[The Hundred Worlds] All in the (Guard) Details...

Ok...what skills would you bring to the table? *Rogar hesitantly gestures towards the open chair at the table* The big thing I need right now is another good set of eyes. **I do believe we have the given party for the guard detail; Rogar, Jorir, Lavvis, and Gralar, with Rogar(myself) as the leader**
"I've got better than that," Gralar explains. "I've got a nose. I can smell trouble coming from a mile away. And when trouble does come? That's when the fireworks start." The half-elf smiles, revealing exaggerated pointed teeth.

Gralar has the Scent special quality, enabling him to track by scent and pinpoint otherwise invisible enemies.
Alright then, I do believe we have the team. I'll talk to the poster to see what exactly needs to be done.

((times that I'm free in general: Monday/Wednesday after 6 PM, Friday from 12-8 PM, Saturday after 6 PM, and Sunday after 2 PM. I'll quip up about any exceptions))
((I figured this game would be mostly play-by-post, but if we need a time, I'm free anytime. Just tell me when and I'll clear my schedule that day.))
It is in central time, but we are pushing it back an hour because one of the members has work until 4 PM. Thus, it will be from 4PM-7PM (I'm assuming)
"Well, then. Enough sitting around." Jorir looks slightly less fluffy now that the situation is a bit less tense and everything is ready. "Don't want Prince Moneybags getting killed while we sit around drinking. Come on Pinky and Your Royal Stoutness." Jorir sets down his second mug of ale, bows curtly to Rogar, and walks out the door, waiting out of sight for them to get their arses off the barstools, lest they collapse.

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