

New Member
I'm posting this here because it's probably a really simple thing, but I can't find the answer here in Iraq with no books...but how do shields work in 2nd edition? Do they still just increase the difficulty to be hit, or do they factor into a DV somewhere? And has shieldbashing been covered anywhere?
Shields add to both DV's directly, and the values added are the same as 1st edition.  Shield bashing however isn't covered in 2nd edition.

Thanks. Even though I don't have my books out here, I'm trying to create a Martial Arts style that uses shields as weapons (I found something like this back in my D&D days).

Guess I'll have to house rule shieldbashing.
A bashing strike doing strength plus 1 or 2 dice sounds about right, using melee or brawl/martial arts as the skill.
Wasn't there another thread about this?

I would use the DV it provides as the negative to Accuracy, since larger shield will be even more aukward to wield.  

As a suggestion, you could just graft the special charms you make into Solar Hero Style, assuming you are making this for a Solar.  This way they can use their improvised weapon ability with the shield and use all their MA charms.  (I am envisioning some movies were the hero uses tables, chairs, serving platers, ect. as a shield and/or club.)  SHS states that only Solars can add Charms to it, so they want people to add Charms to the tree and customize it.

Or can you learn 2 MAs and use the affects of both at the same time?
kinda rough...and I can't decide if a shield bash should be damaging, or more for throwing an opponent off balance...

When using a shield as a melee weapon, the character momentarily looses the defensive benefits of the shield. The defensive benefits return on the characters next action.

A characters attack dice pool is his Combat ability (usually Melee) + Dex, with a penalty equal to the mobility penalty of the shield. Damage is based off the type of shield.


Speed 5    ACC +0      Str+0L     Def NA       Rate 2

Target Shield

Speed 5    ACC -1      Str+1L     Def NA       Rate 2

Tower Shield- Tower Shields may not be used to shield bash when strapped to a characters body

Speed 5    ACC -1      Str+2L     Def NA       Rate 2

What you guys think?
You should be able to bash with a tower shield strapped to you if you charge the opponent.  Add extra dice of damage based on Str + 1L +  Move/2?  Of course you will take some bashing damage yourself. (Str + Move)/2 in bashing damage?
uteck said:
You should be able to bash with a tower shield strapped to you if you charge the opponent.  Add extra dice of damage based on Str + 1L +  Move/2?  Of course you will take some bashing damage yourself. (Str + Move)/2 in bashing damage?
That's only a 1L difference.  I'd make the damage taken by the wielder take damage equal to [Damage dealt to the opponent - their Melee score] in bashing dice.  So, if the damage to the opponent is 6L and they have a Melee of 3, they roll 3 dice of bashing damage.  Unless they swing it like a club (hold it by the strap and arc it), then I'd do it as an improvised weapon dealing Lethal damage.
Unless I'm mistaken as to the makeup of shields..but shouldn't they be doing bashing damage?

That is, unless they're spiked shields, or have blades specifically for the purpose of being used as a weapon.

I actually made a weapon like that once. I called it the Targe. Joseph made fun of me for it. T_T
Depends on how a shield is used.

Edges can be used to break arms, coller bones, skulls, or necks.  Broad side, it's a bash, or just a push.

I generally apply shield bashes, unless they're designed with spikes or blades, as Bashing, but Stunts can turn that to Lethal.

Then again, with judicuous use of Stunts, any weapon can be used for Lethal.

Secret Brain Stabbing Chopstick Technique or Liver Splitting Staff Strike...
Thats one of the things I couldn't quite decide on. Bashing or Lethal. In my opinion, a shield bash should be used more as an attack to knock an opponent off balance...but I also want to base this off of some Diablo type shit to make it cool. Maybe come good charms to go with it?
If you are doing a body-block attack with the shield, it should be bashing unless you have some spike attached or pull off a stunt.  It is a large blunt object, not a edged weapon.  IMO, even with a spike or other weapon attached, I do not see the shield doing much in the way of damage to a opponent.  More likely, it would fit into the category of a surpirse attack, or attempting to bind a weapon on the spike to make a disarm attempt.
Depends on the shield, really. There's a real good example of shields that do lethal damage in the movie Seven Swords. In fact, most of the bad guys would make excellent Abyssals. But the shields the guy uses are pretty bad ass.
Then again, with judicuous use of Stunts, any weapon can be used for Lethal.
Secret Brain Stabbing Chopstick Technique or Liver Splitting Staff Strike...
This kid I knew in college told me he had an uncle in the C.I.A. who knew how to kill people with an eyelash.

Everyone knows it takes at least two eyelashes to kill someone.

Usually batted profusely by a dittzy looking hottie.
Actually, one method of quiet assassination over the years has been attributed to cats whiskers.  Chopped up and placed into food.

The whiskers are supposed to be resistant to stomach acid, and pass through  the stomach along with food easily enough.  When they travel through the intestines though, they aren't liquid, and the tough little bastiches are then supposed to make tears in the intestinal lining as they are churned along, and  a nasty case of Peritonitis ensues.  Natural enough seeming death and no toxins in the blood, save for the nasty ass infection that ensues, because cats are dirty little fuckers...
If you had a buckler, target shield, or small shield that had a bladed edge, that could create a cool attack.

A run-by attack with the shield horizontal for a slashing attack.
If you had a buckler, target shield, or small shield that had a bladed edge, that could create a cool attack.
A run-by attack with the shield horizontal for a slashing attack.
Indeed. As mentioned previously, a good example of this can be found in the movie Seven Swords. In the movie, he even threw them, causing a buzz saw effect. And it shows that you could develop a cohesive style of combat using those shields.
I'm going to have to see this movie you're talking about.  I always enjoy a good kick flick, and the shield combat sounds cool.... :D
Sherwood said:
I'm going to have to see this movie you're talking about.  I always enjoy a good kick flick, and the shield combat sounds cool.... :D
Be warned.  The plot is so, so thin. Good stunts, shit film.

Be warned.  The plot is so, so thin. Good stunts, shit film.
What did you expect? It's a Hong Kong film! I certainly wouldn't say it's a shit movie. But yes, the plot is close to non-existent. Don't go in expecting great in depth characters or strong emotional sub text. I thought the action scenes definitely redeemed the movie. But then I would say that, wouldn't I?   :)

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