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  1. S

    Scared of Moonsilver Warstriders

    Alright, my bad y'all. Must have been an old house rule or something. I had to go all the way back to Bo3C, but on page 127 it says "Attunement to an Exalt of the appropriate type has the same effect on a warstrider weapon forged from the Five Magical Materials as it has on a normal-scale...
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    Scared of Moonsilver Warstriders

    Looks like WW left it out of 2nd ed. Just read through the warstrider chapter of WotLA and couldn't find any mention, but it was written in one of the 1st ed books.
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    God/spirit Martial Artists

    The Four Arguments styles are in a downloadable supplement called The Imperfect Lotus.
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    Familar Choices in Second Ed

    Yeah, I thought so too. Espically in MI, right? In any other MI company in the world, this would be true. But not in A co 501 MI BN. Nope, I'm the only one. I almost have one other person interested...he's borrowing my core book now to see what it's all about. I have high hopes for him.
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    Familar Choices in Second Ed

    Nah, thats only if your an officer in the Marines...and they killed off all those years ago. Now we have to put up with rules about proper wear of sunglasses in uniform. Although we do get visited by Chuck Norris. Really. He was here today.
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    Familar Choices in Second Ed

    welcome to being a gamer in Iraq
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    Thats one of the things I couldn't quite decide on. Bashing or Lethal. In my opinion, a shield bash should be used more as an attack to knock an opponent off balance...but I also want to base this off of some Diablo type shit to make it cool. Maybe come good charms to go with it?
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    Thats a good point....and would look fucking crazy
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    kinda rough...and I can't decide if a shield bash should be damaging, or more for throwing an opponent off balance... When using a shield as a melee weapon, the character momentarily looses the defensive benefits of the shield. The defensive benefits return on the characters next action. A...
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    Thanks. Even though I don't have my books out here, I'm trying to create a Martial Arts style that uses shields as weapons (I found something like this back in my D&D days). Guess I'll have to house rule shieldbashing.
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    I'm posting this here because it's probably a really simple thing, but I can't find the answer here in Iraq with no books...but how do shields work in 2nd edition? Do they still just increase the difficulty to be hit, or do they factor into a DV somewhere? And has shieldbashing been covered...
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    [2E] Shield and MA

    preach on brother
  13. S

    [2E] Shield and MA

    I'm actually writing up a martial arts style that uses two shields at the same time, both as weapons and defensive tools. Stole the idea from a D20 supplement, but made it better.
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    The 2E Charms Thread

    Thanks. Mucho cool.
  15. S

    The 2E Charms Thread

    Dragon Transcendant Speed Style what are the actual mechanics for Disruptive Wounding Blow and Blinking Death Kata? The style looks awesome, but I have no idea where it was originally posted and no clue what these charms are supposed to do. Thanks.