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  1. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    But like, its one thing if its like a straight road and you're speeding cause you're late or something. But like going aroudn a curve, you never really can see what's around the bend, so you have to be cautious. I used to live near a highway bend and like a high school girl died when I lived...
  2. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    That's still insane. Why are people so dumb sometimes? Just read the signs
  3. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    "Oh, okay. Well maybe I will grab a cracker or something. Can't be good to go forever without eating." Eve mock gasps. "How scandalous! What's next a secret lover in the moonlight. Toodles, my good sire." Eve continued walking around the asylum. There may not be a lot to do, but that doesn't...
  4. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    I'm sorry. Hopefully it won't take that long to get them in the ambulance and stuff. Good luck!
  5. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    Oh my god. That's crazy. I mean, I'm glad everything is okay and stuff, but damn. How can that happen so often and nobody does anything about it???
  6. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    "Hmm, well, buddy ole chum, pal. Whatever you need, you can talk to me." Eve smiled at him before adding. "So I have a question? Does someone actually replenish the food here, or is it just like a, 'hopefully we don't run out' type thing? It seems like an odd system, and to be honest, I haven't...
  7. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    "Aye, well cheerio then," Eve played along with the accent, attempting a rather stereotypical British one. "Oh, you're such a sweetie. Checking in on your friends." She paused for a second before adding, "When am I anything but tip-top?" The last part was said going back to the accent. Eve...
  8. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    Eve listened quietly to the conversation they were having, but deciding not to get involved. She didn't reminisce much in the past, content at the asylum. She decided maybe she could write about it in her journal later. She would also write about how she was worried about Elam. His cough sounded...
  9. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    @dragonsfire "Hey! How are you today, my good sir?" She did a mock curtsy at Elam and giggled. It was great having a friend in the asylum. It was so much better to have people around you to joke around with. "Oh, Elliot. I feel like I don't get to see you too much around here. Which is...
  10. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    I was thinking after. Since they've both been her a little bit, they became friends. Maybe they're not super close just yet, but they'll get there?
  11. Molly Grand

    Rex/Alex Romano

    Rex/Alex Romano Her full name is Alexandria, but saying it is like begging the devil to skin you alive. "I prefer the term reckless abandonment." Crimson Midnight (not on RpN) Basics Name: Rex/Alex Romano Age: 24 Species/Ethnicity: Human, Hispanic (Dad is white, Mom is from...
  12. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    @dragonsfire I feel like Eve would be close friends with Elam. What do you think?
  13. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    Eve hopped out of bed and began to take a walk around the asylum. She did it every morning. It was always the same, and most people didn't see the point in it, but she figured why not. It was the perfect way to start a day in her head. She used to take a walk around the neighborhood, but this...
  14. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    Are we supposed to be waiting for the RP chat to open, or are we just supposed to start on the main page?
  15. Molly Grand

    Fantasy Asylum for the Talented

    Name: Evelyn Ricardo Age: 19 Gender: Female Sexuality (optional): Bisexual Appearance: Bio: She was a good kid before coming here. Eve was attending a good college, got good grades, raised her siblings, did community service, and even was growing her own vegetable garden. The town...
  16. Molly Grand

    Who Says We Aren't Real? [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  17. Molly Grand

    Who Says We Aren't Real?

    Yup, but you can't be a local, you have to be docking. You're good to do that.
  18. Molly Grand

    Who Says We Aren't Real?

    Name: (obvious) Nickname: (optional) Sex: (male or female) Age: (you can give a range- preferably everyone is 16 or older) Race: (so far the species we are doing are: humans, elves, dwarves...ect., If you want to add one, just think like D&D species, remember humans are going to be knew...
  19. Molly Grand

    Who Says We Aren't Real?

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! If you have any questions, too, post them here. This is my first time making an RP, so sorry if some stuff isn't clear. Read more about this role play...
  20. Molly Grand

    Who Says We Aren't Real? [Inactive]

    Molly Grand submitted a new role play: Who Says We Aren't Real? - The Lost Realm of Aphria Read more about this role play...