiny is and how it is made. That an incarna should need training was deemed sensitive, so she early on learned to disguise herself very well. Although all-encompassing sorcerer’s sight and essence-sight would reveal her as a tremendously powerful essence 8 goddess, anyone with such ability must spend 8 temporary willpower to not subconsciously skip past her with such sight, as a result of charms she uses.

In the shogunate she wandered through all the new wyld zones and areas that had fully fallen into the marches. She spent several mortal life spans watching various first age cities be devoured by the wyld. When the fae attacked after the contagion, she followed them in.

She did not save creation. One could ask why she didn’t; as she certainly was uniquely situated to have done so single handedly. But she was still training, and no one had told her to. So she watched, and learned more. Eventually she settled in the wyld zone in Firewander, and made it her own. She’s tinkering now, until someone tells her to do differently. Technically, she’s still training until one of the incarna tells her otherwise or until the age turns over. She acts as the emissary because it keeps the city from being run by anyone who would take away her wyld zone – It’s also good practice for co-locating. The Council of Entities doesn’t know what she is, but she has never let them down. Even they disappear if they investigate her too much, so they’ve stopped trying. At this point all of this training and being the emissary is mostly out of habit, and she is growing bored of it.

Neptune remains essence 8 until she takes up her duties in Yu-Shan, whereupon she will be even more powerful. Eventually she intends to completely divide the wyld from creation - which might make creation round and would certainly have unforeseen consequences.

Her problem is that she isn't sure if she has to wait until the next age to begin or if she starts it - and how does one know a new age has begun anyway?
I think these were both really well thought out actually. I do not see why you would not get comments from the other site. Well, actually I do know. We on this site give a damn about Exalted and the many contributions and suggestions that players and STs alike come up with to make the world and the game their own.

I think Neptune is still a bit vague. Considering that she has been training all the while I would not see her just sitting about all the time especially if she is doing on the job training. Also take into consideration that she was born and not made and would be more likely to have an independant nature of her own, whatever that might be. And as a Maiden of the Wyld, wouldn't she seek to investigate, change, test, experiment, and immerse hesrself within it? I think she would be more liable to stay out in the West where the Sea holds sway and the Wyld has the strongest influence out of all of the directions. I just couldn't imagine such a Maiden liable to sit on her laurels until told to do something.
I like the idea of linking the Orrery in Rathess to the Calender; it explains explain why it can predict events that source themselves in the Underworld.
First, thanks.   :)

Second, I agree with what you're saying about the wyld being better to examine in the west. I conceived of Neptune originally as an emisarry explanation, and then that became a side note as I worked on her. If I wanted to leave out the emisarry bit I'd move her.

Where she is, I suppose I didn't actually write out my internal explanations for her  :oops:  - I imagined her as pretty much forgotten or ignored by the incarna since around the usurpation. Before that she was told by Luna to work on her purview, and that's it. Since then she's been feeling out just how autonomously she can act, and the gradual answer she has built up to is completely. She claimed a wyld zone in creation, she essentially took over a city and she interacts with its inhabitants regularly. The nervousness she felt at acting outside of her purview, sort of indirectly disobeying an incarna, is very real, and has taken more than a millenium to begin to wane. Now that she realizes that she isn't going to be yelled at, (or told anything) she is bored at her laying low and hiding.

Also, imagine she did some fairly epic things in that wyld zone over the last few hundred years that no one who managed to notice survived. Like Making it act as deep chaos and then a tainted zone the next day, crafting entire civilizations and villages within it that are either miniature or invisible so as to escape notice. Its partially practice, its partially to stave off boredom. In the mean time she has interacted with mortals as much as she can, but without them knowing what she is, which is something she was very specifically told to prevent. That's the last thing she has to just try, which is where PC's will come in.

Do you think that makes her seem a little more understandable/dynamic?
I am thinking though that being in existance for well over a millenia that she would've had ample time to have observed Luna, read about her, and even speak about her through many higher-Essenced spirits. Little by little, and if not by observing the Lunars, I think Neptune would figure out how fickle Luna really is.

In addition, how does she feel about the Exalted? The Solars can unmake the Wyld bit by bit and had done so in the First Age. The Lunars can incite stability to things that are already shaped, not to mention they can live (relatively) safely deep in the Wyld. Is Neptune territorial, is she a come as you are kind of Maiden, etc.

