Anathema 3.0


The latest and greatest is out after a complex re-birthing process that has instilled it with Infernals. Also of note is the inclusion of more errata and an improved equipment management system. I can't wait till I get home from to work to try it out and see all the gory details.
Thanks for announcing us here, uteck. Only thing I might add is that 3.0.1 is ready by now.

Everyone, what do you think of the big 3?


P.S.: I'd really appreciate if you took our survey!
The Linux version still has some issues with Charm cascades, but the 3.0.1 fix let me load the Infernal that I made in 3.0. And the start up shell scrip is still dos formated so it will not exicure until I run dos2unix on it.

Othrwise, I am loving it. Now that grad school is over I will have to find some time to update the equipment database.
UrsKR said:
What 'issues with Charm cascades' are those?
I have a ticket open for it. I get an error pop-up when I try to open the charm cascade, but it works fine when selecting charms for a character.
I have always used the character generator from Edexalted. How do they compare to eachother? Has anyone used both and can share his/her opinions on the differences of the programs?
I used Edalted too prior to my old computer dying so I just downloaded and starting using Anathema. I find Ed holds your hand a little bit more with descriptions of things, additional rules details, equipments lists, flaws and what not. However Anathema 3.0 is really solid and, unlike Edalted works all out of on program rather then one for each character type. Additionally Anathema has a lot more tools for story tellers.

In the end they both are pretty solid and which one you prefer is simply a matter of preference. Here are the issues I had with Anathema vs Ed's.

In Anathema it is somewhat hard to undo things. When your character is converted to XP it locks stuff in and doesn't save off your original character so if you loose a background somehow you can't really update your c.haracter sheet to reflect that and if you find you made a mistake after converted the character to XP you are pretty much out of luck,

Secondly you have to create your own equipment data base.

Third the program doesn't include options for non-mutation flaws, at least that I've been able to find.

Fourth certain custom content, like a custom Yozi patron, is not available in Anathema while I never had any problem entering anything custom into Ed.

Lastly I the drop down/add approach to and lists like backgrounds or charms be a little bothersome. It can really make it hard to look over your whole character while you are working on them. For example if I forgot what charms I had taken I had to PDF my character sheet so I could see what Charms I had.
Making characters is simalar in both, they both track were points are spent and warn you when you go over. Anathma has more options for which set of rules you want to use to build the character, (1e, 1e power combat, 2e, 2e revised, 2e first age), where Ed only suports the latest set of rules. Both are updated to include the Ink Monkeys errata.

Anathema lets you hover the mouse over items to get information, but removing an misplaced dot can be a chore since the spot in front of the dot to click to remove can be hard to find especally for the first dot. The visual Charm Cascade makse it easy to pick Charms and mimics the graphics from the books. This feature alone has converted over many people.

EdExalted makes customizing things easy with the various editing tools and has support for Merits/Flaws and supposrts the less popular sub-races.

I like Anathema's XP tracker as it seems more intutive then Ed's diary. I use the series tracker in Anathma for taking notes since I can branch a note off from another to keep them in context.

When it comes to printing the character sheet Anathma wins by a large margin, it prints a compeate sheet without making you sort through a page of printing options.
LaFreeze said:
Secondly you have to create your own equipment data base.
You can drop in a premade equipment database, but I have not updated it in sometime. Unfortunaly once I do update it, if anyone want to use it they have to replace the one they are using so they lose any custome content they added. This is a weak spot in Anathema that needs to be fixed soon since.
Still for new Anathema users that is better then starting from scratch. Thanks for sharing the link.
A quick thought; does Anathama have a character generator for the Alchimical Exalts? That is one type that Edexalted does not have yet.
I really enjoyed your comparisons.

I hope we can make something out of them. Alchemicals, meanwhile, are in the works, but still labeled "when it's done".

In the meantime, have a bite of fresh version 3.0.2.
Everybody, Anathema 3.1.0 is available.

We appreciate all feedback.

From the changelog:


Release 3.1.0 "Thorns"


We reworked much of the tech behind the scenes.

If you have custom plugins, they need to be rebuilt.

If you use the .zip distribution, please delete your "plugins" and "lib" folders before installing.

-- Features --

* The toolbar PDF icon now triggers a "quick print" that opens a character sheet without any dialogs

* New preference: Paper format

* Added facilities to show Charm descriptions in the tooltip.

* [2E] Added such descriptions for Dragon-Blooded Charms. Texts taken from the official Wiki.

* [Attila Kelemen] Support for Japanese (etc.) characters on the tabs

* [Dirk Walter] Magic views adapt to window size

* [2E] [Dirk Walter] Added missing Mutations from many sources

* [2E] Added rules for Ghost-Blooded

* [2E] (Dragon-Blooded) "Surging (Ability) Mastery" and "(Ability) Specialty Focus" show up as generic Charms on the sheet

-- Bugfixes --

* Linux-shell-script works once again.

* Solars don't pay extra for "Mentor" background any longer, might fix a number of background cost issues.

