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  1. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    It is in central time, but we are pushing it back an hour because one of the members has work until 4 PM. Thus, it will be from 4PM-7PM (I'm assuming)
  2. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    That works for me.
  3. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] Mind your mines

    ((Ok, I'm picturing that since there are multiple conversations going on with the same people, everyone is just pulling tables together and sitting at two of the tables at once.)) *Rogar looks at the job poster* So what exactly does this job entail again? ((times that I'm free in general...
  4. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    Alright then, I do believe we have the team. I'll talk to the poster to see what exactly needs to be done. ((times that I'm free in general: Monday/Wednesday after 6 PM, Friday from 12-8 PM, Saturday after 6 PM, and Sunday after 2 PM. I'll quip up about any exceptions))
  5. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    Ok...what skills would you bring to the table? *Rogar hesitantly gestures towards the open chair at the table* The big thing I need right now is another good set of eyes. **I do believe we have the given party for the guard detail; Rogar, Jorir, Lavvis, and Gralar, with Rogar(myself) as the leader**
  6. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] Mind your mines

    You know, I think I just might join this job after all.
  7. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    And just who might you be? *Rogar turns to the intruder while brushing his hand off his shoulder*
  8. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    Lavvis, my good friend, I was just thinking of trying to find your half-rotten corpse to see if you'd want some work. With you on the job, the only ones who need to fear for their lives will be any thieves or assassins who try to get away with the merchant prince or his merchandise. Oh, by the...
  9. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    *Chugs down half of his ale, then looks back over his shoulder* Still here? I thought I told you to back...*he stops as he notices Jorir* A ranger, might be useful after all. You look like you got good eyes; good chance of seeing an assassin before he strikes. You any good at catching...
  10. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] Mind your mines

    Bah, this one was just a passing interest. You can count me out.
  11. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    *Rogar looks up with a slightly annoyed look* By the forgotten...*sees the two requesting to join the job* I just get my drink after taking interest and I'm being hounded. Look you two, from what I can tell of this job, there won't BE any traveling that would require food. Its just making sure...
  12. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] Mind your mines

    I might be willing to opt in on this one.
  13. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    Uh, you do know that you need a physical reputation of one to even apply to take this job, right?
  14. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

    I might take this one; it all depends on what the other jobs are available.
  15. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] Rogar Stoneshield, Dwarven Armiger

    Made an edit: added my reputations.
  16. KodiakDug

    [The Hundred Worlds] Rogar Stoneshield, Dwarven Armiger

    General Name: Rogar Stoneshield Sex: Male Age: 60 Appearance: Slightly tall for a dwarf and of average weight (4'-2"; 180 lbs). Brown hair and eyes, with a full, but trimmed, beard and hair just long enough to be pulled back into a tail. He has callused hands from working in a smith's...