Has she thought about asking her sisters for permission to make an Exalted of her own to help her with her official duties? After all, she was given Divine directive to do the job and maintain it, etc.

Does she perhaps use Fey agents, of the type that actually enjoy wearing a shape? And concerning the Fey, how does she feel about them? Does she get along with them? And if she does, what qualities does she enjoy so much about them to endear them to her?
I'm not arguing, I just want to point out that as written, Neptune already has done more than any canon incarna in the last 1500 years. Lots of gods have been doing one thing since the usurpation, they work on the arbitrary time scale of plot.

Everything you say about noticing Luna's fickle nature is true, but I want her to be in Nexus, itching to do something else, so I decided she is only just ready to make a huge splash in creation.

If you wanted to make her chosen NPC's or PC's, then you've already worked out the best reasoning for her to have already gone to heaven and started her work, which would potentially also explain why the raksha are massing for war again.

As for her view on her the wyld, it is a pro-creation one. She may seem fickle to others, (though not so fickle as Luna) she may seem to embody concepts of the raksha, (she is a master of shaping combat, who has done more direct battle with the unshaped than there are rules for) but her motivation is to protect creation from the wyld, not empower the wyld or govern it.

I have conceived of her as a hands on goddess, who sees the completion of her motivation in sight - she believes she will soon decide to, or be called to, completely divide the wyld from creation. Once she succeeds she will mostly slumber while watching cautiously over all of the pathways to the wyld, wherever she puts it. Her chosen wouldn't have much to do - so she doesn't plan on making any - if she could, which I haven't decided.

As for her views on the chosen, she was born after the first age had started, so she started out accepting them as the normal thing. She was out in True Chaos when the usurpation happened, and I don't think it would have mattered to her anyway. I approach the Maiden's as almost idiot savants regarding their associations (though I also like to make them act like the Endless sometimes) and when you combine her Maideny nature with Luna's lunacy you get a goddess capable of shrugging her shoulders and saying "whatever" to all kinds of atrocity. On the other hand, she has since then gotten to interact with creation and its inhabitants much more, and has developed all kinds of quirks and preferences that while humanizing come far after her motivation. Her unique trait among the incarna is her ability to question herself and the nature of her duties - the others do their jobs (or farm them out) and that is how it always has been, to maintain creation. Neptune on the other hand hasn't yet taken up her duties and she better than anyone understands that she will not be promoting the staus quo but implementing fundamental changes. She is a bit scared of that, a bit in awe of it too. Possibly, millenia after she is done she'll be more like the other maiden's, calm like an old lawyer approaching a judge she played golf with last week, but in the mean time she's more like a musician who is about to release a huge album.

I think that the existing celestials served as primers for her - she learned how to control and resist and challenge the wyld from them, but she has left them far behind - she's largely indifferent to them. Last she heard from the US the solars are in charge, and that's alright by her - the Lunars are her mothers chosen, so she is inclined to treat them like cousins, and the sidereals are chosen of her (pseudo aunt/sisters) She has no special feelings about the dragon bloods either way.

To be more succinct, she wants to do her job, and if she just expects the other incarna to see to their jobs and chosen, there is probably a lttle spite in it. They gave her restictive orders and then forgot her! She'll show them.

She is capable of dealing with the fey, but she knows they are her enemies. I think it'd be kind of neat if she had forged a house of them into her zealtous servants, but that just occurred to me.

Sorry this is long-winded and a bit unclear, this is off the top of my head now.
Nope, not bad at all. :) Top of the head is sometimes the best, and I was not trying to come off as arguing. More along the lines of an interviewer prompting the actor about his character. :)
It's the inevitable giggling at Uranus that guarantees I'll never even try her in my game. Adding to the potential gigglefits is the fact that Uranus is the butch cross dresser from sailor moon.

At the risk of being boring, I'm 'gonna point out that my intent was never to come up with an Incarna for every celestial body. I was just explaining existing things and they led me to Incarna.

The orrery of Arianthu is described as possibly being the remains of an Incarna, and the emisarry as a young one, though I wanted to expand on it.

I especially wanted it clear that to a God with the potential to plot out and potentially embody aspects of fate, running Nexus is at best a side project.

It's still fun to come up with something for everything in the sky, and I'm not bitching about it - It's just not what I'm doing.

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