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  • Users: uteck
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  1. uteck

    Exalted discount

    Masters of Jade is a great read and will carry over into 3e very well according to the rumors.
  2. uteck

    A Nameless Eclipse

    I like to mix things between muliple sources/genras . I once played Dawn called Krillin, which was a mix between Goko from Dragonball Z and General Patton.
  3. uteck

    It's happening.

    I like this tidbit from Holden. Hopfully this means no more dump/god stats.
  4. uteck

    Glorious Solar Saber and Strength Minimums

    Do Strength minimums even apply to to artifacts since the act of attunment makes them weigh next to nothing? Since they are left out of the errata for artifacts that had them I would think that is true.
  5. uteck

    Are The 2.5 Anima Effects Unbalanced?

    I like the changes since the Dawn anima power is now more powerful then a walking rotting copse would produce, and the Twilight anima is finaly in theme with them being scholors and craftsman. But I do agree that addding just a mechinal bonus is not very exciting. Dawns do not lead men better...
  6. uteck

    The Seven-Virtues Sword [Artifact Idea]

    Frankly I would opt for neither and go with option three and kill you instead. It all depends on how you define the virtues. Abyssals would see it as kinder to kill the victom rather then the person inflicting the harm. Why does the Kindness virtue find it so hard to offer forgivness and...
  7. uteck

    The Seven-Virtues Sword [Artifact Idea]

    Way does acting kind allow increased damage? I was thinking that the bonus should reflect the virtue unless you want to make some odd 'cursed' First Age weapon that grants a bonus opposite to the virtue. If you want to keep the +2 Damage, then what if the damage was bashing only (but treated...
  8. uteck

    The Seven-Virtues Sword [Artifact Idea]

    It is only made of Orichalcum? I think an argument that Starmetal would be a better fit, especially if it was made from dead gods of these virtues that had failed and been punished. A Sidereal spent centuries spying on these gods to get them audited just so he could make this sword. And being...
  9. uteck

    Site Name Updates & Subscribing to Forums

    As long as the url still points to the Exalted forums I am fine with the change. No point in losing that link which has lots of returns in search engines, or force me to update my bookmarks.
  10. uteck

    A new age begins. . .

    There is a point about brand recognition, so keeping pointing to the Exalted forum and comics solves that problem. A new name that encourages other games and new members is an excellent idea, but I think merging names is not good since it still seems to limit things to...
  11. uteck

    To Pattern Spider Members

    I like to use the 'What's New?' option to see new posts, but the problem is that it is now flooded with game posts. Can that be set to filter them out so only public posts are shown? I accidentally responded to a game thread because I did not read the small text about which sub-forum it was in.
  12. uteck

    [Legends of the North] (Dreamweaver's Hut) To 2.5 or not to 2.5 that is the question

    Opps! That is a problem with the new forum software, it is flooded with privet game posts that can't be filtered out when I check for new postings. I'll go away now.
  13. uteck

    [Legends of the North] (Dreamweaver's Hut) To 2.5 or not to 2.5 that is the question

    I think the changes are bit too late for me to really get worked up over them since I am more interested in running or playing Exalted using FATE rules. The errata highlights just how rules heavy the game is and how little thought went into making the original. But putting aside my previous...
  14. uteck

    Anathema 3.0

    I just had need for a new feature in my game, convert Mortal to Exalt. Also, the mortal has Aegis-Inset Amulets to attune to Gunzosha Commando Armor. The Amulets reduce the attune cost of the armor by 2 after exalting, but how do I depict that without changing the cost of the armor? Speaking...
  15. uteck

    Anathema 3.0

    Black Lead for Caustic Weapons, Malfean Iron for Shadow Weapons, and unmelting ice for Acid-Rime Weapons. These are discussed 0n page 178 of the Infernals book. They replace iron, steel and other materials found in creation, but have different bonus' depending on the material used. A Caustic...
  16. uteck

    Anathema 3.0

    I really should not be testing things when I am sick, apparently I miss key details. I did start to update my equipment database and ran across the three new Malfean materials that are introduced in the Infernals book. Will support for them be added soon? I did fill out a rambling...
  17. uteck

    Anathema 3.0

    I finally got around to looking at 3.1 and saw the option to select what books are used to pick Charms from. Is that new or did I miss it when it was added? Finally Scroll of the Mook can be expunged as an option! As for this version, I had to delete/rename my old lib directory from older...
  18. uteck

    Animals in Exalted

    The White Wolf wiki has what looks like a comprehensive list.
  19. uteck

    Strange Bedfellows: The Guild and The Raksha

    Many carvans have been lost to the wyld, but the guild has established a treaty of sorts to make trade possible. Knowing how to treat with a particulr fay lord may be a sectret the merchant keeps, or it might be obvious to any one who knows were to look. The treaty has no way to enforce it, and...
  20. uteck

    Strange Bedfellows: The Guild and The Raksha

    The Book of Jade that just came out on DriveThruRPG details the Guild and Wyld trade in depth, but you got the basics down. Slaves are cheep and easy to come by and the guld will trade them for about anything; artifacts, wyld goods, information, ect. The guild has a lot of first age artifacts...