[The Hundred Worlds] Rogar Stoneshield, Dwarven Armiger


Bust :(

Name: Rogar Stoneshield

Sex: Male

Age: 60

Appearance: Slightly tall for a dwarf and of average weight (4'-2"; 180 lbs). Brown hair and eyes, with a full, but trimmed, beard and hair just long enough to be pulled back into a tail. He has callused hands from working in a smith's shop.

Race: Dwarf

Homeworld: Aradiel, one of the Protectorates of Lambu

Character Level: 3

Classes: Armiger(3)

Backstory: Rogar always wanted to be a blacksmith, which was one of the highest callings of his world from before Lambu annexed it. As he grew though, he came to realize that he excelled in crafting armors, especially the heavier styles. Additionally, he also discovered that he enjoyed using said armors when fights came around. When he reached adulthood and was pushed out a ring in the Protectorates, he decided to take up life as both a mercenary and as a smith in Siddrew. In the 20 years since, he has worked his way up to being one of the top smiths in the shop he works in, while being second only to the master smith in armor working.

He dreams of one day forging himself a full suit of armor out of adamantine, the strongest metal in the hundred worlds.









Hitpoints: 51

Base Attack Bonus: 2

Armor Class: 26 [10+11(armor)+4(shield)+1(dex)]

Main Attacks:Glaive [+4 (1d10+4 {2-handed weapon}) x3]

Dwarven Waraxe [+3 (1d10+3) x3]

Special Defenses: 1/2 damage on all attacks that require Reflex saving throw (pass or fail) [see Reflect]

Fort Save: 6 [3(base)+3(Con)]

Ref Save: 3 [1(base)+2(Dex)]

Will Save: 4[3(base)+1(Wis)]

Init bonus: 2(Dex)

CMB: 4 [2(BAB)+2(Str)]

CMD: 15 [10+2(BAB)+2(Str)+1(Dex)]

Speed: 20 ft


Appraise: 7 (+1 Int, 3 ranks, +3 trained)

Craft (Armor): 7 (+1 Int, 3 ranks, +3 trained)

Knowledge (Local): 7 (+1 Int, 3 ranks, +3 trained)

Perception: 7 (+1 Wis, 3 ranks, +3 trained)

Profession (Blacksmith): 7 (+1Wis, 3 ranks, +3 trained)

Special Abilities

Racial:Slow and Steady: never lose movement speed due to armor/encumberance

Darkvision: 60 feet

Defensive Training: +4 AC against Giants

Craftsman: +2 to Craft or Profession rolls using metal or stone (replaces Greed [from APG])

Hatred: +1 attack against orcs and goblins

Hardy: +2 saves against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities

Stability: +4 to CMD against bull rush or trip

Stonecunning: +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework (hidden doors, traps). Free perception roll to notice hidden doors in stone when passing within 10 feet.

Weapon Familiarity: All weapons with "Dwarven" in the name are martial weapons

Class: Bulwark: Grant adjacent allies soft cover

Reflect: Take half damage on all attacks that allow a Reflex save (pass or fail)

Spear Brace: Gain +1 to attack rolls with spears/polearms when using shields. Additionally, use spears/polearms even with shield equipped and hand not free.

Defensive Maximation: +1 AC with medium or heavy armor

Feats:Combat Reflexes: Gain additional attacks of opportunity equal to Dex bonus

Quick Draw: Draw weapon as a free action



Dwarven Waraxe

+1 Full Plate

Tower Shield, Masterwork





Torch (x5)

Rations (x5)

Flint & Steel

Artisan's Tools, Masterwork

Currency: 7 PP, 3 SP, 3 CP

Other Information:


Physical - 1

Social - 0

Mental - 0

Subtlety - 0

Magic - 0

Ruthlessness - 0

Integrity - 1

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