* No more ugly error when trying to add an unnamed background.

* Tooltips for Martial Arts in the Charm Cascades are shown once more

* [2E] Added (Infernal/SWLIHN) "Force-Suppression Barrier"

* [2E] Added (Infernal/Martial Arts) "Roots of the Brass Lotus". No special rules though.

* [2E] Favored "High level" MA charms now cost 12 XP, as they should

* [2E] Lunar pay XP by the book.

* [2E] Less flickery stuff when learning/forgetting a Charm

* [2E] (Lunar Knack) "Changing Plumage Mastery" is now printed with its fellow knacks

* [2E] Fixed name of (Ghost) "Essence Lasso Form"

* [2E] Fixed prerequisites of (DB/Bureaucracy) "Benevolent Master's Blessing"

* [2E] (Martial Arts/Throne Shadow Style) Extensions are available to Sidereals alone

* [2E] (Martial Arts/Sapphire Veil of Passion Style) Fixed typo in "Eternal Infatuation Dance"

* [2E] (Infernal/Heretic) "Swallowing the Scorpion" requires Essence 6
Some issues I'm having:

-When I use the Series option, sometimes I get a "Severe Error" when clicking (The details are "It is recommended that the program is closed. Do you want to quit?"). Lucky, if I say no I can continue, but the message will appear again when selecting branches.

-When equiping Artifacts with an Attunement Cost, in the PDF that isn't counted towards total motes.

-There is no way to modify the Totemic Anima (I suppose this is so I can write it when I print the sheet, but still an issue).

-The sheet doesn't display the Mutations taken (And as have already been said, the program lacks a Merit/Flaw list).

-Tried to create a Warstrider, but it doesn't have a way to set a STR value.

-There are some character creation rules missing (I'm talking about DotFA rules for creating elder Exalts).

-Finally, some power characters that I have tried don't have enough space for their Arsenal, Panoply and Backgrounds.

But anyway, the program is great and I'm having lots of fun with it.

Kudos to the creator.
When equiping Artifacts with an Attunement Cost, in the PDF that isn't counted towards total motes.
I can't see that. Creating a solar and granting him an articaft with 100 motes attunement cost, I have a really small pool on my sheet.

-When I use the Series option, sometimes I get a "Severe Error" when clicking (The details are "It is recommended that the program is closed. Do you want to quit?"). Lucky, if I say no I can continue, but the message will appear again when selecting branches.
Heard about that. Will have a look some time soon.
Tried to create a Warstrider, but it doesn't have a way to set a STR value.
Please elaborate. What do you need for a warstrider that isn't there?
There are some character creation rules missing (I'm talking about DotFA rules for creating elder Exalts).
Would that be separate templates with more dots to them, or are there more specific rules for elders?
Please elaborate. What do you need for a warstrider that isn't there?
Normally when riding a Warstrider you use it's Strenght value instead of the character, but haven't found a way to assign a fixed Str.

Would that be separate templates with more dots to them, or are there more specific rules for elders?
Basically Elder Exalts have more dots, higher starting Essence and more BP. If there is a way I can help with those templates, just tell me.

And for the comitted Essence, it is right, but is different to the method I normally use.

Edit: Noticed in the Sidereals Charm Cascade and Sheet, the limit to the First and Second Excellencies are wrong, as they have a limit equal to their Essence.
If you like to, have a look at some of our current templates and send me the necessary files for Elder Exalts as a pull request. (or by mail, if needs be). I'll gladly add them to the program.

Thanks for the sidereals. And sorry about the 'striders, I don't expect support for them to pop up soon. If you know anyone who can code, though, he's welcome to give it a try.
I finally got around to looking at 3.1 and saw the option to select what books are used to pick Charms from. Is that new or did I miss it when it was added? Finally Scroll of the Mook can be expunged as an option!

As for this version, I had to delete/rename my old lib directory from older versions for the new version to run, but not a big deal.

One thing that would be cool is to have Charms that augment or grant attacks be included with the weapon section
You missed it, it has been around since 3.0, IIRC.

As for this version, I had to delete/rename my old lib directory from older versions for the new version to run, but not a big deal.
As noted in the changelog: "If you use the .zip distribution, please delete your "plugins" and "lib" folders before installing."
UrsKR said:
You missed it, it has been around since 3.0, IIRC.
As noted in the changelog: "If you use the .zip distribution, please delete your "plugins" and "lib" folders before installing."
I really should not be testing things when I am sick, apparently I miss key details.

I did start to update my equipment database and ran across the three new Malfean materials that are introduced in the Infernals book. Will support for them be added soon? I did fill out a rambling semi-coherent feature request on the Sourceforge page, since I was still feverish when I started.
Which Malfean materials might that be? As far as I know, we have support for the rules at the start of the "Equipment" section of the book (it is called something else, don't have the name handy - the one where Vitriol is described in detail).

If you find something missing, please give me a page reference and an abstract of the rule in question.


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